Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Illusion of Grey ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Essence of Innocence
Chapter 7: Illusion of Grey
Author: lilnekochan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Crawford x Schuldich, Farfarello x Nagi, Ken x Omi, Yohji x Aya
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC

Author's Notes: Hey! Since its summer I've been able to work on this story more so I finished
this chapter pretty fast. Sorry about the German in the last chapter. I don't know anything in
German and I haven't taken any classes. Actually I'm taking French in school but I suck. Foreign
language is my worest subject. I'm sorry to all Nagi and Farfarello fans since they don't really
talk in this chapter but I promise that in chapter 8 and 9 that they'll be more involved. In
chapter 9 I was planning on it being in Nagi POV. I decided that I'll have a Farfarello x Nagi
so chapter 9 will show more of that. Also Schuldich's little black kitty cat will be back. Not
in the next chapter (it'll be kinda weird having a black cat running around during the mission...
then again I do have a panther doing that...hm...) but in the chapter after that. I'll try
to find a nice cute name for it but I haven't choosen a name yet. I'm thinking of Miyu but not

Illusion of Grey

The orange clouds of dusk were slowly slipping behind the giant standing buildings
as the sky opened into a great expansion of yellow and red. The usually busy Koneko no
Sumu Ie was empty with the exception of the vivid flowers laying contentedly in the
sunlight. The cash register had finished its job for the day as the sign on the door forbid
anymore customers to enter the little room. The afternoon rays of the dusky sunset filled
the store with a blissful sensation lost on the gathering individuals in the next room.

The backroom was actually more of a luxurious basement. Spiral stairs lead the
way into the dark room that contained two couches, a table, television, armchair and
other necessary items. The light glowed dim as they reflected off the group that had
gathered there. The individuals all sat around the table, which at the moment was littered
with numerous papers, teacups, and writing utensils.

Against the wall was Yohji who, after a glare from his leader decided that it would
be beneficial to his health if he would smoke his cigarette away from his teammates and
closer to the stairwell. He was dressed in his usual trench coat and midnight blue pants
for the mission that lay ahead. Leaning casually against the wall he dusted away an
imaginary dust. Ken vouched to lean his forearms on the back of the couch where his
other two teammates sat. Looking over the mop of blond hair he glanced over Omi's
shoulders and onto the missions plans that he held. Aya was also looking at the mission
plans however at the moment his attention was not focused on the blueprints.




"Ken-kun and I can take care of ourselves."


"Do you want Schwarz to carry out the mission without supervision?"

//We don't need a babysitter, chibi.//

"Don't help! Please Aya-kun..."




"P lease..."

"...fine." Aya said reluctantly. Big blue eyes seemed to glitter at the said words and
turned to say something to the brunet haired assassin of Weiss. Aya sighed knowing that
that he lost the battle. Omi's large cornflower blue eyes were no competition even to the
stoic leader.

//So even the little katzchen can be ordered around. I wonder what else he would do.

"Schuldich..." Crawford warned as he saw the redhead about to lose his temper.

"Come now Crawford. You really should have some fun." Schuldich smirked as he
seated himself on the edge of the armchair next to his leader. Crawford sighed as he
recognized the look on his teammate's face.

//Schuldich not now. This isn't the time.// Crawford telepathically sent back to the
German. He knew that the telepath understood because of the telepathic bond that
Schuldich had spun around the members of Schwarz. Crawford looked around the room
after pinching two figures around his nose, knowing that he would soon develop a

A table littered with mission plans and maps sat in the middle of the darkened room
separating the two groups. On one side sat Schwarz and on the other their counter rival,
Weiss. Crawford sat calmly in the armchair while Schuldich perched on the edge of it.
The German smiled secretly like he knew something that he rest of Weiss did not.
Farfarello as usual was on the ground on the other side of Crawford ignoring his
surroundings as he stared hungrily at Weiss, fiddling with his blue shirt since Crawford
took away his knives that morning. Crawford had ordered Nagi to stand next to Farfarello
in case the madman decided to do anything drastic.

Weiss seems to be a little unnerved by our presence, Crawford observed taking in
the scene of the other night hunters. The red headed leader was glaring at Crawford and
Schuldich, knuckles every so often tightening on the handle of his katana. Ken was the
most noticeable as he kept fidgeting in his spot. Less obvious was Yohji who from his
spot next to the wall kept glancing at both Schwarz and Aya. Omi was the most calm,
almost as if he did not notice the added numbers to the group. Like Aya, he sat on the
couch as he inspected the blueprints and suggestions that Crawford had written down the
night before.

Seeing the powder blue eyes focus on one part of the blueprint Crawford guessing
what sparked the interest spoke aloud, "That is the place where we would enter the
building. It has more guards but because of Schuldich's powers we can enter without any
notice or commotions."

"We are splitting the groups so who would enter at that door?" Omi asked.

"It is best that Farfarello is with Schuldich."

Omi paused as he mussed on the pairing of both groups, "Then Farfarello will go
with Schuldich. I think that Yohji-kun and Aya-kun should also stay together so I will go
with Nagi and lastly you can go with Ken-kun."

//Crawford can make up for the clumsiness of our dear Kenken.//

//Schuldich...// Crawford warned again as he saw the soccer player turn red and
jump away from his place in back of the couch until Omi grabbed his sleeve and tried to
calm him down.

//It's true though, Brad.// Schuldich sent back and leaned against Crawford's
shoulders. Crawford mentally sighed as he saw Schuldich smirk back at the brown-
headed assassin.

//Schuldich, this alliance with Weiss will not last if you keep provoking them into
attacking. Fujinami and Hidaka are not known for their patience. And my name is
Crawford not Brad or Bradley.// Crawford thought to Schuldich.

//Whatever you say...sweetheart.// Schuldich smirked as he felt the fuming
thoughts of his leader projected at him. Crawford twitched then calmed his features back
to their usual stoic look. I am stone, Crawford thought. Stones do not have feelings, nor
emotions...they also aren't alive but I won't even think of that.

"The groupings are fine with me." Said Crawford. Farfarello for the first time since
the beginning of the meeting shifted in his spot on the floor and looked up at Nagi.
Feeling the gaze on him, Nagi turned to the Irishman and after a few moments turned
back to staring at the painting on the wall. When Nagi turned away Farfarello went back
to playing with his shirt. Crawford lifted a slender eyebrow at Schuldich in question.

//What was that?// Crawford asked as Schuldich concentrated hard on Farfarello.
After a few seconds he looked up at Crawford then at Weiss and began to form his usual
smirk on his face. //Don't know. Something changed in his thought pattern but it was too
fast for me to read what it was. Right now Farfie's thoughts are back to their usual 'must
hurt God' cycle.//

Farfarello's thought pattern changed? Crawford was confused but didn't let his
mind wonder too much on the subject. I'll contemplate more on this when we are back
home. Crawford hurriedly looked at his rivals across the room and was happy to note that
they did not seem to notice the odd looks that were given to the Berserker during the last
few seconds.

"...the times?"

Crawford cursed inwardly when he realized that he lost half of the conversation.

//Ah, you didn't miss anything important, Bradley. The katzchen is just reviewing
the target and plans.// Schuldich replied as Omi turned his blond head towards the brunet
standing behind him.

"Schuldich and Farfarello will enter first at the north entrance. Because of
Schuldich's abilities we should be able to enter the building without any detection. Aya-
kun and Yohji-kun will also enter at the northern entrance after Schuldich had taken care
of the guards..."

"Why are both Aya and I entering in the same entrance as Schuldich and

"The hallways will slit up into two pathways about 480 feet into the building. Both
pathways are equally important." Omi answered.

"Why are they important?" Yohji asked as he lifted the cigarette from his mouth. A
cool gray steam floated into the air as Aya glared at the offending smog.

Crawford decided that it was about the time to put his say into the mission, "The
hallway to the right, which Schuldich and Farfarello will take leads to the laboratory. In
order to get into the laboratory a code must be inputted into the computer system at the
same time as the one in the computer room. The computer room is where the second
pathway goes."


Ken turned from Crawford and looked back at the youngest Weiss, "What about
me and Crawford?"

"You and Crawford will take the east entrance. That has the least guards and is the
one most unlikely that will be alerted to intruders." Omi said, "Me and Nagi will climb
up the west wall and into the security room so that I can disable the system. You and
Crawford will enter only after I have given you word that the system has been disabled."

"The east entrance leads to the Demantor Room." Crawford began. "This is the
room where all the files handwritten and computer print outs are stored. The entrance that
Yohji and Aya enters is the one where the experimental information are stored in the

"...which means that you will have to download it onto a disk." Omi finished.

Yohji narrowed his eyes. "Wouldn't it be more efficient that either you or Nagi or
maybe Crawford download the stuff instead. Aya and I aren't what you will call
computer friendly."

Omi shock his head as he replied, "I can't since I need to hack into the security
system. Because Nagi has a long distance...ah...weapon then he's my backup. Crawford
knows the exact information needed therefore he's in the file room so that leaves him out.
Aya knows how to at least download and if not then he can contact me through our

Yohji seemed to except the answer and went back to smoking his half gone
cigarette. Ken on the other-hand had another question.

"What are we looking for exactly? Manx didn't really give us any information
besides biological weapons."

"Well...ah..." Omi answered then he realized that he himself didn't know what
they were looking for.

//Tsk...tsk...It seems that you are lacking in communication skills with your employers,
chibi. Then again that isn't very surprising what with your katzchen over there growling
at us.//

Crawford had the sudden urge to put his hands around his teammate's neck but
resisted the urge. It would not be beneficial to anyone if I kill him, Crawford argued with
himself. With that thought in mind Crawford decided to enlighten the angry assassins in
front of him.

"The laboratory that we are hacking into tonight is one that belongs to a
corporation called the Michi no Kekka (1). Their main goal is to create mass destruction
biological weapons. One such weapon you have already found information on..."

//...or rather lost information on.//

"...the Demon Ray. Tonight's mission is to gather more information on the Demon
Ray and other such weapons. We need the to know what kinds of experiment were done,
their destructive force and also what Michi no Kekka plans to do with them."

Once Crawford finished his prep on the mission the room were silent for a few

//Seems that the kittens are rather quiet tonight.// Schuldich sent his observations to
Crawford. Crawford had to agree with the German. Aya was still glaring at both
Schuldich and him while the playboy in the back stayed silent as he continued to smoke
his second cigarette. Omi on the other-hand was contemplating on what Crawford had
said and Ken was just standing silently taking his cue from Omi.

//Schuldich, I need you just for tonight not to provoke Weiss into fighting.//
Crawford sent.

//I'll try to be on my best behavior tonight only if I get a reward when we get
home.// Schuldich replied smartly.

I'm starting to feel a headache rise, Crawford thought. Telepathically he said
//Depends on the reward.//

//Nothing to large Craw-chan.// Schuldich sent.

//Your definition of small is very much different then mine. We'll see when we get
home.// Crawford sent back.

Crawford could feel Schuldich smirk through the link and heard the reply in his
mind. //Then I'll collect my reward at home.//

Crawford rubbed his eyes when he felt eyes glaring at him. Looking up he looked
into violent purple eyes. "..."

"Why are you here? What is your link to this corporation that will force you to call
a truce with us?" Aya demanded for the first time since the discussion.

//We don't do twenty questions, little orchid. Our reasons are for us alone to know.//

Aya growled, "If you think that by having us help you that we will just let you get
away with..."

"We are not trying to get away with anything, Abyssinian." Crawford said. "We
have our own personal reasons as I have said before, for this mission."

Aya was about to reply when Omi interrupted him, "Its time for the mission."

Aya fumed for a moment then with a 'shinne' glare at Crawford and Schuldich he
stood up and walked toward the stairs. Omi also got up without a word and followed him.
Ken taking his cue from Omi straightened up and after putting his jacket on followed the
young blond. Once Aya reached the stairs Yohji threw his burning cigarette to the floor
and followed after his leader with Omi not far behind.

"Nagi, Farfarello it's time that we leave." Crawford stated then walked after the
departing Weiss. A large space sat between the two groups. Schuldich slid off the armrest
and stretched his slender body as Nagi and Farfarello stood up. After getting the kinks out
of his body the German walked next to his leader as Nagi and Farfarello brought up the

"So what do you foresee in the future, Bradley?" Schuldich asked as he took the
first step up the stairs where the members of Weiss were waiting.

Crawford seemed to think for a minute before replying, "Violence and blood...
also something new...an unknown element..."

"Well I'm not sure about the something new..." Schuldich laughed. "...but the
blood and violence are within my abilities. Guess that this mission isn't going to be so

Iie, Crawford thought, this mission is not going to be easy or at least not with the
Demon Ray involved.

< br>

(1) Michi no Kekka- unknown consequence