Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Crest of Will ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Essence of Innocence
Chapter 8: Crest of Will
Author: lilnekochan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Yohji x Aya, Crawford x Schuldich, Ken x Omi, Farfarello x Nagi
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, violence

Author's Note: Jeez, this chapter is really long. I probably have a whole bunch of grammatical
errors in this chapter. *sigh* I was writing this at four in the morning since I couldn't go to
sleep. The ending is rather abrupt since I got really tired and I didn't want to write anymore.
Schwarz is really out of character since I was trying to let them seem as if they cared for each
other instead of being evil and insane. I'm going to write in the POV of Nagi in the next chapter
for all the Farfarello/Nagi fans. I'm trying to develope their relationship (which at this point
isnothing). I'll write more on Weiss later but for now I'm going to focus on Schwarz. *yawn* I'm
just randomly writing in whomever's POV. I'm also trying to get Weiss to befriend Schwarz but
that's not going to happen until much later since you still kinda hate each other. Hey, at least
they didn't kill each other yet. *yawn* Well I'm going to go to sleep so I hope you like the
story ;p

Crest of Will

The sky was turning a murky color of blue while the birds flocked back to their
nests to end a tiring day. The sun was setting as clouds littered the darkening sky.
Shadows were spread across the streets as the blue sky slowly turned to black. Ahead of
the abandon warehouses stood a large building. Barbed wires circled the block to keep
unwanted visitors out. Inside the safety of the wires stood three separate buildings, each
concealing a secret within its mist. The air was still as the hidden individuals stood
invisible in the shadows that overlooked the science department.

"...third building is our target."

Blah, blah, blah. Schuldich thought as he stared blindingly at Weiss's youngest
assassin. If they go over the mission once more I'll scream!

Schuldich shifted positions until he was leaning causally against the side of a
building. To anyone who looked at him it may seem as if he was relaxed but inside
Schuldich was anything but that. First Schuldich was bored. The mission was just
scouting and gathering information. He could not kill since Crawford had forbidden any
of Schwarz to kill tonight so the adrenaline and fun was already lacking. Second he did
not know what the mission was truly about. The reasons why Crawford called a truce
with Weiss on this particular mission was not told to his teammates. This above all else
annoyed Schuldich. He was not a person who liked hidden secrets kept from him. He also
liked that less since it was Crawford who was hiding the secret and Crawford was already
a mystery to the telepath. Third was that he was cramped. Sitting in a car for five hours
had not helped the German's disposition so Schuldich wanted to just go out and do
something even if it's the mission that laid ahead instead of standing behind a building
listening to the Weiss boy prattle on about the mission that they have gone over before
leaving the flower shop and car.

Augh! If only the brat should shut up, Schuldich mentally screamed. I want to go! I
want to kill! And I goddamn want to know why Crawford is so interested in this idiotic

He was so deep in his thoughts that Schuldich missed the question aimed at him.

Crawford narrowed his eyes as he repeated the question, "Have you memorize the
layout of the building and mission plans?"

Schuldich rolled his eyes, "Yes, I memorized it when you were going over it at our
house...and at the flower shop...and on the car ride over here."

Crawford stared evenly at the German but since Schuldich spent the ten seven
years studying the stoic leader he knew that inside all Crawford wanted to do was to hit
him over the head. Schuldich couldn't stop the smirk from forming on his lips.

//See something you like?// Schuldich sent to Crawford. Crawford narrowed his
eyes then turned to the taciturn red head. Schuldich felt like laughing but resisted the
urge. It wouldn't do for the kittens to think that I've gone mad. Schuldich smirked then
paused when another thought invaded his head. Then again they already think that I'm

Schuldich blinked then ruefully shook his head and looked at Omi who was still

"...then Nagi and I will enter to disable the security system. Does everyone

Chorus of 'hai' went around while Schuldich just nodded his head at the blond.
Crawford looked at Schuldich. "Schuldich, Farfarello its time that you enter the north
entrance. The guard shift is changing."

"Sure thing, boss." Schuldich saluted as Crawford sighed. Grinning a little he
turned to Farfarello.

//Come little sinner, we are going to hurt God tonight.// Schuldich sent to
Farfarello. He saw that the Irish's golden eye look at him almost innocently.

//Will he cry?// The Irish asked.

//He will scream.// Schuldich sent back and felt a wave of ecstatic happiness come
from Farfarello. Schuldich shook his head at the delight from his teammate. Sometimes
his teammates did amuse him.

Schuldich started to walk toward the entrance but stopped when he felt that
Farfarello did not follow him. Confused, Schuldich turned around and looked at his
teammate. Farfarello did not move but instead seemed hesitant to move. Schuldich's
eyebrows knotted together. //Farfarello?//

The Berserker stood in the darkness, face turned toward the floor. Schuldich
hurriedly glanced at Weiss and was happy to note that they were in their own
conversations and didn't seem to notice the lapse in behavior. While Weiss did not notice
anything amiss, Crawford and Nagi had. Crawford was standing in front of the
murmuring Weiss covering their view of Farfarello and Schuldich. Nagi was standing
silently next to him also looking at the Irishman.

//What's wrong?// Crawford sent.

//I don't know. He's not responding.// Schuldich answered.

//Then find out before Weiss notices anything wrong.// Crawford thought and took
a look at the whispering assassins.

Schuldich nodded and turned his attention at Farfarello. Slowly closing his mind to
the foreign thought, Schuldich began to focus only on Farfarello. One by one people's
auras disappeared as Schuldich focused every mental thought on Farfarello. Finally
Schuldich reached the Irish's distinct aura, blood and strawberries. Every person had a
different aura. Some like the antisocial redhead felt like fire trapped within a thin layer of
ice while the once pro soccer player felt like sweet vanilla. Schuldich liked to think that
he was roses and water but cannot be certain since he can't feel his own aura.

I still haven't figured out why Farfarello feels like strawberries, Schuldich mussed.
Dismissing the thought until a later time he searched through the Berserker's thoughts.
Now that Schuldich concentrated, below all the glee and excitement...was worry.
Schuldich became confused.

Why is he confused? A moment ago he was happy that we were going to hurt God.
//Is something wrong?//

Farfarello didn't answer right away but did look up from the dusty floor. //...bad

Schuldich blinked then became very worried. Farfarello usually didn't care what
kind of missions that they have as long as they were doing some kind of fighting in it.
//What's wrong with the mission? You can hurt God.// Schuldich thought to Farfarello.

//I don't think that we're be hurting God tonight.// Was the curt answer.

Now Schuldich was really worried. //Why do you say that?//

//There's something here. Something in the air...// Farfarello answered.

Schuldich was about to reply when Aya interrupted him, "You're supposed to
sneak into the entrance now while the guards are switching."

Schuldich looked up at Aya then back at Farfarello, "We're going now."

Aya was about to reply when Yohji nudged him. Looking back at the playboy, he
turned towards the telepath and nodded instead.

Schuldich was about to reach for Farfarello and drag him to his feet when Nagi
beat him to it. Nagi gripped his small hands around the Irishman's upper arm and gave
him a slight push. Probably pushing with his mind as well, Schuldich thought. Farfarello
snapped out of his trance and blinked owlishly at Nagi. When Schuldich felt Farfarello's
mind clear and the German started walking towards the entrance. This time Farfarello
followed him.

//What was wrong?// Crawford sent. Even though they had lost sight of Crawford,
Nagi and the rest of Weiss Schuldich could still send messages to them.

//Farfarello thinks something's wrong with the mission.// Schuldich sent back.

Crawford's response was. //...What's wrong?//

//He doesn't know. He's worried.// Schuldich thought and he and Farfarello passed
by a water pipe.

//He's never worried either on the mission of elsewhere.// Was the observation.

//I know...// As an afterthought Schuldich added. //Why did you want to do this
mission so badly, Crawford?//

Schuldich felt Crawford pause. //...there are personal reasons for this.//

//Which are?// Schuldich asked.

//...Schuldich heed Farfarello's feelings. This mission is more dangerous than it
seems.// Crawford answered.

//You didn't answer my question.// Schuldich and Farfarello were close to the
entrance now. He could see the guards and it seemed like they had already switched.

//...at home. This is not the time. Have you reached the entrance yet.// Crawford

//Hai. Tell the two kittens that they can come now.// Schuldich answered. Schuldich
wanted to argue but like Crawford had said, this was not the time. Turning around
Schuldich peered at Farfarello, "Ready?"

Farfarello nodded. To Schuldich, he seemed like his old self, but the German was
still concerned. Contrary to belief, Schuldich did care a lot for his teammates even though
he doesn't act like it.

Schuldich sent out a wave of power at the guards. It was a wave of telepath
electricity almost like a physical thing. It knocked the two guards off their feet and into
the wall with a smack. The guards feel unconsciously to the floor. Satisfied that the
guards were out Schuldich beckoned to Farfarello. //Nagi, have the Balinese and
Abyssinian cats left yet?//

//Hai, they left rather quickly. I think that they will reach you in a few seconds.//
Nagi replied. Amusement flowed through Schuldich's mind.

//Then its time for you and the other chibi to go.// Schuldich sent.

//Hai...Is Farfarello all right?// Nagi asked hesitantly.

//He's fine. Farfarello believes that there something wrong with this mission.//
Schuldich told Nagi as he and Farfarello raced down the hall to where the controls were.

//I would have to agree with him. This place has an eerie feeling. I feel as if
someone is watching me.// Nagi admitted.

//Crawford said that this mission is more dangerous then it seems. Watch out for
the little usagi (1) and yourself.// Schuldich thought to Nagi.

Nagi laughed mentally. //Usagi?//

//He reminds me like a little white rabbit. Either way just don't get in trouble. I'm
not bandaging any wounds tonight.// Schuldich sent back.

//Hai! Hai!// Nagi answered before the link between them was cut off.

Schuldich and Farfarello stopped when they saw a large metal door blocking them
from going into the laboratory. There was a six-digit password to get into the room. The
digits on this door have to be inputted at the same time as the one in the computer room
where Aya and Yohji should be.

//Little orchid, have you reached the computer room yet?// Schuldich mentally
asked Aya.

//We just reached it.// Aya responded.

It seems that the little katzchen is more talkative after he slaughtered a few guards,
Schuldich thought. And they say that I'm blood crazy. //Then we'll enter the code on 1.

//Hai.// Aya answered.

//Alright...3...2...1...// Schuldich pressed the six digit password in the computer
and hoped that it worked. Beep...Beep...Beep...password confirmed. Schuldich sighed
in relief and turned to Farfarello who stood silently beside him playing with a knife. "We
have to wait for the other two kittens to come and for the chibi to disconnect the security
system. It wouldn't do if we went in there and got shot by the machine guns."

Farfarello didn't even glance up. Schuldich took the chance to search his mind
again. //We will hurt God tonight. God will scream.//

At least he's back to normal, Schuldich thought. Is that a good thing?

Before Schuldich had time to ponder on that question, Aya and Yohji raced down
the hall to where the two Schwarz stood. Schuldich decided that now would be a good
time to see how the two youngsters were doing. //Nagi, has the usagi disconnected the
security system yet?//

//Iie, not yet. He's decoding the system now. He should be done in a few seconds.//
Nagi replied.

//Did you have any trouble with the guards?// Schuldich inquired and a moment
later received Nagi's answer. //Iie. There were only two...matte...Omi-kun disconnected
the security. You should be able to get in now.//

//Arigatou bishounen. You and the usagi should go help Crawford now.// Schuldich
sent as turned to the crowd around him. "The security system is down."

Aya walked pass the orange haired man and proceeded to turn the metal handle.
The security door open with a swish and they filed into the laboratory. The room was
quiet large holding a chemical testing area to the right while air chambers were on the
other side of the room. There was no sight of any kind of weapons or any testing
specimens or tools. However in front of them was a large super computer. Seeing that
Schuldich strolled over and looked over the keys while Farfarello wandered over to the
air chambers curiously. Yohji and Aya followed the telepath.

Schuldich clicked on a button and the computer blared into life. Sitting himself into
the chair in front of the super computer Schuldich started to click more keys. Hm...this
chair is pretty comfortable. I wonder when they would stop staring at me, Schuldich
thought. The two Weiss were indeed staring at him. The leader was looking at him
questioning while the playboy was in confusion. Aya stood glaring at the monitor and
looking at the progress being done. Yohji was standing on the other side of the chair
looking at the keys in obvious confusion and Farfarello was still in the air chambers.

I wonder what's so interesting in the air chambers? Schuldich pondered then the
monitor started to beep. Ah, success! Schuldich rambled through his side pocket as the
monitor changed image.

"What are you looking for?" Yohji asked and Aya looked at Schuldich intently.

Finally finding what he was looking for, Schuldich pulled a black floppy disk out
from his pocket. "This is what I was looking for." Schuldich stated simply while inserting
the floppy disk into the slot.

"Where did you learn all of this?" Aya demanded when he saw that the program
had started to copy information onto the disk.

"Esstet...Crawford...Nagi...I live with them long enough to pick up a thing or

"A thing or two..." Yohji laughed. "This is not just a trick that you can pick up

Schuldich shrugged in response and turned around towards the air chambers. I
want to know what is so interesting about the air chambers! "Farf, what's so interesting

Before Schuldich could finish the question a black blur appeared in front of him.
Huh? Schuldich thought. Aya and Yohji had also noticed the motion and shifted into their
fighting stances. Aya held the base of his katana near waist level with the blade running
across his chest. Yohji was next to him holding the wire in a tight grip. Schuldich looked
around for the black blur while putting his hand protectively across the disk slot.

"It's the same panther!" Yohji whispered.

Panther? Schuldich turned his face in the direction that the blond was facing.
Seems that the katzchen is right.

A sleek black panther crouched in the middle of the laboratory. Ivory fangs were
blared as the panther growled at them. Yohji and Aya were ready to fend off the wild
animal. Schuldich looked at the creature fascinated. Schuldich could tell from the
thoughts of the two Weiss that they were not in high opinion of the panther. Probably due
to the fact that their last mission was sabotage by one but in the German's opinion, the
panther was rather beautiful. The fur looked soft and shimmered blue or green when the
lights hit it at the right angle. The creature was quiet large, 116 pounds of raw muscle.
The eyes were unusually as well. They were a strikingly gold color. Not yellow with a
blending of other colors but pure gold.

I don't think that panthers are suppose to have gold eyes, Schuldich thought. The
panther hasn't yet made a move. Farfarello was in the corner, seemingly lost his interest
in the chambers for the panther that stood a few feet in front of him. Schuldich was still
staring at the large beast when the computer made a noise that made Schuldich look at it.

The copy was done. Schuldich pressed the button and the disk slide out of the slot
soundlessly but as Schuldich was about to reach for the disk the panther gave a large leap
while roaring at the same time. The shock of the leap and roar caught Schuldich off guard
and he dropped the disk. Aya launch forward about to give his own attack when the
panther dogged left and slammed itself into Schuldich.

Schuldich's tall wiry frame just couldn't compete with 116 pounds of muscle and
he fell on the floor with a large crash. Before anyone could react the panther gently
scoped up the disk into his jaws and pushed itself off the German and dashed towards the
exit. Schuldich lied on the floor in perplexity as he tried to gather his thoughts. His ribs
ached where it had hit the floor and his vision was blurred. Black dots covered his vision
but began to clear bit by bit. Schuldich sat up shakily and looked around. Farfarello was
crouching near him and the two Weiss teammates were gone.

"Where are the two kittens?" Schuldich asked as he struggled to stand up.

Farfarello stood and looked toward the door, "They wanted to hurt God."


"They went to hurt God's creature."

"The panther?"

"Hai. I don't know if God will cry tonight because of the cat or the kittens."
Farfarello said and started to walk towards the door with pausing for the German.
Schuldich wrapped an arm around his ribs and ran to catch up with his teammate. Damn,
Schuldich cursed. I think that my ribs are bruised.

They ran down the hall with no interruptions. A few guards laid dead in a bloody
heap on the floor. Their limbs were torn from their body as their chest and neck were
tattered violently. The panther must have killed these guards since neither Weiss nor
Farfarello and I had killed them, Schuldich observed.

Farfarello was surging with adrenaline at both the rush of the chase and at the sight
of the bloody corpses. "God is crying." Farfarello chanted as they picked up speed and
exited the northern entrance. It did not take long for them to find the other Weiss and
surprisingly to Schuldich also the rest of the teams.

//Why are you here? I thought that you were gathering data.// Schuldich sent to
Crawford as he reached the top of the building. Farfarello was behind him climbing up
the ladder.

//The thief stole the files that we found. The ones that we had were the important
ones.// Crawford told Schuldich as he took a shot at the panther standing only a few feet
in front of him. The shot was wide as the panther dogged it and landed next to a person
wrapped in a black cloak. The hood was pulled over the head so that they could not see
the face of the person in the cloak. The person was atoned in all black starting with black
pants and boots and black gloves. A black tank top finished the style, which left the pale
arm bare. In its right hand held a slender shimmering long sword.

//The thief stole all the files?// Schuldich asked as Aya tried to slice the person only
to hit shadow as the thief flipped over them and landed on the ledge of the building.

Crawford answered. //Not all. We have a few left but the majority of them are

Farfarello had made his way to the top of the roof the stood next to Schuldich and
Crawford. Weiss stood on the other side as Nagi and Omi brought up the end. Omi threw
his darts at the thief and Yohji flung his wire at the panther. The panther once again
jumped away and landed by its master. The disk was gone from its jaws.

The thief didn't move and instead caught all five darts single handedly. Omi
gasped as Ken shifted nervously. Crawford stared at the figure sizing him up. Nagi made
his way towards Crawford. Nagi eyes narrowed as he concentrated at the thief. Schuldich
saw his pupils dilate like a cat, and power blasted from him heading for the thief.

The thief fended off Ken's attack with the long sword in his hand and kicked the
brunet in the stomach making him fall onto Omi who was behind him. The thief did not
have the time after fending off Ken to jump out of the telekinesis's attack. The blast hit
the thief dead center.

"Good job, bishounen." Schuldich smirked as dust piled around the area of the hit.

"I wouldn't congratulate just yet." Crawford said as he readied his gun and pointed
it in the area of the dust.

"What do you mean? The man's gone." Schuldich laid a steadying hand on Nagi as
the boy swayed from side to side. "How many times did you use your power today?"


Schuldich snorted but jumped to the side as Farfarello pushed past him and ran into
the dust, giving off a large war cry. CLANG! Schuldich turned in surprise as the sound of
metal upon metal echoed across the rooftop. Farfarello had his knife in front of him and
was pushing down onto a figure on the ground. The figure gave the Irish's knees a swift
kick that had him down and slashed at his face with a sword after.

"Is that..." Schuldich didn't finished the sentence. It couldn't have been the thief?
Not after a blast like that, Schuldich thought.

"That's the thief." Crawford stated as he shot at the figure still standing on the roof
edge. The figure jumped out of the way and landed in front of them giving a full view of
the face.

The thief had survived the psychic blast but her clothes did not leave unharmed.
The cloak was torn in varies places and the hood had fallen off the girl's head revealing
long black hair with streaks of red and a pair of color changing eyes. The girl's cheek was
bleeding from Farfarello's cut and she held the sword in front of her of one who had
experience of such weapons.

Aya stepped forward clutching his katana warningly. "Who are you?"

"That is hardly of your concern." Was the icy response.

"It is our concern since it is you, who stole our data."

"...go back to Kritiker." The girl turned around and walked toward the roof edge.
"Tell them to dismiss the mission. They won't get the information."

Aya glared at the retreating back. "I won't tell them to dismiss this mission."

"Then tell them that the next assassins they send, I will kill them." The girl reached
the edge of the building the turned around to look at them

"Naruhodo (2)..." Yohji said as he stood next to his leader. "Then I guess that
you'll have to kill us then."

The girl stared at him without emotions then turned to Omi who had gasped. His
sky blue eyes were wide as they gazed at the girl. "You're the girl...from the another day
who bought the African flowers!" Omi gasped.

The girl's sharp features looked at the young blond. Omi opened his mouth to
speak but Aya stepped forward. The panther growled as he stepped closer to his master.
The girl faced Aya as he walked slowly to her. Aya then stopped only three feet away
from the girl and glared at her.

"Give us the data?" He demanded as his grip on the katana tightened.

Ken added. "You don't have anywhere to go."

The thief ignored the threat and looked closely at the group surrounding her. As her
gaze looked past Schwarz it paused on Crawford. Aya, Ken and Yohji did not notice but
Schuldich did. When Ken was about to take a step close the girl turned around and both
her and the panther jumped. Ken gasped as he and the other assassins ran forward but
there was no sight of the girl or her panther.

Omi was the first to lift his gaze away from the view and tried to get the attention
of his fellow teammates. "She's gone. It would be useless to try and find her now."

"But she just jumped off the roof! You don't do that unless you're Batman or
something!" Ken all but shouted.

Using calming gestures, Omi tried to get his teammate to relax. Yohji took a
cigarette out from his coat pocket and lit the end of it as Farfarello was chanting about
hurting God while Nagi stared him the blood that seeped from a wound on his arm that
no one had noticed before. Schuldich glanced over at Crawford and saw that he was still
looking over the roof with a dazed look.

//You know her.// Schuldich stated rather then questioned. Crawford did not give a
response to Schuldich and looked up at Omi who had asked him a question.

"How did she survive Nagi's attack? Every time we battled we always got hurt in
some fashion or another by Nagi's psychic blasts."

"He is only a Level 1 psychic." Crawford answered.

Omi looked from Nagi to Crawford. "To iimasu to (3)?"

"It means that she is either a more powerful psychic or she has an ability to deflect

"What's a Level 1 psychic?" Yohji asked as he lifted the cigarette form his mouth.

"A Level 1 psychic is one who has the most basic psychic abilities. The higher the
level then the more evolved that ability becomes." Crawford explained.

"How would it evolve? I thought that if you had an ability like telekinesis then
that's it. The only thing that you can do is learn more control." Ken said as he laid an arm
on one of Omi shoulders.

"Control is essential to any form of training of physic abilities." Crawford said
calmly as the others listened. "However, once control has been established then that
ability can be used in different ways. Telekinesis, for example can evolve into
teleportation or astral-projection. It is the same ability except molded into different

"What level would that be?" Omi inquired.

"That would be a Level 4 physic. There are 10 physic levels however psychics
rarely achieve over 7."

"But can people go above 7?" Ken asked.

"A handful of physics can." Crawford admitted. "But the majority are usually
centered around Level 3."

"Oh, but what about yo-" Omi covered Ken's mouth before he can ask any more
questions. Glancing warily at Schwarz he said quietly, "We really should go back to our
hideouts now. We still have some files left so we can do research on that."

Crawford nodded his head at that. "Very well. Then we will take our leave here.
You already have some files right?"

Omi nodded. "I'll just call when if I find anything interesting in the files."

Crawford nodded and gestured for Schwarz to follow him. The cars were parked
three blocks away from the laboratory and they started toward it. In the background
Schuldich heard Ken give a shout.

"Why did you do that?"

"You aren't suppose to ask what Level they are!" Omi answered. "Its impolite."

"I was curious." Ken whined.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Kenken." Yohji teased then started to walk toward Aya's

"Shut up!"

"Hm...you're all idiots."

"That's not nice to say Aya-kun." Omi said.


"And we're back to the 'hm' " Yohji said as he got into the car.

Schuldich started to tone them out and concentrated on getting back to the car. He
had a reward to think about and explanations from his leader. That and also he wanted to
get back home to the little black kitten laying on his bed. Schuldich smirked as he
concluded that the statement he made a night before had been conformed. Tonight was
really fun, Schuldich thought as he open the car door and sat shotgun in the seat.
Crawford pulled himself in the driver's seat and Nagi and Farfarello took the back.

//I wonder what tomorrow will bring.//

(1) Usagi- bunny
(2) Naruhodo- I see
(3) To iimasu to- what do you mean