Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Teardrops in Snow ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Essence of Innocence
Chapter 10: Teardrops in Snow
Author: lilnekochan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Yohji x Aya, Crawford x Schuldich, Ken x Omi, Farfarello x Nagi

Author's Notes: Finally I finished chapter 10. Isn't Schuldich cute when he's with the with the
little black cat!? Its so kawaii! Either way the cat is back and here to stay. Later in future
chapter the other Schwarz members will play with the cat (even Crawford...hehe). Hey maybe I'll
even have Weiss pet the litty kitty cat. Either way you probably noticed that this chapter is a
cliffhanger. Actually a lot of my chapters are like that since that's how I write stories. Either
way I know that I've been kinda ignoring Yohji x Aya but don't worry since the next chapter will
be in Yohji's POV. Well, I think that's all I have to say so au revoir.

Tea rdrops in Snow

The darkness around him was consuming, threatening to pull him into their deadly
grasps. Shadows turned around every corner as street lamps dimmed low. The place was
surrounded by somber atmosphere, the air thick with the taint of death. Little specks of
snow drifted from the sky above, raining down upon the lonely house centered in
desolate street. The emptiness stood still as the young boy knelt next to the cold body of
his mother. Fiery orange hair fell over reddening eyes as teardrops stained the blood
soaked floor. Soft sobs were gone unnoticed as the boy watched the blood drip across the
icy steps that lead into the cottage. A pale hand lay across the floor as the blood
surrounded the lifeless body.

Crimson red was splattered across the room, windows stained red as rivers of
scarlet seeped through the embroidered carpet. The boy slowly pulled himself off from
the ground, knees bruised pink by his cold surroundings. Stepping past the stairs, blood
sticking to his poorly tended shoes; the boy slumped next to the body and stared at the
face that he knew so well. Midnight black hair curled away from a delicate and feminine
face. The woman's eyes were closed but the boy knew that when her eyes were open they
were a piercing emerald green color. The thin rosy lips were turning a bluish color as the
heat left the once warm body. The boy lifted a weak hand toward his mothers face, gently
caressing a cheek. Using the other hand the boy shook a shoulder getting no response.

"Mutter..." The boy whispered as tears threaten to flow again.

The boy flung his arms around the body sprinkling tears at the sudden movement.
Sinking into the bloody floor the boy cried. A dark and endless ache sprung into his heart.
So deep in his thoughts the boy didn't notice the footsteps coming into the house. The
boy startled as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Spinning wildly around, the boy tripped
on a broken piece of wood and fell in an ungraceful sprawl on the floor. Looking up with
frail eyes, he gazed into dark brown eyes. The Asian woman stared as the boy then
signaled to her partner who was standing to the right of her.

"He is one of us." The woman said. Before the boy could respond to the comment
he felt two strong arms pulled him up from his position on the floor and forcefully pulled
towards the door.

"Let go!" The boy shouted as he struggled to free himself only for it to be in vain.
Looking back at the body on the floor he shouted once more. He glanced for the last time
at his mother's dead body before he was shoved into the limousine, which would carry
him to the place where he would spend the next five years of his life.

Schuldich sprung up in his bed, gasping for breath as sweat trickled down his bare
back. The cool air around him helped his beating heat as he pressed a hand on his heated
forehead. His sweat matted hair stuck wildly to his skin while the blanket lay crumbled
around his waist. Shaking his head, Schuldich closed his eyes tightly hoping that the
nightmare would go away.

"Why do I keep on dreaming of her?" Schuldich whispered to the empty room.
"Why can't I forget?"

Schuldich pulled his knees up and pressed his forehead down. Crossing his arms
around his bent knees Schuldich let out a breath of air. The German was contemplating
just sitting there in the darkness when a small noise made him look down at the spot next
to him. There the black cat that he found the night before sat, rubbing its furry head
against the telepath's leg. Looking up with bright green eyes the cat left out a tiny
'meow' and swiped a playful paw at him. Giving a small chuckle at the antics of the cat,
Schuldich picked her up and settled the black mush at top of his lap. Crossing his legs
Indian style, Schuldich scratched behind the cat's ear as a small smile formed on his lips.

"Were you worried about me, katzchen?" Schuldich laughed as the cat gave off a
contented purr. "You don't have to worry now. I'm fine."

Turning his head towards the clock it read five.

"Crawford will be down for breakfast soon." Schuldich told the cat sitting next to
him. "Maybe I'll surprise him today by waking up early instead of around noon."

Schuldich heard a 'meow' response and patted the little black head. Swinging the
sheets off his legs the German stood up and stretched. Turning around he faced the
dresser and started to pick through his clothes while talking with the cat.

"I still haven't named you yet." Schuldich said absent mindlessly. Digging through
his mess of clothes he picked up a forest green shirt. "Aha...how does this look?"

The kitten looked up from his grooming and let out a 'meow' and shook her tail.
Schuldich took that to mean that the cat liked the outfit. Schuldich grabbed a pair of black
leader pants and a towel and was headed toward the bathroom when a noise made him
pause and look back. The cat was now standing on all four legs with her fur on end.

"Did you want to come to, katzchen?" Schuldich asked as he picked up the little
fluff. "I guess that you want to see the rest of the house. This room must have been
boring for you while I was out."

Holding the cat in one arm and his clothes and towel in another, Schuldich started
toward the bathroom. His teammates where still asleep since the hall was still silent.
Usually by the time Schuldich got up there would have been a coffee scent in the house
thanks to his American leader or the television or radio would be on while Nagi watched
the latest technology scope. Farfarello would have been either in his cell or sitting in the
living room with Nagi playing with the latest thing that had his interest. Schuldich
slipped into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. After plugging the
bathroom sink he turned on the water to warm and started to strip while the cat played
with the soap bar.

After taking off his pants he turned off the sink water and looked towards the cat.
The cat was sitting by the edge of the water eyeing it curiously. Its noise and an ear were
covered in soap.

"Hm...it seems that you need a bath as well." Schuldich picked up a towel and
wetted the end of it. Gently he petted at the ear and noise until the soap was gone.
"There! Now you're clean again."

The cat looked up at him and purred. Then the kitten butted her head against his
chest and Schuldich laughed and settled the cat next to the water. The kitten swiped her
paw through the water creating little rings puddles.

Schuldich shook his head at the image then stepped into the shower. Turning on the
handle, cold water splattered on the unsuspecting victim.

"Kuso!" Schuldich cursed as he turned the handle to the left. Warm water started to
flow and the cold water gradually turned into a lukewarm temperature.

As the water warmed up Schuldich annoyance began to decrease until altogether
he felt no need to curse. The German dipped his head under the downpour of water and
blindly searched for the shampoo. His hand found the triangular shaped bottle and after
opening his eyes for a moment he squeezed some onto his hands. Combing his hands
through his wild orange hair Schuldich began to drift into last night's mission. First the
penetration of the laboratory then the fight with the tiger and lastly the girl/woman thief
left Schuldich feeling quiet a bit perplexed. If Schuldich had not experience it himself he
would have thought that last night's adventure was just another cheap movie script. Well,
I guess that I own the little katzchen an apology since that panther stole files from us as
well, Schuldich thought.

Schuldich didn't know what annoyed him more, the stolen files or the secrets.
The telepath in all his life hardly had anyone surprise him without him knowing, yet this
woman, a child really, was able to block his powers from sensing her but also steal the
files that he had downloaded. That in itself irritated the German but added to that the
secrets that Crawford seemed to be hiding from the other Schwarz members made
Schuldich really angry and frustrated. Schuldich was usually more in control of his
emotions but last night adventure seemed to push the telepath past his limits, which
resulted in his sulking on the car ride back and the argument with Crawford before he
retired to his room.

Feeling tired all of the sudden Schuldich leaned his head against the cool tile of the
shower. That girl...I know that Crawford knew her...

When the girl's face was revealed Crawford had recognized her but denied it when
Schuldich confronted him. The German spent the last ten years watching Crawford so he
knew for a fact that Crawford was lying. Though the Mastermind knew this fact he did
not know what connection that the American had with the mystery girl. It has something
to do with the mission but other then that the German was at a complete lost.

Schuldich shook his head not wanting to create a headache by thinking too much
on the subject, which he would not be able to come to a conclusion. After rinsing the
soap off his body, Schuldich stepped out of the shower and grabbed the navy towel off
from the rack.

Droplets of water cling to his pale skin as his silky hair stuck out in random places.
Quickly drying himself off Schuldich wrapped the towel around his waist and wiped part
of the fogged window clear. Picking up a brush from a drawer he started to comb from
his hair. The German looked at his reflection as his hand slowly moved across his head.
Schuldich had always liked his looks. The fiery orange hair and cat like green eyes
attracted a lot of attention and his lean slender body earned him many sighs and secret
crushes. Schuldich liked the attention and jealous looks however there was one person
who he did not get the attention from and that was the one person, which he truly wanted
their interest.

A yowl alerted Schuldich's attention downward to the now completely wet cat. The
kitten had accidentally tripped in the sink and was now dripping wet and looking a little
cross. Schuldich rolled his eyes and picked up the wet black mop.

"Can't you stay out of trouble for a second?" Schuldich asked as he picked another
towel and swiped it across the soft baby fur.

The cat meowed and licked at a paw.

"I guess that you can't." Schuldich said softly. "I guess that we're the same since I
can't seem to stay out of trouble as well."

At the soft tone the cat crawled away from the German's hand and made her way
towards the telepath's cheek. The kitten then stopped it flight up and rubbed a cheek
against the German's, purring lightly.

Schuldich smiled at the attention and lifted the cat. After putting her on the sink he
turned and unplugged the sink. "Thanks, katzchen."

Schuldich took off his towel and started to don on his clothes while talking with the

"I think I know what to call you but first lets get breakfast since I'm very hungry."

A yowl answered which the German took as an agreement. "I'll go to the pet store
later and buy you some stuff since I don't really have any toys for you..."

Schuldich shrugged into his tight pants and began to button up his shirt. Leaving
the bottom and top two button open Schuldich threw the towel into the laundry bin and
scooped the cat from her spot. "...and Crawford still owes me that reward."

The German was in a much better mood as he made his way down the stairs.
Schuldich made his way through the hall, petting the cat absently as he walked. Stepping
into the kitchen he saw that the American had already awaken. Placing his usually smirk
on his face he crossed his arms behind him, hiding the cat completely from Crawford's

Crawford was sitting in his usually spot at the head of the dinning table with a
newspaper in his hand and a steaming coffee cup on the table. Crawford was in the
middle of turning the page when he heard a slight shuffling noise. Looking up from the
article he saw the German walk into the kitchen.

Crawford blinked when he saw the German. Then he turned and looked at the
clock hanging from the wall then he turned back to the German with his eyebrows
scrunched together. Schuldich silently laughed at the confusion in the oracle's eyes. The
day that I wake earlier then noon is the day that the world ends, Schuldich laughed.
Crawford is probably questioning whether I'm actually here or I'm just a ghost.

"Ohayo, Bradley." Schuldich replied cheerfully.

"Schuldich." Crawford acknowledged. "You're up early today."

"So I am." Schuldich said as he maneuvered his way toward the dinning table.
Schuldich felt the cat stir in his hand and petted it softly as he hid the black cat from his

"Is there a reason that you are up? We do not have a job today."

Schuldich smirk widen and saw the worried glance from the American, "Oh, no

Schuldich leaned on the side of the table next to Crawford. As he did so he slipped
the cat into a nearby chair that was hidden from the American's view. Schuldich silently
hoped that the cat would not make a noise until the right time has come.

Schuldich leaned over and took Crawford's cup. Bringing the steaming liquid to
his lips he breathed in the small and took a small sip. The molten hot liquid steamed
down his throat in a familiar and welcome way. After the small sip Schuldich gripped the
cup in his hands and placed the cup next to his cheek. When Schuldich looked back down
at the American, Crawford was eyeing Schuldich or rather the cup in Schuldich's hand.

"There is more coffee. You could have gotten yourself a cup."

"But where's the fun in that." Schuldich smiled.

Crawford sighed, "Coffee is something you indulge in or keeps you awake. It is not
supposed to be fun."

"Why not?"

"What are you up to, Schuldich?" Crawford asked distrustfully.

"Well, if we only use one cup then we save the work of washing two of them

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean, Bradley?"



"Don't pretend that you don't know what I am saying?"

"If you don't tell me then how am I suppose to know." Schuldich asked keeping
the innocence smile on his face.

Crawford pinched the bridge of his nose, "Its too early for your games, Schuldich."

"I'm not playing any games...at least right now."


Schuldich cocked his head and smiled, "You really should relax sometimes,
Bradley. Its not good for your health if you stress too much."

Crawford muttered under his breath and folded the newspaper in his lap. Even
though Crawford had barely said the words Schuldich was able to hear what he said.
'How can I not stress with you around?'

Schuldich smirked. Taking the coffee away form his cheek he leaned over until his
face was only millimeters away from Crawford's. His orange head fell across his face
almost making a tent between both Crawford and the German.

"You should drink some coffee to calm your nerves, Bradley." Schuldich said, lips
barely glazing the soft ones across from him.

As he said this Schuldich brought up the cup and laid it gently on the American's
lips. Crawford eyes Schuldich stonily but Schuldich pushed the cup more forcefully on
Crawford's thin lips. Crawford looked at the German's face but saw the intent looks that
the orange haired man had. Crawford knew that look and gave a sigh as he quietly
opened his mouth.

Schuldich smiled as he tipped the coffee so the liquid could pour into the
American's opened lips. The telepath was carefully not to spill any on the clean white
shirt that Crawford had on. As the last drop of coffee was gone Schuldich removed the
cup and placed it on the table. Seating himself on the edge of the dinning table, Schuldich
leaned in. Bringing one hand to the stripped tie around the American's neck e started to
play with the thing as the other rested on the armrest of the wooden chair.

The German tilted his head. His nose butted against the American's cheek as he
breathed in the scent of the man. The fresh scent of soap invaded the German's nose but
underneath was the American's own scent. Nice, Schuldich thought. Actually Brad's
scent is rather like his aura...fresh spring water, sakura, and coffee. It was kind of weird
but nice.

Schuldich felt Crawford shift away form him. Smirking softly, Schuldich slide his
lips across Crawford's cheek and rested them at the curve of his neck. "Is something

Schuldich knew that Crawford would never admit that something was wrong.

"Iie." Crawford answered and stopped moving.

Schuldich smiled and pressed his lips to the American's ear. "You seem a little
stiff." Schuldich observed as he breathed into the American's ear.

"...what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Schuldich said mean while nuzzling against Crawford neck.

"Schuldich..." Crawford warned. It seemed that Crawford had gotten over the

"Yes, Bradley?" Schuldich asked innocently. Schuldich stopped his administrations
and turned to look into dark brown eyes.

"What are you doing?" Crawford asked as he sternly looked at Schuldich.

Schuldich smiled as his hand straighten his wild untamed hair. Crawford was about
to speak when Schuldich interrupted him. "You owe me a reward."

"Huh?" Crawford asked stumped. The last thing that Crawford thought Schuldich
would have said was this.

"Remember yesterday during the mission? You said that if I was a good little boy
then I would get a reward when we got home. Well, I didn't kill any of the kittens so I get
to have a reward."

Schuldich saw the way that Crawford flinched at the memory and Schuldich
couldn't help but flash him a smile.

Crawford sighed, "And the reward that you want is...?"

Schuldich smirked, "Why say it out loud when I can demonstrate..."

With this Schuldich leaned in toward the startled American. Crawford saw the
German close his eyes, his long reddish eyelashes dark against his flushed cheeks. Warm
air caressed against Crawford cheek. Crawford was about to push the German away form
him when he froze as the first feel of warm lips laid against his own.

Before Crawford could do anything a pair of green eyes invaded his vision and a
wet tongue licked his nose. Crawford jumped and looked again and saw not Schuldich
but rather a small black cat. Schuldich moved the cat away from Crawford's face and
grinned, "Isn't she cute?"


Schuldich smiled and draped an arm around the started American. With the other
he brought the cat up to his cheek. "I want to keep her."

"Keep her?" Crawford repeated stupidly, unsure of how to react to the new change
of pace.

"You said that I can have a reward and I want Mi-chan."


"Mi-chan, short for Miyu. Isn't it an adorable name!?"

"Are you okay, Bradley?" Schuldich asked as Crawford stared at the German and
cat. "Bradley?"

Crawford shook himself out of his stuttering and looked at Schuldich finally
comprehending what he was saying. "You want to keep this cat?"

"Hai." Schuldich said as the cat gave a 'meow.'

"You know that we're not suppose to have animals." Crawford stated and crossed
his arms.

"I know but you forgot something." Schuldich said cheerfully.

"And what is that?" Crawford asked losing his confidence a little as he felt a
feeling that he shouldn't have asked that question.

"You still owe we a reward and I want Mi-chan."

Crawford opened his mouth about to come up with another argument when he
spoke again, "Remember that you owe me a reward and if you don't let me keep her then
I am going to bug you until you give up. I hope that you remember how annoying I can
be for future notice."

Crawford looked at Schuldich and saw the determination and looked at the cat as it
gave him an innocence stare and meowed. Crawford looked back at Schuldich and
opened his mouth. Schuldich thinned his lips and Crawford closed his lips. The American
knew that Schuldich was already annoyed with him and his secrets. Crawford weighed
the pro and cons of having a cat then looked at the German. Schuldich stared at the
American and Crawford quickly agreed that the pros definitely outweighed the cons.
Having Schuldich on his good side was much better then having a pissed powerful
telepath against you.

"You can have the cat..." Crawford said reluctantly.

Schuldich smiled and picked up the cat, cradling her in his arms. "Thanks,

Crawford sighed and ribbed the bridge of his nose, "...I did owe you a reward so
you can have the cat. But remember that the cat is your responsibility."

"Hai, hai." Schuldich said as he petted the cat. The German turned when he heard a
noise outside the kitchen. A moment later Nagi opened the door and looked at the other
two older Schwarz.

Stepping forward the Japanese boy turned to Crawford and held up the folder that
he had in his hand, "Crawford...who is Demona?"