Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Flammentanzer ❯ Nothing Lasts Forever ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* Just like Chapter 1, I did not owned them…

AN: Finally!!! Yesss… I know. I'm sorry for taking quite few months to update this. I had tones and tones of reports to write for my firm and, of course, was so distracted by Lord of the Rings fever, not to mention falling madly in love with Legolas /Aragorn slash^^. And since my firm PC had a firewall thing, I can't sign up in ff.net neither.

Anyway, this chapter as previous chapter is not beta, so any grammar mistakes, sentences mistakes or whatever mistakes, please forgive me for English is not my first language.

To this story reviewers, thank you very much. There are no words in Entish, Elvish and Men tongues that could describe how appreciated I am with the reviews. Actually, I cant personalized my thanks, since my boss kept hovering like an eagle beside me -_-

Chapter 7 : Nothing Lasts Forever

Two separate teams arrived in three choppers to where Yohji and Ran were hiding. They had taken up their positions the night before, one team in standing up position hiding behind the trees, where Yohji always walked towards the small town.

Dunkel, Crawford and Schuldig with another team near the house. All the men were armed with Dunkel carried a tranquilizer gun, both Crawford and Schuldig carried a rifle, just in case anything goes wrong Nagi and Farfello were assigned to another team after the blond.

Dunkel had sent someone to infiltrate the household and report to him on their every moves; the blonde hair routine, where did he go for grocery shopping, what time he would be out of the house, which path he would take, what the redhead would be doing when the blonde is not around, every detail, a sketch map of the road, the house blue print, the village population- everything, but most importantly pictures of both of them in a compromising position as his weapon.

He had assured that no ambiguities in this mission with nobody to fuck it up. He didn't want the incident at the redhead grandparent's house to be repeated. That's the result for coming unprepared.

Oh! that and his ace of getting the redhead without putting a fuss to fight is here with him. They had waited until dawn and saw Yohji came out with two blue pails walking towards the stream; he stopped at the stream, filling the pails and back to the house.

Then they saw the redhead, yawning and waiting for Yohji at the door, smiling shyly and speak something to him. Yohji nodded and raised his hand to ruffle Ran's hair.

Dunkel gave his order to his men on the other team through the head phone " Wait till the target walked at the designated place, then get him, don't fucked up this mission, if any of you miscues, I'll personally killed you with my own bare hands"

Crawford and Schuldig are standing in their position watching the redhead walking outside, stretching and looking up at the golden orange sky with his face full of sun.

Their eyes were fixed at the lithe creature standing few meters away from them. The boy is truly good-looking, far more magnificence in person than his photograph.

Few minutes later Yohji appeared from the door and called out for Ran. He turned around, moved towards the house, Yohji says something to him, embracing him and placed a kiss on the redhead's forehead.

"Last kiss" Schuldig smirked.

They stayed and watched as Yohji leave the place until he vanished from their sight.

"The target is moving to your direction" Dunkel informed the other team. He turned to Crawford and Schuldig, grinning and said, "Let's have our catch of the day!"


Yohji walked along the pathway that leads to the villages' small town, shaded by the trees with strays of morning sunlight. He loved the morning walk, the fresh mountain breeze and the music of nature. Sadly though, today he didn't see Alvin and Chipmunks, the red squirrels that greeted him every morning.

He could hear the rustling leaves almost whispering to the wind reminding him of a joke that Ran told him and Ken at their college.

They were seating at the long bench near the college botanical garden enjoying the sight of blooming flowers when Ran suddenly spoke "Did you know what the tree says to the wind?"

Yohji shrugged, while Ken excitedly trying to answer and the redhead kept shaking his head indicating that the answers were wrong.

Finally Ken gave up and Yohji asked `Ok! Ok! What did it say?"

Ran stood up from the bench and answered "What a blowjob!" before walking away.

He let out an amusing snort; he walking was brought to a standstill when he heard movement, eyes scanning through the area. A man suddenly emerged in front of him holding a .99 pistol in his hand, ready to shoot if he tried to move.

"I advise you not to try anything and follow us" the man approached him slowly, but cautiously. Another man with a slight grayed hair stepped out from the tree holding a .22 pistol.

Yohji looked at the man holding the magnum and spoke in a low pleasant voice "Your heart is burning". The man looked at him, puzzled. Then, he screamed, clasping his chest, fall of to the ground dropped his .99, and white foam coming out from the corner of his mouth. He convulsed for a moment and went still.

His partner, stared at him and look at Yohji, Yohji said to him "Kill yourself" and he pushed the man hard, hard enough to make his nose bleeding. The man bring his hand pointed the .22 pistol to his temple, unable to control it, eyes wide and squeezed the trigger.

Yohji wanted to run back to the house, he was sure that the others would go after Ran. His movement was halted when he was thrown and slammed to the tree, landed hard on the bush.

He tried to get up to his feet, didn't make it as he was slammed over and over again until it finally stop. His face was down rubbing the ground and his body aching from the beating. The woods were silence that he could hear his own uneven ragged breath.

He heard movement again and raised his head slowly, he saw a young man with a patch in his left eyes, licking a knife, grinning widely. Another man stepped out from behind the tree with a young Japanese boy. Then another walked over to him; he recognized him, the mad doctor, smiled and shoots him.

Yohji felt the sharp pain of a needle grazing his arm, took a deep breath, collapsed and lay still, unable to move.

"Don't bother to fight the drug Yohji! I gave you a sufficient dose, enough to stabilize you, I need you to witness your precious little redhead friend struggle. And you, can do nothing to help him"


Ran, doing his everyday routine was getting ready to prepare lunch for him and Yohji. He took out the vegetables, put them on the table, searching for packet of rice to make rice balls and picking up potatoes that he is going to peel.

He smiled to himself when he remembered yesterday's event, he and Yohji shared the bed for the first time. Safe - that's what he felt yesterday night. Yohji didn't push him in doing something he is not ready, and he is certainly not ready for sex. He blushed and wonders when he will be ready for that kind of intimate body contact and control his emotion while doing it. Last night he had burned the armchair out of his control when Yohji kissed him on bed. He certainly did not want to burn Yohji out of ecstasy.

Ran is relief that there is no sign of their pursuer. He still didn't know whom the men worked with but he knew why they were after. Somehow, it must have something to do of what had been happening after the scientific experiment that he, Yohji and Ken had participate.

Ken, he had been thinking on Ken constantly, not knowing what they have done to him. He had talked about this to Yohji and had told him to let everything cool down before thinking of any plan. He knew their headquarters were named The Facilities but did not know where it was located.

He was seriously pissed off, angry with those men and whoever responsible making their life a living hell. And hell if he finds whoever they are, all of them would endure a slow and painful death.

He didn't realize that his mind had set the kitchen's curtain on fire, not till he smell something burning. He jumped at the window, pulling off the curtain with all his might, trying not to let himself get burn and thrown it out.

He sighed, this had happened repeatedly and Yohji had ensured that fire extinguishers were placed at each and every corner of the house, in the closet and in their room.

Yohji had told him that he has another ability; something about he could generate powerful energy and jolted them like a lightning. He frowned; he nearly killed Ken with that. He picked up the potato again and started peeling off the skin.

Then he heard voice calling him. He strained his ear to listen to the voice. It's not Yohji's voice.

The voice that was calling him was distant but he recognized it very well.

"Ken!!" Ran threw the potato in his hand and sprang out through the front door, forgetting Yohji's instruction to him not to open the door or get out from the house no matter who called except him. It is Ken's voice, how could he ignore, he was so sure he had heard Ken's voice calling for him- and he is not mistaken.

There, near the trees, stood a young man whom he recognized so well. His face brightened and he almost cry of joy, Ken had escaped. The joy of seeing Ken had made him overlook on the rationalities like how Ken gets here. How Ken knew where they were and other questions that supposed he had to ask himself. He was just too overjoyed.

"Ken" he called out.

His running towards Ken stopped abruptly when he saw another man was standing right behind Ken

Ken was just staring at him with his ocean blue eyes. Ran noticed that his eyes were different, something off about it, something sinister, as if Ken was looking at him with full of hatred.

"Get away from him!" he shouted at the man, he saw a gun in the man's hand. The air surrounded him stirred as he shouts and his hair blazed like a fire under the sun.

Dunkel could feel the warm passing of heat, the air was turning hot but he did not move from his position.

I hope the tranquilizer is enough to knock him down The German telepath voiced his concern to him.

Relax! He ain't Superman

Good! Cause I don't bring any kryptonite.

He smirked at that answer, "Now… now… there's no need to be emotional. Ken here is my friend" He proceeds in embracing Ken from behind.

Ran fidgeted but still he didn't move. Dunkel watched as the redhead fingers started to twitch with sparks. Schuldig was right, he had to hurry or the boy would give him an excessive damage.

Buying time… "Ran" his voice is soft as if he consoling a 5 years old boy throwing tantrum for not getting a toy. "I suggest you stand down, you wouldn't want anybody here to hurt, didn't you?"

"Come with us and I promise everything would be fine-no more running, I know you're tired. I can see it in your face" he continued.

Ran hesitated. What the man said is true; he is tired. Tired of running, tired of being hunted like an animal, but he didn't move, he just wished Yohji is around, Yohji will know what to do. He always knew what to do.

"Mr. goody-two-shoes" Ken voiced up suddenly. "You want Yohji for yourself didn't you". He continued.

"What?" Ran shoots his eyes towards Ken and Omi merely sneered.

"Kill me and Yohji all yours"

Ran's eyes widened. Confused.

Ken sighed. "Love you, kiss you, only you" Ken voice was dreamy, almost hypnotized, shaking his head in slow motion. "Saw you kissing him, saw you holding him, touching him. Let him fucked you yet? How does he taste? Sweet?"

"No! Ken! We don't…" He was almost crying now. He and Yohji never did anything, nothing happened between them.

"LIAR!!!" He shouted. Ran flinched. "I saw the pictures of you hugging, caressing and kissing on bed. And you…" He pointed his finger at him and cried "…wanted to get rid of me. I love him, you took him away from me and sleep with him"

Ran stood there still confused. He didn't want to hurt Ken. He just wished that Ken could move away from the man, so he could jolt the grinning man who was standing smugly beside Ken. He wanted to send the man to an eternity of burning hell as a lesson for messing with him.

"Cat got your tongue, Ran?" Ken's angry voice woke him.

"Just-just move away from him… Ken - Please." Ran pleaded. He was unaware that someone had sneaked behind him carefully and slowly.

"You want him too? Like monkeys you are Ran, gripping from branch to another for support" Ken spit on the ground, chuckled and looks angrily at him. Eyes blazed with hatred.

"Yohji is MINE! Always be mine!" he chanted the word `mine' with his unnatural flat voice, almost robot like in a soft ghostly tone. He aimed the gun at Ran and squeezed the trigger.


AN: Last but not least, shall I continue with fic or do you think you are bored with this fic that I should just stop it. *receive a multiple glare from muses*