Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aya went to bed early, his body demanding the extra rest.  He had paused in the hallway to look towards Crawford's door before entering the unfamiliar room now his own.  Aya wanted the oblivion of sleep and it eluded him.  Something was missing, what he didn't care to name.  Giving in to impulse he wrapped his arms around a pillow, pressing his forehead into it and willed his breathing to slow.

In the den Schuldig swirled some brandy in an oversized balloon glass.

"He's thinking of you, snuggly bear."

Crawford angled his head to make the light flash in the lenses of his glasses.  "Why haven't I killed you, yet?"

"I'm too useful, not to mention a fantastic lay."  Schuldig placed his glass on Crawford's desk and slid his hands up the man's chest to twine around his shoulders and lightly tugged the short hairs at the back of his neck.

Crawford didn't bother to push Schuldig away.  He learned long ago the telepath only got more excited by a struggle.  Soft strands of red hair brushed his cheek as Schuldig nipped at his neck above the collar.  Crawford suppressed a groan as a flash of a different shade of red floated across his vision.  Schuldig must have caught the stray thought and pulled back to stare at his leader.

"You really want the Abyssinian, don't you?"  He let go of Crawford and retrieved his glass to down the fine brandy like water.  "Well, damn, the Oracle is just a man after all."

"I've never been 'just' anything, Schuldig."

"Ja, ja."  Schuldig flapped his hand airily.  "We all know of your inhuman perfection.  I don't blame you, though.  I'd tumble the kitten myself.  That's one fine, tight little body and his mind is so thoroughly fucked up I would enjoy ta.."

Crawford lifted the telepath off his feet with a hand around his throat.  Dark honey eyes opaque with anger bore into blue ones with deadly intent.

"The Abyssinian is not yours to touch, Schuldig."

Schuldig had both hands scrabbling at Crawford's wrist.  "You never objected before."  He wheezed.

"Don't test me on this.  You wouldn't like the result."

Crawford shoved him away.  Schuldig curved his lips in a pretty pout and rubbed his reddened throat.

"Bastard.  You better not have left marks."

"That's the least I'll do to you if you don't obey, Schuldig.  Find another toy to amuse yourself."

"Whatever, Crawford.  Only dogs have masters.  I hope the kitty claws the shit out of you."

Crawford pulled Schuldig flush against his body and ground their hips together.  He flashed his teeth and smirked into the smaller man's flushed face.

"You sound like a jealous woman."

Schuldig twisted from his hold.  "Fuck you, Crawford!  Until you pull that stick from your ass there's no room for anyone else up there."

"If you're going out, be quiet coming home.  Don't wake Aya with your childishness."

"Don't wake Aya.  Don't touch Aya.  Anything else, mein fuhrer?  Breakfast for two, maybe?"  Schuldig spit furiously.

"Eggs soft boiled, three minutes."

Crawford watched his telepath stalk from the den, his red hair almost bristling with rage.  And Schuldig wanted to call Aya a kitty?  The younger man looked like a pissy cat in his jealous anger.  Crawford chuckled wryly.  Having two redheads in the house was certainly going to be entertaining.

**************************************************** *************************************************

Aya's wound healed cleanly.  It left a star burst shaped scar just below his sternum and occasionally gave him a twinge of pain if his workouts were too strenuous.  The scar and the pain served as a reminder to Aya that he had let himself be vulnerable.  He performed his katas without fail every morning at daybreak.  The huge expanse of lawn behind the secluded house had become his refuge and he started his day there. 

In the month he had been a part of the Schwarz household Crawford and Schuldig had taken a few jobs by themselves.  The first night he had been left alone to await their return Aya had found himself pacing in nervous agitation for their return.  He reasoned to himself that he was the same way with Weiss, but carefully ignored the fact his eyes lingered over Crawford's pristine suit, looking for signs of injury.  Aya didn't ask what the jobs entailed and Crawford didn't enlighten him since he wasn't involved.

In fact, Aya seemed to be trying to avoid Crawford.  Sometimes he could feel the eyes of the precognitive following his movements.  It left him feeling hyper aware of his surroundings and vaguely uncomfortable.  He had fallen asleep more than once during his convalescence lulled by Crawford's voice.  A couple of times Aya had been awakened from dreams that had a definite erotic trend to them and he hoped that Schuldig didn't catch any of it, but considering the smug, irritating looks the telepath sent his way on those mornings, his dreams were most likely just free porn for the sultry man.

Their interaction remained formal until Crawford appeared just as Aya was finishing his morning kata.  Aya noticed Crawford was dressed in workout gear and soft soled shoes.  He sheathed his katana and swiped his bangs from his eyes.

"How about a little hand to hand this morning, Aya?  Do you feel up to it?"


Crawford smiled a little evilly.  "Don't you recall our first meeting?"

Aya narrowed his eyes in remembrance.  Crawford had easily turned aside Aya's attack on Takatori and flipped him, slamming him into the floor hard enough to momentarily stun him into immobility.  If Omi hadn't been watching his back it might have been Aya's last mission.

"You have the advantage.  You'll know my moves before I do."

"True."  Crawford conceded.  "But sparring with me will make your response time faster.  You will eventually learn to fight by instinct rather than plan ahead.  If you can do that it's possible I won't have time to see ahead.  Some of our targets are going to be talents.  You need to be prepared."

They circled each other in the dew wet grass.  Aya let fly a flurry of kicks and punches, each one blocked by the American.  He danced back as Crawford retaliated and took a glancing blow to the side of his head that made his eyes water.

"You always looked down on us.  Normal humans, I mean.  Why would you take jobs targeting people with talents like yours.  Wouldn't that be killing your own kind?"  Aya asked and dropped to the ground, trying for a sweep of the legs.

Crawford was already behind him and pinned Aya face down before he could straighten.  Crawford flipped him over and sat on his hips, stretching his arms above his head.  He leaned very close to stare into Aya's startled purple eyes.

"Because, Abyssinian, business is business and if it's a talent, then that's one less competitor to deal with.  Ever since the fall of the Tower and the destruction of the Japanese academy the European factions have been looking to the West."

Aya tried unsuccessfully to pull his wrists free from Crawford's hold.  Whatever genetics gave the man his precognitive abilities also made him preternaturally strong.  Aya could now see the difficulties he would have fighting others like Crawford and Schuldig.  It wasn't just a matter of training.  It was genetic superiority.  Aya quit struggling and wilted in defeat.  Crawford released his wrists to catch his chin and force him into eye contact.

"You did well enough against the Z-class rabble.  You will do better in the future."

Aya finally noticed that Crawford was straddling him and sitting directly on his groin.  He shoved the older man off and scrambled to his feet.  He busied himself gathering his shoes and weapons.  Crawford watched the frantic retreat with a tiny smirk and purposely wrapped his arm around the shorter red head's shoulders, pulling him into his body.  It amused Crawford to see the outwardly cold Abyssinian blush like a teenager.

"Tonight, there's a job for all three of us.  It should be....fun as well as profitable."

Aya allowed himself to lean a little into Crawford's side, shyly pleased when he wasn't rebuffed.

"What kind of job?  What do we have to do?"  He asked as they walked to the back of the house.

Crawford's smile was decidedly wicked.  "Our target frequents a particular club in the area.  Schuldig can get in by clouding the doorman's mind so that he will see two people instead of three.  We're his cover."

"Cover?"  Aya echoed.

"If you have to get specific, Aya, you're going to be my date for the evening."

Aya stared at Crawford in slack mouthed disbelief.  Crawford took advantage of his shock and parted lips to plant a lusty kiss on Aya's mouth.  Without a trace of doubt or remorse, he chucked Aya under the chin to close his jaws.

"We're leaving at nine tonight.  Schuldig will dress you from his wardrobe.  I can't imagine you have too much clubbing gear, not to mention fetish wear."  Crawford strolled off to the stairs for a shower, leaving behind a very confused assassin.

Aya touched a fingertip to his tingling lips.  "Fetish wear?  Oh, hell."