Wish Fan Fiction ❯ The Shiver and Annoy Show : Wish ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shiver and Annoy Talk Show
By: Annoy and Shiver (aka Kurama's Gurl)
These little stories are here because we like them, want to post them and now my book is falling apart and I need to start typing these stories. So let's get this straight. If you don't like them and say it in a review, I'll let my mutant squirrel out and you don't want to mess if that thing. But if you do like them then please review and may demons bow before you. My friend and I think that Koryu and Kohaku are a really great couple. But that's our option. Don't ask how we got our names cause it's a really long story.
Oh yeah. We don't own anything. Now have a nice day or night. Whichever you want.
Shiver: Our first talk show. Yes. Aren't you happy Annoy?
Annoy: We are having 2 people from Wish over for our first show and NO I'm not happy.
Shiver: You're mean… Anyway please welcome Kohaku.
**big puff of white smoke and Kohaku appears**
Annoy: Great another Bubble-Head.
Kohaku: Wh… where am I? This doesn't look like Shuichiro's house.
Shiver: You're on mine and Annoy's talk show.
Kohaku: What's a talk show?
Annoy: And for another guest…
**big puff of black smoke and we see Koryu**
Shiver: KORYU. Annoy why have him come. ~points to the confused demon~
Annoy: I felt like it. ~walks away~
Shiver: ~really mad~ Get your ass back here right now Annoy.
Annoy: ~whispers to self~ I must of may her really mad to go and fucking curse.
Shiver: Get your fucking ass back here now!!
Annoy: Really mad. ~walks back~
Koryu: Bubble-Head yo.
Everyone: What?!
Shiver: ~looks around to see people staring at her~ What? ... Oh he wasn't talking to me. Okay.
Annoy: ~hits Shiver on the back of the head~ Of course dummy. Why would he be talking to you? He doesn't know you…………………. BUBBLE-HEAD.
Annoy: Yeah whatever. Anyway back to the talk show. ~turns to Koryu~ Koryu why is it that you pick on Kohaku. Do you do it just to make her cry or is it something more.
Koryu: Why the hell would it be because I like her? No way it's only to make her cry. No way. No way. No way.
Annoy: But don't they say that when you pick on someone it means you like them.
Kohaku: You're kidding right? Right?? ~looks very confused~
Annoy: No I'm not kidding. You 2 do make a good couple. Shiver?
Shiver: What?
Annoy: Lemon!! YSSAFI!!
Shiver: Shut the fuck up you bitch.
Annoy: Shiver and her boyfriend sitting in a tree… I can't figure out how to get what I want to say in that stupid song. Ku'so.
Kohaku: um… could you send us home soon please.
Shiver: But we didn't get much done. ~puppy eyes~
Annoy: I say we take the cream-puff back-
Shiver: You're not talking about me, right?
Annoy: Okay… How about this? We take angel-girl back to her world.
Shiver: One question for her please?
Annoy: Fine. Make it quick.
Shiver: Kohaku ~takes out microphone~ What are you're real thoughts about Koryu? ~puts microphone in front of Kohaku~
Kohaku: Um… Well he can be nice when he wants.
Annoy: Okay. That was one question. Bye, bye Kohaku. ~pulls a leaver and Kohaku falls down a hole~
Shiver: She just went down a hole. How is that getting her home?
Annoy: There's a portal at the end of the hole?
Koryu: What am I suppose to do?
Annoy: I can think of a few things.
Annoy: ~really mad that she has anger marks~ I'm not thinking about THAT!! BAKA ONNA!!!!!
Koryu: What are you 2 talking about? .................................... Are you listening to me!!!
Annoy: You've been hanging out with Insane way too much.
Shiver: No I don't… This isn't much of a talk show is it?
Annoy: Well let's make it more. ~turns to audience~ Let's see… You in the blue.
Girl: ~points to self~ Me?
Annoy: Yes you. You got a question for demon boy over there. ~points to Koryu~
Girl: Well. Umm… ~gets crazy fan-girl look in her eyes~ WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH ME??? ~screams~
**her and other girls run down to Koryu**
Koryu: Um… Wha? Help…
Annoy: ~grabs Koryu~ RUN!!
Shiver: Guess that's it for this show. See ya around!!
Annoy: ~still dragging Koryu~ RUN or I'll leave you here.
Shiver: Coming! ~starts running for life~