X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ Starting Today ❯ Chapter 14

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: As usual, I own nothing and no one portrayed here. Also as usual, if the French is wrong, blame Babelfish.
No spacing out around large metallic Russians...
Quand il me prend dans ses bras...
Si doux...si beau...
Rogue woke up blushing. Bits of recent memory picked up from Remy's brain were floating around her head, and all she had to say was.. oh my. Seeing herself through someone else's eyes was a definite boost to her ego. She never thought someone could think thoughts like that about her. Remy had a vivid imagination, and Rogue played a starring role in it.
Vous garcon vilain, ce qui suis moi allant faire avec vous? (You naughty boy, what am I going to do with you?) She whispered to herself.
What the hell? Since when is French the first thing that comes out of my mouth?
Damn Swamp Rat.
She played with some of the thoughts she had picked up. Remy sparring with Piotr and nearly getting brained when he gets distracted thinking about her, Remy singing in French in the shower Somehow I just could never picture the Ragin' Cajun singing “La Vie en Rose” in the shower , Remy's whispers in the dead of night no no no, better stay away from those Rogue, not unless you want to spend this morning's Danger Room session blushing. All in all though, what it came down to was that she had another set of thoughts in her head. As if she didn't have enough of those already. It was getting hard to think straight sometimes with all these people floating around. At first they just affected her nightmares, now she was starting to experience flashes in the day as well. And she was keeping people's powers permanently too. In fact, if she didn't take her hand of off the alarm clock right now it was going to...
“What the hell was THAT, Rogue?!”
“Sorry Kitty, I've still got the Swamp Rat's powers from yesterday.”
“Oh, I see. That like, sucks. Now you need a new alarm clock. But hey, just a good excuse to go to the mall, right?”
“I'm overjoyed, can't you tell?”
“Oh, whatever. Just hurry up and get dressed. I don't want any extra sessions with Logan for being late.” With that Kitty phased through the door, heading for the bathroom.
“Nobody's asking you to wait for me you know!” Rogue yelled at back at her.
Bite me, Kitty-kat.
Getting the crap beat out of her in the Danger Room was NOT the way Rogue liked starting a Sunday morning. True, she did have access to the powers she had absorbed previously, but nobody knew that yet. The Professor would be concerned and want to have her spend hours in the lab with Mr. McCoy, undergoing tests. Not that she didn't like Mr. McCoy, she just hated hospitals and the hospital atmosphere, and the med lab reminded her too much of a hospital. So she'd kept it to herself; she wasn't sure if the change was permanent anyway.
She finished getting dressed and headed out the door, filing away Remy's memories so she could concentrate on the Danger Room session and not get her butt kicked too badly. One stray thought she hadn't noticed previously made her pause though.
Who is Destiny?
“That was a good fight overall yesterday, kids, but as always there's room for improvement.” Wolverine was giving his usual post fight lecture before starting the day's session. He looked around the Danger Room at the students in front of him. “Some of you mind telling me what you learned yesterday? Let's start with you, Cyke.”
“Make sure to knock out Alvers before he starts shaking the ground.”
“Right. Magma?”
“Never flame up around Pyro.” Amara replied, blushing a little. She was still embarrassed about the whole belly-dancing incident.
“Right. What about you, Rogue?”
“Um...Gambit likes to sing French love songs in the shower?” The group looked at her for a minute, then started snickering; the girls getting dreamy looks on their faces as they no doubt imagined the handsome Cajun bathing.
“Uh, not exactly what I was going for, but we won't go there. That was more info than I wanted to know, kid. What I was thinking was that you should have taken your gloves off sooner when fighting Gumbo. You waited until you were right on top of him, and that ain't smart. He could have taken the advantage while you were baring skin; you were lucky he didn't. In the future try to work on getting the gloves off before you get so close to your target.”
“Yes sir, I'll work on that.”
“Good. Okay folks, let's get a move on. I doubt you want to spend all day here.” Everyone voiced their opinion on that and Wolverine went up to the control room to start the session.
The program was a difficult one. They were fighting Sentinels and the action was fast and furious. Optic blasts and spikes shot through the air as the others dodged the metal monsters while working to take them out in their own fashion. Having no natural power of her own that was useful against inanimate objects, and wanting to cover for herself, Rogue borrowed some of Kitty's power and the two girls worked on phasing through one of the Sentinels in order to fry its circuits. Kitty had done her third pass through and Rogue was just coming out of hers when the recently absorbed energy started to fade. Panicking, she forgot about her reserve and automatically started to charge the robot. The entire thing started to glow with kinetic energy and Rogue remembered her reserves and managed to get clear just in time for the Sentinel to explode loudly. The simulation was brought to a crashing halt and Wolverine ran into the Danger Room.
“What the hell was that, Rogue?!”
She looked a little sheepish. “Umm...big robot go boom?”
“No shit kid. But what are you still doing with the Cajun's powers? You didn't hold on too long, did you?”
“NO! I just did a light touch, just enough to knock him out. I don't know why I still have his powers, okay? Leave me alone.” Rogue stormed past Logan and out of the room.
“That's a wrap folks, get out of here.” Logan dismissed them half- heartedly and gazed out the door Rogue had left through, a thoughtful look on his face.
Rogue walked quickly through the park, heading for her usual tree. She had showered and changed quickly, not wanting to talk to anyone after that morning's session. She knew they would just want to ask her about what had happened and she just wasn't ready to talk to anyone about her powers yet. Besides, using Remy's power had dredged his memories back up from where she had filed them earlier, and that one little thought she had found was dancing around her brain, refusing to leave. Other than the thought that was plaguing her so much, the other thing she had gotten from Remy was that he wanted to meet her here at the park today.
So here she was, and there he was; sitting beneath the tree and looking so delicious she wanted to eat him up. Memories of kissing him the other night started to return and she pushed them into the back of her mind; this was no time to start drooling.
“'allo Chere; did you have fun playing with my mind yesterday?”
“Oh yeah. I never pictured you as the type to sing in the shower. The others thought it was funny too.” She smirked evilly at him as she sat down.
Remy pouted. “But Rogue, that was a private moment, just to share with you.”
Rogue laughed. “Sorry Remy, but I couldn't help it. It was just too funny not pass along.” She started to sober up then. “Listen Remy, I need to ask you something. I didn't get very many thoughts from you yesterday, but when I was filing them away one in particular just stuck out, and won't leave. I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like it has to do with me. Who is Destiny?”
Remy looked at her a little warily. “You mean you don't know?”
“No. I've never heard that name before.”
“Well, Mags has files on all you X-Men, and I happened to read yours. I never said anything before because I wasn't sure if you knew about her or not, the file didn't give me any clues about that. Rogue, are you sure you want to hear this?
“Remy, if you know something about this, you need to tell me.”
He didn't look happy to be talking about this subject. “Okay Chere, but I don't think you're going to like it. Destiny is a pre-cog, a mutant that can see the future. She's a secret member of the Brotherhood and has been Mystique's companion for years. You know her as Irene Adler. She's your guardian, Rogue.”