Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Universe ❯ King of Swords Pt. 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alternate Universe

  A/N: For the sake of updating, I decided to do the King of Swords arc first before the Devil’s Trill so this will come first since I’m typing them both at the same time, this chapter was finished first. Hope you enjoy!   Chapter 4   In the afterlife, there is an institution that judges the sins of the dead. That institution is called the Ministry of Hades. Within that judgment bureau of the ministry is the summons department, whose charge is to retrieve any lost souls still wandering the mortal world. Special retrieval agents of the summons department are also known as Shinigami or Guardians of Death!   -X-   It was another perfect day, another perfect spring. Silence was placed all over Meifu, the land of eternal spring.   Muraki had the urge to pull out a cigarette. Old habits die hard. Though Watari, local scientist, had been trying to make him quit with this special liquid. But every time something didn’t happen the blond looked defeated and just went back to the lab. Muraki swore that he was probably being a guinea pig for the scientist. Oh well, at least he wasn’t feeling out of the ordinary yet.   He glanced over at his partner. He did have to admit. Hisoka is a beautiful boy. He could understand Tsuzuki’s infatuation with the boy. He wasn’t going to go there yet. He still has yet to gain the kid’s trust. It’ll be very hard though because he was probably still wary of him. So challenging yet fun. He did enjoy this game. His eyes glanced at the clock. It was lunch. He was about to ask Hisoka out to lunch but the Gushoshin appeared.   “Muraki-san, Hisoka-san, Konoe-kaicho wants to see you both.” Gushoshin said before flying away to the library. They both stood, heading towards the chief’s office.   -X-   “A cruise?” Muraki asked surprised. Tatsumi usually wouldn’t spend for this type of thing especially this expensive cruise ship.   “Don’t worry, this is not a paid vacation. Since you know these owners and are available, you both will investigate this case. The missing people were all passengers on this ship,” Tatsumi explained the catch.   “What ship might that be?”   “The Queen Camellia.”   -X-   “Doctor?!”   Muraki and Hisoka turned around at the shocked voice. Sure enough a teenage girl was heading for them. Hisoka, who didn’t know her, decided to forget about it and walk off looking for whatever clues he could find. Before he could go very far he was pulled back.   “Be careful out there, bouya, you never know what could happen on a haunted ship like this. Don’t go anywhere private,” Muraki whispered to him before letting him go. Hisoka stared incredulously then walked off to leave Muraki to deal with the girl, Tsubaki, the owner’s daughter. The doctor knew something he didn’t. Ship haunted? Oh, please.   -X-   Hisoka walked aimlessly around. He let down part of his shields to catch glimpses of any sign of what was happening around here. So far he got nothing. He wondered why he was supposed to pose as Muraki’s assistant. He didn’t have a clue about anything related to medicine. He sighed.   Scanning around he saw a familiar mop of brown hair and groaned. He just had to be here. Quickly he tried to blend in the crowd before he was spotted but fate seemed to be against him today.   “Hisoka-chan!”   Hisoka froze in his place. He was spotted. He could feel eyes on him and the other person who just glomped him in front of the crowd. If only he could strangle the stupid, happy psycho puppy. It was none other than Tsuzuki who just came and hugged him from behind. Just great. He had two perverts to deal with on this ship: Muraki’s plots to get them to let bygones be bygones and Tsuzuki’s infatuation. Boy, did he have a handful.   He sent a glare to the crowd making them scurry back to what they were doing. He then turned his glare on the happy puppy.   “What are you doing here?” Hisoka asked sternly. Tsuzuki beamed.   “Maria,” he answered pointing to the stage where she was singing. She saw them and waved giving him a wink. Hisoka groaned. Now he had to deal with them. At least Maria wasn’t so bad. He could actually have a normal conversation. It was then he realized Tsuzuki still had his arm around him. With his hand he began swatting away at the ‘fly’. He wasn’t trying to kill it but if it came to that we’re sure that Tsuzuki could survive a few swats.   Tsuzuki still didn’t go away. Okay so he tried going away. Hisoka began walking. Still Tsuzuki followed. Hisoka paused. You can see a stress mark forming on his temple.   “Hey, why do you have marks on your temples?” Tsuzuki asked curiously. Hisoka turned to glare at him.   “Do you mind?” he stated. Tsuzuki just beamed and shook his head ‘no’.   “I’m fine.”   Hisoka threw his hands up in frustration making Tsuzuki back away, finally. He then stomped angrily back to ‘his and Muraki’s’ room. Tatsumi was such a cheapskate. Tsuzuki just stared in confusion.   -X-   Muraki walked around the ship looking for Hisoka. He didn’t bother thinking about checking the room so he wandered for about an hour or so. After a few more minutes he gave up and finally remembered the room. Thus, he went on towards the cabins.   Just as he arrived he bumped into Tsuzuki who was headed his way. They met up where the door had just opened revealing Hisoka and Maria about to exit. God knows they were having a very normal conversation. But the two rivals weren’t paying attention to them. They just decided to throw as many flirty insults at the other. It usually began like this.   “Tsuzuki-san, it’s been awhile. Here I thought you finally died and gone back to hell as you are his right hand man,” Muraki said.   “I did but he let me come back because you’d miss me too much,” Tsuzuki responded.   “Oh, you got me there, Tsuzuki-san.”   “Yeah but he said he couldn’t wait for you. As much as doth protest too much he didn’t give in.”   “Your charms aren’t working anymore.”   “Don’t be jealous just because I’m so attractive.”   “Oh yes, your sex appeal is very charming. Tell me, who could resist your charms?”   “That’d be kind of hard to think of-“   “I can,” Hisoka stated in between their talk and walked past Tsuzuki to get to the upper deck. Hisoka was kind of getting tired of them. Their bickering was grating on his nerves. He wondered if they liked each other so much why don’t they just get it over with and confess. Grumbling something under his breath, he just continued walking not bother to look back.   “You two,” Maria began, “He’d probably end up in a ward just because of what you’re doing. Lucky enough I saved him from jumping out the window.” She finished and ran up towards Hisoka to catch up to him. After all they never got their Italian so they’re making it up. They both stared in complete confusion.   “You still haven’t made things up with him. It’s no wonder he avoids you like the plague. Oh well, makes my job much easier,” Tsuzuki said before happily walking back up to the deck. He threw the doctor an evil smirk and continued on. Muraki sighed before entering his room. He needed to plan something. If he played his cards right then it would all be okay.   -X-   Hisoka rubbed his forehead to ease his headache. He was around minds and emotions were coming at him a mile a minute. He wondered why everyone thought too much. Maria went back to the stage as they requested her again leaving him alone to fend for himself against lecherous people. Their thoughts were so unbearable. He wanted to leave.   Then he felt it: this emotion of complete and utter happiness with a deep darkness lingering there.   He groaned in annoyance. Why is it that he was always around?   “Hisoka-chan! What are you doing here all by yourself? Where’s Maria?’ Tsuzuki asked draping an arm across his shoulder. Hisoka wasn’t aware that he let out a soft growl. Well the only good thing about this was that with contact he only felt Tsuzuki’s emotions and everyone else’s just disappeared. Same with Muraki who kept it blank like nothingness, so that was all he felt. He pointed towards the stage where Maria was performing again. Tsuzuki accepted.   “Well, while we’re here, why don’t I give you a tour,” Tsuzuki stated pulling Hisoka up.   “No thank you,” Hisoka said attempting to get free from Tsuzuki’s grasp.   “But I insist.”   Hisoka had no choice but to follow seeing how Tsuzuki dragged him by his wrist, which was impossible to pry himself. They stopped on the sides looking inconspicuous. Hisoka planned to escape but the older man had a good grip on him. He opted to stay and listen at what he had to say. Though he did wonder where Muraki went. Usually his ‘murderer’ would come and bail him out of this but not today, it seems.   “Hey, see him over there?” Tsuzuki asked pointing to an old man who was sitting by a very beautiful woman, “he’s a politician named Wakabayashi, the woman next to him is rumored to be his mistress the actress Houjo. And when you trail to the left across the room I’m sure you’ve meet Kakyoin, the owner of this ship and his daughter, Tsubaki. You better be careful around them, they’re very shady characters.” Tsuzuki explained. “Well that’s the end of our tour. If you want more information please ask the doctor he’ll be able to fill you in more. I’ll be seeing you again soon.” He stated happily, giving Hisoka a kiss on the cheek before disappearing. Hisoka narrowly missed him before he disappeared.   He fumed in anger. Then he groaned in pain softly at the intense emotions coming through to him from all angles. He forgot about that. Not wanting to stay longer he walked back. He stopped as he bumped into someone. There was a small screech before someone falling to the ground. He looked to see the girl Tsubaki that fell to the ground. She looked up at him saying to help. He grumbled something before picking up the flower and handing it over to her. She said her thanks and he nodded in recognition. He walked away before he could drown in some of her memories and emotions, he didn’t want to know what the doctor had done at all. First he needed to know what the hell was going on.   He entered their room. He saw Muraki examining something from, what he guessed, the Gushoshin’s laptop. He strutted over and slammed his hands on the table. Muraki looked up with an amused smile at him. Hisoka just glared as usual.   “Is there something you need bouya?” Muraki asked. Hisoka didn’t bother on the ‘kid’ part.   “I need you to tell me what the hell is going on,” Hisoka answered sternly.   Muraki stood up. Hisoka backed away a little crossing his arms across his chest awaiting some answers. He was rather surprised when Muraki steered him over to the bed. He didn’t like this one bit. Before he could protest he was pushed down with Muraki pinning him there. Not intimately mind you. Hisoka struggled as memories of that night the doctor pushed him down came to his mind. Muraki quickly subdued him.   “Sleep bouya. We need to be ready for tonight and tomorrow. Sleep,” Muraki stated slipping in with him and wrapping an arm around him. Hisoka stiffened. Although the comfort was welcome, he didn’t like it.   “What are you—“ Hisoka began.   “Shh, sleep and know that you will not be plagued by nightmares tonight.”   Hisoka felt his eyelids dropping, falling to Muraki’s spell. He soon fell asleep.   TBC-   BLK Angel of Destruction: Well that took a while for me to get but I’m working on it. It took me a while to figure out what the others that were killed to put them in. That was kind of tuff. Thanks for your reviews they help me get motivated!   Review! No flames! C+C accepted.