Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Only in Words ❯ Loving Jewels ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Loving Jewels

Part: I of Only in Words

Series: Yami no Matsuei

Category: Poem, shounen-ai/ yaoi, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Tsuzuki x Hisoka

Author: Requiem Duindain

e-mail: r_duindain@hotmail.com

Homepage: requiemharmony.cjb.net ~still in progress !~

Author's notes: It's part I of Only in Words! It's a Tsu x Hi fic so….yeah, it's Tsu x Hi, one of my fave pairings. Also, I would like to tell you all that Only in Words is a challenge to all fanfic writers out there. I don't care what kind of fanfic you write but it still goes out to you. I want you to try and write a fanfic or original story that can match the emotions I put into my poems. I look foreward to it!

Disclaimers: Yami no Matsuei belongs to Matsushita Yoko.

A moment that passed, unable to be relived again

Save for in my memories where they will never die

A desire confessed and love accepted

Even desired and loved back!

Never expected such things from you

It's a strong bond. quite frightening

Such suffocating emotions coming from you

But they are not bad at all.

Gives me a sense of being wanted and belonging

A sense of being cherished and revered

Gentle soul, quiet strength and those eyes I love

The most enchanting of jewels

Eyes I gazed into as you claimed my heart.

Your marks on my skin fading as I heal

But the moment, pain and pleasure intermingled, a forbidden love consummated

And your huffs of air in the silence of the room, your scent so sweet

Your eyes holding me in thrall as the moment stretched on for eternity

"Hisoka!" I'm right here my love!

"Tsuzuki…!" My voice quieted and soft.

And those amethyst eyes, lovely jewels, slide close to sleep.

And my eyes close to follow you.

--Kurosaki Hisoka