Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ Muraki’s plan ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another update that comes late but that's ok…. Because I have decided what to do with the rest of the story…. But am not going to tell you just yet.

Aww.. come on! Three reviews?! I fell so unwanted... maybe I should quit the story? Not!


xangel of death sarah: Â Well it is a PG13 story so hopefully it will end in a good way… he he…

Aisha Felina: You are right about YnM not being as good as it is without Muraki in it! About Tatsumi being smart… well…

DarkSapphireDragon: I love being evil!! Muhahahahaha!!


Puppies and Owls!

Chapter nine: Muraki's plan


Tsuzuki pulled with all his might to break the chain leash. When the chain was pulled the collar around Tsuzuki's neck was also pulled tight chocking the poor pup. "Let me lose this instant, Muraki or I'll swear you'll regret it!"

"I don't think he can hear you, Tsuzuki" Watari sighed from his cage on top of the dinner table. He looked at the pup with his huge golden eyes. "He left a few minutes ago"

Hisoka, who sat on the same table as Watari, poked his head over the edge. "I would hop down and help you, Tsuzuki, but I m afraid of breaking every bone in my body doing so"

Tsuzuki sat down and panted. He threw the chain a glare of hate. "Hate you" he muttered to it before turning back to Hisoka and Watari. "We have to do something or Muraki will hurt Tatsumi! Can't you hop down on a chair, Soka?" he asked.

Hisoka shook his head and his ears fell into his eyes before settling on the sides of his face again. "If you didn't notice, baka, Muraki took the chairs away from the kitchen to prevent me from coming down. The only chair in this room is the one that Tatsumi is tied to" he said.

Tsuzuki looked over to the still knocked out Tatsumi. The secretary was tightly bound to one kitchen chair with a thin silver rope. His chin lay against his chest and he breathed so lightly that you might think that he didn't breathe at all.

Tsuzuki sighed and lowered his body to the ground. "I bet that Muraki is getting more of that potion to drug Tatsumi as well" he sighed sadly. "Will that psychopath keep drugging us and keep us all as pets?" he wondered loudly.

"I don't think so, my wet nosed friend..:" a smooth voice came from before him.

Tsuzuki snapped his head up and growled. "Kurosaki!" jumping to his feet he dashed at the cat.

Kurosaki just sat there as he didn't fear a thing in the world and cleaned his paw.

Tsuzuki grinned as he jumped at him. "Got yhaaaaaa.. GNNNN!" he halted when the chain snapped tight and he was pulled of his feet. "Ite…"

Hisoka and Watari sweat dropped. "Baka…"

Kurosaki looked at him and walked up to the pup on the floor. "What's the matter? Can't catch a sitting target? You are one pathetic dog" he sniggered and purred. "Now that I know that you can't catch me I'll finish the `lunch' that you stopped me from having before"

Watari tensed hard. "Wait a minute!! You can't mean me!! I mean, I m old and tough and probably taste bad!" he panicked as the cat jumped up on the table. "Look at me! There is hardly any meat on me!!" he shrieked.

Kurosaki just licked his nose. "A bird is a bird and I m designed to catch them, but master was so kind to leave you where I can reach you without straining myself to much"

Hisoka hopped over and stood between the cat and the bird. "Even though you have my name you sound like Muraki" he snorted. Stomping his hind paw he glared at the cat. "Leave my friend alone!"

Kurosaki just laughed. "What can a fluffy yellow bunny do to stop me? And besides, you will soon move from here and then the bird is mine" he said and hopped from the table and landed in Tatsumi's lap. He sprawled himself out and just relaxed. "I can wait until you are gone, bunny"

Tsuzuki, who had recovered from his `attack', looked at the cat with questioning eyes. `Something doesn't feel right about this…' "What are you talking about?"

Kurosaki purred loudly and rolled over to his back. "Well, I lay in master's lap when he called the newspaper. He asked them if they could put `two animals for sale' in today's paper, so by tomorrow… I m having bird for breakfast…" he said and licked his mouth as if he could taste Watari.

Watari went stiff before falling of his stick, his small body couldn't handle the stress and the small owl fainted.

Tsuzuki's jaw dropped. "Muraki is going to sell two of us?!?!"

"Where in the world did you hear that, Tsuzuki-san?" Muraki asked as he entered the room without anyone noticing him. He went over to the table and looked at the unconscious owl. "My, what happened here?"

Tsuzuki growled at the doctor. "We just got the news from that cat of yours! Have you been planning this all along ever since you heard about the potion?!" he barked angrily.

Muraki chuckled and placed his bag on the table almost hitting Hisoka doing so. "Well, not really. I never planned on drugging the boy, but how in the world can I pass up the chance if it is right in front of me? About Tatsumi-san over there… well, I guess if I turn him to an animal as well I would get him out of my hair. I figured out last night after bringing you back here that I could make some money if I sell that boy and the secretary so that's is why I called the newspaper last night" he said and picked up the cat. Stroking Kurosaki's head he smiled. "I didn't know you liked to talk that much…"


"Tatsumi! You're awake!" Tsuzuki barked.

The blue eyed secretary opened his eyes and looked around. After shifting his body he realised that he was tied up. "What happened…?" he asked groggily. His blue eyes landed on the doctor that was placing a yellow cat on the floor. "Muraki" he confirmed.

"I see that you are awake, Tatsumi-san. Want something for that headache?" he asked and turned his back. He pulled out a cup from the bag and placed it on the table before pulling out the potion vile within his pocket. He smiled as he poured the potion in the cup.

"What kind of ropes are these? They are thin but I can't break them!" Tatsumi grunted as he fought the ropes as well as the headache. He saw Muraki chuckle and frowned. "Don't tell me that I m weaker then I thought…"

"Heavens, no! Those ropes are made of a special mix of woman's hair and silver, created to bind shingamis such as you and Tsuzuki-san. If you look down at the pup, Tsuzuki-san that will say, you'll notice that he is chained with the same material. Now would you like some headache soothing tea?" he asked and held out the cup to the secretary.

Tatsumi looked into the cup and saw a strange blue liquid. His head pounded but still his mind told him that it was unsafe to accept anything from the doctor. "What is that stuff?" he asked. If he could buy some time the headache would probably go away.

As if Muraki saw his plan he smiled. "It is an exotic mixture that I got from a friend at the hospital. It is very safe and helps any kind of ache" he said with his `sweet' smile.

Tatsumi liften one eyebrow before grinning at the doctor. "If you say that it is as safe as you say, then you take some first"

"Go Tatsumi!! Tsuzuki and Hisoka cheered. There were absolutely no way Muraki could make Tatsumi drink any of that potion.

Muraki's smile dropped and he stared at the cup.

Tatsumi smirked. "Why are you hesitating? You SAID that it WASN'T dangerous…"

Muraki sighed and held out the cup. "You got me. I knew that I wouldn't be available to fool the secretary of the great underworld. Now you ether drink or one of your little friends gets hurt" he threatened, tired of waiting.

Hisoka looked up. He jumped behind Watari's cage and tried to make himself as small as possible. "I bet that he means `or I'll hurt the boy'" he mumbled.

Tsuzuki barked and growled as he pulled on the chain. `I have to break it or Tatsumi is going to drink that vile potion! I swear to god that I'll pour it out in the toilet where it belongs!!' he thought. His small neck hurt from the collar digging into it, but he kept on pulling. The chain didn't give an inch but the hook it attached to the wall did. After another mighty pull he felt the hook pop loose and he was dashing forwards. "Tatsumi NO!!!"

Tatsumi watched as the cream coloured pup dashed at them. "Tsuzuki!"

Muraki was about to turn and look at the pup but never got the chance to do so. He cursed as the pup sank his small, but sharp, teeth into his ankle. "Ite! Let go, Tsuzuki-san!" he growled at the pup.

"Yo wele Tassume aloe!" Tsuzuki growled without letting go. He hoped that Muraki would drop the cup in surprise but instead the doctor calmly placed the cured cup on the table and bent down. Tsuzuki yelped in pain as Muraki grabbed his ear and yanked him loose. "OW OW OW OW!!"

Muraki growled at the pup. "You better learn not to attack me, Tsuzuki-san. You will soon be with me forever and I will not tolerate such childish actions"

Tatsumi watched as the doctor dragged the poor pup by the ear over to the door to what he presumed was the bedroom. "You cruel lowlife, what are you doing to Tsuzuki?!" he snapped when the doctor threw the pup into the room and closed the door.

Muraki made sure that the door was closed before moving back to where he had left the cup. "That is nothing compared to what I'll do with the bunny over there if you don't dring this potion"

"What will you do to Kurosaki-kun?"

Muraki smiled. "Are you sure that you want to know?" he asked. Grabbing the hiding bunny by grabbing the hide by the neck, he walked over to the window and opened it. He held the now panicked bunny out through the opening, his eyes never leaving Tatsumi. "Willing to risk it?"

Tatsumi growled. How could Muraki even think of such a thing? `Hisoka is probably screaming at me not to do it, but I can't let one of my dearest friends die because of me' "You win" he sighed and lowered his head. "Just let Hisoka be"

Muraki nodded and dropped Hisoka on the table again. "That's a very good choice"

Hisoka could feel his little heart race as he panted, trying to calm down. "I have never been so scared before!" he whispered to himself and his trembling legs gave out under him. "Tsuzuki…"

"Please leave him alone, Muraki! Please!" Tsuzuki whined from inside the bedroom.

Tatsumi heard the pup whine and saw a small paw clawing at the crack under the door and a small black nose poking out from underneath. He felt so sorry for Tsuzuki as he heard the pup whine. He turned back to where Muraki stood with the cup once again. He closed his eyes as the cup was placed to his lips and the sweet liquid was poured down his throat.


Sorry for the lousy chap, but alas… I m having a bad day…

Please R&R! this fic lives on reviews!