Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ You try it ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Puppies and Owl!
Chapter eighteen: You try it
Hisoka yawned and stretched out on the desk, bored out of his skull. He eyed the owl that was hopping around the cup with the golden potion inside it. “How long is he going to eye that stuff? He has been doing it for hours” he asked the pup that was almost asleep beside him.
Tsuzuki opened one eye and looked at the bunny. “Well you know Watari. He needs to make sure that the potion is absolutely perfect before he does anything” he muttered and closed his eye again.
Tatsumi was sitting on the hat hanger that was collecting dust in the corner. He yawned, his black beak opening widely and shook his head afterwards. “What is he looking for? Lumps or dirt? Watari can't make a potion that works if his life depended on it” he said and made his way across the room and landed on the desk by Tsuzuki's nose.
The pup lifted his head and sneezed when the soft feathers brushed against his sensitive nose. He opened his eyes and saw a very annoyed Tatsumi. “Sorry”
Tatsumi shook his head to get rid of the slobber that had been splattered all over him. “Tsuzuki, use your hand to cover your mouth when you sneeze! Where are your manners?” Tatsumi asked.
Tsuzuki used one front paw to tap the desk softly while looking down at the paw, his creamy fur slightly red. “I guess my manners went with my human for, besides, Tatsumi, you know that I don't have hands. I'm a dog remember?”
Tatsumi sighed and walked over to Hisoka in case Tsuzuki would sneeze again. The bit slobbery cockatoo turned his blue eyes to the scientist of the group that was still hopping around the potion, stopping ever so often to push his glasses up on his beak. “Watari, when are you done staring at the potion? Looking to see if it is correctly made?” he asked the blond.
Watari looked over to the three tired animals with confusion written all over his face. “What? Were you saying something?”
“Yes. When do you think you have stared enough at the potion and made sure it will work?”
The owl looked at Tatsumi and tilted his head. “I'm sure the potion works, no doubt about it. That is not the reason I have been studying it” he explained and hopped over to the group.
Tsuzuki was rubbing his nose with his paw before he looked at Watari. “Then why? Why did you take hours to stare at it when you know it works?” he asked. “Not that I believe you, I mean, you were sure the potion that made us into this would work and look at us now” he said and pointed to the group.
Watari shrugged and plucked a loose feather on his wing. “Aww, come on, Tsuzuki! I just miscalculated the amount of Gilly I should use. I was in a bit of a hurry wen I made that potion”
Hisoka looked at the owl with one raised eyebrow. “'Gilly?' What the heck is that?”
Watari hopped over to the rack and petted a tube with a green liquid in it. “This is Gilly! I made her myself! Isn't she beautiful?” he said and hugged the said potion. “I use her a lot!”
Hisoka sighed. “Figures” he muttered and started to clean his nose and moving forwards his left ear with his front paws.
Tsuzuki looked confused. “Could you answer my question? Why did you stare at the potion?”
Watari pushed his glasses up on his beak and closed his eyes. “I was wondering who would test it first, that's why. I'm saying this right now that it isn't going to be me who test it!” he said and puffed himself up, trying to look bigger then he was.
Tatsumi raised his crest and towered over the owl. “Are you saying that we could have been turned back into humans hours ago? Why didn't you tell us that earlier and why don't you test our own potion if you are so sure that it works?!” he asked, using the same tone he used on Tsuzuki when he asked for a raise last month. You know, the scary one that made Tsuzuki feel like a chibbi in Tatsumi's presence.
Watari didn't look all that frightened by Tatsumi's evil glare. He shrugged and pushed his glasses up. “Well, I created the potion so it is only fare that I don't have to test it first” he said simply.
Tsuzuki looked at the potion and gulped. “Well, I'm not going to be a guinea pig again! Tatsumi, why don't you try it? I mean, you have never tested one of Watari's potions so far… it would only be fair”
The cockatoo puffed up two sizes and shook his head. “No way. I'm to important to die now” he said and looked at Watari.
The owl gaped and frowned. “Are you saying that my potion might kill you? What nonsense! My potions have never harmed anyone before! Not seriously anyway”
“I still remember when you fooled Terazuma into drinking that love potion. Do you recall that he fell for every woman he met and every time he touched them he turned into a monster and started to chase them around?”
Watari blinked. “It wasn't my fault. I thought the potion would make him resistant to women's touch. How did I know it would backfire?”
“Hey, shouldn't we concentrate on the potion? We can argue about that later” Tsuzuki stepped in between the two birds. “Honestly you two are acting like a married couple!”
“And you and Hisoka are any different?” Watari and Tatsumi asked at the same time.
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
The three animals turned their heads and looked at the slightly panting bunny. Their eyes were wide as plates.
Hisoka took a deep breath and eyes the bakas before him. “We don't have time to argue as Tsuzuki said. I'll take the potion” he said and hopped over to the cup holding the potion. He looked at the liquid. He looked back at Watari. “If something bad happens to me, Tsuzuki will punish you” he said and placed his front paws on the cup and dipped his head in.
Tsuzuki tilted his head. “Why should I punish him for? It was you who volunteered” he said as Hisoka pulled back.
Watari looked up at the pup. “I shouldn't be answering that question but if the potion fails and he dies, he will not be able to punish me himself now can he?” he asked.
The pup though for a second and nodded. “You're right! Why didn't I think of that?”
Tatsumi closed his eyes and stretched his wings. “Because you are a baka that's why”
Hisoka licked the golden liquid of his upper lip and sat back down on the desk. He looked at the others. “I don't feel any different. Do I look any different? Have I changed colour or something?” he asked.
Tsuzuki looked Hisoka over, nose to tail. “I don't know”
Tatsumi sighed and shook his head. “Don't ask him. He's colour blind”
Watari blinked. “Really? Since when?”
Tsuzuki tensed and turned to Watari. “Hush! Don't say a word!” he whispered to the owl.
Tatsumi turned to Tsuzuki, his wings hanging by his sides to make him look bigger and more threatening. “What was that, Watari?”
Watari smiled and pointed up to Tsuzuki. “He is not colour blind as far as I know. He could tell the difference between a yellow and a green ball when Muraki played fetch with him. Why would you tell Tatsumi that you are colour blind?” he asked and looked at the now slowly backing pup.
Tatsumi hopped after Tsuzuki as the pup backed away from him. “Because he is lazy! He is one lazy shingami! I should make sure that you don't get paid this month!”
“Please don't, Tatsumi! I'm sorry ok?” Tsuzuki whined as he reached the edge. He knew that Tatsumi had a sharp beak and he didn't want to get bitten by him.
Hisoka was debating if he should break them up or let Tatsumi go on. He stood up after deciding that he would break them up only to feel the surface under him wobble before the world started to spin before his eyes. “What is h-happening…?”
Watari looked away from Tatsumi and Tsuzuki and looked at the bunny. He noted that Hisoka was moving wobbly and was slowly moving forwards the edge of the Desk. “Bon? Are you alright?” he asked.
Tsuzuki heard Watari's question and looked up. He spotted the bunny just before Hisoka toppled of the desk. “HISOKA!” he barked and jumped over Tatsumi to try to catch the bunny before he hit the ground.
Too late.
“Hisoka!” Tatsumi cried and quickly made his way to Tsuzuki's side. He was followed a equally worried Watari.
Tsuzuki looked over the edge but didn't see Hisoka anywhere. “Hisoka! Are you alright?” he called.
“Should I fly down and check on him?” Asked Tatsumi.
Watari looked at him. “Why are you asking that for? It is not like me and Tsuzuki is going to stop you or anything”
“Oww… my back…”
Tsuzuki's ears perked up when he heard Hisoka's voice. “Hisoka, you are ok! I'm so glad!” he called, his tail wagging like mad.
A loud rustle was heard from under the desk as Hisoka moved. “Tsuzuki, stop barking! My head hurt enough without that annoying noise!” Hisoka snapped and clutched his head. He moved out from under the desk and stood up, trying hard not to fall over.
Tatsumi, Watari and Tsuzuki couldn't help but stare. Tsuzuki could feel his throat itch to say something about what he saw. Amethyst eyes moved up and down before his mouth gave in to the itching. “Nice view”
“Tsuzuki! Behave!” Tatsumi snapped at the pup.
Hisoka could hear his friends behind him and frowned. What he heard wasn't human words… He turned around and stared at the animals on the desk. Why did they seem so small for and what the heck were they staring at?
Watari pushed his glasses up. “Well I'll be… it worked”
Emerald eyes stared at the owl. He knew that Watari had said something but all he heard was hooting. He noted that Tsuzuki wasn't looking at his face and looked down to see what his pup friend was looking at. “ACK!” he shrieked when he noted that he was only wearing the think he was born with: his own skin. Covering himself he snatched up Tsuzuki's shirt and used it to hide himself. “Tsuzuki! Stop staring or I'll drag you out from here by your ear!” he growled and was satisfied when the pup turned his head with a whine.
Tatsumi looked at Hisoka and frowned. There was something wrong here. “Watari, do you think that he can understand us?” he asked as the three turned around so that Hisoka could find something to cover himself up with.
The owl tilted his head and thought. “If my potion worked, I don't think so. The potion we just created is to undo the effects that the first potion made. The ability to hear animals will also go away” he said after a few minutes.
Tsuzuki looked down at the golden owl. “But Muraki understood us and he hadn't taken the potion”
Watari sighed and looked down at the desk. “Well, Muraki himself is a mystery. Might be the demonic powers in him that makes him able to hear animals. But then again, he said once that he couldn't understand Kurosaki…” he ended and scratched his head.
“My God, Tsuzuki! What size do you have on your shirts?” Hisoka asked as he finished buttoning the shirt he had borrowed from his partner. The shirt was threatening to slide down his shoulders even though the top button was done. The shirt reached down all the way to his knees, making him look much younger then he really was.
Tsuzuki turned around and saw Hisoka pulling on his cloths. He frowned. “Hisoka, don't you dare to use my boxers!”
Sorry for a un-funny chap and that it was crappy… sorry did I forget to mention that it was crappy? I'll make it up to you all when I fight my way out from my writer's block!