Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Fan Fiction ❯ Aria and Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Aria, they all belong to Kozue Amano, and the series of Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko was created by Hitoshi Ashinano. I’m only borrowing them for awhile. This is a yuri fanfiction, so if that sort of thing bothers you I’d suggest reading something else. It also is a alternate continuity to the regular YKK world....

Aria and Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko

The Second Age of Man

By the mid twenty-first century, the Earth’s population had hit a low point, caused in part due to climate change and other natural disasters. For a time, people believed that this might represent the winding down of the human species, but remarkably the population began to bounce back. Slowly then with increasing vigor humanity began to repopulate the world, their cultures shifting and evolving as they did do. The return of the experimental craft the Taapon provided a technological boost for the survivors, and helped guide humanity’s development in the years to come.

The terraforming of Mars had first begun before the disaster hit Earth, and continued on as the future colonists realized they might not have a home to return to. As a side effect of being cut off from Earth’s resources the scientists miscalculated the amount of water they released from the ice caps of mars, flooding the world and eventually resulting in it being renamed Aqua. As humanity recovered on Earth and ventured back out into space they made contact with Aqua, and by 2301 there was regular commercial and tourist travel between them.

Because of the catastrophe Earth’s population never recovered to twentieth century levels, and their society had developed along more technologically advanced lines. Robots and machinery began to take over previously manpower intensive tasks such as farming, construction, etc, etc, freeing humans to pursue their personal development. However there has been some backlash against this technology dependant culture which has spurred immigration to the more primitive world of Aqua.

An extract from the Encyclopedia Wikipediax, 2325 edition.

The breeze gently swirled the surface of the water in the canal, sending tiny ripples across the blue surface in a delicate pattern. As the ripples traveled the gondola smoothly slid across the water, a steady hand guiding it gently forward as the sun’s rays kissed warm skin.

Akagi Mizunashi gracefully guided the gondola, her light pink flowing over her shoulders in two streams. She wore the single glove of a journeyman undine, her smile warm as they enjoyed the scenery around them. Early this morning she had woken up at Aria company, planning on practicing today, but when Miss Alicia went out and a pair of customers arrived needing a Undine, Akagi volunteered immediately.

The two ladies were from the nation of Japan on Manhome, and both seemed a bit unusual compared to other clients Alpha had served. It wasn’t the hair colors or their beauty, tho both were unique, but instead a odd air of serenity both woman had, as if they had experienced a great deal and could handle whatever came up Now sitting on the gondola and taking in the sights the two young looking women were clearly enjoying themselves, one taking many photographs with a expensive looking camera while the other sat close, gently holding on to her hand.

“Miss Hatsuseno,” Akagi said as she shifted the paddle to carefully control the rocking of the boat, “I hope you’re getting the shots you want.”

Alpha Hatsuseno smiled as she put the camera down in her lap, her green hair falling into her eyes as she said, “This city is beautiful!” She chuckled softly and chided Akagi, “And please, call me Alpha.”

“All right,” Akagi conceded, “Miss Alpha.”

The light purple haired young woman chuckled softly, “Alpha won’t let you get away with miss, either.” She offered her hand, “My name is Kokone Hatsuseno.”

Akagi carefully gripped her oar with one hand as she shook Kokone’s hand. Noting the similarity in their looks she politely asked, “Are you two sisters, Miss Kokone?”

“Ah, no,” Kokone looked a bit sheepish.

Alpha reached out to take Kokone’s hand as she explained, “Actually, this is a sort of belated honeymoon for us.”

“Oh?” Akagi blinked, then her eyes widened as she smiled, “Oh! Congratulations.”

Kokone blushed, “Thank you.”

“This is the first time we’ve left Earth,” Alpha admitted, “do you have any suggestions?”

Akagi smiled, the Aria company uniform fluttering around her legs as she guided them through a turn, “Oh, I think I know a few places.”

Guiding them through the city’s canals Akagi took them to a old fashioned baked potato stand, the scent of the sweet potatoes lingering in the air. Ordering she was careful not to get any butter or toppings for Alpha’s then they returned to the boat to eat, savoring their food with a thermos of tea she had packed for the occasion.

“You can’t eat them with butter?” Akagi asked sympathetically.

Alpha nodded, her expression more amused than anything. “My body just can’t tolerate animal proteins,” she explained, “but I have no idea why.”

“Hmmm,” Kokone exclaimed happily as she ate her food, “they don’t make food like this on Earth anymore.”

“Or go out to a roadside stand and get it,” Alpha noted thoughtfully as she munched, “it’s all home delivered now.”

Kokone paused in her eating as she looked up at Alpha, “Are you thinking of...?”

Alpha just winked at Kokone as she looked over at Akagi, “So, where to next?”

With that Akagi took them on a tour of the city, smoothly pointing out the sights like the Bridge of Sighs, through the bustling marketplace then out along the channels to the sea. There they coasted along peacefully for a bit, her passengers seeming as content as Akagi to drift along, enjoying the sun, waves and the breeze playing over their skin.

“Akagi,” Alpha finally broke the comfortable silence, “how hard is it to learn to sail a gondola?” Not to be a undine,” she quickly added, “just to get around.”

“It’s really not too hard to learn,” Akagi admitted, “as long as you can swim.”

“Oh, I think I can manage,” Alpha smiled mysteriously as she and Kokone exchanged a amused look.

“She’ll be fine,” Kokone agreed with a chuckle.

Alpha looked back at the city, bustling and full of life as she quietly asked, “Kokone, what do you think?”

“It’s different, but it reminds me of Yokohama back then, with the people and all the things to do,” Kokone answered promptly.

“And the sort of place a delivery woman might find work?” Alpha asked her with a sly little smile.

Kokone chuckled softly as she answered, “Or where a café that’s a little off the beaten track might do well.”

“Wha?” Akari blinked, looking confused.

Akari didn’t find out what they were talking about until nearly a month later. She and Alicia were cleaning up at Aria Company’s headquarters when the massive cat President Aria made a excited sound at the arrival of the mail boat.

“Oh, there’s a new mail person,” Alicia noted, the tall woman looking out the window as Akari headed to the door.

“Hello Akari,” Kokone smiled, standing cautiously in the boat as she handed them their packages, “nice to see you again.”

“You decided to stay?” Akari realized as she took their mail.

“Alpha and I,” Kokone agreed, “in fact, your invitation should be in this mail delivery.”

“Invitation?” Alicia wondered as she flipped through the mail till she found the small envelope. Opening it she read aloud., “The employees of Aria Company are invited to attend the grand opening of Café Alpha II....”

“We’ll be looking forward to seeing you,” Kokone said as she headed down to the boat then off to her next stop.

“You know,” Alicia mused after a moment’s thought, “from what you’ve said Akari I think they’ll fit in here just fine.”


Notes: The disaster leading to the world in Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko occurs a unknown time in the future, so it wasn’t too hard to fit it into Aria’s past.