Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Endless Ilumination ❯ Light Chapter 8 Curse of the Exia ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8 Curse of the Exia
“Aura; the time is now… the Erasers must be moved into position to claim or destroy the Exia. Jenova is making her move now, and we must be ready for every possibility. I cannot risk losing this Exia, not when I'm this close to achieving my own goals. So many pieces are moving against me… so little time and always being watched by the gods. That is why you are here, so go and bring him back, or his head as a trophy; I'm counting on you…”
“Yes Balance… my master…”
The sun shown into Blair's room; it hit Brett's eye and finally woke him from his slumber. His body was causing him a great amount of pain, but he knew in a few short hours he would finally get checked by the nurse. Brett was starting to become increasingly worried about it; this morning it felt much harder to keep the pain at bay. His power was beginning to loss its effect and he was losing sleep; Brett had been holding it back for over a full week; it was taking too much effort, and he did not have any idea how much longer he could last.
Any mistake could cripple him for good, and then Blair began to slowly wake causing Brett to yet again mask the pain. She moved a little at a time; Brett had noticed she was in the exact same position she was in when she fell asleep. Her leg was wrapped around his, and her eyes fluttered and opened. She smiled at him; she had grown so close to him, and that is how she felt. Last night was beyond her expectations, and she still wanted more which she would get since she knew he was not going to leave her.
“So was I good last night at kissing?” Blair asked with a bashful face; Brett forced a smile despite the pain. “Of course you were, and soon we will have to go on our second date.” Blair was happy with his excitement over a second date; there was no way she would pass up a second one. “I cannot wait; last night was so perfect! It was exactly how I always though a first date should go.”
No pause was needed and Blair felt relief; she was worried that Brett may have been falling for Jasmine. Now her fears had been put to rest; it was nearly nine a clock, and Blair knew she had to get ready. She got up and flipped her hair to try and make it slightly neater. Brett stayed perfectly sill; he was unsure if getting up would cause more pain. Blair looked back and just figured he was still tired or waking up from a wonderful slumber.
Quickly she grabbed some clothes and bunched them together so Brett could not see. “Hey Brett I'm just going to go for a shower, and when I can get back we can go. Also I will be wearing something special for you; as a thank you for last night.” She walked over to give him a kiss; when she leaned Brett put his hand on the back of her head.
Brett gave her another kiss like last nights that she craved; soon they stooped leaving Brett to say something romantic. “Blair I'm your boyfriend now; you do not have to worry about me leaving you. I'm going to be right here waiting, you're just way to damn cute all the time.”
Blair was giddy as a schoolgirl and bounded off to the door giving Brett one last wink before she opened the door to leave. Then for no reason the pain came rushing back, and this time it was easily ten times more powerful then before. The pain crippled his entire body, and every second was agonizing torture. Brett lifted his arm to try and signal Blair; he prayed for her to turn around and help him. He forced his mouth open to yell anything, but only silent gasps escaped his parched throat.
The door shut; leaving Brett to writhe in an unbelievable amount of pain. All of his body was shutting down with no control left in his body. The feeling in different places disappeared leaving no feeling of the soft sheets, but there was still the pain, the unbelievable excruciating pain. Muscles spasms plagued his arms and legs; his limbs whipped in every direction without any control from Brett. No matter the amount of pain that felt like nails being driven into his mind; he could not scream or do anything to relieve the pressure. Blair walked away from the room; blissfully unaware of what was going on.
The alarm continued to buzz in Axel's room; he finally rolled over and woke up rubbing his still half shut eye. His other hand crashed down on the clock; ending the aggravation of the alarm. He looked at the time, and almost instantly he was fully awake with an alarmingly panicked voice. “Oh damn! I have to find Brett; I should have been up ages ago; I need to get him to a doctor before things get any worse… this is not good…..”
Axel changed quickly; forgetting to shower or his deck. Nothing took priority over this task; if things continued it was his fault for not doing anything. He ran out of the dorm and immediately noticed Chazz standing around. “Hey Chazz; you seen Brett at all? Come on this an emergency!”
Chazz looked at Axel all confused about why he was being asked this question; “what do I look like..? His girlfriend? Why don't you go ask Blair; course you would probably find her attached to him anyway!” Axel would have laughed if not being in such a rush, but left halfway through Chazz's speech.
Axel ran all the way to the girls dorm as fast as he could move, and yet Brett was no where to be seen. Axel ran over to the girl standing guard and began questioning her. “Hey is Brett here?”
The obelisk girl stuck her nose up to Axel, and snap fully told Axel that it was none of his business. Axel tried to protest his situation to the guard, but was getting no where at all. He could blow by her, but feeling anxious to keep his promise caused Axel to try his case again in a more desperate voice. “Come on this is serious! I got a friend who may be in danger!” The girl simply looked her nails over and yawned, giving Axel's story no attention what so ever.
Blair came out of the shower wearing her Obelisk Blue uniform; she knew Brett would love it, and if he liked it then she would wear it. Brett was so important that she would do anything within the comfort zone for him. To her Brett was a keeper, and Blair never felt bad so long as he was with her. She took one last deep breath and got ready to go back in to Brett with her uniform. Just when she was making sure she was looking her best, did she hear Alexis's voice filled with excitement. “Blair you have to hear the news!”
Alexis's voice was so ecstatic that Blair had no idea what had caused this, but the smile on Alexis's face was so bright that it must be good. “Jaden is back Blair; I do not know how, but he is back!” Blair smiled at the idea that her friend was back; Jasmine and Mindy came running up behind Alexis, but Blair thought how happy this would make her guy. “Brett is going to be so happy that Jaden is back!” Blair stated and turned away, and started running to tell Brett the news; with the other three girls following close behind.
Blair stopped in front of her door to regain her composure. She took one last deep breath before she burst through the door; “Brett I have great news for you…”
Then Blair's statement froze, along with the other three girls to the sight before them. Brett lay on the bed; his body twitched and spasms violently. His visible body was drenched in sweat and he was writhing in pain.
Alexis backed up and froze; the sight scarred her half to death. Mindy ran out of the room and called for help from anyone, and soon Jasmine ran out to after the initial shock; screaming for any aid. Blair was speechless; she could not cry or even make a sound at this sight. She ran over, and she was in a complete panic. His eyes looked over at her and Blair put her hands on his head trying to hopefully do anything for him. She pulled away a second later from the heat; he was burning up, and Blair was scared for his life.
The cries for help traveled down the dorm till they reached the entrance; Axel froze in terror and figured he was to late already. He quickly rushed the guard knocking her to the ground, and ran past all the girls who were frozen from the screams for help. He arrived at Blair's room the same time as Mrs. Fontaine, and Axel had a very serious look about him. They both entered and could not believe the sight of Brett lying there and uncontrollably writhing. Blair kept telling Brett to hold in between her sobs, her mind just could not bare to see this.
Everyone's hearts were being hurt by this display; to see their friend or loved one like this was painful, but especially painful for Blair. Every second of pain he experienced was causing her pain in her heart. Axel stood in the doorway; his fist closed tightly and his teeth grinded together because of the sense that he caused this. It was his fault this had happened; he should have gotten help while there was time, but he did not and Bret was suffering because of it.
The movement did not stop once; Blair put her hand onto Brett's forehead despite the heat to support him. The other girls got beside him and offered their support however they thought was best. Gasps of air escaped Brett's mouth in place of words, thew ability to speak was now gone permanently. Blair squeezed Brett's hand with her other hand tightly, just trying to comfort him while Mrs. Fontaine checked him over.
Mrs. Fontaine inspected all the signs, but she had never seen anything this advanced in terms of a disease. Nothing she had come across looked this bad, and she knew about what Brett was. This had crippled him and was wrecking his body, a body Fontaine had marveled at earlier. Every second that passed things seemed to be getting worse for Brett. Mrs. Fontaine slammed her fists into the edge of the bed in frustration. “I have no clue what it is; I cannot help him. I have never seen anything this bad before, I do not think we can save him even if we had a full hospital.”
“There has to be something; anything that you could do for him!” Blair shouted, but she only shook her head before she regained her composure. “We need to get him to the infirmary at least, and right away!”
Axel could not take all this waiting around any longer, and ran in to pick Brett up off the bed. “Come on, let's get moving now!”
The commanding voice caused everyone to move, Axel was careful to keep Brett safely in his arms but moved quickly. All of them left the dorm running to the infirmary not wanting to waste more time. Blair was right beside Brett the whole time; his eyes were still open looking at her. His eyes expressed the suffering soul lying beneath everything, and all she could do was to tell him to hold on.
Alexis pulled out her PDA and typed a message informing their other friends about what was happening. Syrus, Chazz, and Hasleberry all checked the message; even Chazz was worried to the message's severity, and they all went quickly to the infirmary. Axel was slowed down by the constant writhing of Brett's body; he tried to hold Brett in an effort to stop it but it was nearly impossible. Brett was stronger then he was, but Axel would not give up since he had failed Brett once already.
The PDA beeped in Jaden's room, but he was in no mood to answer it. Since his return he had felt distant from his friends, and he began to think that it was wrong for him to be here. In the other dimension he had proved how much of a danger he was, and he would keep that danger away from his friends. He ignored the email and continued to lie in his bed blissfully unaware of what was transpiring. He never imagined the severity of the email, but Jaden could not bring that danger to his friends.
Axel entered the Infirmary and set Brett down on the closest bed. Mrs. Fontaine turned on the lights; she quickly prepped a needle filled with a drug that would subdue the pain. She inserted it into Brett; she was praying for it to relieve the pain, but once injected it yielded no noticeable effects of relief. Brett's clothes were completely drenched with his sweat and clinging to his body; Mrs. Fontaine hooked Brett up to an intravenous so his fluid levels could stay high.
A second the intravenous was hooked in, and Brett's back arched from the pain of more fluid his body loathed. He let out a scream that was heard throughout the entire school; the cream caused Blair's heart to skip a beat and she was scared. Every student was shaken by the long powerfully frightening scream. Brett stopped screaming only to collapse back to the bed bellow; his eyes shut and all movement stopped. Only slight breathing could be heard, and everyone wondered if the worst was over.
Alexis watched Blair and knew what a hard time she was having; she walked over and put her hands on Blair's shoulders. The effort was nice, but it was not helping Blair at all. Blair was helpless to do anything to help him, even after all the times he saved her. Syrus, Hasleberry, and Chazz all arrived, but they were not ready for the sight. No one could speak any words; Alexis waited but Jaden did not come.
“Did any of you see Jaden?” Alexis asked, and the three guys shook their heads no. “What is wrong with him? His friend is suffering and he is off pouting and ignoring us. What kind of…” Chazz said but stooped when he got overly frustrated. Chazz pulled his PDA and began to send more messages to Jaden.
The multiple beeps finally forced the last Slifar duelist up; he looked at his PDA and saw the multitude of messages. He opened the newest one, and tossed his PDA to the ground before he quickly ran out of the room towards the school. He arrived minutes later at the Infirmary; the sight of his friend was more then he could bear.
Most of friends had not seen him to this point in time, and he looked different. He still had mostly the same hairstyle, but he looked older. His appearance and expression was so much more mature. It was Jaden, and yet it was not him. This young man was different from the person everyone one knew and lover, but now was not the time for Jaden's story.
Alexis ran over and hugged Jaden; “I was afraid you were not going to come. It is good to see you Jaden; Brett is in a lot of trouble… just like always.” Jaden however did little in return to Alexis's comments, and was here only because of the severity. He was a lot more serious then most remembered him, but now other things were taking priority. Brett's temperature was steadily rising. Everyone was feeling powerless; the color was fading fast from his nails and cheeks.
Each minute things were getting worse; Jaden was pulled aside and got all of the information. He was overwhelmed at all the news about Brett and even the changes happening to everyone else. Jaden was shocked to all the news but distant, but now that he knew about how close Brett was with Blair, it was only harder. He walked over and tried to comfort Blair, but nothing made her any happier. She was going to stay at his side till he got better, no matter how long it took.
A few minutes later Mrs. Fontaine slammed her hands down on her desk after examining her medical books. “Damnit; how can I help him; If I cannot even diagnose this disease? Nothing even comes close, and there is no time to get him to a hospital.”
Everyone tried to ignore the statement, but this disease was an absolute mystery. Even Chazz was trying hard to think of anything that could help, but he could only get angry at his powerlessness. “This is not some kind of disease that you can cure with medicine…”
Everyone turned to the sound of the deep voice drew everyone's attention. Blair got up, but the man she saw was incredibly familiar; except for his long brown hair. “Brett?” She asked; the man looked at her and shook his head.
He walked forward; his black robe made him seem like a villain to Blair. She at first found herself not wanting to let this man near her boyfriend, but then she noticed his face was the same as Brett's. He walked over to Brett, but he spoke revealing a deeper more mature version of Brett's voice. “My name is Siarnaq; I'm like Brett… We are of the same race, but I'm the one whose power comes from darkness. This behind me is Misora…” Misora came out from behind him and bowed to them; she walked over and sat nearby.
The white complexion of the woman's face was only as bland as her expression. She wore a black trench coat, and she looked very unhappy in general. Misora kept an eye on Siarnak most of the time; looking to him to see if he was looking at her. Siarnaq never gave her a glance, and Blair was not enjoying this man's presence seeing how he had no love for his companion. Blair could not understand how someone could not show any emotion, Siarnaq was only serious and started to explain the situation.
“Listen I know all of your hearts ache for him, but there is nothing any of you can do; this is not a normal disease. Even I have just learned about it, and I may be the only one who can save him; so please let me explain... He has evolved far too fast for his body to be prepared, and now his excess of power is destroying his body from the inside. All of his bodily functions will shut down; only if his body has time to evolve could it have stopped this, but he did not have time. I do not yet know the cure; what I need is a quiet place to translate, read, and process the information in this notebook.”
Before Siarnaq could blink; Mrs. Fontaine had grabbed his arm and led the essentially older version of Brett to a quiet place. Blair did not want to leave Brett's side, but felt she had to. Blair ran up to him and grabbed his arm; “please hurry, I just do not want to lose him. You just have to save his life; no matter what, I won't let my Brett die!”
Blair was in tears and Siarnaq now understood Brett's motivation now. “I promise you all I will do everything in my power to save him. Please do what ever you think will help him survive this time. If anything will help him through this; it will be all of you…”
Mrs. Fontaine did not enjoy seeing Blair this upset, and pulled Siarnaq off into a quiet room. There he stayed for hours; nothing was heard from him. He read quickly through the text book; gathering information. He processed it all quickly, but there seemed to be no sign of any kind of cure. The notebook talked about some key problems, but solutions were few and far between.
Misora had introduced her self and explained how she had arrived here. She was saved by Siarnaq when she was moments away from death. She now felt like she owed him her very life, but she was depressed about her situation. Mrs. Fontaine kept giving Brett medicine to lower his fever; she then gave him drugs to get rid of his pain, but some twitching still happened. With each dosage that failed to yield real results
The fever reached new heights beyond belief; Brett's temperature hit 125 degrees Fahrenheit. All the color slowly faded from his cheeks, and all of his color faded from his skin. His head and chest were burning, but his limbs were absolutely frozen. Even his hair color was starting to turn white; it was like all the life was leaving his body and leaving him a ghost. Blair was having her heart torn apart from the sight, but she would not leave him. Her hand has on his chest, and she knew that he would get through this.
Alexis turned to see Jaden leaving; she ran out to stop him when Brett started to violently shake and cough. Mrs. Fontaine ran over and pushed him onto his side; Brett vomited onto the bed, despite the fact he had nothing in his stomach since last night. The girls cleaned him up and Mrs. Fontaine put Blair in charge of keeping a cold compress on his head at all times. Even a fresh cold cloth did not take long to overheat and need to be cooled, things seemed to no end to be getting worse.
Jaden turned and continued to walk away and Alexis grabbed his arm. “Why are you leaving, Brett needs are help now more then ever and you are just leaving?” She paused and hoped for Jaden to be the hero and stay. “I just cannot bear to see him like this Alexis… I cannot deal with this right now.” Jaden broke free from her grip and walked off; she was hurt but knew Jaden had his own problems.
The rag was constantly kept cold by Blair for the next few hours; she sat on the clean side of the bed beside his head. The fact that she was helping made it much easier on her; Axel finally got up and started apologizing; “AGH! This is all my fault; I'm so sorry Brett! And I'm so sorry to you to Blair; I knew about this yesterday, and did nothing! I promised to help him today and I failed; I just cannot take this any more!”
“It's not your fault, no one could stop this. At least I had yesterday with him.” Alexis ran over to Blair and made her look into Alexis's eyes. “Blair please do not say that; he will be fine, I promise. Please do not give up; he would not have lasted this long if he did not have you. He is holding on for you, and I promise he will be alright.” Blair appreciated the thought, but it was hard to believe at this point.
Three more hours passed before they heard someone come running into the room. Siarnaq burst in with the book firmly in his hand. Everyone looked up with anticipation; Siarnaq looked at Brett and knew time was running very short. “I know how we can save him; there is only one way to save him.”
Blair shot up; no matter how hard it was; she was ready to do anything. Siarnaq took one last deep breath before telling them the solution. “We need to perform a soul bonding ceremony; or he will not survive much longer…”