Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Pro League, or Lack Thereof! ❯ Mrs. Marafuji's Punishment ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: Well, I don’t really feel inspired, but I feel like I have to wrap up this arc soon. I had a really funny idea, but it won’t fit for a couple more chapters.

Disclaimer: No change in my not-owning status.


After lunch, Ryo just wanted to go home. He could see a line of photographers standing as close as they legally could to the restaurant.

Sho, on the other hand, had apparently ordered the most caffeinated type of tea in the restaurant, because he couldn’t wait to visit every shop in Tokyo! He didn’t really listen when Ryo told him that there were probably thousands of shops in Tokyo, and that it would take days to see them all.

Finally, they reached a compromise. They would leave if Ryo promised to take Sho out again the next time he visited.

It just figured that they would be as far away as possible from a subway station when they wanted to go home. Ryo actually began to wonder if there was a subway god that he had forgotten to acknowledge the last time he went to a shrine.

They had to walk in circles for eight kilometers before they finally found a station. Sho was so exhausted from this exercise that he fell asleep on the subway. Therefore, Ryo had to hold all the shopping bags in one hand, and constantly poke Sho awake with the other hand. It was tiring, to say the least.


Mrs. Marafuji was waitng at the front door when they got home. She was holding the lawn gnome.

“You still haven’t explained why this ended up in your closet! Yes, I can tell Tetsusaiga took it from the yard. However, you were wrong in not handing it over to me immediately when you found it. Therefore, I have devised a punishment. You must clean Sho’s room. And I mean thoroughly. You have to vacuum and make the bed, too!”

Mrs. Marafuji knew what she was talking about. Normally, Sho’s room looked like a junkyard that had been hit by a tsunami. It would take, oh, maybe three hours to finish cleaning it.

The worst part wasn’t cleaning the room. The worst part wasn’t even having Tetsusaiga tracking Ryo’s every move. No, the worst part was the fact that Sho just sat on the bed and watched Ryo work. He wasn’t gloating or anything. He was too shy to do that. But the fact that he was just sitting there and WATCHING grated on Ryo’s last nerves.
The torture finally ended when it was dinnertime. Ryo shoved some action figures in the closet, made Sho promise not to tell, and went down to dinner.

Ryo went to bed early. He was too tired even to kick Tetsusaiga off his bed, where the dog was lying on all the blankets.

The next morning, Ryo was preparing to leave. He should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.

He had one foot out the front door when his mom ran up to him. She was obviously in rant mode.

“Just wait a minute, young man! You are not leaving until you have some decent food to take with you! I will give you some groceries to start off with, but after they’re gone you must buy new ones. And buy decent stuff. I will know if you just buy ramen and crackers!”

She was ready to say a lot more, but Ryo left before she could. He noted that the gnome had been emphatically replaced on its usual spot on the lawn.

When Ryo got home, he saw that his phone had almost a hundred messages on it. The first one to pop up when he pressed the message playing button was from his agent.

“Hello, Ryo-sama. I have a concern to share with you. I am afraid that your fans may becoming disillusioned by the fact that you avoid them so much. They have no news about you! Therefore, I have devised a plan to get some more press. It’s easy, it’ll attract media, and the female fans will love it! Call me back as soon as it’s convenient, and we will arrange a time.”

Ryo was haunted by the second-to-last statement. That is, the one about the female fans loving whatever this publicity stunt was.

He made a note to buy lots of headache medicine, then dialed his agent’s number.

A/N: Yeah, I know this is boring. But it does set up for the next idea!