Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Pro League, or Lack Thereof! ❯ The Last Chapter ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: Wow, have I painted myself into a corner in the latter part of this story!
1. I had to think for a while to come up with an explanation for the fact that, in this fic, Ryo met Monkey BEFORE the underground dueling thing. I did manage to put some sort of explanation together, but it’s not completely satisfactory.
And it also requires me to rewrite the scene where they meet in 65.
And sorry to end this so abruptly, but I watched the dubs of 57 and 65 and firmly decided that there was no way I could make them funny. So I’m just skipping over that stuff.
Disclaimer: Oh fic, we’ve been through SO MUCH together! A person plagiarising you, both welcome and not-so-welcome reviews (and if you, the reader, are a regular reviewer, you’re probably a welcome reviewer, so don’t worry), the Hell Kaiser crisis, and some fics by other authors which I swear were inspired by you!
But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed. And that is the fact that I don’t own Yu Gi Oh GX.
Some Time Later.
Things were not going well for Ryo.

Things were SO not going well for Ryo.
And, just in case some people weren’t paying attention, Ryo reiterated: Things were SO DEFINITELY TOTALLY NOT going well for him.

After his recent streak of-er-bad luck, he was now a free agent.
To be honest, there were some good things about that. There were no more endorsements or fangirls. Sakura had apparently moved on to bugging someone else; probably Edo himself.

Edo, by the way, was the person who had completely humiliated Ryo in that exhibition match. Ryo had found out the hard way that this guy was definitely not from any summer camp division.
And as for Monkey...well, Ryo really didn’t have a clue where that demon had gone. He was probably living in a dumpster, biding his time. There was no way to tell for sure, however.

--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
HEY, wait a minute!
Who had put that camera in the shower?

It was bad enough that Ryo had been demoted to the minor leagues, but now they were putting cameras in HIS shower!
It had to be Monkey’s doing. There was no other explanation. Maybe he was selling the pictures to dirty magazines or something.

Ryo threw a punch at the camera. It was unharmed, and continued to sit there smugly.

Well, there was only one cure for times like these. That cure was the Cartoon Bowl of Noodles Restaurant.

Ryo just hoped that the guards would let him in.

-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
He decided to take a route through the back alleys of Tokyo. There, the incidence of stupid reporters wanting him to tell them exactly WHY and HOW MUCH he sucked would be close to zero.

He was about halfway there when...he ran into the source of all his problems. Yes, Monkey was back, in all his sinister...sinisterness.

“Hello. I don’t think we’ve met before.” he said to Ryo.

At first, Ryo thought that this was Monkey’s pathetic attempt at a joke.
Therefore, he rolled his eyes and said in a monotone, “Very funny, Monkey. Look, I’m dead from laughing...”
Monkey seemed surprised. He asked Ryo how he knew his name, since he hadn’t introduced himself yet.
All Ryo could say was, “Okay, Monkey, I GET IT. No one recognizes me anymore. I am a nobody. Now will you quit goofing around?”
Monkey just kept on insisting that they were total strangers. After a while, Ryo gave up trying to contradict him.
Finally, Ryo realized what was going on. Monkey was not going to admit to knowing him any time soon. This was one of his ways of tormenting Ryo, and arguing with him would get Ryo nowhere.
Well, that seemed to be the most likely explanation, at least.
So Ryo decided to play along and act like this was their first meeting.
“Okay, Monkey,” he said, “So we haven’t met. Why did you decide to talk to me right now?”
“Well,” replied Monkey, “I have a plan for you...”
--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Well, here they were. The underground dueling ring, where people who had way too much free time got drunk and watched absolutely pointless duels.
Ryo was sure this would be a heap of fun. Not.
As he was walking into the building, Monkey stopped him.
“There’s one thing you should know before you go in there.” he said.
Ryo raised an eyebrow and asked what this thing was.
“Well...my real name isn’t Monkey. Monkey’s just a stage name.”
“And may I ask what your real name is?”
“Certainly. My real name is Mr. Shroud.”
Ryo facefaulted, for reasons unknown to even him.

Then he had no choice but to walk in the building.

Thank you so much to all the people who have been reading this since it was wee bitty drabbles with no plot back in the first few chapters.
And I’m sorry if this was a lame ending. I just wanted to finish it before it got too out of control.
If I think of a better ending. I might post it. Maybe.
Once again, I couldn’t have done it nearly as successfully without the readers!