Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ The only opinion that matters! ❯ The First Day of School ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All too soon, I was jarred out of my thoughts by a clicking sound. I looked up only to see the Other Person lighting up one of those horrible-smelling stick things.

I was beyond annoyed. Didn’t she know how sensitive my nose was? Geez, People never smell anything that’s important!

My Person, as usual, had been the exception. He had convinced the Other Person to give up the smelly stick things. Now that my Person stubbornly refused to return home, I foresaw an veritable smelly stick invasion!

Just then, a random Person pounded on the door.

“You know you’re not supposed to smoke! After all, you are supposed to be teaching health to the students!”

The Other Person made a nasty face, but disposed of the nasty thing. The smell still assaulted my nostrils, but at least it was fading.

My hopes of getting fresh air were almost immediately dashed, because the Other Person reached for another stick as soon as the random Person left. To try to distract myself from the smell, I sifted through some more memories.

It was a dark and stormy night when...

Oops, wrong time! The dark and stormy night was the time when we ran out of tuna. It was definitely a horrific event, but not the one I was trying to remember.


It was actually a warm and sunny morning. The heat had finally begun to lessen somewhat over the last week.

My Person and I were sitting in a very large room. My Person seemed to be waiting for something, but I couldn’t tell what. I decided that it must be important, since he wasn’t even paying attention to me!

Suddenly, the peace and quiet was shattered by the loud voices of many, many People. I hid under the desk that my Person was sitting at. What had I done to deserve getting my eardrums ruptured?

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. But not by much.

When I finally did venture out, I chose a spot of floor next to someone who was relatively quiet.


The rest of the time in that room was just one big long boring stretch. All I had to occupy myself was observing all the people in the room. Not many of them payed attention to me. They were all scribbling stuff on pieces of paper.

And then the unthinkable happened. My Person unleashed a monster! It sat evilly on his desk in all its black boxiness. It shone a malevolent light on the wall. But the worst part was that it was making a ceaseless and very annoying humming sound!

After a very, very long time (about five minutes, to be exact) I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to expose this monster for the demon that it was! I jumped on the desk and tackled it. The monster fell to the floor with a scary crash, but thankfully it appeared to be defeated.

But no one seemed to care! In fact, they seemed mad! My Person did say something like, “I guess Pharaoh doesn’t like the projector!” But after that-nothing. I was mad. Couldn’t they tell that I had just vanquished a great evil?

After a while, though, I stopped caring myself. The day went back to being boring.


After the session of boredom that ended up repeating itself three times, my Person and I went to visit The Box. My Person was carrying a bunch of papers, so I had to be undignified and walk on the ground.

The Grass-Cutting Person was out again, but this time he was painting over a wall. However, I decided that I would always refer to him as the Grass-Cutting Person.

“Hello again!” said the Grass-Cutting Person. “What are you up to? Whatever it is, it’s probably better than my job! Some jokester wrote gibberish all over this wall that I just painted!”

I was not interested in the least, and I could tell that my Person wasn’t either. My Person acknowledged the Grass-Cutting Person’s existence, and then hurried off so fast that I could barely keep up with him.

When we got to where The Box was, my Person spent a long time hanging up all his papers. Then we went home.

In what would later become a very routine event, my Person fed me, then went out, presumably to be with the Other Person. Not that I cared. By the time he left, I was usually fast asleep.

Many days passed just like that, so there’s no point in recalling those days.


I noticed with relief that the Other Person had finally put out her vile stick. She appeared to have fallen back to sleep.