Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ The only opinion that matters! ❯ Deus ex Machina MUST DIE! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I really have no idea what to write, so I’ll just start typing and see what happens. One thing I do want to accomplish is cover something that happens in canon. I was thinking about introducing the Seven Stars, but decided to save that for a later chapter.

I hope I get to the angsty stuff soon, though. This story is getting too darned FUNNY!

By the way, if I don’t go back to the present, it’s safe to assume that the Other Person is just sleeping.

Disclaimer: I still own nothing.


I had come to a conclusion of monumental importance.

The Box was just sitting there. It wasn’t being put to any use. Therefore, I would find a use for it.

It would become my new scratching post.

Technically, I had two scratching posts already. But they were all the way over at the house! I didn’t want to have to walk all the way there from the room with The Box in it. Why put in all that much effort if there was a perfectly good alternative in the room itself?

I vowed to try this out the next time we visited the room.

It didn’t work out. I was shocked. It was a foolproof plan! I would wait until my Person was busy with something, then go and attack The Box.

At about the same time I realized that The Box still had a strange smell, I was squirted with the water pistol from my days as a kitten.

I didn’t even know my Person still HAD that water pistol!

The next day, The Box had been moved. I decided I never really wanted it as a scratching post anyway.

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Every day was the same now. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to the big room with all the people, eat lunch, more time in the big room, maybe visit the Other Person, eat a snack, talk to the Grass-Cutting Person, visit the room with The Box, talk to the Grass-Cutting Person again, eat supper, eat a midnight snack, and go to bed.

Not that I minded. As long as I got all my food, I didn’t mind how boring the day was.

Besides, boring is sometimes good. I could sleep all day and not miss anything.

One day, however, we were walking to see The Box and the Grass-Cutting Person wasn’t there!

I was confused. He was always there! I could see that the wall had just been painted, so he had been there that day. But he never finished painting this early!

I became so confused that there was only one thing to do. And that was eating.

The only problem with this plan was that there wasn’t any food.

There was only one solution-find some food! If I kept thinking about the absence of the Grass-Cutting Person, my head would explode. And that couldn’t happen because of my extreme importance. It was obvious that the whole world needed me so it could function.

I immediately started sniffing around for food.

It wasn’t too long before I smelled something that might be edible. I ran off in the direction of the smell.

I could hear my Person following me, and I couldn’t understand why. Did he want the whole world to crash because my head exploded from thinking?

People can be so dense sometimes! Not that I didn’t know that already; I just liked reiterating it occasionally!

The smell got stronger as I ran through the forest. Then I saw it!

It was a guy in a black suit. He was pointing some weird gun thingie at some of the people who went to the big room.

But that wasn’t important. The important part was that he had a sandwich in his pocket! Yes! FOODFOODFOODFOOD!

I jumped on the Gun Person eagerly. However, he didn’t bow down to my superiority and hand over his food. He just ran away!

And then, for some weird reason, everyone started petting me and saying what a good cat I was! At least, I think that’s what they were saying.

I wasn’t being good! I just wanted my food. Anything I may have prevented was purely coincidental!

Fortunately, the Snoring Person did fork over a rice cracker before we left. My search had not been entirely in vain.

For some reason, my Person seemed to be mad. He didn’t even feed me my midnight snack on time!

I thought maybe he was mad because we didn’t get to go see The Box. But why would that be such a big deal? The Box never did anything. It just sat there in the exact same spot every day.

I decided that this was the perfect time to remind myself that People are dense. Then I went to sleep.

Hopefully, things would be back to normal tomorrow.

A/N: I ended up using canon after all! It was the SAL episode to be precise.

That episode always bothered me. Pharaoh was too much of a deus ex machina for my taste. But now you have an explanation for his convenient appearance at the right time!

Like I said, I hope to get to the angsty, and therefore better, parts of the plot as soon as I can.