Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Teaming Up with the Superfriends ❯ Bombing Metropolis ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Recap: Summer break was winding down for Yugi and his friends. School would start in only two weeks. Yugi just spent every second of the two weeks at home just relaxing. On his way to school with his friends, he was pulled into the Superfriend's world. Superman saved him when he fell out. The Legion of Doom were up to its usual sinister plotting when the evil sorcerer joined them. Superman had a close call with Kryptonite, but Yugioh helped him out by changing the Kryptonite into coal. Yugioh is now one of the Superfriends.
/ is Yugi mental talk
// is Yugioh mental talk
' is thoughts

Chapter 2: Bombing Metropolis

It was a beautiful night in Metropolis. Things were also pretty peaceful for the most part aside from the gangs causing minor trouble here and there. This city housed the Hall of Justice within its limits. Nothing that the police couldn't happen didn't go on this peaceful night. But alas, not everyone is enjoying the peace. The Legion of Doom is planning on an explosive plot that will have Metropolis on its knees.
"Getting those bombs from Washington should be no problem for us now. With the evil sorcerer helping us, we will get in undetected and steal the bombs. Then Metropolis will either have to surrender to us or it will be destroyed," Scarecrow said.
"Yes Scarecrow, and the bombs are yellow so Green Lantern can't do anything about them. The people who made them were unaware that the material they used was metallic Kryptonite. While watching them, I put Kryptonite qualities in the metal. If Superman tries to destroy them, he'll kill himself," the evil sorcerer said.
The planning for Operation Surrender or Blow up Metropolis continued on through the night. The next morning, Yugioh awakened Yugi and made the sleeping bag disappear. He cleaned off Yugi's body, clothing and teeth with his powers, and they waited for some of the other Superfriends to arrive. About an hour later, Superman Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin arrived at the Hall of Justice.
"I'll patrol around the city in case something happens. Stay here Yugi," Yugioh said.
"All right," Yugi said as Yugioh went outside and flew off.
Then the other Superfriends arrived.
"Where's Yugioh?" Flash asked.
"He's out patrolling the city by air," Batman answered.
"I'll provide assistance on the ground," Flash said as he raced out of the Hall of Justice and patrolled by ground.
Yugioh continued to patrol the city. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on. He heard Flash call out to him. He looked down and saw Flash running through the city. He flew down low enough for Flash to be able to hear him.
"I'm only here to provide a little ground patrol," Flash said.
"I appreciate your help," Yugioh said as he flew higher again.
Meanwhile, the Legion of Doom is ready to pull off its devious plot. Sinestro and Bizzaro sped off for Washington D.C. With the help of Sinestro's power ring, they made it in only a few seconds.
"We're here Luthor," Bizarro said.
"Excellent, now to put phase two into action," the evil sorcerer said. He used his powers to make Bizarro and Sinestro undetectable and invisible to any type of machinery.
Sinestro and Bizarro went in unnoticed by the guards. The steel doors were no match for Bizarro's strength. Once inside, Sinestro transported the powerful bombs to the Hall of Doom. Afterwards, the evil sorcerer brought them back. There were twenty bombs in all. One bomb could completely destroy a town, a village or a small city. Since Metropolis was a big city, two bombs would destroy it, one destroying one half, and the other taking the other half out.
"Well done Sinestro and Bizarro. These bombs will bring Metropolis begging to let us take control of it. Now to relay the information to the political leaders," Luthor said. He got in frequency with the leaders and said, "Leaders of Metropolis, unless you surrender authority to the Legion of Doom, your city will be destroyed. We've just stolen twenty of Washington's poweful bombs and will not hesitate to use them. I give you until sunrise tomorrow to give your decision. You have been warned." He then tuned out.
"What should we do?" the Democratic senator asked.
"Call the Superfriends," the mayor responded. "Calling the Superfriends, this is an extreme emergency," he added.
The Superfriends were enjoying the peace when the Trouble-alert went off.
"Holy emergencies, it's the Trouble-alert," Robin said.
"Yes Mayor, what is it?" Batman asked.
"We here in City Hall has just gotten a message from the Legion of Doom. Luthor said that they have twenty bombs that they stole from the Nation's capital in their possession. He's given us until sunrise tomorrow to surrender authority of the city or else the bombs would be used to destroy the city," the mayor responded.
"We have to stop them or else the entire world could be at their mercy," Samurai said.
"Flash, Yugioh, this is Superman. Regroup at the Hall of Justice. We have a serious problem on our hands," Superman said over the Trouble-alert's frequency.
"Will do Superman," Yugioh said over the communicator that Wonder Woman gave him.
"We'll be there in a flash," Flash said over his communicator.
They raced back to the Hall of Justice. As Flash said, they arrived fas.
"What's happened?" Yugioh asked.
"The Legion of Doom stole twenty of Washington D.C.'s bombs. Luthor threatened to destroy the city with them unless the political leaders don't turn over the authority to the Legion of Doom," Aquaman responded.
"It would only take two bombs to destroy the city," Hawkman said.
"How are you going to stop them?" Yugi asked.
"We'll think of a way Yugi," Yugioh responded. "Thousands of people will perish if we don't," he added.
As a test, the Legion of Doom fired one of the missile-shaped bombs at a small town fifty miles south of Metropolis. The powerful explosion created a large earthquake in Metropolis. In the shake, a huge part of the Hall of Justice's ceiling landed on top of Yugi.
"Yugi!" Yugioh cried. He ran over to the broken part of the ceiling and easily lifted in off Yugi. He then fixed the ceiling and flew back down to Yugi.
The fallen debris crushed Yugi's chest bones and muscles. Even though he didn't move, he was still in intense pain.
"We need to get him to a hospital fast," Superman said.
"That won't be necessary. As I told you, I have the power of healing," Yugioh said.
The Superfriends watched as Yugioh's hand glowed blue. Yugioh put his hand on Yugi's chest, and Yugi was healed in only a few moments. The Superfriends were downright amazed to see how quickly Yugioh's healing power worked. Yugi was still a little weak, as he tried to sit up. Yugioh used his arm to support Yugi until Yugi was strong enough to sit on his own.
"Are you all right Yugi?" Green Lantern asked.
"I am now thanks to Yugioh," Yugi responded.
"What was that anyway?" Black Falcon asked.
"I heard an explosion fifty miles off in the distance preceding the earthquake," Yugioh responded.
"So did I Yugioh. That must have been the Legion of Doom testing one of the bombs," Superman added.
The others nodded in agreement.
"We were fifty miles away, and one of those bombs sent a big earthquake. I can only imagine what would happen if at least five were dropped at once. There would be extensive destruction to certain parts of the world as well as this city," Yugi said.
"That won't happen. We'll see to that," Batman said.
"There's a problem. I sensed Kryptonite built into the bombs. The evil sorcerer is the only one who could've done that," Yugioh said.
"Who's the evil sorcerer?" Samurai asked.
"The evil sorcerer is pure evil who has the powers of darkness at his command. Now that he's teamed up with the Legion of Doom, we're all going to have to be on our guard. He is as clever as he is powerful. He almost succeeded in killing Yugi quite a few times. I'm lucky that I'm more clever than he is," Yugioh responded.
"Now it's really a good thing that you've joined us. We probably wouldn't have stood a chance against him," Hawkman said.
"No you wouldn't have," Yugioh confirmed.
"We've got to figure out some way to stop the Legion of Doom from destroying Metropolis," Apache Chief said.
Suddenly, the lights went out. In the confusion, someone grabbed Yugi. That person was stopped before he/she could do anything because Yugioh could see perfectly in the dark.
"Oh no you don't Cheetah," he said as he blew her away.
The lights came back on to reveal that everyone was still present, and that the Legion of Doom was gone.
"What was that for?" Hawkman asked.
"I don't know. Cheetah tried to kidnap Yugi, but I stopped her. Luckily, I can see in the dark," Yugioh responded.
Meanwhile, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy and Black Manta had made it back to the Hall of Doom.
"Well what went wrong?" Luthor asked.
"I almost had the little brat when Yugioh stopped me. We cut off their power, but he could see like we still had the lights on," Cheetah responded.
"Yugioh is a powerful foe indeed. We have to divert him one way or the other," Braniac said.
"We need to somehow capture the young one when he's alone," Toyman said.
"That's a good suggestion Toyman," Giganta said.
It just so happened that Yugi walked through the city with Flash. They knew that it was either now or never. The evil sorcerer sent Captain Cold out to do a cold job. Yugi and Flach had a peaceful walk when they soon confronted Captain Cold.
"What do you want Cold?" Flash asked.
"Just to do a little icing," Captain Cold responded as he froze a large portion of the city.
'I have to defrost Cold's plans and fast,' Flash thought as he sped through the frozen area of the city. His super speed allowed a quick defrost. 'Now to return to Yugi,' he thought. He raced back to find Yugi gone.
A note was frozen onto the nearby building. It said, "Tell Yugioh not to interfere, or his young friend will have the privilege to have an explosive death."
"I've got to get back to the Hall of Justice," Flash said. He raced to the Hall of Justice. "Bad news guys, Captain Cold took Yugi," he said.
"What!?" everyone shouted.
"Yugi and I were just having a peaceful walk when Captain Cold showed up. He frosted some of the city. i worked quickly to defrost it, but Yugi was gone when I came back. I found a note that Cold froze to a building Yugi was near. The note said that if Yugioh interfered with the Legion of Doom's plans, Yugi would have an explosive death," Flash responded.
"Where there's a will, there's a way. I will save Yugi and help you guys," Yugioh said.
"But we have no idea where he is," Green Lantern said.
"Wrong Green dope, I'll tell you where he is. He is at the abandoned minefield five miles east of the city. He doesn't know where he is because he's blindfolded. Because he is blindfolded, he has no idea that his wrists are tied behind his back by invisible ropes. One wrong step, and he will be blown to kingdom come," Black Manta said over the Hall of Justice's view screen.
"I've got to hurry," Yugioh said as he flew off. He phased through the ceiling and sped for the abandoned minefield.
Time was of the essence. It was already night in the city. The leaders only had eight hours to give their decision. They hoped the Superfriends could figure out a way to stop the Legion of Doom because there was no way in the world that the leaders would give authority of the city to the sinister members of the Legion of Doom. Yugioh continued on his eastward track to get to Yugi in time. Yugi was blindly walking through the minefield. Fortunately, there was nothing for him to bump into. Unfortunately, he had no idea that he came close to being blown sky high quite a few times. Yugioh soon arrived.
"I've got to get him out of there," Yugioh said as he intended to scoop up Yugi and fly away.
"You didn't think it would be this easy did you? You can let him see where he is, but you have to guide him out," the voice of the evil sorcerer responded.
'I should have known that there would be a catch,' Yugioh thought.
Yugi was just walking around blindly until he felt the cloth on his eyes disappear. He then felt that his hands were now free. "Where am I?" he asked as he looked around and saw nothing for miles, still unaware that he was in a minefield.
//Yugi, you're in a minefield. I can only guide you out. Follow my directions very carefully or else you'll be blown up//
/Okay, but where are you?/
//I'm right above you//
Yugi looked up too see Yugioh flying above him.
"Are you ready to get out of this death trap?" Yugioh asked.
"Yes please," Yugi responded.
"All right, here we go," Yugioh said as he started to guide Yugi out of the minefield. He flew above Yugi Yugi as Yugi moved through the minefield.
The minefield was very long, and Yugioh had to give Yugi some energy to move on a few times. Meanwhile, there were only four more hours until doomsday for Metropolis. The Superfriends had come up with a plan to thwart off the bombs. With Yugioh gone to help Yugi, Superman was the only hope to destroy the bombs.
Superman was in a jet made out of lead to block out the Kryptonite's effects. That way, he would be able to shoot the bombs before they made contact with the city. The four hours passed quicker than anyone would've liked. The leaders refused to give control to the Legion of Doom and prepared for the worst.
Meanwhile, Yugioh had successfully guided Yugi safely out of the minefield. "Are you all right?" he asked.
"I am now thanks to you," Yugi responded.
"Come on, we've got to hurry," Yugioh said as he scooped up Yugi and flew for the city.
The bombs came toward the city one after the other. For now, everyone had been warned to stay inside. The streets were clear of any living thing. The people watched either from their windows or from their television sets. The possible bombing of Metropolis was on every channel because there were news people getting the scoop from on land, on water and in the air.
The first two bombs streaked for a bank when they were destroyed by something. The thing came closer into view. It was Superman in a lead jet. He handled four more easily as well. He almost didn't notice the fifth one come right at him. He blew it up in time, but the powerful explosion blew him away since the bomb blew up so close to him.
The explosion was so powerful, that it blew him into a mountain. Unfortunately, the jet fell away in pieces due to really hard impact. He flew back to Metropolis to see what he could do even though he had little chance since the bombs had Kryptonite in them. He arrived to see a welcomed sight. Yugioh had returned and was destroying the bombs. Yugioh gave the bombs a fiery punch to destroy them. The powerful explosion had no affect on him as he continued to deliver one punch after another.
The people, Superman and the other Superfriends were amazed to see Yugioh unaffected by the powerful explosion. He was very close up after all. He was unaware that one bomb headed for the mountain. Before going to destroy the bombs, he put Yugi on the mountain. He had destroyed twelve of the thirteen remaining bombs.
"You need to hurry Yugioh," Superman said.
"What is it?" Yugioh asked.
"You've destroyed all but one bomb. I noticed it heading west towards the mountain," Superman responded. He saw Yugi there before heading back to Metropolis after his jet went to pieces.
Yugioh's blood ran cold. He sped off to the mountain at an incredible speed. He reached Yugi before the bomb. He brought his arm back in wait for an extremely super punch that would send the bomb out of this world. Yugi wondered why Yugioh was in front of him. He soon found out the answer as the bomb streaked towards them. Yugioh delivered the punch right on target, and the bomb went up into space where it blew up harmlessly.
Yugioh scooped up Yugi and flew off for the Hall of Justice. When he arrived, Superman was already there. The other Superfriends had looks of major relief on their faces.
"You did it Yugioh," Wonder Woman said.
"As you guys say, it's all in a days work," Yugioh said.
Yugi yawned really loudly. He really needed to get some sleep. "I'm very sleepy," he said.
Yugioh created a bed inside the Hall of Justice. "Since we'll be staying in the Hall of Justice, you should have something comfortable to sleep in," he said.
Yugi gratefully got in the bed and fell fast asleep.
"He is very tired. I've never seen anyone fall asleep that fast before," Superman said.
"He couldn't get any sleep last night because he was in that minefield. I sense that he won't wake up until tomorrow morning. He's very worn out," Yugioh said. He watched Yugi sleep as the other Superfriends sat down for a while, alert for when the Legion of Doom would strike next.

End of chapter 2. Preview for Chapter 3: Mind Control: The Legion of Doom has a mind control machine that is capable of having the world's population do its evil will. Even the Superfriend will be at the mercy of the mind control machine. The mission: to kill Yugi at all costs. What can Yugi and Yugioh do when the whole world is after Yugi?
I can't get any straight ideas on how to start this chapter and when to have the people of the world under the mind control machine. I would most definitely appreciate it if you gave me some ideas. Sometimes, even someone with a big imagination can use help. I will be sure to thank you when I post the third chapter.