Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation Blues ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Many, many thanks for those of you who reviewed this. I was so afraid of being told that this wasn't worth reading, especially with so many YGO/HP crossovers out there now. But you guys really made my day! ::glomps reviewers:: "Sankyuu!!" ::gives wide Tsuzuki-style grin::

On ff.net:

FireSenshi2, rox1, Crying Forever, Kylie, Jenniyah, Luana Hime, Cherry-San, Lyn/Lin, kiyoko-chan, theunexpecteddragon, Remmy im american and cant breath hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Mental Mary, Kirbie, britt0289, phoenixeye, SilverLily aka Blood Moon, Anime-fan Meepa, KawaiiWhiteWolf, Sarah, shitsumon, Liona Skycat, Herald-Mage Brianna and Chibichiri.


Shitsumon: I'm glad you like so many of my fics. I felt all warm and tingly when you said that. *grin* Thanks.

Chibichiri: Thank you sooo much! And yes, Yami and Yugi will be important to the HP world, and Seto will also be joining them shortly. This isn't going to be a Yami x Yugi x Seto piece though, I've got other plans. ::waggles brows:: Heh.

Liona Skycat: Thank you. This is one fic I had a bit of trouble with. I didn't want to write something which had been done to death, but I do really like the thought of merging two such lovely worlds. Your fic, 'Letting Go' reduced me to tears. I absolutely *adore* it, even though I can't help but cry every time I read it. I actually felt rather...um...awkward about reviewing it, so I didn't. I simply couldn't find the words to explain how I felt about it. Suffice it to say you made me speechless. It is a wonderful fic.

KawaiiWhiteWolf: ::evil grin:: Heh. I want to really draw out the reaction from the HP cast. I'm going to have so much fun with this. But Yami and Yugi aren't going to meet Harry just yet. Heh. Oh, and I tend to write the bad guys quite nastily, so expect Voldie to be cruel, cunning and clever. Not a mediocre foe for Yami and Yugi to beat. I still believe that it's Harry's destiny to vanquish him, but Harry and co still have a lot to learn first about evil, and nothing is going to be easy for them.

Anime-fan Meepa: You never read YGO/HP crossovers? ::falls over anime-style:: Ack! You don't know what you're missing! I can recommend some *really* good ones to get you addicted if you like. But I won't add them until the next chapter.

SilverLily aka Blood Moon: Favorites stories list? Moi? Yay!! ::does happy dance::

britt0289: More fluff scenes? *snicker* I'm actually going to have a balance of fluff and angst. I kinda like to mix the two.

Kirbie: Romance? Hmmn. There will be romance, but this is going to have quite a lot of action/adventure and angst as well. But since I find it impossible to not write romance, you're pretty much guaranteed to get some citrusy stuff.

Crying Forever: Yeah, I've actually read 'The New Students' already. I love that fic, and quite a few more, especially considering I tend to actively search for crossovers.

Luana Hime: There will be definite shonen-ai between Yami and Yugi, most likely even yaoi between them. As for Harry/Draco....well, you'll just have to wait and see, but I make no promises. I'm still experimenting with the character inter-relations, there will be some friendship between them eventually, but good things take time to mature, and both of them have their prejudices to overcome.

Lyn/Lin: More characters? Well...that's a given. But I'm not going to rush anything. I'm writing this as I see it, and not as an excuse to make anyone 'confront/meet' anyone else. But....there will eventually be quite a few characters involved.

For mm.org:

Nicky, ilpalazzo, Cherreh, vmr, chipperke, Vegakitty, Jadesaber, Protector of love between Yami and Yugi, Fallen Hikari, RyuArashi, Holly Trest, Silent Sniper, Ooahati Elf and C.M Aeris.


Ilpalazzo: I'm glad you like the interaction between Yami and Yugi. I wanted to show that Yugi wasn't the same as he had been at school. I don't like writing Yugi as a wimp, and if you've read the original Japanese manga you'd see that Yugi, and Yami (Oh boy! Especially Yami) were neither naïve, innocent (I mean, for heaven's sake, Yugi was bugging Jounouchi for porno movies!) not the complete and utter layovers they're made out to be. Yami also had a hell of a temper, and didn't think anything of setting a guy aflame in the Burger place. So after spending all that time with Yugi, I think that they'd both be a bit older in their minds and personality. But I'm pleased you liked the interaction. *grin*

chipperke: Yeah, I figured I'd be nice and let them unwind a bit before throwing them headfirst into a war. *snerk*

Vegakitty: ::glomp:: I *love* it when you review! You and RyuArashi make me writing my fics worthwhile. I can always count on you two to cheer me up. Heh. I get a bit more motivated when I read your reviews.

Protector of love between Yami and Yugi: Heheh. Shadow Magic is going to play a big part of this fic, and Yami is going to be keeping his info close to home....in other words, look, but you'll never understand. ::evil cackle::

Fallen Hikari: I'm actually a pretty shy person, when I write lemons I usually end up with a red face for about a day and a half. I can't even beta them 'cos I feel so embarrassed after I write them. *blush* But I can write romance, and I'll be adding some fluff in between the angst, drama and action/adventure.

RyuArashi: ::glomp-hug:: Wai! I love it when you review. I'm always in a good mood after you review, you make me feel so....special. ::wink & grin:: *sigh* I hate writers block.....

Heh....now the story.

Chapter Two

Dorothy glanced over the trees. "Where?"

Yami nodded his head towards a place just to behind them. "There are coming in from there. Some have split up to surround us."

Arthur cursed. "Damn. Davis! Get the wounded together, now!" He turned to the smaller boy. "How are you going to help us?" He asked urgently.

"You need to get out of the forest, right?"

Arthur and Dorothy nodded.

"Very well. Yugi and myself will help you to keep them back during this assault. My Dragon can comfortably carry four people, but I can't fight and summon another."

"So we'll have to take people out in shifts." Dorothy clarified.

Lander paled. "But...a D-dragon?"

Yami pinned the taller man into place with a piercing ruby glare. "The Red-Eyes Black Dragon is a friend. He will not harm you unless you intend malice to myself or Yugi."

"Dorothy. You go first. Take Pearson and Abbots, along with whomever needs medical attention most." Arthur instructed.

The white-haired woman nodded. While she had her strengths, mainly her fast mind, she would not be as helpful in a firefight as the younger members of the team. Already, the toll the night of running and fighting was making itself known. She was close to exhaustion, and Arthur knew it.

"Yugi!" Yami shouted.

Yugi turned.

"Bring up a shield once Dorothy-san leaves. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Hai!" Yugi nodded sharply.

Davis, Landers and Abrams each carried a member of their team over to Yami. Dorothy walking in front.

"Follow me."

There were a chorus of gasps as the strange dragon stepped forward. A few 'Lumos' spells were called out, making the dragon rumble lowly.

"Saa....settle down Fuego." Yami held his hand up to the huge creature.

Fuego ducked his head, nudging his little Master's chest.

"Can you take these people outside the forest, away from the strange magic?"

Fuego snorted, making a hint of a grin soften Yami's lips. "Domo arigato, Fuego." Yami whispered.

He motioned to the strange-robed adults. "Climb up."

When the dragon sank to the ground in a half laying, half crouching position, Dorothy climbed up. A few 'Wingardium Leviosa''s later and the three wounded were beside her.

"Have you got anything to prevent them from falling?" Yami asked, frowning when he realised Fuego's passengers were hurt so badly they could not hold on, and Dorothy could only support one.

"Hmmn." Arthur mumbled a few words and a brief light flashed around Fuego's burden. "They won't fall off until Dorothy gives the counter to the spell."

Yami nodded. "Good."

A sudden streak of light flashed from the corner of Yami's eyes. "Kuso!" He spun towards the light, seeing it aimed at Yugi, who had his eyes closed.


The spell got to three feet away from his hikari then....bounced and dissipated when it hit a transparent crystalline dome. Yugi had managed to call the Mirror Shield up. Yami breathed out a sigh of relief, even as he ran towards his light. He could hear Arthur and Davis directing the rest of his team to guard around the dome.

Yami took his place in front of Yugi.

Then the Death-Eaters swarmed in.


Gervase Byrle was a pureblood wizard.

However, unlike some purebloods (and he conveniently forgot the Weasleys, since they were one of the most vehement supporters of the Light side), Gervase was not rich, nor titled. He'd spent the better part of his life despising the half-wizard families whose blood was tainted with inferior muggles. His views had warped to the point where he believed that had there been no mudbloods, no muggles, no disgusting inter-breeding, then he would in fact be rich....and titled.

Gervase had pledged himself willingly and eagerly to Voldemort when he was first approached, and was known for taking out his aggressions on the muggles they captured and usually tortured. His eyes gleamed with a hint of insanity, and with his large, heavily muscled body, Gervase was someone the other Death-Eaters avoided. He liked to believe it was from fear, but most avoided him through contempt.

The brown-haired lackey waited with glee for the order to attack the aurors to be given. He knew that there were less than a handful of them left standing, and chances were that the rest would be dead before the night's end.

The robed figure in the lead lifted a hand, making a waving motion. Gervase smirked, slinking through the trees like a ghoul. The rest of the black-shrouded mob behind him.

There was a flash of red light, the signal he'd been waiting for.

The Death-Eaters attacked.


Yugi was trembling.

The strain of trying to maintain the shield was beginning to tell on his small body. He'd already been traveling for the better part of the day and had been up almost twenty hours before the battle had begun. Now, after Summoning Ariella, who was currently trying to keep her spell of defense going to provide the aurors with a bit of energy, and keeping the shield intact after blast, after blast, after blast was beginning to become impossible for Yugi to keep up.

Yugi had his arms outstretched, palms facing the front of the shield. Every hit the shield took made a ripple, and it took a fraction longer for the shield to harden after each attack.

The world spun, and Yugi felt himself drop to his knees, the cries of the battle becoming a buzzing in his ears. His eyes saw nothing but white and Yugi could taste blood from where he'd bitten down on his tongue.

No! Yugi let out a desperate sob, forcing himself to stay in control. He fell forward onto his elbows, and crawled to the edge of the shield, placing both his hands against the barrier. Hold. He whispered in his mind, picturing the shield take anchor inside himself. There was a slight tingle across his body, and Yugi smiled with relief, allowing himself the comfort of unconsciousness. The barrier would hold as long as Yugi lived, and only Yami would be able to disperse it from within his soul room.

Yugi fell into welcome oblivion.


Yami was darting back and forth across the clearing. With Yugi protecting the injured, Yami let himself fight. He threw ball after ball of dark energy at the robed figures, each ball enveloping it's target and disappearing with a flash of red-hued black light. Yami spared a smirk at the thought of them waking up to find themselves in the care of his creatures in the Shadow Realm.

Another ball hit, and the figure disappeared with a terrified scream.

Yami glanced around, taking stock of their status. Another auror was down, the young one which Yami recognised as being scared of Fuego. The spirit's eyes narrowed and he dashed towards his prone body, zig-zagging across the clearing and avoiding the strange flashes of light being aimed at him. This was one occasion which Yami was grateful for his small stature.

He reached Lander's body, and pulled him over his shoulder, hardly noticing the weight due to his preternatural strength. Yami dragged the unconscious youth over to the shield and stopped dead.


His hikari was lying face-down on the grass. Yami tried a different tactic. He banged on the shield. "Yugi!"

Yami couldn't spare the time it would take to look for Yugi in their mind. People were being hurt now. His dark crimson eyes flashed with anger and uncontrollable rage. These robes had hurt his light, his love, his soul.

They would pay.


Arthur was exhausted. He'd spent half his time trying to dodge the curses sent his way, lacking both time and strength to conjure up the counter or a shield. He was vaguely aware of the strange youth trying to drag Lander to the shield the child was holding up, and some part of him marveled at the tiny boy's strength.

Another green flash was fired his way, and Arthur's eyes widened at he tried to force his body to move out of it's path. Suddenly a body collided into his.

He felt someone shake him. "Arthur!" A pepper-up potion was held to his lips. He drank it gratefully. "Davis?"

Davis nodded, peering out from behind the tree he'd thrown them both behind. "That was close. I wouldn't want to be the one to tell Molly we'd lost you."

Arthur gave him a weak smile. "She'd curse me into the next century if I did that."

Davis snorted, casting a quick spell around the side of the tree. The rough bark scraping his cheek as he dodged from a retaliatory curse. "Damn."

The red-haired auror stood slightly unsteadily, determination burning in his brown eyes. "Ready?"

Davis nodded, his light green eyes bright with anticipation. Arthur nodded and they both spun out from either side of the tree, firing small curses out to distract the Death-Eaters. They made a dash for the shield to regroup, Abrams joining them from halfway across the clearing.

"Get behind the shield!" Arthur shouted. He was aware of the spiky-haired teen standing in front of the barrier and frowned. "Kid!"

Yami didn't answer.

"Hey, you're going to get hit!" Abrams yelled, making a quick dash to the kid. He latched on to Yami's arm and tried to pull the kid to safety, Davis picking up Lander's prone form. Yami didn't move an inch.

"What the...?" Abrams tried to pull Yami again, yet the small boy simply didn't move. "Impossible....you're too small..."

There was a flash of green light sent their way. Abrams lifted his wand to call up a counter when the kid raised his arm. He flicked his wrist and the light spun around and hit it's sender, who collapsed wordlessly. Abrams eyes widened as he recognised it as being the death curse, Avada Kedavra.

Yami lifted his face to pin the tall auror with fiery eyes, his face devoid of any other expression. "Go." He pushed the man back, and Abrams found himself falling to land on his back.

The dark spirit turned to face the incoming black-robed figures, their white masks eerily reminiscent of when Yami had been in a similar situation. But this time the stakes were more than his and Kaiba's lives.

Yami stood his ground.


Gervase couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the aurors hidden behind the strange barrier. The Death-Eater in front made motions for them to surround the group. Gervase obeyed, his wand out and ready to fire.

The Death-eaters crept out from the trees, making a semi-circle around the front of the barrier. There were a few snickers and whispers at the sight of the strange child in front of the shimmering barrier. His head was bowed, and his hands clenched to his sides. Small tremors could be seen rippling across the expanse of bare skin on display from the black vest the child wore.

Gervase couldn't help but lick his lips at the exotic appearance of the small youth. He made a mental note to ask for the task of 'interrogating' the boy once the aurors were captured.

The Death-Eaters stalked forward, their wands out.

A voice rang out. "Halt."


Yami closed his eyes, he reached down inside himself, pushing down his worries about his aibou. He reached out to his connection to the Shadow Realm, the part of him he always kept separate from Yugi, unwilling to taint his light with the Shadows.

There was a brief sensation of resistance, then Yami felt himself flooded with the pure dark energy the Shadow Realm possessed. The creeping tendrils of darkness welcomed their Master eagerly, twining themselves around him, melding with their beloved keeper.

Yami started to tremble from the sudden submergence of his power. He clenched his fists to keep from crying out in ecstasy at the electrifying completion of his darkness.

He opened his eyes. "Halt."


Gervase was rarely shocked. Mildly surprised yes, especially when a muggle lasted a whole night of torture.......but shocked, never.

Until now.

The child lifted his head, and Gervase was shocked...yes, absolutely shocked to see the flames enveloped within his glowing eyes. The child didn't seem to notice that the Death-Eaters had automatically obeyed his grim, commanding tone.

The last thing Gervase saw was the unholy smirk on the child's face as he began to glow with a crimson-black fire.


There are times when the impossible happens. Making Kaiba laugh could be counted among them. Yami knew that there were simply occasions when making the impossible happen seemed to be his forte. Surviving his imprisonment for five thousand years was one of them, surviving his entrapment sane was even more amazing.

But the real question now was whether or not he could do the impossible again.

And he did.


Yami smirked as he felt his skin burn with his dark fire, some part of him grateful that Yugi would be spared the sight of him in his complete metamorphosis. He could feel his clothes disintegrate with the heat and the blood-dark flames embrace his limbs forming a pitch-black armor over bare skin.

He stepped forward, the grass beneath his booted feet burning to a crisp. Over a dozen curses were flung his way, numerous 'Avada Kedavra' lighting the magic-heavy air.

The sounds seemed to cease for an instant, as the child....no...warrior...waited, as still as a corpse. He lifted his arms, and the curses were enveloped within his flames, only to be flung back at the black-robed attackers.

Yami laughed, bitterness and hatred twisting his features until they looked like the shadows he was so fond of. He lifted his arms up above his head and began chanting. The words somehow soft and coarse at the same time. A humming started around him, and a harsh wind whipped through the trees to surround the clearing, encasing the Death-Eaters and Yami inside.

Yami suddenly stopped, and the silence was deafening in it's entirety. Not a single sound, not a breath, not a single beat of a heart could be heard. Then, in one smooth movement, Yami brought his hands together in a loud clap! Flames erupted from Yami's body, searing and burning everything within the grasp of the wind.

The smell of burning flesh, agonised screams and snapping bones could barely be heard over the whistling of the flames.

Arthur stared in horror, he heard Abrams retch to the side of him and he clapped a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from following the other auror's example.

"Sweet Merlin preserve us......" The horrified whisper from Davis was loud in the sudden silence.

The winds stopped. Bodies flung down to land in twisted, mangled heaps of bloody flesh. The grass beneath them slowly soaking in the life-giving fluid being spilled. The sharp metallic tang was sickeningly bitter on the slight breeze. Sharp white bone shards were littered around the circular area, black fabric still fluttering slowly to land on the ravaged earth.

Yami turned to face the horror-stricken aurors. His pupil-less eyes gazed at them for a moment before dismissing them as inconsequential. The dark being strode over to the still strong barrier between himself and his love, and stopped. He knelt on the opposite side of the shield to Yugi, placing both his palms against the barriers.

A second later, Yami pushed and found himself in his and Yugi's shared mind. The smaller boy was unconscious on the floor, his skin a pale blue from exertion. Yami placed a hand on his neck, and frowned at the thready pulse he felt.

Leaning down, Yami lifted Yugi, cradling the smaller boy in his arms. He gave a small smile at Yugi's obvious attempts to save these people, even at the cost of his own health.

Yami closed his eyes, concentrating on the bond between himself and Yugi. He could feel the crystalline barrier keeping Yugi from him, and concentrated on absorbing the energy into himself. He could pinpoint the exact moment the barrier fell, the icy-sharp stab into his belly as the magic was suddenly pulled into him, and the almost physical sensation of Yugi's presence was overwhelming aching.

Yami opened his eyes in the real world and crawled over to Yugi. He pulled the smaller boy against him and concentrated on rejuvenating the petite youth. His red-black flames seemed to flicker for a moment to the watching aurors, turning a startling violet-gold when they touched Yugi.

Yami smiled. He could feel Yugi's body pulling in the power it needed to heal. His flames changed as they touched his love, the purity of his mate cleansing the now-gently flickering tongues of fire. Yami let out a soft sigh, his body beginning to feel the strain of keeping up his connection to the Shadows, and attempt to heal Yugi.

Slowly, the flames around him withered and died, the blood-dark armor crumbling into air. Yami shivered, his eyes heavy, and he welcomed the darkness, slipping into unconsciousness gratefully.

The flames died.


