Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ damage report ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It's a cloudy day outside, but still a good day to play. One hamster was enjoying his time. Of course, this was Jam and he just got back from globetrotting. "Man, the places I've seen this time around the planet were really something." he said to himself. I wonder what the gang is up to... I'm sure after they hear about my ventures this time, they'll sure to be all oohs and ahhs, hee hee."
Jam decided to cut through the park on his way to the clubhouse, as he wanted to think up properly how he was going to tell his story. But as he soon found out, Hamtaro and the crew were all there and the mood was anything but happy. Jam ran over to his fellow ham-hams to assess the situation. "Man, you guys look like you've been sent through the ringer, is everything okay?"
"Man, are we glad to see you, Jam." said Hamtaro. Things have gone bad... very bad."
"Your faces tell that." said Jam. "No offense, but you guys look down in the dumps.
Boss turned to Hamtaro. "That's because we've been kicked out of our Duel House." he said.
"I'm sure you'll tell me about it. Now make sure to tell me a good part of it, because I have nothing but time."
"Well, it's like this....." Boss began and things went to flashback.
"The gang and I were enjoying our time, dueling and whatnot with the cards. Happy because of the verious stuff that came along with the good Force of the Breaker series... then a bunch of hamsters showed up with the intention of running the joint and running us out of here. So we dueled in defense of our place to play. These guys.... they put a serious hurting on us, and eventually... we got the ol' heave-ho."
"Wow... they must've had some serious cards." said Jam.
"Serious isn't the word. The cards they used and the strategies they had.... it was like cheating, but they did it legally."
"How so."
"Monsters, that stay on the field after being destroyed, monsters that have two alter egos and monsters that weaken their opponents.... a lot of us didn't even stand a chance."
"So here we are, moping over those cards and those monsters."
Jam shook his head. "This isn't the full story, but I doubt that you'll open your wounds and tell it to me," he said, "but at least you've summed it up fairly well."
"It's not right, we shouldn't have had to face monsters like those..." said Penelope.
"You said it." said Howdy.
"Ye-yo, everyone." Jam said as to calm the hams down. "If you managed to win against these guys, raise your paw." When the paws went up, Jam was stunned. Only Boss, Pashmina and Oxnard managed to win. "Dexter, what happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Dexter answered.
"He got outdueled by a monster called Il Blud." Boss answered. "What hurt most is that this monster is a Zom-"
"That's good enough." Jam cut Boss off. "Well, at least you guys aren't physically hurt." then Jam looked around. "Wait, where's Bijou?"
"Bijou went back to France with her family." Hamtaro answered. "She has no clue about this, nor does Petal."
"Oh." Jam placed his paw under his chin. It wouldn't be right to talk about my great trip in front of everyone, seeing as they're all down and out. he thought. I think I'll wait until later, when the mood is more pleasant. "So any word on the new set of cards yet?"
"Nothing yet." Howdy answered. "Our store should've gotten some, but nothing."
"Nothing came to me either." Dexter added.
"Ditto." Maxwell put in. "I haven't even checked if there was a new ban list, yet."
"There should be one now, right?" asked Cappy.
"There is an updated ban list and I have it." Jam answered.
"Sweet, at least we're still in business." said Oxnard.
"We've always been in business, we just need stronger cards." said Penelope.
"Now every duelist needs stronger cards, just better strategies with the cards you have." Boss corrected.
"Speak for yourself, you didn't get beat like I did."
The arguing ended with the rustling of some nearby bushes. Everyone sounded to alert. "All right, you're busted." warned Stan. "You can either come out from there, or we're coming in after ya."
"That's your only warning, so you better choose now." Boss added.
The gang prepared for what the bushes have hidden and were ready to deal with this problem head on as the rustling of the bushes drew closer to them.