Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ the fallen hero's promise ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nightfall came and Jam was still awake as he looked at the decks. "Hey Jam, I want to have a word with you." said Boss.
"Okay, come on in and close the door behind you." said Jam.
Boss entered Jam's room, closing the door behind him. "I want to talk to you about earlier today. What's the purpose of sealing away everyone's decks?"
"The decks that were used won't help them, so I am having each of them build a new deck."
"Yeah, but Penelope didn't get any of her current cards back to build a new deck with, unlike everyone else. Don't you think you could've given her three of her monsters back?"
"You didn't even look at any of those cards, yet you were able to scan each and every one of those decks. No offense, but I think you're just fluking that scan stick."
"Is that what you believe?"
"I have a high probability on that."
"Okay. Now come and take a look at Penelope's deck here."
Boss had a disdainful look on his face. "I don't know... I shouldn't be looking at her cards..."
"You already beat this deck, so is shouldn't matter to you at all. Besides, don't you want to see the cards that gave you a fight last tournament?"
"Well, I guess I should, since you put it that way."
Boss looked at Penelope's deck and his expression was shocked. "This is Penelope's deck?"
"That's right." Jam nodded.
"Holy shit, look at all of these spells..."
"I'm amazed at how she managed to enter the finals with a deck like this."
"Me too. I mean, this is way too many spells. I can understand having an Elemental Hero deck, but it's like her deck is the anthology of every last one of them and the cards that go with them, from TLM until now."
Jam nodded. "This deck is far too imbalanced. Sure, she's added the Neo-Spacians to it, but there aren't enough monsters in this deck to compensate for the flood of spells."
"And tha fact that there are so few traps only makes things worse... No wonder she lost, even with Destiny..."
"Do you still think my scanning was a fluke after seeing this deck?"
"You've made me a believer in the way you've scanned decks, that's for sure."
"Penelope's current Elemental Hero deck... this Elemental Hero deck is far too unstable. There are way too many spells, too few traps and not enough monsters to balance the ratio of her deck."
Boss glanced at the spells and traps of Penelope's deck. "It's like she has all of the Elemental Heroes, three Hero Kids and all six Neo-Spacians in this deck. And even with that, it's still not enough to compensate for the horde of spells in this deck. It's a shame to see a deck, for use of the words against my better judgement, composed so horribly. And a lot of this stuff isn't needed."
"That's my point, Boss."
"But still, you could've given her Neos, Bladedge and Necroshade."
"No, Penelope must learn to compose and build a proper deck."
Penelope was at home in her cage, crying. She was crying to the fact that she was the only duelist that didn't get any of her cards back. "It's not fair." she said through her tears. "I could've gotten at least one card back. I guess this is just 'tuff-luv' from Jam, but he's known for that. What hurts the most is that I can't do anything now that my E-Heroes are sealed away... I guess I have no choice."
Penelope took her box of cards which held her Deck of Destiny Heroes. It was barely a deck at forty-one cards, but it was a deck nonetheless. "I may not have my deck of Elemental Heroes, but I'm not out of E-Heroes." Inside her deck of Destiny Heroes, four Elemental Heroes resided. It was these cards that she seperated from the deck. "I'm so glad I put you two in this deck, or I'd really be in trouble." she continued to console herself through her tears. "Sparkman, Wildheart, Ocean and Stratos. You four are the las E-Heroes I have for now. I just wish I didn't fail you guys..." and Penelope walked over to her water bottle.
"You haven't failed us yet, Penelope."
Hearing this, Penelope turned around, and there they stood. Her four Elemental Heroes. "Guys, you're..." Penelope cought herself. "Forgive me, I haven't been a good duelist with you all..."
"You haven't failed us at all, Penelope." Elemental Hero Sparkman began to explain. "Every duelist has setbacks, some are minor, some are major. This is a major one for you, but you'll pull through it."
"Don't give up now, you're a hero after all." said Elemental Hero Ocean.
"Despite what you may think of yourself, you're a very brave little girl." said Elemantal Hero Wildheart. "It took a lot of courage for you to break out of your timidity and duel with your peers, that shows true strength."
"You really think so?" asked Penelope, wiping her tears.
"We know so." answered Elemental Hero Stratos. "In another time, you would be a great Elemental Hero."
"Thank-q, all of you." Penelope's expression turned dynamic. "Listen you guys, I need to redeem myself and rescue the other E-Heroes. But in order to do that, I need to assemble a new deck of you guys. However, even with this new deck, I still need support in building it. Can I rely on you four to see me through this?"
"Penelope, you have my sword." answered Elemental Hero Wildheart.
"...and you have my lance." added Elemental Hero Ocean.
"...and my windpower." added Elemental Hero Stratos.
"You also have my powers of electricity." said Elemental Hero Sparkman.
"You also have the powers of space itself."
Suddenly, Elemental Hero Neos appeared before Penelope. That's right, I have that special edition Neos. Penelope thought.
"It's good to see you're here to help, Neos." said Elemental Hero Sparkman.
"Of course," said Elemental Hero Neos, "but we will also need the help of my crew."
"That's a problem, all the Neo Space monsters were in the current deck." said Penelope.
"Not entirely, just the forms that you normally use, you can still have their alternate stages." and Neos tossed Penelope a card.
Penelope looked at the card. "This is... Chrysalis Dolphin."
"Chrysalis Dolphin, in a sense, is the 'Hero Kid' version of Aqua Dolphin. All you have to do now is find the other Chrysalis monsters, then their grown-up stages. There are also cards that work well with the Chrysalis monsters now."
"Also, I know another Hero that can help us rescue everyone else." said Elemental Hero Sparkman.
"Tell me." Penelope was ready to listen.
"You must find the one known as Captain Gold. His power will help us rescue everyone else."
"With Captain Gold alongside of us, we'll have a better chance as freeing the others." said Elemental Hero Wildheart.
"That is correct." said Elemental Hero Neos. "Penelope, it seems that in order to redeem not just you, but us as well, we'll need your help in assembling the rest of us."
Penelope nodded. "I'll do it. Okay then, let's go rescue the Elemental Heroes."
"Right." all five Elemental Heroes agreed, then they returned to their cards.
Penelope took her four low-level Elemental Heroes and placed them back into the Destiny Hero deck. She then shuffled it and placed it in the card holder of her duel disk. Elemental Hero Neos and Chrysalis Dolphin were placed in a deck box. "Neos, I won't add you to the deck of the D-Heroes. So until the new E-Hero deck is complete, you will be on standby. Please understand." Penelope said.
"Of course." said Elemental Hero Neos. "It's about time you did more dueling with the Destiny Heroes anyhow."
"You're right. I know there's a new D-Hero out there, so I'll just have to find him or her. So wish me luck..."
"You don't need luck, but I wish you great dueling."
Penelope took her cards and had a new agenda as she settled down for the night. Pegasus, you said that I needed to unlock my potential as a Hero duelist, she thought as she closed her eyes. I've been using the Elemental side of the heroes for too long. It's time I started unlocking my powers of Destiny Heroes. And now I have no choice. And once I've done this, I'll face you and take back my E-Heroes, Jam. You knocked me down and made me cry, but I won't stay down... and I won't get knocked down again without a fight. The Hero duelist is back, and this time... I'm not losing so easily. Not to you, not to Boss, not to anyone! With this in mind, Penelope eventually fell sound asleep.