Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ more than one kind of poison ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Jam came to, he was back at the fun park. Although, he woke up in the bushes, he knew this part of the fun park. "Looks like I'm back at the fun park." he said to himself. "I remember passing out, but I don't remember being in the bushes when I did." Jam checked his pack to see if anything was misplaced, but everything was as it should be. He was relieved that his stuff wasn't robbed, so he checked his deck and this is where the problem was. When he looked at Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6, the card image was blank. He continued to look at his cards, only to find that his Horus LV4, Horus LV8 and Decoy Dragon were also blank in the image as well. Hmm... he thought and continued to look through his deck. The rest of his cards are fine, then he removed the blank cards. Afterwards, he looked into his fusion deck where first two cards were fine, but the Five God Dragon was also blank in the image.
This can't be coincedental.... he thought and headed back on the trail. What the hell happened when I passed out?
"Jam, there you are. I was looking all over for you." Stan said as he approached Jam. "You okay, or are you still upset over your loss to Aqua?"
"I passed out, but I'm good." Jam answered. "Take a look at these cards for a minute." and Jam handed his blank dragon cards to Stan.
Stan looked at the cards. "All three ultimate rares of Horus and the Decoy Dragon."
"Are you even looking at them?"
"Of course I am, and the picture on these Horus cards look amazing."
"So it's just me then..."
"Come again?"
"What about the Decoy Dragon?"
"It's fine, just a regular image on a common card."
"At least the cards aren't damaged."
"Not even a bend in the corners. What's up?"
"I can't see the images on those cards, I can't even see the image on the Five God Dragon. I was able to see them before, but since I passed out..."
"Anyway, I wanted to show you something."
"Show me."
"The new dragon deck is out and on sale here at the fun park."
Stan pulled out the deck box so that Jam could see. "Felgrand Dragon, looks pretty cool." said Jam.
"I haven't even opened it yet," said Stan. "Jam, do you wanna' do the honors?"
"Well, if you insist."
As Jam took the deck box, his paw got shocked and the box fell to the ground. "Whoa, static shock." said Stan. "Lemme get that for you."
"No, I got it." said Jam and went to pick up the deck box from the ground. His paw was shocked again in response to touching it and he withdrew his paw. "O-kay, that's weird."
"You're telling me." said Stan.
Suddenly, Horus the Black Flame Dragon appeared before them above the deck box. "Jam, you are forbidden to use this deck." Horus said to them. "Since you are no longer the Dragonlord, you must redeem yourself from the duel you lost."
"You lost another duel, when did this happen?" asked Stan.
"I guess that explains the passing out I had." said Jam. "Tell me Horus, who did I lose to?"
"I will not tell you, for I am not allowed to disclose this."
"So that's the reson your cards are blank." said Stan.
"But the Five God Dragon is also blank." said Jam.
"The reason for the blank cards to you is because you have been disabled from using them, Jam." Horus continued. "Until you find a way to redeed yourself as a dragon duelist, this deck, and those cards that are blank to you, shall remain sealed. This is the last time I will communicate with you as well, so go and reclaim the title that you have lost." and Horus faded away.
Jam was vexed at this. "It may be a long shot, but I believe that whoever you lost to used these cards against you in that duel." said Stan.
"You could be right about that one, Stan." Jam said. He then removed the Five God Dragon from his fusion deck slot on his duel disk. "Stan, I want you to hold onto these cards since I can't use them."
"But, the Five God Dragon..."
"It doesn't matter, you can still hold onto it for a while."
"...I understand."
"I guess it's fair to say that cards are also sealed from me as well as everyone else. No matter, you now hold both of our signature dragons. And although I lost one title, I'm still one of the Dragon Brothers... we both are."
"That's right, we'll always be Dragon Brothers."
"Looks like it's your time to shine, Stan... that is, after you come back from your dueling vacation."
"True. So what's next for you, Jam?"
"Simple, I have to reconstruct my deck."
"Cool. And by the way, stop being so humble in duels. If you did that, you would've been able to win against Aqua."
"Let her and her White Night Dragon have their moment in the spotlight. Horus may not be usable to me at this moment, but I still have another dragon to play with. Take care of that dragon, Stan."
"No problem."
And with this, the Dragon Brothers part their ways in the fun park.
Jam was heading for the exit of the theme park and onto his path of redmption. "Jam!" Jam heard someone calling his name, so he turned to see Nurse Ham running up to him. "Jam, I'm glad I caught you."
"If it isn't the Nurse herself," Jam began, "what could I do you for?"
"I would like to talk with you about a few things."
"Okay, but can we talk and walk?"
"That's okay, I want to head back to my main office."
So Jam and Nurse Ham walked outside of the fun park. As they walked, the two seemed to appear like they're out on a date. "Now that we're out of the fun park, I want to get back to why I wanted to confide in you." says Nurse Ham.
"Let's hear it." said Jam.
"Last tournament, Cappy mentioned a stand... or whatever it's called. It got me thinking as of late, so I figured that I would discuss it with you."
"From what I've researched, I've heard a lot about Ka, Ba, and how it can take one of two forms. But I don't understan much of it, so I figured you'd be the one to tell me... since you're familiar with the old ways."
Jam chuckled. "The Ka and Ba all relate to the game as we play it."
"And the two forms of them?"
"I'll cut you here, because both don't have two forms.
"First, the Ba: Ba refers to the spirit, the life. In our game today, Ba still exists as the spirit. Even back then, just as now, Ba is lowered as things go bad. However, the Ba of today is our life points."
"So our Ba is the life points we have?"
"Exactly. Now the Ba in those days was important, because of the fact that the life points eminated from the very soul of the person. Meaning that when no Ba is left, it resulted in the person's death."
"Oh..." Nurse Ham's expression turned somewhat worried.
"Now the Ka: Ka represents the monsters themselves that eminate from the soul, a.k.a. the Ba. That is why when a monster summoned and damage occurs, it takes away from the soul, the power of the soul. Still with me?"
"Good. Now the monsters summoned, a.k.a. the Ka, take one of two forms: Spirit Ka and Demon Ka. Spirit Ka resembles a good monster, as Demon Ka resembles a bad one; angelic spirit or devilish demon. In a sense, Spirit and Demon were the two types of monsters back then, while we now have many types aside from just the latter two."
"Okay, so where does the stand come in?"
"Stands are a type of Ka, only they are a signature Ka. In the game, if a person's signature Ka was destroyed, all of the person's Ba was depleted.
"So why do you ask about this?"
"Because I think I have a stand, but I'm not sure if she's spirit Ka, or demon Ka."
"No matter. From what I've learned a person's stand can have both."
"Bijou is the perfect example. Her stand takes both spirit and demon form."
"How so?"
"The spirit form of Bijou's stand is Winged Kuriboh, just as the demon form is the regular Kuriboh. The spirit type denotes fairies and the demon type denotes fiends, but this doesn't mean that other types that we have aren't represented by spirit or demon."
"I get it. Moving on, Sandy told me about how you sealed away everyone's decks."
"Not everyone's, but I did seal away cards. I also have cards sealed from me, which is one of the reasons why I'm preparing to reconstruct my deck."
"Well before you do, perhaps you can give me a duel."
"Unfortunately, this can't wait, but I will duel against you."
"Well, I don't mind the wait. Just as long as I can have a round against you."
"Well you know me, I don't mind having a..." and Jam started to fall forward.
"Jam!" Nurse Ham managed to catch Jam before he hit the ground. Not good, I better get you to my office quickly. she thought and headed to her office with Jam in tote.
Eyes began to open up, and as they did, a new surrounding was seen. Jam looked around and got where he was. This is a... hospital ward. he thought. I guess I'm at Nurse Ham's...
Nurse Ham walks into the room holding a chart. "Good to see that you're awake," she said. "I was worried for a moment after you passed out during our walk."
"Again... Just great, I'm starting to have my fill of pass outs."
"Well, take a look at this x-ray." and Nurse Ham showed Jam the x-ray. "I guess getting hit with battle damage so much gave you mild force trauma to your head, so you're going to have to take it easy for a while before you duel again."
"Does this mean I get a medical slip?"
"Already wrote it." Nurse Ham give Jam the slip. "Looks like I'll have to really wait for our duel."
"Or we can duel the low-tech way..."
"No dueling until you completely recover!"
"Okay, okay, nurse's orders."
"Good. Now I'll check in on you a little later, so rest up."
"No problem."
Jam saw Nurse Ham walk away, but noticed wings coming out of her back momentarily. Wait a minute... did I just... Nah, must be the trauma. and Jam lay back down in the bed.
After thirty minutes, Jam was walking around the area. Maybe all of this dueling is stressing me out. he thought. Either that, or I'm just flat out losing it. But what was the deal behind Nurse Ham's wings? Jam walked around some more and found Nurse Ham coming out of a room holding a tray of food. "Up and about I see, you really don't like to rest." she told him.
"You should know that I don't stay still long." Jam replied.
"That's probably your problem."
The two sat at a table and Jam ate his meal. "And hospital food usually tastes bad... aside from the pizza, but this I like." Jam said.
"Yes, I eat this stuff as well, so I might as well enjoy it." agreed Nurse Ham. "I guess I'm just jealous of you and the others about this dueling thing."
"Why is that?"
"Because of my job as a nurse. Since I have to deal with patients 99.9% of the time, I rarely get to duel. But when I do, I try to enjoy myself whenever I can."
"Job and hobby conflict..."
"Something like that. And there are times where I don't get to actually finish a duel because I have to tend to someone, which hurts in a lot of ways."
"Dueling takes away the stresses of the medical ward."
Nurse Ham smiled. "You understand... Hamtaro and crew always tell me that their lives are usually boring, even though they have good company. A lot of them envy you, especially how you get to do your globetrotting so much. I wish I could do that..."
"Why don't you simply... oh wait, you can't close up your office. Too many people depend on you... You don't even get to go on vacation because of your proffession."
"What's a vacation?"
"You really are a sweet fellow."
"I get that a lot." Jam finishes his food. "By the way, I want to ask you something."
"Go on."
"When you last checked in on me and went about your business, I noticed something odd about you. It's probably just me, but I managed to see wings come from your back. Perhaps it's me just taking it too hard on-"
"So it isn't just me seeing that from time to time..."
"Wait, come again?"
"One night, I had woken up for whatever reason, so I decided to rinse my face. But when I saw my reflection, I noticed that I saw wings come out of my back. Bat-like wings to be exact...."
"Well, I saw wings come from your back, but they weren't bat-like."
"What did they look like?"
"You tell me."
Jam held a mirror and Nurse Ham saw them. Wings, but these wings weren't bat-like at all, they were more like another type of wings. "Oh my, these look like angel wings." said Nurse Ham, then her wings went away. "This is why I wanted to talk to you about the whole stand deal. From what Sandy told me, he said that an individual's stand leaves the body. But those angle wings... they look familiar." Nurse Ham explained.
"Angel wings, huh? I was thinking they looked more like bird wings." said Jam.
"Most angel wings derive from the wings of a bird of some sort. Well now I know that I have two kinds of wings."
"Wings you say, that's an interesting story." Jam and Nurse Ham turn to see Shena. "A nurse with the wings of an angel in real life, how pretty."
"May I help you?" asked Nurse Ham.
"You can help me by stepping aside so I may duel and defeat him." Shena pointed at Jam.
"You'll have to wait, because-"
"I don't have to wait for anything. Now move aside, or I will move you by force."
"Jam will not be dueling for a while, until he's completely recovered."
"Well, he can recover after I put him in critical care."
"Just who are you anyway?"
"Me, you can call me Lady Venom."
"Venom, you're one of Nazaruda's run-ins." said Jam.
"Yes, I am apart of the Rexchus. And unlike Nazaruda's plain ass, I like to take my prey when they least expect it."
"Why you dirty rotten snake..." Nurse Ham said.
"Snake... you dare call me a snake?" Shena laughed at Nurse Ham. "Thank-q kind nurse, I am a snake. However, I'm a beautiful one."
"If you want Jam, you'll have to wait like I am."
"So that's it, you wish to challenge him as well? It all makes sense... Well then, we'll play it like so: The winner of our duel earns the right to face Jam."
Nurse Ham looks back at Jam. Jam can't duel right now, he's in no condition for this. she thought.
"What's wrong, nurse? Are you afraid to defend him with action instead of just words?" asked Shena.
"I have no choice. Okay you snake, you've got a duel."
"I knew you'd see it my way, not like you've had any choice after all."
"Oh wait, I don't have my duel disk."
"Then use mine." said Jam as he removed his deck and gave it to Nurse Ham.
"You are a life saver." said Nurse Ham as she took Jam's duel disk.
"I thought that was your job."
"Will you hurry up already, I don't like my time being wasted." said Shena as she activated her duel disk.
Shena and Nurse Ham began shuffling their decks. This snake is one really cold hearted girl and I won't let her get to Jam. thought Nurse Ham. I really can't lose to this girl, but if it should happen, I hope to buy Jam enough time to rest.
Boss told me about this Lady Venom, and how her deck can dismantle opponents. thought Jam. My question now is how Nurse Ham plans to counter this?
"I hope you're ready, because my monsters are hungry." said Shena.
"Trying to grow some teeth, are you? Well, I better get things going." said Nurse Ham.
"Okay ladies, let see some skilled dueling here." said Jam.
"Let's just hope this nurse can prove she can do more than wrap bandages." said Shena.
"Whatever." said Nurse Ham.
"Prove it then, I'll give you the first move."
"Okay, then watch me work."
With this said, both girls draw their hands and Nurse Ham takes the opening draw. I've heard about how the venom can work, but let's see what Nurse Ham is capable of. thought Jam.
"For my first move, I'll summon Cure Mermaid." Nurse Ham opens up the duel (1500/800). "Next, I'll drop two cards down and end my turn."
Shena draws. "I'll set one card face down, then summon Venom Snake." she opens her move (1200/800). "Next, I'll play the spell card Terraforming and bring a field spell from my deck to my hand. I'd tell you what it is, but I'll show you instead. Now I'll play Venom Swamp." Suddenly, Shena's field spell turns the entire hospital into a toxic swamp. "Man, the hospital is affected by field spells too? Incredible."
"Leave it to Panda's technical genius." said Jam.
"Wow, Panda truly is incredible." said Nurse Ham.
"Moving on," Shena continued. "Venom Snake has an ability which I will now activate..." Shena's monster spits out a small snake that sinks its fangs into the Cure Mermaid. "The effect costs my chance to battle, not like my Venom Snake can destroy it anyway. But thanks to the venom counter that was just given to your monster, the Venom Swamp weakens the ATK of your Mermaid by 500 points."
"No way (1000 ATK)."
"And at the end of each turn, the Venom Swamp will place another venom counter on your monster, which I end my turn now."
A venom counter leaps out from the swamp and bites into Cure Mermaid (500 ATK). Interesting strategy. Jam thought. Though her monster isn't too strong, it makes up for that be weakening the opposing monster. Looks like this girl lives up to her name.
"My turn." said Nurse Ham as she drew. "Now it's my turn to use the powers of my Cure Mermaid." The amulet around the neck of Nurse Ham's monster began to glow, and this light reinforced Nurse Ham's life points <8800>.
"A healing deck, typical stereotype for a nurse." said Shena. "Why don't you try doing damage instead of healing yourself in hopes of me decking out?"
"Fine, I will. Come forth, Bowganian (1300/1000). Now let's get rid of her snake, attack!" Nurse Ham's monster fires from its crossbow at the Venom Snake, but a snake appears from the swamp and catches the attack in its mouth. "Wait a minute, where did that snake come from?"
"My trap card, it's called Ambush Fangs. It ends the battle phase immediately, but it also penalizes your monster with a venom counter." A venom counter sinks its fangs into Bowganian. "And remember, due to my swamp, your monster is weakened by 500 ATK points."
"Great. (800 ATK) I end my turn." Two venom counters appear from the Venom Swamp and bite into Nurse Ham's monsters.
"And when a monster with vemon counters is reduced to 0 ATK, the Venome Swamp destroys it." Shena explains as we see the poison seep through the Cure Mermaid's body, leaving only her bones after her body fades away.
"My Mermaid (300 ATK)..."
"You still have one monster, but 300 ATK points makes him easy prey." Shena draws. "I'll set one card face down and summon my second Venom Snake."
"Great, now my monster gets another venom counter...."
"No, not this time. Attack, my snake, and bare your fangs into your prey." Shena's monster goes in for the attack.
"I activate Draining Shield."
"Lovely, more life points for you."
"Yes, more life points <10000>."
"No matter. I still have both of my snakes and now my swamp will destroy another of your monsters as I end my turn." A venom counter appears from the swamp and sink its fangs into Nurse Ham's monster, which turns into fodder.
Nurse Ham draws. "I summon Asura Priest (1700/1200), then I'll equip him with the Cestus of Dalga to boost my priest by 500 points (2200 ATK). He may only be on the field for one turn, as he's a spirit, but I can still attack all monsters on your side of the field. Attack her snakes with Divine Daggers!"
Shena saw her snakes destroyed <6000>. "Well, I haven't taken damage in a duel in quite some time."
"And due to the effect of this equipment, I gain life points equal to the damage you just took <12000>."
"Speaking of damage I just took, I activate my Damage = Reptile. Now I can special summon one of my reptiles equal to the damage I took from one battle. Since the damage was 1000 points, I can bring a monster from my deck with an attack equal to or less than that damage." Shena searches her deck and picks her monster. "Ah, I'll call out Venom Serpent in attack mode (1000/800)." and Shena shuffles her deck, then places her deck in its holder."
"Foolish girl. Asura Priest, attack her newly summoned Snake as well."
"Wait a minute, that can't be right."
Jam comes in from out of nowhere. "Ah, man did I need to hit the throne." he said while wiping his paws with a disinfectant towlette. "Did I miss anything?"
"I need a ruling." Shena answered. "She just attacked me with her monster, then I used my trap card and-"
"Looks like the Nurse has another target to destroy. Continue the attack as scheduled." Jam cuts Shena off.
"You didn't even hear me out." Shena wasn't too happy with the ruling.
"It doesn't really matter. Asura Priest can attack all monsters on the opposing side of the field, even if you bring one back during the battle phase. This snake here still counts as the 'all monsters' that Asura Priest targets, even if you just summoned it by way of your trap card."
"That shit ain't fair."
"Wow, I didn't know a snake could cry..." Jam chuckles.
"Asure Priest, one more dagger for one more snake." said Nurse Ham.
Shena saw her newly summoned snake destroyed. "You're gonna pay for this, you cheapshot judge <4800>." she whined.
"Well, I get some more life points <13200>. I love it when my opponents get mad when they duel me, like this one time I faced this one guy and had 20000 life points. Well, since Asura Priest will return to my hand at the end of the turn, your Venom Swamp is useless against it, but I do lose my Cestus of Dalga. Oh well, my turn's over." and Nurse Ham's monster returns to her hand.
Shena draws. "I can't do anything this turn, so go ahead and move."
"Certainly, I will." Nurse Ham said happily, then those wings appeared again momentarily.
There go those wings. Jam thought.
"Okay... was that just me, or did you just grow wings that fade away quickly?" asked Shena.
"You saw them too, what wings were they?" asked Nurse Ham.
"Angel wings."
Nurse Ham draws. "Well, I guess this will answer that question. I summon my favorite monster, Injection Fairy Lily (400/1500)."
And that's when it hit Jam. It was you, those were the bird wings I saw. he thought. So Injection Fairy Lily is Nurse Ham's stand... but what explains the devil wings?
Oh shit, not that card. Shena thought. She has over 13000 life points and I don't have a monster on the field, this isn't good.
"Well, for someone who calls herself Lady Venom, you sure despise the fact that I've administered an antidote to your poisonous snakes." said Nurse Ham. "Lily, let's deal up 3400ccs of battle damage STAT!"
This is gonna hurt. Shena saw Injection Fairy Lily fly in and just before giving her the needle, pulled back the pin and stuck her dead in the heart <1400>.
"Ooh, that attack would give me a fear of needles if I was sensitive." said Jam.
Shena doubled over. "So, do you still think I'm only good with tending to injuries?" asked Nurse Ham <11200>.
Shena managed to take to her feet. "That hurt, but it doesn't matter. Because that nurse will be destroyed once this turn is over. In the meantime, I'll activate my Damage = Reptile."
"Oh, I forgot about that."
"3400 is a big number, but since you leave me no choice, you're gonna pay big time." Shena searched her deck. "It's time I bring out the heavy artillery. I'll now bring out my Venominon the King of Poisonus Snakes." and Shena shuffled her deck as her monster appeared from the murky depths of the swamp (0/0).
"If that's your heavy artillery, I'm about to win this duel in no time." said Nurse Ham.
"Think again, Venominon gains 500 ATK points for each reptile in my graveyard. So far, there are only three (1500 ATK), but expect that to change really soon."
"I can handle a warning shot from that monster, but you won't fare too well. My turn is over."
"Yes, you're done... and so is your Lily."
"Damn swamp."
Nurse Ham saw the venom counter sink its fangs into Injection Fairy Lily, where the poison brought this monster her demise. "Lily, I promise that this won't go unavenged."
"Bitch, I got your unavenged right here!" Shena yelled as she drew. "And it starts with Snake Rain."
"Snake Rain?" Suddenly, snakes fell to the ground from the sky, surrounding Nurse Ham and Jam.
"I'll discard this card, now I can take four reptiles from my deck and send them to the graveyard."
"So, that still won't help you."
"Wow, you forgot about my monster already? Such a slow nurse." Shena said as she discards her monsters to her graveyard. "Remember, Venominon gains 500 ATK points for each reptile in my graveyard. And now the count is eight, so he now has 4000 ATK points."
"Okay, I was being sarcastic."
"Sure you were. I'll set the last card in my hand face down, and now for my payback. Venominon, attack that naughty nurse with Fanged Venom!" Using the snake-like fingers, Venominon fires his venom directly at Nurse Ham. Now it was Nurse Ham who doubled over <7200>.
"Nurse Ham, are you okay?" asked Jam.
"That venom... it stings worse than peroxide." Nurse Ham answered.
"Let me help you up."
Jam helped Nurse Ham stand and that when he saw the effects of the attack. The venom that Venominon dished out actually burned Nurse Ham's chest. "That's a nasty burn you have there on your chest." he noted.
"She'll get more burns from this venom before I'm through with her." said Shena. "You're a clever duelist, I'll give you that. But you now face the King of Poisonous Snakes. So draw your card and prepare to take a venom unlike anything you've ever seen or felt before."
Nurse Ham draws. "One monster in defense mode and that ends my turn."
Shena draws. "I activate Fatal Abacus. Now Venominon, destroy her monster with Fanged Venom!"
Nurse Ham's monster is destroyed. "You destroyed my Skull-Mark Ladybug. And since it's going to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points."
"Maybe, but Fatal Abacus deals 500 damage to a player each time they have a monster sent to the graveyard. So you only get half of that instead of the full reinforcement."
"It's better than nothing <7700>."
"Your turn."
Nurse Ham draws. "One monster in defense mode and that ends my turn."
Shena draws. "Now let's change the pace here and summon Venom Cobra (100/2000)."
"I would set a monster with those stats."
"That's because you're stupid and don't know how to attack with it. I on the other hand do, and I'll equip it with the Phalanx Pike. This spell increases my Venom Cobra's ATK points when others like it are in either player's graveyard by 900 points. And I have the other two in my grave, giving it a lovely power boost (1900 ATK). Now my Cobra, sink your fangs into her monster."
"Man, that's pretty swell." Nurse Ham saw her monster destroyed.
"And remember, Fatal Abacus gives 500 damage to you."
"Oh yeah <7200>."
"But now it's time for the real pain. Venominon, attack her directly with Fanged Venom!"
Nurse Ham took this blow, but the poison stung really bad this time as it got in her eyes <3200>. "Ah, my eyes..."
"Nurse Ham..." Jam was concerned.
"It burns, I can't even open them without it stinging me."
"Can you try?"
"I am trying, but nothing. I can't see."
Jam turned to Shena. "That was a dirty trick, even for you."
"Like I give a damn, Jam." Shena said as she flicked her hair. "I don't take a surrender, so make your move and duel."
"Nurse Ham, go ahead and move." Jam told Nurse Ham.
"It's no use if I can't see my cards." said Nurse Ham.
"You brought out Injection Fairy Lily without seeing it, you can stil play."
Jam placed his paw over Nurse Ham's eyes. "I will lend you my eyes."
"No helping." said Shena.
"You really are a snake..."
"It's fine, I learned something from you, Jam. Now move your paw from my eyes."
"As a duelist, I can sense my cards trying to help me. I hear them, and with this, I will play."
"Hey, what's with the bat wings all of a sudden?" Shena asked.
Jam looked at Nurse Ham and saw them. Those are... devil wings. he thought."
"That's it... that is why I will finish you off. It's time to call on my other mediacl helper. Now come..." Nurse Ham drew her card, "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One." Nurse Ham's new monster appeared on the field (1400/600). "Take a look, because this is the monster that will finish you off and your venom."
"Not with those weak attack points." retorted Shena.
"Now I reveal my face down trap Gift Card."
"Gift card..." Shena laughs hysterically. "You stupid bitch, that trap gives me 3000 life points."
"That's not what's going to happen." Nurse Ham said with a smile on her face.
"How so?"
"I have two nurses, Lily and Reficule, each of them has a special ability that shouldn't be taken lightly. Reficule's powers are far worse than Lily's. Anytime an effect that gives my opponent life point is activated, Nurse Reficule's effect is triggered, turning that life point gain into life damage."
"No, you mean..."
"Yes, you take 3000 damage instead. Here's a little poison from Nurse Reficule, now activate Anti-cure and damage her life points for 3000."
"Damn you, that's not fair."
"That's how the card was made by Pegasus, hon. Therefore, you lose."
Using her effect, Nurse Reficule damaged Shena directly for the upset win. "This is impossible, I can't lose to a nurse." Shena said.
"You just did." said Jam as he was rinsing out Nurse Ham's eyes. "Are you feeling any better, Nurse Ham?"
"Yes, much better now." Nurse Ham answered.
"So you won the duel, but you won't be so lucky to get out of here alive." said Shena. "My snakes are already bringing down the foundation of this medical center, good riddance to you." and Shena left. Just as she left, the place began to collapse.
"Good for nothing snake." said Nurse Ham as she ran to her office.
"What are you doing, we have to get out of here?" questioned Jam.
"I have to get my things."
"Fine, but we better do this quickly."
Jam and Nurse Ham got into her office, but the place caved in on them as they entered and blocked their passage. They were now trapped as the place was coming down on them. "What are we gonna do?" asked Nurse Ham. "I can't get to my stuff now."
"We're out of here." Jam answered.
"Hold on to me."
Nurse Ham held Jam. "I'm ready."
Using his Blade of Ra, Jam was able to teleport the two from the collapsing medical office. Shena was happy with her handywork that she and her snakes had done. "Nothing personal, nurse, but I can't allow you to have made it out of that alive." she said. "If I know you, you're probably in a safe area from the collapse, but you'll be dead soon. At least I can report to Nazaruda about not having to worry about Jam anymore... at least not for a while anyway."
In a safe area up in a tree, Jam and Nurse Ham watch Shena scurry off into the brush. "Well, that was a close one." said Jam. He then turned to see Nurse Ham crying. "Hey come on, stop with the waterworks."
"My stuff, it's all gone." said Nurse Ham as she cried. "I didn't even get my duel disk, my medicine, or my medical supplies."
"You mean this duel disk?"
Nurse Ham turned to see Jam holding her duel disk. "My duel disk! But how did you..."
"During your match, I had to hit the throne. So after I was done, I noticed you didn't have any paper towels, so I teleported into your office. I took one of your disinfected wipes for my paws, then I grabbed your medical kit and some other supplies and put them in my pack." Jam took out Nurse Ham's medical kit and gave it to her.
"Like I said, you're a real life saver."
The two got down and went into an opening at the base of the tree, then Jam sealed off the opening so no one else could enter. "Well, that was definitely something." said Jam.
"Yeah, she has issues." said Nurse Ham.
"Not that, I mean your dueling skills. Despite being able to give yourself so many life points, you didn't stall time against Shena."
"There's no point in that."
Jam emptied out all of the stuff he took from Nurse Ham's medical office. "I'm not sure what's what, so I guess you'll sort all of this out."
"At least you got my medicine, so I can relax knowing that." Nurse Ham took her medicines into her paws. "The rest of that stuff is extra supplies that my medical kit can't carry."
"Can you use it?"
"Yes, but I have no room for it."
"Well, I can fix that." Jam reached into his pack and pulled out a folded up pack. "Now you have something to put your duel disk, along with your extra supplies in."
"You really think of everything, don't you?"
"No, this bag actually belonged to Roll."
"Oh... Well thanks a lot."
"No problem."
After that, Jam tended to the burns on Nurse Ham and the two had an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat, in case you were wondering). "Jam, This is nice and all, but I really am going to need a bit of time to get over this." said Nurse Ham.
"This stuff shouldn't get to you, it was a set-up." said Jam.
"True, but I still need a good nerve calmer."
"If I had some water to boil, I would make some tea."
Nurse Ham got closer to Jam. "How about making something else?"
"Something else...."
"Do I have to explain?"
"No, but is that really what you want?"
"It's something I really need right now."
"Lemme make a quick fire."
Using his Blade of Ra, Jam made a quick fire inside of a ring of rocks. After that, He sat Nurse Ham in his lap and took off her cap. She in return, removed Jam's headset and set everything aside. "You have very pretty eyes behind that visor of yours." Nurse Ham compliments.
"And that makes two." said Jam.
"So, kiss me?"
"Regular, or deep?"
"No deeps, I don't like another tongue in my mouth."
"Works for me."
Jam and Nurse Ham have a soft one, then their paws begin to roam. Nurse Ham's paws roam around Jam's back, around the sunspot points; Jam's paws ran through the chest fur of the nurse. After all of the foreplay was over, it was time for the two to get down to the lovin. "Lay back for a moment, I want to roam my fingers for a bit." said Nurse Ham.
"Sure, why not..." said Jam and he fell softly to the ground.
"Now let's see if you've recovered enough for a little uki." said Nurse Ham as she ran her paws through Jam's chest fur.
Another rub down.... I guess she's not ready yet. thought Jam. Suddenly, he felt something around his rod and looked up only to see a condom being rolled on. Of course she's gonna do that...
Nurse Ham's eyes meet Jam's. "Is there a problem?"
"Nothing... just obvious, that's all."
"And what does that mean?"
"You're a nurse, of course you're gonna promote safe intercourse."
"You seem upset..."
"Not really." and Jam fell back to the ground.
Nurse Ham ended up putting a second condom on Jam, then decided to take her impale like a woman. "H-holy.... Do you feel that?" asked Nurse Ham.
"Of course I do." Jam answered as he sat up.
"I see."
"Are you ready now?"
"Hey, need I remind you that I haven't medically cleared you to duel yet. Now are there any dislikes I should know about?"
"Three: Leave my balls alone; stay away from my tailhole; and above all else, I dislike being bound and hurt like that stuff is the plague."
"Gotcha. Now place your paws on my hips and I'll be all set to do it."
Now that the demands were taken care of, Jam bounced Nurse Ham in his lap. Her soft coos and semi-painful, yet pleased moans were all that he heard. Wow, she's tight. I guess this means I've naughtied the Nurse. thought Jam.
At least I can say that I'm a woman now. thought Nurse Ham as she moaned. Why didn't I do this sooner?
Her lower body is starting to move on it's own. Perhaps she's ready for a new position?
"A little... mmm... faster, please..." Nurse Ham requested.
"O.... kay." Jam responded and slightly ups his tempo.
"You have one problem--ahhh--problem that I've noticed. And no... umm... it's not you know what."
"What... is... that?"
"You're too humble."
"Come again?"
"No, you have to work for that."
"Sex and humor... nice."
"I mean when you duel."
Jam presses Nurse Ham against him, getting a coo as a response. "Stop being... ummm... like a cat. You'll win more duels...."
"But.... Damn, she's tight.... I don't.... want to get bored..."
"Turn me around." Jam turns Nurse Ham so her back is against his chest. "When you... have the win... go for blood sometimes."
"That... seems... wrong... to me." Jam speeds up his tempo.
"Don't you... ever get--Oh, that's the spot right there!"
"Ever get what?"
"Tired of... being called... cruel?"
It was at the moment where Jam went back in his mind about his most recent duels. And that realization made Jam stop in the middle of courting Nurse Ham. "Hey, why did you stop?"asked Nurse Ham.
"A quick breather for you," Jam answered. "I'm driving from here out, so bend over, baby."
Nurse Ham got off of Jam's lap and assumed the lordosis position. "I didn't need the breath, but I will take it."
"You have a point, Nurse Ham..." and Jam begin to hit from the back. "I have been called curel when I gave duelists chances, just so I can see what potential they have. Or the strategy that I don't see can appear, but I guess you three ladies have made a clear case."
"Jam, we're the only ones here. What other ladies are you talking about?"
"Those two."
Jam pointed near the wall where Injection Fairy Lily and Nurse Reficule the Fallen One stood. "When did they-" Nurse Ham was shocked.
"Those are your Stand, Nurse Ham: Lily as spirit Ka and Reficule as demon Ka. In a sense, you're just like Bijou... or maybe Cappy as both of them could be spirit Ka and you have two Stands."
"I see. Well, I would like to wrap out this session now, if you please. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this, but having my two main nurses watching me lose my virginity is starting to become a bit of a turn-off."
"I don't like prying eyes either, but courting in front of your guardians is a well said case."
With that said, Jam focused his hips solely on his intercourse with Nurse Ham. After another minute, Nurse Ham finally got her first big O and was spent afterwards. Jam pulled out of Nurse Ham and stood up behind her, satisfied with the "treatment" he just received. "So, what do you say?" asked Jam.
"That was good...." Nurse Ham answered with a smile on her face.
"Sweet. And on my prognosis?"
Nurse Ham sat up. "Come here." Jam walked over to the sitting nurse. "One last thing before I clear you." Nurse Ham removed the rubbers and took Jam to the head.
So much for being turned off by her Stand. thought Jam as he took his job interview. He let it fly seventy seconds later.
"Now, you pretty much are on a clean slate, but you still need to relax today. You may resume dueling tomorrow."
"And speaking of dueling..." Jam went to collect his stuff.
"We've already had our duel, which you won."
"Cute. Your dueling skills are above average, perhaps I might get to face those ladies of yours sometime."
"That's good enough for me, but you might want to get in more practice with that deck of yours. Especially since you no longer have a medical office."
"I have my office in the fun park, but I plan on getting in some more duels cardwise."
"Before you go," Nurse Ham put on her hat. "You might need this."
Jam took his duel disk back from Nurse Ham after she removed her deck from it. "Yes, I do need this after all." Jam adjusted his headset.
"That too, but I want to talk to you about a duelist I saw duel earlier today."
"Male, or female?"
"Female, and young to boot. Her expression seemed gloomy and she uses the powers of the Gem Beasts when she duels."
"Another Rexchus member, one that put their toll on Hamtaro and the gang."
"I see. Well, you might want to take heed with her, especially since the Gem Beasts are coming out with some more cards soon."
"Yes." Nurse Ham opened the slot in her duel disk for the field spell card and pulled out a piece of paper, then handed it to Jam. "I did some research on Pegasus' Duel Monsters site and made a copy of the checklist card for card. I even wrote down the effects of new cards that are coming out in the set, so I figured that you'd want to..."
"Keep it, I have a good idea what's coming from this set. But I appreciate the gratitude."
With that, Jam and Nurse Ham share a scmubby-wubby and the two go their seperate ways. Meanwhile, Muri has just finished off another duelist. "You poor fool. You didn't think you could actually win against me, did you?" she questioned her opponent.
"You just have a cheap card, that's all." answered the rat that just got beat.
"You disgust me, so I will leave you to fester." and Muri walked away.
Well, you can't say that you weren't warned about a certain scene in this chapter. I gave fair warning beforehand, so don't whine about how it turned out. Also, Nurse Ham is referring to the Jesse duelist pack will be out soon, not to mention the Jaden 3 duelist pack (which features the Evil Heroes). See you next chapter.