Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ one hell of a duel pt. 1 ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With the new ban list in effect, duelists continued to modify their decks accordingly. Pegasus was back in the regular area of the fun park, content with what he has done. It'll probably cost me for bringing out this new ban list so early, he thought, but there are pluses to this. Pegasus' train of thought was broken up by seeing Maxwell sitting on a bench with his head held low. The card creator decided to see this young individual, and hopefully put a smile on his face. "Maxwell boy, how are you feeling?"
"Bad, Pegasus." Maxwell answered. "I feel really bad because of what I couldn't accomplish." he sighed.
"Mind filling me in?"
"I had a chance to get Sandy's deck back by dueling Jam, but I failed to do so."
"With Stan not dueling, it's up to me to protect her, but I can't do that now... I feel so bad because I let her down."
"I see."
Maxwell turned to Pegasus. "You know about Jam having all of our cards..."
"I do."
"Well, I feel bad because I didn't get the job done."
"Perhaps the problem lies in your deck."
Maxwell gave his deck to Pegasus, who looked at the cards. Pegasus then noticed the Left Arm of Exodia. This... it's the original ultra rare left arm. he thought. Thirty cards into the deck, Pegasus saw all five of Exodia's parts. "I must say, Maxwell. You really went through a lot of trouble over these Exodia cards." Pegasus said. "Unlike most people who have Exodia, you have the five original pieces."
"I've had them for a long time." said Maxwell. "Despite having them, I never actually pulled Exodia."
"You mean all of his cards in your hand."
Pegasus looked through Maxwell's deck some more. "Well, Exodia Necross..." he looked at more cards, "and the Contract to boot."
"I even have the other ones that you gave me." Maxwell said with a sigh.
Pegasus flipped through the cards and saw them. "Maxwell, you are what I like to call a Keeper."
"I... I don't follow you."
"You know the story of the game, but do you know about those who guarded the Pharaoh?"
"Yes, there were eight of them, right?"
"But the adviser is the one I don't know much about."
"The advisor originally weilded one of the seven millenium items, but he was a Keeper, 'The Keeper' to be exact."
"He weilded Exodia. And as such, he was Exodia's Keeper, the one with the true Exodia.
"Maxwell," Pegasus gives Maxwell his deck back. "I have seen the merit and mettle of your cards and it's almost as true as your very soul."
Maxwell was shocked, not to mention somewhat embarrassed. "Pegasus, I... I don't know what to say." he finally managed to get off of his chest.
"In today's modern game, you are Exodia's Keeper. And as such, you have just about every form of Exodia, but you are still incomplete.... or, at least you were."
"I want you to weild this card, take it." and Pegasus handed Maxwell a face-down card.
Maxwell took the card and looked at it. "Exodios, the Ultimate Forbidden One. Pegasus, this is one of those twenty cards that we voted upon."
"It is, but you're the only one who now has it. True, I dispersed these cards to Necrophade Black, but I specifically held onto this one. You will be the first to use it, so remember to accept your destiny. You are Exodia's new Keeper, Maxwell boy. And as such, you must weild Exodia in all of his forms... But remember this, Exodia was the unstoppable being back then and won countless battles. So long as you remember to keep a true heart, Exodia... no matter how you weild him, will never let you down."
Tears began to well in Maxwell's eyes. "Pegasus, I don't know what to say."
"Say nothing, all you need to do is duel. Now perfect your cards and duel, for this is your new path."
"Pegasus, thank-q. I promise to let everyone know that Exodia's Keeper is alive and strong." and off Maxwell went..
Pegasus smiled as he saw Maxwell run off. "It brings me great joy when I inspire duelists who have lost their way. But it doesn't matter, Maxwell will rise from this adversity."
Hamtaro and Boss walked the fun park side by side, finally finished with reconstructing their decks. "That was a lot of hell to do, but I'm blad it's over with." said Boss. "I've readjusted my deck and even managed to score three Phantom boosters."
"I already opened mine, but I didn't get such good luck." said Hamtaro. "But at least I didn't have much to change as far as my deck went."
"Yeah, I still have to modify my main cousil."
"So open up your packs and see what you get."
"I'll open up one." boss beagn working his booster.
"I hope you get better luck than I do."
Boss managed to pull his cards and looked through them, then he saw his rare and nodded. Welcome to the counsil. he thought.
"Anything good?" asked Hamtaro.
"I think I'll open up my second one, the first one was a bust." Boss lied.
"So what was your rare from that pack?"
"A throw-away spell." Boss checked his second cards. "Nice rare, I think I'll add this mage to my deck."
"Why not? Cards are needed for adding into decks." and Boss added both of his rare monsters into his deck.
"Perfect, my timing couldn't be more impeccable." said someone.
"Heke?" Boss and Hamtaro look around.
Rufus then appears before them. "Summoner, you're just the duelist I've been wating to see." he began. "Prepare to duel... and no, this is not asking."
Boss looked at Rufus, dressed in his Necrophade attire. "And why should I duel you?" he questioned.
"Don't be coy. If you must know, I need to duel someone who will test my deck to the limits. Someone who is not only skilled, but also worth my time.
"And why not challenge me, has your deck lost its power?"
"Please, I didn't lose anything."
"Prove it. Face me and show me why Hiei wants your power."
"Too bad, that's not for you to decide, Rufus." Max then appeared. "If anyone will befall the Summoner, it will be by my doing."
"I see you didn't learn from last time, High Max." said Boss.
"Wait your turn, Max. I issued this duel to him before you, so my priority is before yours." said Rufus.
"Well, my rematch was predestined since my loss." said Max.
"Both of you Necrophade jokers are nuts." said Hamtaro. "We'll take both of you guys on and kick both of your asses."
"Hamtaro..." said Boss.
"Don't worry, I got your back."
"So you want in as well? Fine, even better for me." said Rufus.
"Like they say, 'The more, the merrier' fellas." said Max.
"All too true, but it should be, 'The more, the scarier' for you losers." Seifa and Noretu show up and Seifa continues. "Since the four of you are preparing to team up, we might as well make this a Double-Team duel."
"Lovely, we got Rexchus." said Hamtaro.
"More losers to get beat." said Boss. "Hamtaro, let's do this. Here's our chance to get a little face back from these guys."
"You got it, Summoner." said Hamtaro.
"You escaped last time, mage. But your luck won't save you again, we will make sure of it." said Noretu.
"We'll also get payback on Pegasus in defeating two of his Necrophade Black in the process." adds Seifa.
"Well, look at this, you fellas are getting ready to start something big." out from the bushes runs Pepper. "And look at that, I even run into a few familiar faces as well."
"Pepper, what are you doing here?" asked Boss.
"I heard you guys talking about something, so I figured to follow the vocals. And since y'all are talking dueling, I want in as well."
Seifa laughs. "Foolish girl, this duel isn't for solo duelists." he said. "Scram already, I doubt you can face all six of us by yourself."
"Pepper!" a voice yelled, feminine this time.
"Get the lead out, girl!" Pepper yelled back.
"Who the hell is that?" asked Max.
"My partner." Pepper answered. "Hurry up girl, our duel is starting."
Pepper's partner came out from the bushes. She was a light blue hamster with blue hair that banged out in the front and had two tails in the back, blue to green eyes and an oddly colored crest on her chest. She was breathing hard as she catches her breath. Interesting, this girl looks like Kai. thought Rufus.
"Everyone, this is my partner Kylia." said Pepper.
"She looks familiar, almost like a female version of Kai." Max whispered to Rufus.
"My sentiments exactly." Rufus whispered back.
Meanwhile, Petal and Cappy were on with their stroll. "This has been a good date, hasn't it?" asked Petal.
"Yeah, I'm glad that we can continue it." Cappy answered.
"I hope this never ends."
Onward the two strolled and saw a few hams runing by, seperating the two momentarily. "Are you okay, Petal?" asked Cappy.
"Yeah," Petal answered, "but I don't understand the rush."
"Neither do I." Cappy saw someone run by. "Hey man, what's the-"
"Shut up and get to a monitor, there's a big duel about to happen." the rat answered.
"What do you mean, big duel?" Petal asked.
"I don't know, but involves eight duelists."
"Lead the way." said Cappy.
It didn't take long for them to get to a monitor and the word was true. But Petal was shocked. "Aunt Kylia!" she cried.
"Aunt?" asked Cappy."
"Well, she's one of Hiei's cousins. But she's still an aunt to me, I can't believe she's here though."
"Yeah, not to mention two of those Rexchus that took the duel house from us."
Back duelside, the four teams of duel were getting ready to play. "Okay, let's get this four way Double-Team duel going. Prepare for all of you to get stomped on." said Noretu.
"Since Hamtaro and I were challenged to this from the gate, we'll go first." said Boss.
"No matter." said Seifa, "Noretu and I will go last, as we are seasoned in this type of dueling."
"No matter, we'll take second fiddle." said Max.
"But I don't know how this style works." said Kylia.
"Me neither, but we got two turns to learn." said Pepper. "Besides Kylia, the best way to learn is by experience."
"Okay, Pepper."
All eight duelists draw their hand of five cards. Sure, they knew that this duel was going to be tough as nails to play, but neither one of them planned on backing down. I sure hope I can handle a duel like this... thought Kylia.
Kylia, I hope you can hold your own very well. thought Pepper. Hell, I hope I can hold my own as well too.
Seifa, a duel of this magnitude would be a strain on us, so let's keep from using a Duel Dimension. Noretu told Seifa via telepathy.
Agreed. Seifa told Noretu back.
I didn't want this to happen, but I guess it's to be expected. thought Max.
This is perfect. thought an ecstatic Rufus. I will definitely be tested to the limits with ths duel. I couldn't ask for more....
"So much for a normal duel, huh?" asked Hamtaro.
"Who cares, this is just another reason to up our game." Boss answered. "Time to duel!"
"Prepare to lose!" yelled Seifa.
Boss and Hamtaro take the opening draws. Look at that, I just pulled the rare monster I got from my second pack. thought Boss.
"You want the first honors?" asked Hamtaro.
"Go ahead." answered Boss.
"First move honors are mine. I'll set two cards face down and summon Axe Raider (1700/1150)."
"I'll set one card and one monster in defense mode." said Boss. "You good, Hamtaro?"
"Yup, we're done with our move."
The crowd watching noticed the moving done. "No way, both of them moved at the same time." someone said.
"That's unheard of." someone else said.
"What the hell?" asked Petal, being shocked.
"No way, it's a Double-Team duel!" Cappy shouted.
Everyone turned to Cappy. "A Double-Team duel?" they asked.
"It's new to me as well, but two people on a team move on the same turn. The game is normal, but no attacks happen until everyone makes a move."
Back duelside, Rufus and Max were plotting their turn. "All right, I'll start things off for our side." said Max. "I summon Toy Magician." Max's new monster appears on his side of the field (1600/1500). "Then I'll set this card face down. Now for my partner."
"Let's see you face my power." said Rufus.
"Stop braggin and move." said Hamtaro.
"Since I have no monsters, I can special summon this monster from my hand in attack mode. I introduce to all of you, Evil Hero Hell Brat." and Rufus' monster comes to the field (300/600).
Evil Heroes, the game has Evil Heroes now? thought Pepper.
Great, more Heroes..... thought Boss.
"Evil Hero, what an oxymoron." said Hamtaro. "There are no such things as Evil Heroes, they might as well be called Villians."
"Pegaus can call these cards whatever he damn well pleases." said Rufus. "Now I can activate the special move of another monster, so I will sacrifice my Hell Brat and summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge (2600/1800). And since my Hell Brat was sacrificed for another Hero, I get to draw one card." Rufus draws. "This I will set face down and turn it over to the ladies."
"I still don't understand this style." said Kylia.
"Me neither, but it's only the first move." said Pepper. "Come on, girlfriend. Let's show everyone that the girls can duel with the big boys."
"Right, let's draw."
Both girls draw. "Should I go first, or do you want to?"
"Go ahead."
I better take to the defensive, especially with that Evil Hero on the field. thought Kylia as she looked at her hand. "Here I go," she announced, "I will put two cards, no, three cards face down and a monster to defend me." Kylia was content with her move.
"And I'll start things off with Amazoness Fighter (1500/1300), then I'll set one card face down." Pepper made her move.
Rufus growled. "Now I remember you, Pepper." said Rufus. "You and your damned deck of bitches."
"Watch your mouth, asshole. None of my girls are bitches, we're just as strong as any of you men are."
"Tough talk for the weakest monster in play." said Max. "Now hurry up and end your turn."
Rufus jabs Max in the side. "There's more to that monster than what you see." he advised his teammate.
"I'm good, Pepper." said Kylia.
"Same here, now it y'alls turn." said Pepper.
Seifa and Noretu draw. "Place your cards first, I will move after you." said Seifa.
"Fine." said Noretu. "I summon Beta the Magnet Warrior (1700/1600), then place one card face down. Seifa..."
"I will begin with Card Destruction." said Seifa.
"You're kidding me..."
"No, I am not. Card Destruction!"
"Man, and I had a good hand too." said Hamtaro.
"Too bad, now discard already."
All duelists discard and draw their hands. "Now that that's out of the way, my cards will activate." Seifa continued.
"What cards?" asked Pepper.
"The cards in my grave. Now prepare for the power of my Dark World Army. First is Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World. When he's discarded from my hand to the graveyard by a card effect, I can automatically destroy one monster, and I choose the Evil Hero."
"You bastard." said Rufus as he saw his Evil Hero Malicious Edge destroyed. "This isn't over."
"Once again, all too true. Next, I get to special summon the following monster due to his effect. Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World in attack mode(2300/1400). And when Broww, Huntsman of Dark World is discarded, I draw an extra card." Seifa draws. "Logic of Dark World is a beautiful thing. I have a powerful monster on the field, caused chaos against my opponents and still have a full hand of six cards."
"While you gloat, I'll place another card face down." said Noretu.
"Back to my turn," Seifa continued, "I summon Zure, Knight of Dark World (1800/1500), then I will set this face down and activate Card Trader. This is enough hell for now, more to come."
"Now that the first turn is over with, we can do some combat." said Boss.
"Our move." said Hamtaro as he draws with Boss. Hmmm. Do I want another monster, or a stronger monster? Hamtaro thought.
"I'll place one more monster face down." Boss said.
"I'll sacrifice my Axe Raider and summon Luminous Soldier (2100/1400). Luminous Soldier, attack Rufus' life points directly with Blazing Sword Slash!"
The sword of the Luminous Soldier turned into a blade of solar fire that cuts into Rufus' life points <5900>. "That looked Painful." said Max.
"Minor setback." said Rufus.
"You got anything else you wanna do, buddy?" Hamtaro asked his partner.
"Nope, I'm good." Boss answered.
"We're done."
Rufus and Max draw. "I'll go first." said Max. "I play Neo the Magic Swordsman (1700/1000), set one card face down and now I will begin to attack...."
"No you won't, I want to get a summon in before you go off into battle." said Rufus.
"Fine, summon already."
"One card face down and I call out Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (900/300). Now you may attack."
"Toy Magician, attack Kylia's face down monster." Max announced his attack and his Toy Magician fired its attack.
The attack hits, revealing her monster. "You lose, my Mystical Elf blocks your attack (800/2000)." Kylia explained.
Max took the loss of his life points <7600>. "Oh well, I'll try this again. Neo, attack the Amazoness Fighter." and his second monster went in for the attack.
"Activate Dramatic Rescue." Pepper plays her trap. "This trap allows me to switch my targed Amazoness Fighter out of combat..." Neo the Magic Swordsman is still coming towards Pepper's empty field. "In exchange I can bring out another of my girls, Amazoness Paladin." Pepper brings out another of her monsters in attack mode (1700/300). "And for each of my Amazons on the field, she gets an extra 100 attack points. So in truth, she actually boosts herself up (1800 ATK)."
Max grits his teeth. "Neo, cancel attack." and his monster returns to the proper side of the field.
"I told you that there was more to this bitch than what you see." said Rufus.
"You're going to pay for those remarks." said Pepper.
"Well then, try to make us pay." said Max.
Pepper and Kylia draw. "That was a nice save that you made, Pepper." said Kylia.
"That's nothing, and we've got a lot more ground to cover." said Pepper. "I'll bring some noise this turn and it begins with Double Summon. Now I can play two monsters this turn, so I'll first bring back my Amazonness Fighter. Now I'll summon Amazoness Tiger." Pepper's monsters appeared on the field (1100/1500).
"I'll sacrifice my Mystical Elf and bring out my signature monster. Say hello to Mana, the Dark Magician Girl." and Kylia made her move (2000/1700).
"Mana?" asked a confused Hamtaro.
"That's the name of the original Dark Magician Girl." Boss cleared up.
Boss nodded. But how did she know that? he thought.
"Since my other Dark Magician in in my grave, Mana here gets a 300 ATK point boost (2300 ATK)." Kylia explained.
"Speaking of boosts," Pepper began explaining. "I have three of my Amazoness monsters, so my Amazoness Paladin now gets a 300 ATK point boost (2000 ATK), but that's not all. Amazoness Tiger also gets a boost up, but she gets 400 ATK points instead of 100 for my Paladin, making my Tiger the strongest monster on my side of the field (2300 ATK)."
"I'll now activate my face down Tome of Dark Magic, boosting my mage by 700 more ATK points. Now Mana's the strongest monster in play!" Kylia announced (3000 ATK).
"Tome of Dark Magic? That's not a real card." said Max.
"Of course it is, poser." said Boss. "The Tome of Dark Magic, a.k.a. Magic Formula, works for either Dark Magician Girl or Dark Magician. It's a rare card too, one that I actually have in my other deck."
"Battle time." said Pepper.
"I'll go first," said Kylia. "Mana, destroy Goldd with Dark Burning!"
Seifa saw his monster get blasted by the sphere of dark magic, taking the hit to his life points <7300>. "Interesting." he comented.
Now it was Pepper's turn. "Amazoness Tiger, attack Luminous Soldier." she ordered and off her monster went.
"Reveal Negate Attack." Hamtaro activated his trap, saving his monster from the claws of Pepper's Amazoness Tiger."
"Oh shoot, we can't attack anymore. Oh well, I'll just set this card face down." Pepper plays a card. "It's on you, Kylia. I'm through for this turn."
"I'm done too." said Kylia.
"Now I will activate my face down card." said Seifa. "Gateway to Dark World, then I will special summon a Dark World monster in my graveyard in attack mode, so let's welcome back Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World." Goldd returned to Seifa's side of the field. "Now we will draw." and Seifa draws with Noretu. "I will activate Card Trader. By shuffling this card in my hand back into my deck, I can draw another card." Seifa resolves this effect.
"I will activate my Rock Bombardment trap card." said Noretu. "With this, I will take The Rock Spirit in my deck and send it to the graveyard. And in return, you will be bombarded by rocks that will damage your life points." As Noretu discards his cards, Hamtaro gets hit with a barrage of giant rocks <7500>, then he shuffles his deck.
"Now I play Dark World Lightning and destroy a face down card. I will choose Summoner's set spell...." Lightning falls from the sky and destroys Boss' set card. "I must now discard a card in my hand and I will discard Gren, Tactician of Dark World. And since he's being discarded do to a card effect, I can destroy another spell or trap card on the field. This time, I will rid you of that stupid Tome." and the Magic Formula is destroyed.
"I may have lost my Tome, as Mana's lost power (2300 ATK), but I also gain 1000 life." explained Kylia <9000>.
"You will need all of your life points to stop me, but I will not fall to a magic wench like you."
"Now I will tribute Beta the Magnet Warrior on my side of the field, along with Alpha and Gamma, the Magnet Warriors in my hand and create a new entity of destruction." said Noretu as his monsters began merging. "Now you face Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (3500/3850). But I'm not done, I'll remove The Rock Spirit in my graveyard from play and special summon Gigantes in attack mode (1900/1300)."
I can't figure these two out. thought Rufus. One discards monsters to destroy his oponent's cards and the other discards and removed monsters to power up himself. Interesting.
"Now it's time to bring the pain." said Seifa.
"Gigantes will attack first," said Noretu, "destroy the monster on the Summoner's left."
"Wait, I will attack first."
"Too bad, my monster's already gone."
Boss saw Gigantes destroy his face down monster. "Too bad, you've destroyed The Unhappy Maiden." he said. "And when she falls in battle, the battle phase ends immediately."
"Nice work, asshole. Now I can't attack this turn!" Seifa yelled.
The crowds watching this noticed the battle phase ending. "Wow, I guess effects will target one person, while other effects target one whole team." someone said.
"I guess so." someone else said.
"I guess we're going to watch ths duel, aren't we?" asked Cappy.
"Why not, you act like this is a bad thing." said Petal.
Boss and Hamtaro draw. "I'll move first this turn, Hamtaro." said Boss.
"By my guest." said Hamtaro.
"I'll set two cards face down, then I'll flip up my monster. How about a Forbidden Brown welcome to Dark-Eyes Illusionist." Boss flipped up his newest monster (0/1400). "I pulled this monster out of my booster pack of Phantom Darkness before this duel began. When Dark-Eyes here is flipped, he can paralyze one monster on the field. Now my Illusionist, paralyze Valkyrion the Magna Warrior." The head of Boss' monster turned upside down, and gazed at Noretu's monster, freezing it in the process. "You're up, Hamtaro."
"I'll place a monster face down." said Hamtaro. "Now it's time for my attack. Luminous Soldier, attack Amazoness Paladin."
Bad move, Hamtaro. thought Boss.
Luminous Soldier charged for the Amazoness Paladin, but ended up being slashed and destroyed by the claws of the Amazoness Tiger. "Hey, no fair! I didn't battle the cat." said Hamtaro.
"As long as my Amazoness Tiger is on the field, my opponents have to get past her before they can damage my Amazons." Pepper explained. "Too bad your Luminous Soldier couldn't stand up to my Tiger."
"Man, it's a shame that had to happen <7300>. Oh well, at least I'm not defenseless. We're done with our turn."
Rufus and Max draw, and Rufus likes what is in his hand. "Back me up on my attack, Max." he said.
"Right." said Max. "I'll sacrifice Neo the Magic Swordsman and summon Chaos Command Magician (2400/1900)."
"Before you go any further, I have a spell to play." said Rufus. "Witness the power of Dark Fusion." and Rufus reveals his face down spell.
"Dark Fusion?" ask Boss, Hamtaro, Kylia and Pepper.
"Yes, and I will use it to fuse Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix and form the first of many Evil horrors. Bear witness to Evil Hero Inferno Wing!"
Flames were on Rufus' side of the field, then they subsided to see Rufus' newly fused monster which looked like a fallen angel (2100/1200). "Hamtaro, I get it now. Evil Heroes are dark verions of the Elemental Heroes." said Boss.
"I guess so." said Hamtaro. "But the dark version of Flame Wingman looks more like a woman than anything else."
"Penelope, I wish you could see how your Elemental Heroes have become..." Pepper trailed off in awe.
Rufus laughed. "Now before you go about activating cards, let me explain some more." he said. "Monsters fused with Dark Fusion are immune to card effects for the whole turn that they are created. Meaning that you don't get to waste any good cards in order to save your monsters."
"Before you go about attacking, I have a spell to play also." said Max. "Lightning Vortex, which I will use to get rid of those Amazons and their wretched Tiger." and he discards a card in his hand.
Lightning fell from the sky toward's the direction of the girls. But in addition to Pepper's monsters being destroyed, Kylia's Dark Magician Girl was destroyed as well. "Hey, why did I lose my monster?" asked Kylia.
"This is a Double-Team duel," explained Seifa. "Certain spells target one opponent, multiple opponents, or all duelists in play. In this type of duel, Lightning Vortex targets one specific side, not just one duelist."
"Now it's time for Necrophade Black to attack." said Rufus. "Grand Mole, you're up first. Attack Pepper directly."
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole's drill becomes one piece and he drills into the ground towards Pepper. He then jumped from the ground and bore the drill dead into Pepper's chest <7100>. Pepper stood up after taking the drill, "I've had worse." she said.
"Toy Magician, attack Pepper's life points." said Max.
Pepper got hit with another shot <5500>. "Okay, that's more like regular damage."
"Chaos Command Magician will attack after you, Rufus."
"Right." Rufus nodded. "Inferno Wing, destroy Dark-Eyes Illusionist."
Max couldn't believe what he heard. "Are you nuts, that'll free the Magna Warrior?"
"I don't fear that monster, attack the Illusionist now!" Evil Hero Inferno Wing flies towards Dark-Eyes Illusionist.
"And due to Dark Fusion, I can't save my mage." said Boss, his monster was destroyed soon after <5900>.
"But there's more." said Rufus. "Inferno Wing will deal out additional damage equal to the point set of your monster that is higher. And since you have no ATK points, Inferno Wing will damage you equal to your mage's DEF points."
"No way." Boss was grabbed by Rufus' monster <4500>, then fell to his kness once he was released.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hamtaro went to his partner.
"I'll be fine, but that was a nasty couple of hits." Boss answered.
Hamtaro helped Boss up. "I'd knock you down to size, Summoner, but I need to attack otherwise." said Max. "Chaos Command Magician, attack Kylia's life points directly."
"Aw man." said Kylia and took a shot of magic <6600>. Luckily for her, she knew how to fall safely.
Look at them, Noretu. They are destroying each other while we watch them do it. Seifa explains to Noretu via telepathy.
Yes, it's quite amusing. says Noretu. But despite the score, it's still anyone's game.
No, this is our duel. Let them destroy each other and we'll clean it up.
"We are done, but let's see what the ladies can deal to the table." said Rufus.
The duel is only beginning and with the girls up to draw, the turns will only get more and more interesting as the duel goes on. Which side will win this duel, stay tuned and find out.