Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu and YGO Stuff! Anzu and Kag torture! ❯ Anzu/Kag torture 2! ( Chapter 2 )

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Inu and YGO Fan Fic! Torture Anzu and Kagome! ^-^
Thank you to my 2 reviews xDD Yup, I'm lame @_@
-adds a whole bunch of ygo names and inu names into dictionary- D_D
Where were we? O-o; oh well…
In the shadow realm =oo
Bakura: Had enough yet? -smirk-
Kag and Anzu: Yes D=
Me: o-o I'm surprised Anzu is not a misspelled word -__-;
Bakura: Ah-hem -_- Anyway, -clears throat- o-o Oh, yes. Too bad! Because I'm in charge of torturing you!
Kag: Why?.....
Bakura: Because!...I said so. AND the authoress loves me best! ^-^
Me: -_-; No I don't…..
Bakura: Okay, maybe not >_> But still. I'm in charge and that's that ^^
Anzu:……..D= I WANT MY ATEM!!!!!! D=
(In case you don't know, Atem is Yami Yugi)
Bakura: Okay -does a whatchamacallit that makes Atem appear-
Anzu: =DDD -SQUEE- my Atem =D
Atem and Me: -.-; Excuse me?!
Atem: -.- 3 words. I. Hate. Your. Ugly. Face.
Kag: -rolls eyes-
Anzu: Don't you roll your eyes at my man!
Atem and Me: Excuse ME?!?! -____________-**;;
Bakura: Pharaoh, that's 5.. words..(And he was pharaoh?!)
Atem: o-o; Oh…right. Authoress! -_____-**;;;
Me: ^_^; It's not my fault I'm so cute….and I'm the authoress! -sees atem stalking towards me- Gah! Back to Inu and gang! =D
Atem: Hey you—
In Inu's world o-o
Inu: Took you long enough!
Me: sor-RY! It's not my fault your girlfriend's so damn annoying! -.-;
Inu: -.- what?!
Kikyou: That girl was not Inu's girlfriend!!! -turns all red-
Jonouchi: -to gang- Did the authoress forget us? O-o
Me: o-o whups. Sorry! -goes back to writing story-
Yugi: o-o what are we doing here? O-o this isn't the millennium world…
Jonouchi: -_- No, it's Lala Land….{sarcasm}
Honda: -is not going to be in this fan fic because I don't like him much o-o;-
Yugi: It is?! =DDDD
Atem: o-o;;;; I had him for my host? >_>
Yugi: Well at least the authoress got rid of anzu! =D
Atem: true. I wonder how she's doing..-dreams up of Bakura torturing her-
Yugi: >_>
Inu: <_<
Yugi: >_<
Inu: <_>
Kikyou: Gah! Your eyes, InuYasha!
Jonouchi: our eyes can do that? O_O;
Shippo: Only if their InuYasha's! ^-^
Inu: -.- -smacks him-
Shippo: D=
Since this is a torture fan fic, let's see how anzu and kagome are holding up
Bakura: o-o I wish I had more help…..
Anzu: -is tied to a chair and forced to watch a loop of yugi and atem saying that they love Anzu being away and that her friendship speeches suck- How much more help do you need?! O_O;; -sweatdrop-
Kagome: -is also tied up to chair and forced to watch inu and Kikyou holding hands- Yeah. What the other girl said.
Anzu: The name is—
Bakura: who cares about your name? it's not a cool as mine -smirks- *winks at fangirls*
Anzu: D= -starts sobbing and tears make her shirt wet- my shirt!! D= now atem won't think I'm cute!
Atem: -pops out of no where- whoever said I thought you were cute?!
Anzu: ;-; -sobs some more-
Bakura: Well, duh. I'm the only cute on here!
Atem: -_- no way. I'm way more cute -winks at fangirls-
Bakura: no way -.- I'll blast you to the shadow realm!
Atem: Sure, smart one. We're already there.
Bakura: oh. Right.
Me: -.-; *sweatdrop*
Kagome: Um, over here! Hel~lo!
Me, Bakura, Atem: What. -.-
Bakura: Can't you see we're having a conversation about how cute and sexy I am over here?
Atem: no way! I'm—
Me: oh, shut it! This is a torture anzu and kag fan fic! Not torture the readers fan fic!
Kag: right…..I mean o-o;
Bakura: =oo she admitted it! Let's torture them some more! ^-^ Dibs on the girl with the short shorty shortish skirt ^^
Me: or what's left of it -.-;
Kag: D=
Me: Okay, I'm getting bored, so I'll stop here.
Kag and Anzu: YAY! =D
Me: BUT! That doesn't mean there'll be more fan fics! ^^
Kag and Anzu: D= NOOO!
Bakura and Atem: YAY! ^-^
Kag and Anzu: D= NOOOOOO!
Me: -gets out earplugs- Anyway, have a nice day. Don't forget to review/comment ^^;
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