Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu and YGO Stuff! Anzu and Kag torture! ❯ The Barney Song- ReMixed ( Chapter 4 )

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Inu and YGO Torture Anzu and Kag Fan Fic! =D Part 4!!- The Barney Song the Remix o-o
Whoo! =D credit Ash for the song ^-^
“I hate you. You hate me. Let's put Kagome in a tree. With an axe in its back, and a bullet in its head. Now the slutty whore is dead!!! ^_^” =o you rock!
-song is echoing and looping-
Kagome: D= NOOOO!
Anzu: -yawns- Oh, is it fan fic time already? >_>
Me: -___________-;; YES!
Anzu: D= NO~O! -tries to go back to sleep- Am I asleep yet o_o;
Bakura: Idiot. -.-;
Atem: >_> What he said.
Anzu: < 3 Oh, Atemu, be a darling and let me out? ^_-
Atem: Sure. Let me go get me saw =D
Anzu: O_O; wait!
Atemu: -rushes off to get saw-
Me: -smirks- My turn to torture someone around here -evil smirk- *switches on TV o-o* -every single Rebecca/Yugi image flashes through-
Anzu: NOOO! D=
Bakura: o-o good idea. -also switched on another TV- *images of Inu/Kikyou flashes through*
Kagome: Oh. I forgot InuYasha wasn't here to echo my name >_>
Me, Bakura, Anzu: >_>;
Atem: -with chainsaw- I couldn't find a saw, so I got a chainsaw instead =D
Anzu: O_______________O;; AAAAHHHHHHHHH!
Atem: Unfortunately, -.-; there's no plug-in for me to plug this baby in…..!!
Me: o-o -writes it in-
-plug in thingy magically appears-
Atem: =D Thanks! -plugs in- *chainsaw revs up*
-Psycho theme sounds- o-o;
Me: The following is unsuited for children, and therefore is skipped >_>
Anzu: -is dead on ground-
The World: YAY! =D
Kag: O_O;; -whimpers-
Bakura: o-o hey, pharaoh, mind letting me borrow? =D
Atem: -.- you still haven't returned my knife….but….-glances at kagome- Here.
Bakura: =D YAY!
Me: The following is also unsuited for children, and therefore is skipped >_>
Kagome: -is dead on floor next to Anzu-
Inuyasha's World: =D YAY!!!
Atem: >_> that was a short fan fic…..
Me: =D I can make them alive again!
Worlds: Dx NOO!
Me: AND THEN! -.- Atemu and Bakura can kill them again! =DD
Worlds: YAY! =DDD
Bakura and Atem: YAY! =D -winks at fangirls-
Fangirls: =D
Me: -makes them alive again-
Anzu: o-o; I'm alive! Now, let's all be friends again! ^-^
Atem: -.-; -kills her with chainsaw again-
Anzu: O_O; -dies-
Me: -makes her alive whenever atem kills her-
Anzu: Why -dies- Can't -dies- We -dies- BE FRIENDS?! -dies-
Atemu: do you really have to revive her?
Me: If I didn't, this would be a way to short fan fic and I'll be disappointing my fans =D
Bakura: if you had any -.-;
Kagome: what about me?
Me: o-o oh, so you wanna be dead?
Bakura: -kills her- *smirk*
WHOO! =D I got the chp all up! ^-^ there we go!