Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip to China ❯ The Preparation ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hi people!!
This is my first fan fic here at media miner, so please be nice! Please excuse my bad spelling!! ^.^
Disclaimer: I do not own yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, or Ranma1/2 (Please don't sue! -_-)
A trip to china
* Yu-gi-oh Cast members*
Mokuba: Hey Seto!
Seto: Hey Mokuba…
Mokuba: What's wrong Seto?
Seto: It's just that I have so much work to do, I'm worn out.
Mokuba: You need a vacation, you know, to get away from it all!
Seto: Ya know… That's actually a good idea!
Mokuba: So, were should we go? America? Paris? Canada? San Francisco? Mississippi? Washington D.C? New York? Egypt?
Seto: Actually, I was thinking Jesenkyo China.
Mokuba: Ok! China is then!
Seto: Well, we better start packing!
Mokuba: Ok then!
( They pack there things and about to leave, then Mokuba asks a question.)
Mokuba: Seto? Can I invite some friends along to make it more fun?
Seto: How many friends?
Mokuba: Just six or seven.
Seto: O…k… But-
(Mokuba Knew exactly what Seto was going to say so he cut him off.)
Mokuba: Thank you Niii san!
(Mokuba runs off to invite his friends along, so he goes to the game shop were yugi lives and were every one was visiting at the moment.)
Mokuba: Hey guys!
Everyone: Hey Mokuba!
Mokuba: Hey! Do you all want to go on a vacation?
Yugi's Grandpa: Sorry Mokuba, but I have to watch over my Shop.
Yugi: Can I go Grandpa?
Yugi's Grandpa: Sure!
Yugi: Yay!
Tea: Sure I'll go, I don't have any thing planned.
Tristan: Sure, I guest, How long are we leaving for?
Mokuba: A whole week!
Tristan: Ok, but were are we going?
Mokuba: Jesenkyo China. Were taking a first class boat out there.
Joey: First class huh? I'm dare!
Ryou: I think I can make it… As long as they serve doughnuts and Ice cream!
Duke: Sure! Why not!
Joey: Do we get the boat to ourselves like I think we do?
Mokuba: Yup! We get our own rooms with room service and everything! So you all better get packing!
( If you are a girl and want to be a girlfriend to one of these anime guys then please tell me when and if you review, And if you are a guy, then review, leave your name and I will put you in this story! Ok, on with the fan fic!)
Every one: Ok!!
( Every one packs their stuff and meets back at the game shop.)
Mokuba: Ok, is everyone Ready?
Every one: Yup!
Mokuba: Then Follow me! ^.^
(FFW, They are at the Kaiba Mansion and in front of the limo, then Seto comes out.)
Seto: What are you doing here wheeler?!?!?!
Joey: Well, for your information Mokuba Invited us!!
Seto: Mokuba!!
Mokuba:…… *hiding behind limo*
Seto: You set this up didn't you?!?!?!
Please review!! ^.^