Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kasumi, the Game Queen ❯ Hello Cousin! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and Yu-Gi-Oh belong to their respective companies. I am doing this fanfic for my own pleasure and hope that you will enjoy it. Also Jounouchi Katsuya is the original name for Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh. Any comments or questions please email them to me at davidknight30@hotmail.com

Kasumi the Game Queen
By David Knight

Chapter 2: Hello Cousin!

It was morning over the Tendo Dojo and everything was it had always been. Birds were chirping, Ranma and Genma were going at it in the morning, Akane trying to cook a meal once again and get Ranma to eat it.

There was one thing that was different though. Kasumi was now taking things a little easier than she had before. In fact she hadn't made much of a breakfast as she usually prepares in the morning. A splash from koi pond told Kasumi that either Ranma or Genma had just been cursed.

*Boy you will show me respect!* Genma-Panda demanded.

_Show THAT thing respect? Why does Ranma even stay with that fat old man?_

Kasumi shook her head as heard Yami talking to her through their link. _Well Genma is Ranma's father and he has been there with him for most of his life._

_Well wouldn't it occur to Ranma to just leave that fat sack of skin?_ Yami wondered. _From what I have seen of how that Panda-man treats Ranma, if this were my time the pharoh would have ordered Genma to be given the Set-Humdai._

_Set-Humdai?_ Kasumi asked.

_In Egypt it was the second worst punishment that could be given to criminals. There is no way however that he would be given the true Humdai. The last thing the world would ever need would to have him as an invincible undead creature should anyone awaken him from eternal sleep._ Yami replied.

Kasumi blinked. _And how is the Set-Humdai any different from the real Humdai?_

_They are basically the same except with the Set-Humdai we don't put man-eating scarabs into the damn one's sarcophagus after his eyes, ears, and tongue have been removed and he is mummified alive._

_... ... ... ... ..._

_Kasumi are you there?_

_... Yami... never tell me about Egyptian burial punishments again..._ Kasumi replied to Yami quickly as she covered her mouth. _I think... I am going to be sick!_ She headed for the bathroom before she vomited. Once there she slammed the door shut. However this didn't go unnoticed by Nabiki, who was coming down the stairs.

_What's up with her?_ Nabiki wondered, _She looked as green as Akane's last cooking disaster._

* * *

_I'm sorry Kasumi. I should have figured you wouldn't react well to someone like that._ Yami apologized.

_I can really start to understand Ranma's condition better now more than ever. He has two different genders that he can end up in but still has the same mind. And right now I am a girl but I also have a spirit of a guy in my head except now he's a she and my other half._ Kasumi returned as she cleaned herself and washed her mouth after vomiting.

_Don't think of me as a guy,_ Yami said. _ I am a spirit and in my case when I infused my essence with the Millennium Puzzle I lost all notions of gender and I would end up being a reflection and part of whomever was chosen to be its bearer. That is you._

_... Kami-sama this can be so confusing._ Kasumi shook her head. _So... What exactly do you have planned for me today as far as teaching me how I can find new avenues to my life?_

_Well for starters... get out of the house._

_But I do that every day..._ Kasumi started.

_To do grocery shopping or chores for others_ Yami finished, interrupting her. _For now I want you to go and do something that does NOT involve your family. Go do something for yourself._

_For myself?_ Kasumi questioned. She thought back to herself and wondered what had she done for herself recently that involved just her own self.

The answer was nothing.

_For starters, I think a new wardrobe might be nice,_ Yami suggested. _You do need to get yourself some new clothes. Try something newer for yourself._

Kasumi thought about what she would for dinner, but Yami picked up on that. _The purpose of this is to try not to think about your usual routine. Now I want you to just go out and get some new clothes._

Kasumi nodded. _Alright. Besides I still have that special dinner that I have been preparing for a while now. I'll just use that. I'm sure they will like it._

* * *

In her place within the Millenium Puzzle, Yami just had a big sweat drop behind her head. To herself and only herself she sighed, "This isn't going to be easy. Trying to get her to think outside her 'scheduled' life and try things for herself is going to be hard as hell. But then again I can't blame her for how she is. Her mother dying was tough on her," she waved her hand and an image of Genma appeared. "However this fat oaf makes things even worse for her. His son I can live with since he goes through a hell to rival or eclipse Kasumi's..."

Yami growled as her thoughts came back to Genma. The more she looked at his image, the more anger and disgust she felt toward the elder Saotome. "But this idiot does nothing at all around the house. He just sits on his fat ass for most of the day whether he's human or a panda." she shook her head wishing that Genma could have been cursed as a desert monkey. It would have suited his true self more. "None of my Shadow Powers would even work to improve him and the only one that could in fact get rid of him for all eternity is one that I won't use unless he crosses the line with Kasumi."

It was doubtful to her, but she prayed to Osiris that Genma wouldn't make her have to use the ultimate and most powerful Shadow Game Punishment on him.

She didn't think Kasumi would like it very much if she ended up having to kill Genma.

* * *

Meanwhile, in another section of Nermia, at the Ucchan, a certain okonomiyaki chef was hard at work preparing her customer's orders.

_Hmm... I wonder how Ranchan's doing this afternoon. Maybe he'd like some good cooking for dinner rather than being forced to eat Akane's killer cuisine._ Ukyo Kunoji mused. However, any more thoughts about Ranma were about to be put on hold for the moment as she heard another costumer come in. She turned around and greeted the costumer, not really looking at him or her directly, "Welcome the Ucchan. How can I help you?"

"That anyway to greet family cousin?"

"What..." Ukyo looked harder at the figure that had just walked in and her eyes went wide as saucers.

"Yo! What's up Ukyo?" Jounouchi Kastuya smiled.

"JOUNOUCHI!" Ukyo leaped up and bear hugged her favorite cousin.

"It... it's good to see you Ukyo..." Jounouchi gasped. "... please... loosen arms... can't... breath..."

Ukyo sweatdropped. "Oops..." she let go of her cousin who fell on his rear as she scratched her head. "Hehheh. Sorry Jounouchi... Oh! That's right I almost forgot!"

"Huh? Forgot what?" Jounouchi asked.


Jounouchi found himself on the receiving end of Ukyo's battle spatula and fell the ground hard.

"That!" Ukyo shouted.

"Hey! That hurt Ukyo!" Jounouchi growled as his head while he got to his feet. He looked Ukyo in the eyes as he demanded, "Now what did you do that for!"

His answer was Ukyo thrusting the morning paper in his face. The front page head line was 'Teen Hero Defeats Cop Killer' with pictures of Punk and Jounouchi below it.

"You nearly get killed yesterday because you try to act like a hero and I have to find this out from a newspaper instead of you Jounouchi!" Ukyo exclaimed. "Jounouchi you and Shizuka are the only real family I have left, since my father passed away nine years ago! I don't want to lose either of you!"

Jounouchi looked down at the floor not making eye contact with her. "... well you got me beat there. You are the only real family I see anymore."

Upon hearing those words, Ukyo dropped her spatula and her face was etched in shame. "... Oh Jounouchi..." she looked over at Kontasu. "Kontasu. Take over for a while. I have a sort of family emergency that I need to take care of now." Kontasu nodded as Ukyo and Jounouchi went into the back and sat down. "Jounouchi..."

"No," Jounouchi replied, "It's alright. I guess I should have called... I mean we are family... have you seen her lately?"

Ukyo shook her head sadly, "Last time was before they moved to Kyoto last year. She was well."

Jounouchi nodded, "Thanks. Anyway that paper does have something to do with why I am here."


"You see I'm no hero," Jounouchi admitted, "I tried to be but that guy grabbed me after I helped free his hostage. He was about to blow my brains out... but then that same girl who I thought was knocked out came up and challenged the guy to a game."

"A game?" Ukyo asked.

"It was weird. It was a game in which you had to use only one finger to take the other's life." Seeing Ukyo's shocked expression, Jounouchi continued, "I tried to tell her to forget about but she didn't listen. The guy knocked me out after choosing his pointer finger while she used just a thumb. I don't know much after that since I was kind of hazy, but somehow she outsmarted him and ended placing a lighter, which she lit using her thumb, on his left hand which pouring vodka."

"And if he moved his hand then the lighter would ignite the alcohol." Ukyo reasoned.

"Yeah. She picked me up and started to drag me out of the area but that guy dropped his gun to get rid of the lighter. She turned around and suddenly on her forehead there was this third eye that appeared and she raised her hand out, aiming at the guy. He stopped running, froze for a few seconds until he just collapsed the ground screaming and clawing at things that weren't there. She said to me she drove him insane." Jounouchi continued, "Once the cops came she said I was the one that took care of the guy and left after making me promise not tell the police about the truth. Everyone there accepted that I was the one that saved the day. And well, that's it." After finishing his explanation, he looked at Ukyo who was kind of indifferent as she poured a drink for both of them. "You don't seem so shocked. Why?"

"Well around here weird is the norm." Ukyo shrugged, "Do you know who she is?"

"Yeah and that's why I came here to see if you knew her. I figure she lives in Nermia." Jounouchi replied. "I know her name."

"What is it?" Ukyo asked as she started to drink her juice.

"Tendo. Kasumi Tendo."

That caused Ukyo to do a spit take and spray her drink all over Jounouchi.

"Hey!" Jounouchi cried. "What's the big idea Ukyo?" He then stared at her as he now saw that she was just wide eyed.

"Kasumi?! Kasumi saved you!" Ukyo exclaimed, "Jounouchi tell me what this girl's name is really?"

Jounouchi blinked. "Ukyo I told you it was this girl named Kasumi Tendo."

Ukyo just stared at Jounouchi for a while before speaking, "That's impossible. Kasumi's a perfect angel. Violence isn't a part of her. She doesn't even curse. She doesn't even say a single negative thing to anyone. There is no way she could have been the one to save you."

Hearing her say that made Jounouchi smile, "Okay then cousin. How about I invite her over her for dinner and then you can ask her yourself. If I am right then I get free okonominyaki for a week."

"And if you aren't then you got work here for free for a week cleaning the kitchen." Ukyo returned his grin.

"Deal!" _Sucker!_ was what both of them said and thought at the same time as they shook each others hands.

* * *

The person in question now was looking over a rack of clothes in the Nermia Shopping Center.

_Dresses, dresses and more dresses that reflect everything you have in your closet that is provided by your father._ Yami shook her head.

_Well I haven't worn anything other than just a dress or a skirt in a long time._ Kasumi sent.

_Correction. You made yourself wear only that._

_What do you mean?_

_Okay... I don't mean to sound sharp or callous... but Kasumi you need to stop acting like a mother!_

A long pause.

_... ... ..._

_I am sorry if that upsets you but from what I think of things ever since your mother died you have forced upon yourself the role of wife, mother, and keeper of the house._ Yami explained. _You forced a role that was neither the time nor the place for you to have. You were too young to be made to do those roles and now here you are trapped in the unable to see past them. Does this make any sense to you?_

_... yes it does._ Kasumi sighed as she thought things through. She had taken up those roles because she felt someone had to She also thought that her family would help her as they had helped out her mother.

They never did.

_The first step is to try something that isn't of the image of the past. Rather try something newer. Take it one step at a time. Don't try to do everything at once. This is a gradual process. If you try to free yourself all at once, which I think you have been trying, you already have the result._ Yami explained comfortingly to Kasumi.

_I'd just go back to what I am comfortable in._ Kasumi shook her head. Suddenly, she looked to her left and saw a white dress shirt with pinkish-red pants. She didn't know why but it just seemed like something she wanted.

_And that is step one._ Kasumi could feel Yami smiling in the back of her mind when she said that.

Taking the shirt and pants off of the rack she paid for them and prepared to return home and (to Yami's regret) she thought of getting ready to prepare dinner.

* * *

However once they were home, Yami was smiling. _Do you think I could have some fun with the panda man?_ she asked a little gleefully.

_... must... resist... urge... to... hurt..._ Kasumi thought. _... I worked... so hard and... so long... on that food._

When she had gotten home she had found that Genma-Panda had gone through and eaten what she food she marked as 'Do not touch' because she had spent a lot of time preparing it for the final touches which she planned to do tonight.

_... there. I'm fine. I'll just think of something else to prepare._ Kasumi thought.

*BURP!* Genma-Panda wrote. *That was a great appetizer! Oh hi Kasumi. Want any ramen from the takeout we ordered from the Nekohatten? It should be arriving soon.*

_Still want to let him off the hook?_ Yami asked Kasumi.

_You were seem to be a very wise and just spirit... I trust what ever judgment you pass on so long as you don't seriously hurt him._ Kasumi responded to Yami.

_Your wish is granted._ Yami smiled. Under Kasumi's shirt, her Millennium Puzzle glowed slightly and Yami Kasumi had now taken over, not that Genma-Panda could tell the difference. Looking around Yami Kasumi wondered what to do to Genma-Panda.

_Rolling pin, knives, spoons, mallets..._ she paused when she caught something so ugly looking it could only be the perfect tool of revenge. _Ahha!_ Yami Kasumi grinned as she picked up the object next to the flowers. "Oh what's this? It smells so good. I think I might eat it."

His stomach thinking first always, Genma-Panda took it and stuffed the contents down his throat.

"HEY! That's my dinner for Ranma that you ate!" Akane called poking her head out.

*WHAT?! BUT KASUMI SAID IT SMELT GOOD!* Genma-Panda wrote on a board, utter shock etched all over his face.

Yami Kasumi smelled again, but this time over the flowers, "Oh dear. It looks like the fragrance of these flowers mixed in with Akane's food."

*GWAH!!!* Genma-Panda signed before turning green and falling to the ground.

"Oh my, it looks like Mr. Saotome will need to be carted over to Dr. Tofu's." Yami Kasumi said sweetly. A few seconds later, Nabiki came down from upstairs and was soon extorting large amounts of yen from the Panda man for her services to get him to Dr. Tofu, just like Yami Kasumi knew she would. Nabiki's ear was almost everywhere and ready to make a quick yen.

Nabiki's face had a smile as she got her money but Yami Kasumi was also smiling. _Why bother giving him a Shadow Game punishment when all I need to do is just feed him Akane's nuclear waste?_ She mused as she walked up stairs. Once in her room, she took off her current clothes and put on the clothes Kasumi bought. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Now this is a good look for us." The Millennium Puzzle glowed and Kasumi was back to normal with a smile on her face. It was clear that Kasumi liked this look on her as well.

* * *

Jounouchi was really starting to believe Ukyo was right about Nermia being a place where the weird is normal. Where else would he see a panda whose face was green as a frog's being taken away to a doctor's office instead of a vet or even to a zoo.

"... This is too weird," Jounouchi shook his head as he looked at the address Ukyo gave him. "Well this is the right address." He walked up to the door and knocked on it.

The person who answered was Akane. "Can I help you?"

"Um... this is the Tendo Dojo right?" Jounouchi asked.

Akane looked at him. "Don't take this the wrong way but you wouldn't happen to be a guy that wants to fight the jerk I am being forced to marry?"

"Huh?" Jounouchi blinked. _Where the heck did that come from?_ "Um look, I'm trying to find Kasumi Tendo. Is she here?"

Akane eyed him even more when she heard that this stranger was looking for her older sister, "And how do you know my sister?"

Before Jounouchi could say anything else Akane, the sister in question placed her hand on Akane's shoulder, "This young man happened to saved my life yesterday Akane."

"Huh?" Akane blinked in surprise, "He did?"

_'Saved her life?' More like she saved me. Why does she want to keep it like that?_ Jounouchi asked himself.

Kasumi handed to Akane a newspaper, just like the one Ukyo had shown to Jounouchi, "I mean this young man risked his life to save mine from a horrible criminal and no I didn't tell anyone about this because... well you know what father would do."

Akane shivered at that thought. _The last thing we need is for our home to be flooded._

"I'll be alright. Why don't you go a head and break bricks for a bit." Kasumi suggested to her.

"Yeah! That will definitely get my mind of all of the hentai." Akane smiled as she left the two of them alone.

"This town really is weird..." Jounouchi shook his head and sighed before looking at Kasumi and seeing her current attire. "Nice outfit. It kind of suits you better than that dress I saw you in yesterday."

"Well thank you," Kasumi smiled.

"I guess you are wondering why I am here... well I don't feel right at the moment. Seeing as you saved my life and all... least I can do is get you a dinner."

Kasumi shook her head. "That's very kind but I don't want to make you spend any of your money on me."

Jounouchi sweatdropped, "Um... actually I wouldn't. See I have a cousin who owns a restaurant here. I figure I can get you a meal for free."

Kasumi shook her head again. "Really I must..."

"Niaho Arien!"


Jounouchi and Kasumi looked up to see Ranma get punted out of the house by Akane for the umpteenth time. Jounouchi just stared in shock while Kasumi sweatdropped.

"On second thought... I accept." Kasumi sighed but blinked when she saw Jounouchi's shocked expression. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"How... How... How can you be so calm!!!" Jounouchi exclaimed. "I mean a guy just sent right through your roof..." he looked up again and saw Ranma was still flying. "...and he's still sailing away."

Kasumi sighed. "This happens every day to Ranma. I just wish Akane would stop over reacting."

If Jounouchi didn't think he jaw could drop any further he was wrong, "Everyday?! Why? What could this Ranma have done to tick your sister off?"

"Very Violent Girl had no right!"

"I had every right you overblown bimbo! You're nothing but trouble!"

Jounouchi poked his head in and saw Akane yelling with a purple haired girl in a short Chinese dress. "She punted him because of the delivery girl? What is she? The guy's girlfriend?"

"One of several fiancées that Ranma has and none are by Ranma's choice." Kasumi sighed.

"Fiancées?" Jounouchi gasped, "As in more than one?! How is that even possible! Who the hell would be stupid enough to invite such disaster?"

* * *

At Dr. Tofu's office, a certain incapacitated Panda sneezed.

* * *

Kasumi shook her head. "It's a long story. Now can we go to your cousin's."

Jounouchi nodded eagerly. "Yeah. I don't want to end up being the next victim of your sister's temper tantrums."

* * *

A short while later they had arrived at the Ucchan, which surprised Kasumi but she was even more surprised to learn that Ukyo was the cousin that Jounouchi mentioned.

"You never mentioned having other relatives Ukyo." Kasumi said as Ukyo put their food down.

"Well it just didn't come up Sugar." Ukyo shrugged. "Sides all I wanted when first came her was to make Ranchan pay for abandoning me before finding out the truth."

"Ranchan... you mean that guy with the fat father that took your yattai when you were six who was..." Jounouchi blinked as realization hit him. "Whoa! Ranchan is this Ranma I am hearing about! The guy with the multiple fiancées all not by his own choosing and one of them punts him out of his house every day! That's your Ranchan?!"

Ukyo blinked for a moment before growling. "Akane hurt my Ranchan again?! Oh she doesn't deserve him! I'm much better suited to be his wife."

"'Wife'...Ukyo! You're one of those fiancées?!" Jounouchi said in disbelief.

"I should be his only fiancée since my yattai was already used up." Ukyo replied.

"What is this place?!" Jounouchi pulled at his hair. "Seriously! This is not a place where any sane person would live! What's next?!"


To answer Jounouchi's question, Tsubasa Kurenai (disguised as a table at present) was now trying glomp and possibly grope Ukyo.

"Oh Ukyo you know you are my one and only!" Tsubasa beamed at her.

"That's it!" Jounouchi exclaimed as he took a tray and whacked it over Tsubasa head. The sudden action stunned Tsubasa, allowing Ukyo to get out of his glomp. Jounouchi glared daggers at the boy. "I've seen a lot of weird things in this crazy town today but buddy you aren't just weird... you are a goddamn perverted asshole who's trying to molest my cousin!"

Silence was all there was for a moment before Tsubasa threw his disguise off and it hit Jounouchi and Kasumi. "Ukyo is mine and mine alone!"

"Jounouchi! Kasumi!" Ukyo shouted as she got her battle spatula out. Her anger and disgust toward Tsubasa reaching heights she never thought possible. "That's it! You've gone too far this time Tsubasa!"

"Oh but it is all for love my sweet Ukyo!" Tsubasa said with little hearts in his eyes.

"Don't you mean lust boy?" a strong feminine voice spoke out.

"Huh?" Ukyo turned around as she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

It was Kasumi's. Or rather Yami Kasumi's.

"Put the spatula away Ukyo. Fighting with Tsubasa has never gotten him to go away in the past." Yami Kasumi smirked. "But don't worry. He won't bother you again. I promise." She walked over to Tsubasa, a confident grin on her face.

"Kasumi what are you..." Ukyo started but Jounouchi held her back.

"Just watch and learn cousin. That pervert's going to get a lesson in punishment." Jounouchi smirked.

Tsubasa was unimpressed. "I know you Kasumi. You're just so soft that you let people do what they want and you step aside. So please step aside so I can go to Ukyo." He said with a smile on his face.

Yami Kasumi chuckled, causing Tsubasa to lose his smile and blink at her. Her smirk on her face she spoke looking directly at Tsubasa, "Here's my reply... you can go to hell you pervert if you think I'll let that happen."

"What the?!" were the words that came out of both Ukyo and Tsubasa at the same time.

_What in the world is this? Kasumi never curses! She has never even said no to anyone for as long as I have known her!_ Ukyo blinked.

"However there is a way in which only one of us will get what we want." Yami Kasumi smirked. "And that is to play a game."

"What kind of a game?" Tsubasa asked.

"It's a very simple game that I think even you can understand." Yami Kasumi smiled as she pulled out a deck of standard playing cards. "We draw one card from the deck and the one with the lower card losses." She narrowed her eyes as she focused on Tsubasa. "If you win I'll help you obtain Ukyo as your slave for the rest of your life but if I win I will decide your fate."

"Say what?!" Ukyo shouted as Jounouchi had to restrain her. "Let me go! She is out of her mind!"

"That's what I thought before Ukyo! Just trust her!" Jounouchi said.

"I have to agree with Ukyo... you must be mad if you have come to this idea." Tsubasa chuckled.

"What's wrong? Afraid you might lose? Do you not have the courage to go for what you believe to be yours?" Yami Kasumi asked.

"Ha! I am not afraid of anything! Shuffle that deck first!" Tsubasa shot as Yami Kasumi did just that. Tsubasa drew his card and laughed as he showed it to Ukyo. "Say hello to being mine forever! I have the King of Clubs!"

"A fitting card for a man like you... however it is my turn..." Yami Kasumi smirked as she drew her card and revealed it to all. "... and I drew the Ace of Hearts. So you lose Tsubasa."

"... hahaha! What kind of a trick is that! Now move out of my way! Ukyo is mine!" he started to run toward Yami Kasumi who was blocking his way.

"I don't think so Tsubasa Kurenai." Yami Kasumi smirked as her Millennium Puzzle glowed and suddenly something started to glow on her forehead. It was an eye, an eye just like the one on her Millennium Puzzle.

"What the..." Ukyo blinked.

"It's just like the last time..." Jounouchi muttered.

"It is time for your punishment and I choose... NIGHTMARE ILLUSION!" Yami Kasumi flung her hand out aimed at Tsubasa who suddenly stopped running.

"Hey... he's stopped..." Ukyo mused.

However, it wasn't for long as Tsubasa clutched his head with both hands, his face twisted with some sort of mental anguish. "No... No please stop! I am a good boy! I am not a girl! Please! I'll do anything for you! Please don't make me do this! No! NOOOOO!!!" He then stared up at Ukyo and screamed his head off. "AHHHH! KEEP AWAY FROM ME!!!" he ran out of the Ucchan like a bat out of hell, leaving Ukyo totally confused.

"What the hell just happened to him?" Ukyo finally asked.

"The Nightmare Illusion punishment will allow me to get into his head for just a moment to affect the nightmare that he will see for a very long time. Whenever he thinks about any nasty, lecherous or perverted thoughts toward you or anyone woman, he will instantly regress back to his worst time in life and then will see everyone as his worst fear." Yami Kasumi replied.

"What's that?" Jounouchi asked.

"His cross-dressing mother." Yami Kasumi shivered. "Thank god I only was in there for second. That's the last time I use that punishment when dealing with a crossdresser." She looked at Ukyo with a kind smile on her face. "As I said Ukyo you don't have to worry about Tsubasa ever again."

Jounouchi also smiled but for a different reason. "Guess this means I was telling the truth. So when can I claim my week of free grub?"

It was at that time Ukyo's brain shut down and she fainted unable to handle all of the surprises.

"I think she took that rather well." Yami Kasumi said.

"Ya think?" Jounouchi replied.

* * *

After a while Ukyo did wake up and she was looking at Kasumi and Jounouchi.

"Woah. What a strange dream. I thought that Tsubasa came and hurt you two and then you Kasumi played a game with him and..." Ukyo rambled but Jounouchi put his hand on her shoulder.

"Wasn't a dream Ukyo. It was real. All of it." Jounouchi said.

After hearing that, Ukyo fixed her gaze on Kasumi. "Ukyo if I could just have a moment..." she started but wasn't prepared for Ukyo embracing her.

"OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Ukyo squealed as she hugged Kasumi even tighter, cutting off Kasumi's air supply making her face start to become a shade of blue. "THANK YOU KASUMI FOR GETTING RID OF HIM! YOU CAN EAT HERE FREE FOR LIFE!" She let go of Kasumi and started dancing all around. "HE'S GONE! HE'S GONE! TSUBASA IS GONE FOREVER! KONTASU! SEND OUT FLYERS! I AM GOING TO CELEBRATE THIS DAY WITH A BANG!"

Jounouchi and Kasumi just looked at the departing Ukyo. It wasn't long until they heard a rumbling sound. "What is that?" Jounouchi asked. "It sounds like a stampede."

"That's because it is." Kasumi replied.

"Nani?" Jounouchi blinked.


"Huh?" Jounouchi muttered and he looked outside and saw the stampede that Kasumi must have been talking about. A stampede that composed of Ranma-chan, who was being chased by Ryoga, Kuno, Akane, Shampoo, Kodachi, and Mousse.

"MY LIFE SUCKS!" Ranma-chan screamed as she passed by the Ucchan as did everyone else who also let out his or her own screams.







After the dust had settled, Jounouchi and Kasumi just blinked awhile. Kasumi looked at Jounouchi, who was still staring but was in less shock now. "This is the center of all weirdness on the planet..." he muttered before turning to face her, "Isn't it?"

"I prefer to think of it as the Sea of Chaos." Kasumi replied.

"Happens every day?"


"Never changes?"


The sound of silence can be heard for about five seconds.

"Want to be friends?" Jounouchi asked.

A smile formed on Kasumi's lips, "Definitely."

To Be Continued...

Author's Notes: Well what did you think of this chapter? Personally I have nothing against Tsubasa but he's just a character I see no place for in my story and how he's always trying to go around Ukyo can be considered stalking. So I thought I would take him out of the equation permanently. The punishment Nightmare Illusion is one of my own creation, but I will have few Shadow Game Punishments that I make up on my own. It's just that I don't intend to use the same punishment two chapters in a row. The punishments will be used to fit the person it's being used on. The next chapter will get into focusing on events in the Tendo Dojo. As Yami helps Kasumi more in breaking out of her shell, someone will notice the subtle changes in Kasumi's behavior. Oh and certain Lost Boy will come a calling for Nermia's most unluckiest martial artist, except this time will not be like the others. Not with Yami being around as another Shadow Game will be played. What type of Shadow Game is it? You'll have to read to find out. Until next time.