Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Change in Games ❯ Game Information ( Prologue )

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Disclaimer:I'm not a part of YGO or Levelup! Games, so don't sue me!
This is the plot bunny that started all plot bunnies for me, so I think is should start it off already.
Now, for those that don't know what I'm talking about, I'm going to do a sort of .//hack parody with a very popular online game here in the Philippines. It's called Ragnarok online and it's VERY popular, and the details will be on its website. Check it for details.
Anyway, I said .//hack parody because most of the stuff will be from the POV of the online characters.
Let me tell you a little about it:
Ragnarok is the Norse or Norwegian Armageddon, the end of the world. And this game is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) it's about leveling up your character and solving quests along the way. You start out as a novice, but in this fic, I'm skipping that. There're 6 basic character classes and they are: Swordsman (duh), Mage (spell caster), Acolyte (healer), Archer (long distance attacker), Thief (Ahem…), and Merchant (seller/moneymaker). They can progress to either of the 2 2nd character classes, namely:
Swordsman - Knight (Offensive) or Crusader (Defensive)
Mage - Wizard (very offensive) or Sage (usually supportive, but can be offensive)
Acolyte - Priest (very vital in groups/parties) or Monk (Deadly in Player vs. Player)
Archer - Hunter (trap master <not the card, ok?) and If male, Bard (supportive singer) and if female, Dancer (supportive…well, dancer)
Thief - Assassin (self explanatory) And Rogue (Think Terrorist)
Merchant - Blacksmith (makes very valuable weapons) or Alchemist (can create monsters and potions)
Anyway, I'll be explaining everything in the fic so if you like, read it please!!!