Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A gift for a reviewer ❯ This is for drk_innocence ( Chapter 1 )

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This is for drk_innocence...not logged on and I know this will probably get me in trouble with the mm staff, and I'm sorry guys I'll delete it after I get a respnse from said person, but thanks for your review, it was extrememly helpful and inspiring and right now I'm working on what you've suggested.

I think sex will be good for this angsty world.

God knows Yami deserves to get some...yeah.

Next time you review please feel free to leave your e-mail address so I can get back to you that way, it's always good to have e-mail buddies, but for now I'll leave mine so you can get in touch with me.


I'm sorry but "I Only Cry When I'm Alone" doesn't have a sequel, currently, maybe one day...yeah that'd be nice, but feel free to read my other fics.

I'd love to hear from you.

Here's my address on ff.net, it has more stories and personally I think they're better than this old thing.


Feel free to use the point system there too, I like the point system.

And I love you, sweet reviewer person. Mwaah.