Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Alone And Forgotten Forever ❯ Sadness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I dun own Yu-Gi-Oh

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Alone And Forgotten Forever

Chapter One: Sadness

Yugi Mutou, a freshman at Domino High, the person who won the Duelist Kingdom Tournament and the Battlecity Tournament. He had friends named Joey Wheeler, Tea Gardner, Tristan Taylor, Ryou Bakura, and Yami; a spirit of an ancient Pharaoh; Once Yugi had won the Battlecity Tournament three months ago, got all the Millennium Items and God Cards, Yami, his alter ego, could separate from Yugi's body and have one of his own. At first, Yugi thought it was a great idea, but then, it turned out to be a bad idea. For you see, Yugi's friends kept on hanging out with Yami more and excluded him from everything. Even his grandfather, Solomon Mutou was ignoring him and paying more attention to Yami then his own flesh and blood, Yugi Mutou.

But what Yugi hated the most, other then being ignored by his friends and family is that he was being bullied again and no seemed to help. Not even his friends because they would usually watch from the sidelines and laugh at his pleas.

Right now, Yugi was in his bedroom, writing in his journal. Writing his sad, depressing thoughts.

-July 4th, 2003

Dear Journal,
Today was like any other day. Me, just walking to school alone, again, none of my former friends cared to even acknowledge my existence. It's like I'm a mere shadow. Something forgotten and always alone. Since Yami went to school, the teachers look at me differently now, they too think I'm weak and pathetic. Maybe because I'm so small and shy. I don't really know. Tomorrow is my birthday, I hope someone, anyone, notices it.

Yugi Mutou-

Yugi closed his journal sadly and put it away in his messy drawer. His room was once nice and clean, now it has papers, books, pens, pencils, and duel monsters cards everywhere. Yugi never bothered to clean it up because he knew that sometimes, when Yami lost his things, the first place he would look is his aibou's room, he would turn the room upside down and not even clean his mess, he would leave it to his aibou to clean it alone.

Yugi got dressed into his pajamas and climbed into his bed. While trying to sleep, he could hear his alter ego and his ex-friends talking about something, but it wasn't about him or his birthday at all. Instead, they were watching a movie.

Yugi turned to face the wall and a few tears fell down his cheek. His wristwatch alarm turned on but he turned it off quickly so to not attract any attention from the people downstairs. It was 2:30 am. The exact time that he was born. Yugi sighed and let the tears fall again, his last thought was this, 'Alone...' and he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


Downstairs, Yami, Serenity, Tristan, Tea, Seto, Mai, Ishizu, Joey, Ryou, and Bakura were sitting in the living room, watching 'The Ring'. Yami had his arm wrapped around Serenity, whilst her head was lying gently on his chest, Tristan and Tea were arms in arms, watching the horror movie, Mai was just lying her head on Joey's shoulder, relaxed at the moment, Ishizu and Ryou just sat in the love seat, cuddling, whilst Seto and Bakura lied on the floor, watching the horror movie up close to the TV, eyes wide and not blinking, like deer in head lights.

Then, Yami's ears caught something, Yugi wristwatch. 'Hmm... Annoying punk is still awake. Oh well, like I care.' Yami thought and retreated to watching to movie.

~Next Day~

It was Saturday today, which meant no school. It was also a special day, for a special boy; well, not so special in his friend's point of view.

Yugi woke up slowly and slowly got out of bed. He went to his dresser and got out some clothes that he was gonna wear that day, but when he arrived at the washroom door, it was locked. 'Yami must be in there.' Yugi thought and went back to his room. 'I'll take a bath later.' With that last thought, Yugi changed, got his small backpack and put some reading books in it but not knowing which ones, fling the bag onto his back, and went downstairs.

His grandpa, Solomon Mutou was down in the kitchen making breakfast. He didn't even turn to Yugi and greet him or anything. He just continued working on the eggs.

Yugi wasn't really hungry at the moment so he just ate some buttered toast and grabbed some snacks, a little bit of money and left the house. His grandpa not noticing anything. Then a few minutes later, Yami came down the stairs, all clean and ready to go to the arcade with his friends.

"Good morning, Yami." Solomon greeted to ex-pharaoh and put a plate of breakfast on the table.

"Good morning grandpa." Yami smiled back and sat down and ate his breakfast.

Solomon too, put his plate down and ate with the ex-pharaoh, neither noticing that one person was missing from the household. None noticing his special day either.


Yugi was walking all alone to the park. When he finally reached there, he went to the forest. He passed some trees and before him was a thick wall of trees. He easily went through it because he was small. Once he passed that, he reached his favorite spot.

This area was like a sacred haven. All for him because he never saw anyone go here except for him. All around him was trees. Deciduous and coniferous trees; their leaves covering most of the sky so no one could see the secret that lied beneath the leaves, but it also let in a little light; enough so you can read. There is a small pond in the middle of the haven, with crystal clear fresh water; but there was no fish in there. There are beautiful, multi-colored flowers surrounding his feet. It's makes him look shorter. Nice green grass surrounding the flower patch, whilst butterflies of many assortments were flying in the haven and birds were chirping their songs.

Yugi felt that this was his home. A place that is so peaceful. Yugi sat down and started to look into his bag to see what he bought with him from home. He bought snack bars, candy, and a little bit of money. He looked through his books and saw that he bought his journal with him and some of his favorite novels.

Yugi lied on his stomach and opened his journal and grabbed a writing material from his backpack and started to write in his book.

-July 5th, 2003

Dear Journal,
Today is my birthday but 'they' seemed to think it was any other normal day. Even grandpa didn't notice me when I came into the kitchen or left the house. I'm so alone; am I destined to be alone for all eternity? Yes. I'll always be alone. I wish that I can just die, right here, right now. Nobody seems to want me here in this world anymore. Yami took everything thing from me. Including my grandpa. All my friends prefer him over me. I want to die-

But Yugi stopped writing because something jumped onto his back. He closed his journal but book marked the page that he was writing with his pen and turned around to come face-to-face with a kitten.

The kitten was white with a little bit of black on its back and nose. It had big amethyst eyes that had adventures written all over it. It had small paws and barely any claws at all and a small, cuddly body.

"Well, hello there." Yugi smile and gently took the kitten off of his back and started to pet it.

"Meow..." the kitten purred when Yugi started to stroke it's back.

'Hmm... I wonder who she belongs to...' Yugi thought and tried to look for it's collar, but to his surprise, the kitten didn't have one. "I guess you're a stray." Yugi said and started to scratch the kitten under its ear. The kitten purred happily at that.

'It's so much like an angel.' Yugi thought. Then an idea popped up in his head. He then looked down at the kitten. "Can I name you?" Yugi asked.

"Meow..." the kitten purred it happily and started to lick Yugi's hand {Koishii No Tenshi: "Awww!"}.

Taking that as a yes, Yugi said, "How does Tenshi sound to you?" The kitten purred and licked Yugi cheek, showing him that she likes it. "Okay! From now on, you're Tenshi." Yugi smiled sweetly at the kitten. The kitten, now known as Tenshi jumped on Yugi's hair and looked down at him. Yugi laughed. Tenshi then jumped back into Yugi's arms and lay there comfortably, Yugi stroking her soft fur. They stayed like that for a while, Yugi stroking her fur and Tenshi purring softly.

Yugi then remembered about his journal so he put Tenshi, who is sleeping, down softly on the ground next to him and his journal. He opened back to the page he was on and started to write in it again.

-I just found a new friend. She's a kitten. She jumped on my back while I was writing. I named her Tenshi, which means Angel. I don't really want to die anymore. Actually I do, but Tenshi, I don't want to leave her behind but having only 'one' thing care about me isn't good enough.

I want to leave this world and forget all my pains. Meet my parents again over on the other side. Forget about things and the people that caused me so much pain. My journal is the only other thing that I have to comfort me. Long ago, I used to be able to cry into Yami's chest when I was hurt, now, I just get abused by him and the other people that were my friends. Now, I cry into my pillow or this journal. But I have this weird feeling, it's like I 'want' someone to find my journal. I don't know why but I do. It might help me think that I'm not just someone's shadow but a living being.

Well, too bad I'm not going to live.

That's right, I've decided to relieve everyone of my presence. Well, if Yami finds this, I want him to know that he killed me. He killed me from the inside, out. I hope he's happy. He took everything away from me. What I have now is Tenshi and this place that I'm in but that doesn't cover the love that I need from my family and friends... Good-bye Yami, grandpa. I hope that you're life will get better, once I'm gone. Forever...

Yours truly,
Yugi Mutou-

Yugi closed his journal and looked at Tenshi. She was still sleeping peacefully by his side. Seeing Tenshi sleep, Yugi felt sleepy as well and then, he fell asleep beside his things and Tenshi in the sacred place.

~Meanwhile, Earlier~

Marik and Malik just went into the Game Shop, looking for their little friend, Yugi. At least they know that it's his birthday today. They went into the house part of the place to find Yami getting ready to go to the arcade whilst Joey was waiting at the door but no sign of Yugi.

"Hey, Marik, Malik, wanna come with us to the arcade today?" Yami asked while walking up to them.

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Joey added, whilst walked to them too and stood beside Yami.

[Don't they know what day it is, today?] Malik asked Marik through their mind link.

[[Obviously not]] Marik replied and had a little disgusted expression on his face.

[What bakas]

[[I know]]

"No thanks you guys. We have business to take care of." Malik said.

"What kind of business?" Yami said and eyed them suspiciously.

"If it's to beat up Yugi, then I'm in! I wanna beat up that waste of a human being." Joey said and slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand.

[Argh! Oh now, I'm mad!]

"Count me in too!" Yami added after Joey. "That little twerp didn't clean up my room!"

[[May I please send them to the shadow realm?]]




[[What? You said I could!]]

[What if Yugi doesn't want to?]

[[Oh, right]]

[But, you can do anything else to them]


"Sorry but we don't want to hang out with you low-life people, especially you, pharaoh." Marik said when venom in his words.

"Ex-pharaoh." Malik corrected.

"Oh yeah."

"What do you mean 'low-life people'? We're not the ones that are insane, are we?" Joey spat.

"Well, we're not insane anymore, if you hadn't noticed. If we were, you'd be in the Shadow Realm by now." Marik spat back.

"Then why are you here?" Yami spoke up over the arguing about insane people and shadow realm.

"We're here to see Yugi." Malik stated whilst glaring a death glare at Joey.

"Why do you want to see a person lower then dirt?" Yami said.

"He's not lower than dirt you shiseiiji! I bet, if he had the chance, he'd be a better Pharaoh then you could ever be!" Marik spat back.

"I bet, back then, people hated you to the core." Malik added.

"Hated me?!" Yami laughed. "I saved them from the shadow realm!"

"Not for long!" Marik said.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know I never sealed it away, tightly?" Yami stated.

"Marik, let's just go find Yugi and leave this pathetic beings to their doings." Malik said to his alter ego.

"Okay." Marik agreed.

"Hey! This is Yami and gramps' house! You have no right to just look around whenever you please!" Joey spat at the two blonds.

"Correction. Grandpa and Yugi's house. Not Yami's." Malik corrected. Then the two Egyptians left the room and started to look for Yugi.

Yami and Joey just stood there until Solomon came in and broke the silence.

"What was all that yelling about?" he asked them both curiously.

"Nothing, grandpa." Yami stated.

"It didn't sound like 'nothing' to me." Solomon said.

"I'll tell you later. Me and Joey are gonna be late in meeting the others." Yami said and he and Joey walked out of the house towards the arcade.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Marik and Malik walk down the stairs to meet Mr. Mutou doing the bills.

"Hello Mr. Mutou." Malik greeted.

"Hello there boys." Solomon greeted them back.

"Um, do you know where Yugi is?" Marik asked him.

"Yugi? Hmm... He should be in his room or somewhere in this building." Solomon stated.

"But we looked everywhere for him. He's not here." Malik said.

"We were wondering if you knew where he went." Marik added.

"Hmm... I don't know. I didn't see him live this morning." Solomon stated. "Why do you want to see him?"

"Don't you know what day it is, Mr. Mutou?" Malik asked.

"No." he said and continued calculating the money.

[[Oh my god]]

[I know]

[[Some grandpa, heh?]]


"Mr. Mutou." Malik started in a serious tone.

"Yes?" he looked up from his calculations, hearing the seriousness in Malik's voice.

"Are you sure you don't know what day it is?" Malik finished.

"Yes." Solomon answered. "Is today a special day or something?"

"Yes!" Marik snapped. "It's Yugi's birthday! You know, your grandson!"

Solomon's eye's widened immensely. He had forgotten his only relative's, who is alive, birthday.

"Now, we'll ask you again, do you know where Yugi is?" Marik asked him dangerously.

"No. I haven't seen him all day." Solomon stated.

"Maybe because you ignore him and give only that spoiled Pharaoh attention. Does that ring a bell?" Marik said.

Solomon realized that now. He only gave attention to Yami, not his flesh and blood. He felt sad, really sad and also guilty.

"Let's go, Marik. We still have to find Yugi." Malik said to his alter ego. With a nod from Marik, they both left the old man to his thoughts and left the Game Shop in search of their little friend.

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Koishii No Tenshi: "Poor Yugi!" (Starts to cry)

Yugi: (Sniffle) "You make me feel alone!"

Koishii No Tenshi: (Stops crying) "That's because Marik and Malik are out to get some errands for me-er-I mean my mom and the rest are out cold because of Marik and Malik and their mallets."

Yugi: "Oh."

Koishii No Tenshi: "Poor Yugi!" (Starts crying again)

Yugi: "Please review."