Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ An Unexpected Love ❯ The Almost Kiss ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Almost Kiss
Random Person: Samantha? Where did you go?
Sam stops, then pulls away.
Sam: Sorry. But if any of them catches us, it'll be in the papers by morning.
Seto: I understand, it's okay. Will you meet me later though?
Sam: Maybe.
Seto: Maybe? Why maybe?
Sam: Well, what if I don't like you?
Seto: So, you don't like me? He smirks.
Sam: No, I do, it's just-
Seto: Then there's no reason for you not to want to go out with me. So I'll ask you again. Will you meet me later?
Before she can answer he's cut off by the random person.
Random Person: Saman- oh, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere. Ohhhh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Sam: You weren't interrupting anything. Mr. Kaiba and I were just talking about business.
Random Person: Al right, of course you were.
They turn to walk away but before they're completely out of sight, she turns around and winks at him. Seto smirks.
Seto: (ihm) I have to get back to the party or they'll think that I had something to do with that girl and then Kaiba Corp will be in big trouble.
It's the next morning and Seto is in his office working when Mokuba walks in.
Mokuba: Hey Seto!
Seto: Hello, Mokuba.
Even though he tries to sound like his regular self he can't help but have a little bit of happiness in his voice.
Mokuba: Seto, you sound different. What happened?
Seto: Nothing, happened Mokuba. I've just been working a lot lately so I sound tired.
Mokuba: No it's not that, you sound…. happier.
Seto: Well, I don't know why I would. I have to go do something Mokuba, I'll be back.
Just as he's almost out the door, Mokuba speaks.
Mokuba: You've met someone haven't you?
Seto: What?
Mokuba: A girl.
Seto: Why would you think that?
Mokuba: Because, you went to that party last night and now it's morning and you come back happier.
Seto: So what if it is?
Mokuba: Nothing, it's just you've never liked a girl before. You always said that it was a waste of time, when you had so much work to do. It's just that I'm glad your finally found someone, that's all.
Seto: She's just a girl, I never said I was going to marry her. We talked that's all, I don't even know if I'll see her again. I'll be right back.
He steps out of the room and walks away.
Seto: (ihm) Smart kid. He smirks to himself.
Roland: Sir, there's a woman on the line for you. She says she knows you and her name is Samantha.
Seto: Al right, give her to me.
Roland: Here you go, sir. He hands him the phone and walks away.
Seto: Hello.
Sam: Hi.
Seto: Shouldn't I be the one to call you?
Sam: I don't think it matters, besides aren't you happy I called?
Seto: Of course, I was only implying it's traditional that the guy calls the girl.
Sam: When did you become traditional?
Seto: He laughs. Your right, it doesn't really matter. So is there a special reason for why you called me?
Sam: Kind of. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me.
Seto: So now your even asking me out on a date, what next you'll be the one to pick me up?
Sam: No, actually I was thinking you would do that.
Seto: Oh, well then that's fine. Why not, did you have somewhere in mind that you wanted to go?
Sam: Actually, there's this club I know. I've been wanting to go to it for a while.
Seto: That sounds perfect. Where should I pick you up?
Sam: Oh, how about I just meet you at Kaiba Corp and you can drive us there.
Seto: Are you sure?
Sam: Yes, I'm positive.
Seto: Al right, I'll see you tonight. How about at 8:00.
Sam: That's fine, see you then.
Seto: Bye.
They hang up the phone.
Seto: (ihm) Wow. She's really something.
On the other side of the water in Pegasus's castle, a conversation brews.
Sam: There are you happy?
Pegasus: Yes, you're doing wonderfully.
Sam: You're sick. I hate you.
Pegasus: Aw, come now that's not nice. Oh my, don't tell me you actually have feelings for Kaiba-boy?
She doesn't say anything just turns away to look out the window.
Pegasus: *laughs* Oh my, this is going to be much more fun than I expected.