Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Angels and Demons ❯ Filler Chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

FALLEN-S: Okay, this is a filler chapter, because FF.net doesn't allow chapters only with ANs. Yeah.


Eos flew after Hoshi, a rather confused look on her face. Why would Angels be doing out here, especially when most knew about the Demons? "Hoshi-chan, do you think it's a trap?" she asked out to the Halfling in front of her.

"It might be," was all Hoshi's answer.

Eos shrugged, learning to trust the Halfling's six sense and quickly increased her speed, catching up with the Halfling. "So, Hoshi-chan, what to do with the prey?"

Hoshi fixed her with a weird look. "Why are you wondering that, Eos? I thought you were not interested in the Hunt?"

Eos grinned as her two different-coloured eyes lit up. "Yami-kun's look-alike was so kawaii! I couldn't help-"

"And I thought Yukiko was the one who went girly and hyper over cute boys," Hoshi remarked calmly. "Rather ironic to her name, don't you agree?"

"But that doesn't matter, Hoshi-chan! What matters now is whether you would-"

Eos stopped speaking as they entered Hoshi's house, in awe of its grandness. The carpets were all red, all gold and silver were polished to shine their brightest and even the wall was waxed. "Hoshi-chan, are you okay? Why is your house so clean?" Hoshi just laughed nervously as she walked up the stairs.

"I like clean houses... I can't stand cockroaches!"

That statement caused Eos to raise one eyebrow skeptically before she started to laugh. "An eagle, afraid of cockroaches?" Hoshi turned to frown at her but Eos's laughter was contagious and the two of the laughed as they made their way to the "prison".


End Of Filler Chapters

A/N: The next chapter shall be out soon. ^_^