Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ At The Beginning ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Crimson eyes gazed into amethyst, a hand reached up to brush away goldenrod bangs lovingly. So much they had been through, and now, finally, they could be together.
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
So many trials they faced, with and without the other. Countless times they had sacrificed themselves for the good of the world.
Now here we are
A soft smile graced the elder's features, his hand now caressing his angel's cherubic face.
And I'm suddenly standing
Nothing could ruin this moment, there were no more people trying to steal someone's soul, no more Shadow Games, no more needless death.
At the beginning with you
Soft tricoloured hair blew slightly in the gentle breeze, the sakura tree nearby providing shade for the two standing beneath it. A love umbrella with two names carved beneath it was engraved on the bark of the tree.
No one told me I was going to find you
The younger giggled slightly, remembering how they had met. A puzzle brought them together, the same puzzle that was now buried beneath the sands of Egypt. But it didn't matter to them, they were together, they were happy, and there was no-one to tear them apart.
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
The elder raised an eyebrow, silently questioning his partner. The little one had managed to squirm his way into the other's heart, warming it until it was mostly filled with only two things- love and protection for his other.
When I lost hope, you were there to remind me
“It's funny.” The little angel said cheerfully.
“I almost gave up on the puzzle, and you almost gave up on the world. If we hadn't pestered each-other so much, the puzzle wouldn't be complete, and either Yami Bakura or Yami Malik would be ruling the world.” He giggled again.
This is the start
“And what is so amusing about that?” The eyebrow rose again, blood red eyes questioning.
“Well, I can just imagine them getting bored after a few hours and forcing Ryou to find them something to do, then he'd tell them to go clean up, they'd decide ruling the world wasn't worth it and then they'd hand ownership over to Dartz, who'd give it to Pegasus, who's make everyone wear Funny Bunny costumes.”
And life is a road and I want to keep going
“Well, then I'm glad we didn't give up.” The spirit rested his head on his once-host's head, closing his eyes and breathing in the smell that was purely Yugi.
Love is a river, I want to keep flowing
The young one sighed contentedly and wrapped his arms around his dark.
“Love you.” He murmured, snuggling into the warmth emitting itself from the taller.
Life is a road, now and forever
“I love you too.” The spirit's voice whispered lovingly.
“Do you remember our duel against Pegasus, little one?”
Wonderful journey
Yugi snorted lightly, a trait he had picked up from the one holding him.
“Of course I do, he kept trying to read our minds.”
I'll be there when the world stops turning
“And how about our duel with Yami Bakura?”
I'll be there when the storm is through
“Yamiiiiii.” The little one whined.
“I'm not as old as you, I haven't lost any of my memories!” Yami chuckled and ran a tanned hand over his light's back.
“Then how about that time you forced me out of my soul room because the thunder scared you?”
In the end I wanna be standing
A blush made its way onto Yugi's cheeks as he fought to bury himself deeper into Yami's chest.
“You said that you'd never mention that again.”
At the beginning
“But I love making you blush as much as I love your smile, your laugh, your body, your soul…you.”
With you
Yugi's blush intensified and he soon found out that, despite what the voices in his head were telling him, he could not burrow a hole into his dark's chest and hide. Yami seemed to sense this and smirked.
“You'd have better luck trying to disappear into your soul room, beloved.”
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
His little one mumbled something and pulled away, trying his hardest to glare.
“Hmph, to quote Kaiba, `pompous windbag'.”
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true
The smirk on Yami's face grew slightly, his tongue flicked out to lick his dry lips.
“I believe that comment was directed towards you, my beautiful little angel.” He purred, nuzzling Yugi's neck. The lithe duellist sighed and leant into the touch, knowing that this moment, that all of the events leading up to this moment, were real. One touch from his other erased all of his doubts, each and every time.
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
The thoughts clamouring around the shorter's head vanished, leaving it blissfully empty. All the doubts about someone, or something, coming between them were gone. He knew he was the only one for his other, and that his other was the only one for him.
At the beginning with you