Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Awoken from the Past ❯ Awoken from the Past ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Whooooohooooo!!!! I've finally proven it. I can corrupt anything…and I do mean anything. Muhahahahaha! Take poor, unsuspecting, innocent, happy-go-lucky Yugi, add my writing style and bingo…he's an angst ridden psycho. This contains a yaoi lemon between Yugi and the Dark Magician (how you ask, it's when they're in Kaiba's virtual world (I refuse to give into Gato and say digital world because that's Digimon)) and of course the fun would not be complete without an appearance by Yami no Yugi.

Warning: Total bastardization of Yugi's dad. I don't know if they mention anything about his parents in the show but I made a lot up here.

P.S. A thankies goes out to Gatomonangewomon who "directed" the sex scene. Actually she was bitching at me to write it so I told her to tell me what to do and she did. So yes, the nipple-pinching fetish is all hers.

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Yugi quickly looked around to make sure no one followed him. He wasn't sure what possessed him too, but he had long since stopped questioning his feeling, instead he went along with what they told him. He stepped into a deserted, dark hut, trying to get away from the oh-so realistic sun that baked Kaiba's virtual world. He was supposed to be looking for the Newatary card that would allow them to cross the desert to where he knew Seto was being kept, but a distinct pull guided him to this secluded place.

Sitting on the only piece of furniture in the shack, a low wooden bench, he raised a half-full canteen to his lips. Placing it back into his belt loop, Yugi felt, once again, the weight of the letter he had received shortly before he had left the real world. It would have been unnoticeable if not for the importance it would play in his future. He wants me back, he thought, partly in joy but mostly in heartache. My parents can force me to go back to living with them if they want. Images filled his mind of the half-remembered terrors of his childhood. Screaming was foremost, his father stumbling around, destroying anything and everything in his rage, whether it be an inanimate object or his own child.

Pulling out of the darker days before his mother had sent him to live with his Grandpa, Yugi noticed one of his cards had fallen out of its holder and was resting in his lap.

Turning it over, he smiled at his favorite card. "Dark Magician", he whispered. Yugi was startled as the card began to glow, it must think I summoned it, he thought. The imposing figure that had appeared towered over his tiny master. Yugi's ever silent guardian looked around for a moment, probably trying to find the danger he had been called out to face. Seeing nothing, he turned a questioning gaze to the boy. Yugi blushed, "Sorry Dark Magician, I summoned you by mistake, there's no one here but me."

A silent moment passed as the Dark Magician waited to see if his master needed anything more from him, and as he moved to return to his card, a timid voice asked, "Dark Magician"? He stopped, waiting as Yugi struggled on, "When Shady and I asked access to the mind of the other being in me, why didn't you kill me? I heard that stranger, his thoughts I think, that you only listen to the ancient pharaohs. Why did you listen to me then?" Dark Magician looked at the boy, who in turn, was gazing at his nervously twisting hands.

A pressure caressed his mind as the slender monster answered; you are like him.

"Like who," Yugi asked eyes wide. He hadn't really been expecting an answer, let alone a telepathic reply.

The ancient one within you, the Dark Magician answered as, in an unexpected move, he lightly reached out to caress the side of the boy's face.

"Oh", was all Yugi said, but the purple-haired magic wielder pulled back in alarm as hot tears ran down his palm. "I just thought…thought maybe it was me you…you…" the younger of the two broke off.

Yugi, the Dark Magician's response was filled with sadness and, much to Yugi's chagrin, pity. He couldn't take it anymore, the blonde boy deftly pushed past the older warrior and ran from the building, ignore the calls for his return.

Through crowed streets, rudely pushing people aside, Yugi ran with tears blinding him. Of course you're not special. You should know that by now, his mind taunted him. Joey and Tristan are only around because you can help them get better at Duel Monsters. Tea is nice to everybody and even your own parents just shipped you off to your Grandpa's. The only ones you could rely on were the Monsters and they're only interested in whatever spirit lives in your Millennium item.

His eyes narrowed as he stopped beside a large well. If they want whoever's in my Millennium item they can have him. He reached around to the tie of the thong around his neck, hesitating for only an instant before untying it, and letting the golden ornament fall silently into the water's dark depths.

Slowly he came back to his senses, noticing he had left his deck in the abandoned hut, I'm totally defenseless without it and with so many people trying to stop us from finding Kaiba I shouldn't take any chances. He turned, trying hard to remember the way he had come from, and left without giving into his urge to look back at what he had left behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Dark Magician stopped as he felt the life force of his former master grow distant. The boy must have removed the Millennium puzzle, he thought worriedly. He knew that without a tie to a body, the spirit was extremely vulnerable. He quickly went to search for the boy, to make what he had unknowingly done wrong, right.

He followed his senses, coming closer to the boy, who looked as if he was lost in the bustling crowd. Standing behind Yugi, he hid a smirk when the child jumped as he backed up, bumping into the magician. Master; please allow me to atone for what I have done to upset you, he pleaded, kneeling on one knee in submission. The younger of the two colored slightly at the control he felt over the other.

"Well, you could take me back to where I left my deck, that would help because I'm totally lost." The Dark Magician nodded silently, eyes riveted to the boy's chest; the Millennium item was gone.

Master, you've lost your Millennium puzzle. Yugi looked down, then, after hesitating for a moment, lifted his chin, almost in defiance.

"I didn't lose it, I threw it away because I don't need it anymore. Now where is the hut I left my cards in?" With a sinking heart, the purple-haired ancient lead the way, knowing that something had happened inside the boy's mind that would take more than simple means to fix.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By the time they reached the hut, Yugi was beginning to regret what he had done, already he could feel the connection he had with his cards begin to fade and he missed the reassuring presence in his mind. He also couldn't stand the way the Dark Magician was looking at him out of the corner of his frighteningly ice-cold blue eyes. "What are you looking at", he asked in an unfamiliar, hard voice.

Nothing Master, I'm only concerned because you don't seem to be yourself. Anger surged over him at the response.

"What do you know about me? You're just a card, you don't even really exist, how could you…" Yugi was cut off as the Dark Magician's graceful hand struck him full across the face.

I assure you, Master, I'm am very real.

"You…you…what the do you think you're doing?" His now-shrill voice rang out sounding almost panicked as he pulled back and tried to hit the only thing he could reach; the Dark's Magician's slender stomach, but his small hand was easily caught by the elder of the two.

"Let me go you bastard", reaching to his deck he pulled out a card but the Dark Magician's hand was firmly over his mouth before he could summon it. Pressed tightly against the lithe body behind him, Yugi started to fear the monster who held him.

He tried to scramble away when he was thrown to the ground but was swiftly caught again and hit across the face once more. As the Dark Magician pulled back for a blow that would have been much more damaging than a simple slap, Yugi did the only thing he could remember that had stopped the pain before. He pressed his face into the groin of his attacker, rubbing his cheek lightly against the Dark Magician's crotch, murmuring quietly, "I'll be good, I promise. Don't hurt me, I'll be good."

The Dark Magician's breath caught, he had been expecting a fight and had planned on stopping as soon as his master asked him to but this was completely unexpected. The small, fragile-feeling boy was shaking as the ancient held him in a way that suddenly seemed much too personal. He stepped back, or tried to seeing as Yugi's little hands clutched the front of his outfit. Looking up, the boy smiled in a way that seemed innocent enough but hid a secret that only Yugi knew. A secret that had been festering for years and was being forced to the surface.

"I'll make you feel good," he told the Dark Magician eagerly.

Master, something is wrong with you. You should find your friends and leave this place.

"I was bad but please don't hurt me," Yugi continued as if he had blocked out what the older being said. He pushed the Dark Magician backwards until he almost tripped on the bench, forcing the monster to sit down. "Dark Magician, you'd never hurt me would you?" Stroking the side of his face, he placed a sloppy kiss on the startled lips of the spell-caster.

Master. Stop. Now. The command came firm into Yugi's mind, refusing to be ignored. An alien emotion crossed the youth's face, but was quickly replaced with a smile.

Wrapping his arms around the Dark Magician's neck, he leaned close, and whispered rather seductively, "Kunai with chain". The monster tried to pull away as what the boy was doing became clear, but by then it was too late and the card had been summoned. Black chains coiled around the Magician's limbs, and he felt himself grow weaker.


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It's what they wanted, what they always wanted when they hurt him. If they hurt him he would be forced to make them feel good so they wouldn't harm him anymore. "I'll be a good boy," he murmured to the Dark Magician, who actually seemed to be struggling against his bonds. Oh, he's one of those. Yugi knew some of the men his father left him with hadn't wanted anyone to think they liked it when he made them feel good, so they acted as if they didn't want it. Some acted like he was the one who wanted to do what they did, but mostly those ones wanted to hurt him, they said he was evil and that he had tempted them. Tempted them with what and to do what, he didn't know.

Yugi straddled the Dark Magician's slender thighs, rubbing lightly over the nice spot that made him feel good. Smiled to himself as the blue-eyed one, whose hat had fallen to the floor so that his hair lay every which way, averted his gaze, slightly blushing, and squirmed in a way Yugi knew well. He knows I please him but he won't give in yet.

Moving up to lay on top of the nice spot, which had gotten harder, he rubbed against the Dark Magician to make himself feel good, because they were always happier when he enjoyed it too.

He frowned slightly, the familiar fire ran through his body settling at his penis, and he knew the same was happening to the Dark Magician, but all the clothes they had on would not do. He scrambled off the helpless body beneath him. Crouching at the feet, he pushed the skirt-like part of the outfit up to the spell-caster's waist. Now the bulge in his pants was much more noticeable, "I knew you'd like it," Yugi paused to reach up and caress the Magician's face, only for it to be turned away. Anger built up in him, and he grabbed a hand-full of violet-blue hair, pulling the monster's head to one side, he bite hard on his pale neck, as the ancient quietly cried out, watching as light streams of crimson appeared.

It felt good to be in control for once, to hurt instead of being hurt. He reached up, experimentally, under the purple fabric to take hold of one of the sensitive darkened nubs on the Dark Magician's chest, then twisted savagely until tears slowly ran down the monster's face. Yugi chose to ignore them, for how many times had he cried and no one had cared?

He explored farther; tiny nails scratching flesh, noticing how much pressure it took to make his captive cry out on different parts of his body. Yugi was happier than he had ever been, and harder too, which was beginning to become uncomfortable. But to his surprise, the Dark Magician wasn't the least bit excited. Why aren't I making him happy, I'm happy, shouldn't he be?

Scrambling under the Magician's thighs, using his own legs for leverage, he began to peel down the purple pants until they were bunched around the chains that held his feet. The flaccid penis disappointed him but Yugi knew he would just have to do his job better, to make the Dark Magician feel as good as he did.

He took the Magician's cock in his small hands and wrapped his lips around the tip. He applied pressure in short, wet sucks. He could tell that the older being was trying not to move his hips as he began to get hard again. Leaving the head, Yugi licked along the semi-erect shaft in long strokes, a blissful look on his face, as if he was polishing off an ice-cream cone.

He drew back, circling the dick once more with his hands. Yugi ran one up and down, increasing the speed until the Magician moaned with pleasure. He again held himself up on the ancient's pelvis, rubbing frantically to relieve the pressure. He had decided it was time, and began to remove his shirt, ripping away buttons that refused to come undone quickly enough.

The bottoms to his blue uniform were beginning to moisten from the Dark Magician's pre-cum. The normally silent monster was moaning, grinding upward against the pleased youth. Hard, jerking motions sent him over the edge, as the purple-haired man opened his mouth in a silent scream.

Jets of hot cum hit Yugi on his chest, dripping down as he smiled contentedly. He crawled to lie on the Magician's abdomen, where the monster could feel his throbbing dick press against his stomach. "I made you happy", the boy sighed. The spell-caster hopes of being let go were dashed as a small tongue began to toy with his nipples.

Yugi unbuttoned his pants and lowered them along with his underwear, rubbing himself as his cock was freed. His jaw clenched tightly as he fought to keep dominance… if he lost control of himself then he would lose control of the Dark Magician. He rubbed himself teasingly over the ancient's stomach, while alternating between pressing light kisses to his chest and sucking his nipples.

Seeing his captive was beginning to harden again and marveling slightly at the stamina of the monster, Yugi went back downward and positioned himself carefully above the Magician. Bracing himself for the pain that would come, he slowly sat on the straining cock. A stabbing pain ran through him as he cried out. But soon the way became smoother as blood coated his anus…it was always that way when he wasn't properly prepared.

He squirmed around a bit, trying to find the right angle where he would hit the place that held lightning inside of him. As he found it he pinched his nipples because… because it didn't feel right. It didn't hurt like it was supposed to and it didn't feel dirty. Yugi needed that, wanted it even, to fulfill something he didn't understand. His mind wandered back to his father, his father who had loved his this special way and always completed him, if he wasn't in a bad mood of course.

"Yugi", his daddy would whisper, holding him tight, waiting for the pain to go away. "You know I do this because I love you. The other men will use you but you're my special little one. I'll never leave you and you'll never leave me will you?" Yugi shook his head as his father began the trace a pattern on his small chest.

Sometimes it would be wet and sticky like it was now. Some of the men who would be with him and his father liked to see him covered in cum, but his daddy always made them leave, then cleaned him gently, possessively. Always asking if Yugi still loved him. That shook the boy out of his musings as he realized why he felt so wrong. I promised daddy I would never love anyone but him, I told him I would always be his. Now I want the Dark Magician to love me, love me like I love my daddy.

"I'm betraying my daddy," he said as he began to cry pitifully then lost himself in his orgasm. The Dark Magician felt the boy clench around him, riding out his second release as he also noticed a change in him. He grew taller, his expression colder, and handled the still spasming muscles of his body with more grace than the original Yugi. The Dark Magician understood what had happened as the golden puzzle reappeared on the boy's chest. The tears dried quickly on this being's face as he carefully got off the now limp member of the monster, revoking his binds and silently getting dressed.

"Master"? The Dark Magician inquired for this presence was familiar, his true master.

"Magician, whatever you do, you must never tell the young one of what happened here." The monster waited, knowing if his master wished him to know more, it would be explained. "I'm stripping the boy of all memories of this encounter and of his father."

Now the spell-caster remembered what the boy had said before the other being took over. "I'm betraying my daddy," he had cried out weeping.

The dangerous violet eyes looked far off, into his own world, "Have you ever wondered why Yugi and Bakura have dark sides, but Pegasus doesn't." He continued without waiting for an answer. "It's because they're innocents. Both of them haven't given in to the dark impulses that plague men like Pegasus, so the dark spirits within the Millennium items were allowed to take root to bring balance to their souls.

Yugi's father was a strange man. He beat, raped, and sold his son to other men, but he truly did love him in his own way. Never realizing that he was poisoning Yugi, his own insecurities of being unloved tore at the little one until his mother sent him to his Grandfather's where he buried those memories. Now they've resurfaced because of this," Yami pulled out a worn envelope. "Yugi's father wants him back. And he's torn between his love for the man, that has been instilled in him since birth and the fact he knows what his father is doing is wrong."

He handed the envelope to the Dark Magician, "destroy this, I never want Yugi to find it. It says that if his father doesn't hear from him, he'll never write again."

He caressed the side of the monster's face; "I didn't just do this to stop myself from being imprisoned in the puzzle again. Take care of my little one Dark Magician." Then the being was gone, and the boy slumped unconscious into gentle, watchful arms.