Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Back When I Was a Kid ❯ Yugi ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Back When I Was a Kid
Author: Vapidbreath
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh
Rating: R to NC-17
Main Pairings: Jounouchi/Kaiba, Yamis/Hikaris
Other Pairings: Jou and the following: Honda, Otogi, Yugi, Malik and Bakura. Bakura and the following: Marik, Malik, Marik and Malik, Jou, Yami, Yugi, Ryou. HondaxOtogi, HondaxShizuka, YugixAnzu, RyouxYugi and any other pairing involving only the mentioned and maybe Mokuba if anyone asks.
Genre: Romance, Hentai, Angst, Psychological, Humor, and others
Warnings: Suicide, Yaoi, Character deaths, Sadist, Masochist, Drug use, Cursing, Bashing, and anything else I can think of.
Notes: I am still writing this story. Any and all suggestions are welcome. This is the second chapter in my attempt to make a multichaptered angst fic. Please let me know how I'm doing.
So, now you know a little `bout me. How about I tell somethin' `bout Yug' now. Yug' and me been friends for a long time. I never told him what happened to me until we were older. When I started actin' different, I think knew what was goin' on. I remember the time my dad had beat my ass `cause I'd come home real late. As soon as he'd left the room I was runnin' out the door. Before I knew were my legs were carryin' me, I was at a park stumblin' into my best friend's arms.
“What happened? Are you alright?” He looked up at me with those wide and innocent eyes. It pissed me off that there was someone so naïve and child-like livin' a better life than me.
“I'm fine. Just quit askin' me all these dumb questions.” I pushed him away and watched as he fell backwards onto patches of grass covering the otherwise dirt ground.
“I—I just wanted to make you feel better.” I smirked down at him. I wanted to hurt him so badly because someone had hurt me. I wanted him to feel the way my father made me feel.
I reached down and grabbed his small hand, draggin' him behind me as searched for somethin' he could lean against. I ended up pullin' him to the bathroom. The door was locked for some reason so I slammed him against the side of the small building.
He looked up at me, his eyes wide and watery. His hair was dirty, showin' bits of dirt and grass. His shirt had torn and I could see a small cut where the skin was exposed. I pulled against his belt, trying to unfasten it or break it. Once it was out of the way, I grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled them as far down as I could go without his help.
I couldn't understand why he wouldn't scream, why he wasn't fightin' or even crying. Was he stronger than me? Could this pathetic little boy take what I couldn't? My body shook with uncontrolled anger. I wanted to punch him and kick him. I wanted him to scream and bleed because he thought he was better than me.
I forcefully turned his body around, smirkin' as I heard his face hit the wall. I shoved his underwear down so they rested on his pants. I put both hands on either of his hips to bend his backside towards me. His body complied and easily loosened in my hold. I couldn't help but wonder if this had happened to him before or if he even knew what was about to happen.
Shaking my head I positioned myself before roughly thrustin' into his openin'. Instinctively, his body tried to move away from the attack, but my hold on his waist only tightened as I pulled him closer. I pulled out and penetrated him with more force. I concentrated hard to move the same way my father did. This wasn't about pleasure. I didn't want pleasure, but I couldn't pretend not to feel the way his body squeezed my arousal.
On a particular thrust, I heard him cry out; I heard him scream in pain and I wanted to hear it again.
“Stop! Please stop it.”
I sped up my movements because I knew I'd be done soon. His tiny hands clawed at the wall and his legs collapsed from the molten pain. I held him up as I continued to ram into his body. Finally, I arched forward and released into the body in my arms.
When I came down from the sadistic and strange high, I took my organ out of him allowed him to fall to the ground again. I felt a sick satisfaction as blood and semen seeped from the beaten hole.
His eyes were blood shout from his strained crying. His cheeks were covered in salty sweat and tears. He looked as if he'd pass out in any minute.
I forced him to stand and fix his clothes before pickin' `im up and carryin' `im bridal style. I began walkin' in the direction of his house. After he'd finally passed out, I whispered into the eerie silence of the night, “Thanks for makin' me feel bette'.”