Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Live Without You ❯ Yugi's Funeral ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Karenu-anime: Well, here's the first chapter 4 the sequel for Yugi's Heartbreak. I really hope you guys like it.

Bakura: If you don't, give all of your flames to me *evil cackle*!!

Yu-gi-oh cast: *sweatdrop*

Karenu-anime: Sure. Why not?

Yami: Tomb Robber, you better not do anything fishy during the story.

Bakura: I'll be busy laughing at you!

Yami: Why?

Bakura: I, uh…..don't know!

*starts arguing*

Karenu-anime: *blew a whistle* Hey!! Who's doing the disclaimer?

Bakura: I'll do it!!! Karenu-anime does not own Yu-gi-oh except for the whole plot, I think.

Italics = thinking

Ohayo = Hello

Arigato = Thank You

Gomen = Sorry

Aishiteru = I love you

Koibito = Lover

Koi = Love

Hikari = Light

Abiou = Partner

Yami = Darkness

*correct me if I'm wrong!!! *

Chapter I = Yugi's Funeral

The day was a beautiful day, filled with sunshine and birds flying away happily. There was only one thing wrong for Yami Mouto (is that how you spell it?). His hikari was dead. Yugi had committed suicide, just because Yami didn't return his feelings verbally. Yami didn't realize until too late that all along he wanted to love Yugi more than a guardian or brother. He wanted it to be more than friends, deep in his heart. He was supposed to be a yami, a hikari's protector, but he had failed. He had hurt his hikari, his Yugi, and both of them had to pay the price. His beloved Yugi died and he had to continue life…..alone.

Today was Yugi's funeral. In a beautiful day like this, Yami would have taken Yugi to the park and spend time with him. It was traditional to wear black to a funeral, so he chose black leather pants, black sleeveless shirt, black shoes, and a black belt to complete the attire. He quickly went outside and rode away on his motorcycle.

Yami still hadn't told Seto that his heart was with someone else. Seto just thinks I care for Yugi in a brotherly type, Yami thought, but I miss him like a long lost koi. They still dated on and on, but it wasn't that……passionate. Yami had a feeling that Seto was cheating on him with Jounouchi Katsuya, his good friend. Yami didn't care at all; all he cared was that Yugi was dead. Seto had the right to cheat on Yami; I mean Yami doesn't feel very connected to Seto, right? At least that was what Yami thought.

When Yami arrived, everybody rushed over to him and apologized for Yugi's death. Yami just gave them a smile, not a smirk, but a true gratifying smile. The procession went by quickly, but for Yami it was hell. Yami walked up to the stage and spoke and wanted to cry, but held it in. Yami felt that the last of Yugi's soul had left Yugi's body completely when he looked at Yugi's face for the last time.

Just when Yami was about to leave, Seto walked over. "May I talk to you privately?" Seto asked. Yami nodded, not sure if he could trust his voice. They went to a nearby cherry blossom tree. Yami thought that Yugi would have loved to see the cherry blossoms full bloom. "Yami, I'm going to have to break up with you." Seto said, "I'm with Jounouchi, I hope you can forgive me." Yami thought for a second. Finally he spoke. "My heart belongs to someone too." Yami said quietly. Seto looked shocked at a moment before he asked who. "I can't tell you." Yami said, "I'm sorry." With that they said their goodbyes. Yami continued looking at the cherry blossom, then back at Yugi's grave. "I'll find my way back to you, abiou." Yami whispered to the winds, "I promise."

With that said, he drove off, lost to the world and heartbroken about his hikari. Yet with a little hope in his heart.

Karenu-anime: Sorry for the people who thought it was short!! I'll try to finish it up. Your reviews would really help me, so plz review.

Yami: Is this story going to have a happy ending, or a sad one?

Karenu-anime: Let's just say your future isn't going to be happy one.

Marik/Bakura: You stole my cookie. Give it back!! Stop copying me!!

Karenu-anime: STOP!!! *everybody freezes* Where are your lights?

Bakura: Let's just say they went shopping and left us with you!

Yami/Marik: *nods*

Karenu-anime: Oh…………. The next chapter should be arriving about 2 to 3 days or so. So continue reading.

I suppose there is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one's self, the very meaning of one's soul.