Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing in the Dark ❯ Don't Stop the Dancing ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: All Yu-Gi-Oh! characters and references belong to their respective owners. The song Numb belongs to Linkin Park and the company that recorded it and was used in this story with the best of intentions. Story elements © Hideki LaShae. No money was gained in the writing of this story.
Dancing in the Dark
By Hideki LaShae
Chapter Three - Don't Stop the Dancing
Yugi and Ryou smile at Katsuya as he jogs up to meet them at the front gates to the school.
“You left the club early, Jou. Did something happen between you and your date?” asks Yugi.
“Well, I was tired from all that work I did at Kaiba's place, and he was tired too, so he took me home early,” says Katsuya, “I would have liked to have stayed, but I really was tired! We're going to meet there next Saturday!”
“Did he ask for your last name?” asks Ryou smiling.
Katsuya nods and blushes a burgundy to pale the lipstick he had been wearing.
Ryou's eyes widen.
“How did he ask you?” asks Yugi noticing the blush as well.
“He asked me and then he kissed me!” exclaims Katsuya happily.
Yugi and Ryou both smile.
“Come on!” exclaims Katsuya grabbing their hands and pulling them forward towards the school building. He pulls them into their classroom, and his eyes land on Seto as he sits in his chair reading his book. “Just a minute guys.”
“Jou! Not again!” exclaims Yugi whining a little as Katsuya walks towards Seto.
Ryou and Yugi move to their seats while shaking their heads at Katsuya's actions.
Katsuya sits down in front of Seto and stares at the cover of the book. He grabs the top of the book, unknowingly putting his fingers right over the words Seto's trying to read, and he tilts the book to look at the title easier. He fumbles with the English words as he speaks them, “A Midsummer Night's Dream… William Shakespeare.”
“Do you mind, mutt?” asks Seto ripping the book away from Katsuya.
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes…
“Not at all, Set,” says Katsuya, “I didn't know you were interested in Shakespeare's work.”
“Hmph… like you know anything about it!” exclaims Seto.
Katsuya smirks. “Welcome, good Robin. See'st thou this sweet sight? Her dotage now I do begin to pity: For, meeting her of late behind the wood, seeking sweet favours for this hateful fool, I did upbraid her and fall out with her; For she his hairy temples then had rounded with coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers; And that same dew, which sometime on the buds was wont to swell like round and orient pearls, stood now within the pretty flowerets' eyes like tears that did their own disgrace bewail.”
Seto's eyes widen. “What?”
“Oberon… Act Four. Line… um… fifty or so,” says Katsuya. He continues to speak as Seto flips through the pages looking for the words, which he had spoken a moment before, “So… you had another date with Kat. Yugi and Yami told me she's rather nice. Did you enjoy yourself?”
Seto finally stops flipping through the pages and his eyes scan the page quickly. “How did you do that?”
“Do what?” Katsuya blinks at Seto dimwittedly.
“How did you recite that passage?” asks Seto with a frustrated sigh.
Katsuya shrugs. “Are you going to answer my question?”
“Only if you answer mine.”
“Fine… I know all of Oberon's lines. Not in English, just in Japanese, but still…” Katsuya watches Seto give him a disbelieving look. He sighs. “Every summer, I join a Shakespearean theatrical group. I've played Prince Escalus in Romeo and Juliet… Cordelia in King Lear… We do all male productions just like Shakespeare's group did back when he was alive… Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Caesar in Julius Caesar. We've been thinking of MacBeth or Hamlet for this summer's play. Now answer the question.”
“Yes. I had a wonderful time with Kat. You had a date also… How was it?” asks Seto closing his book and looking into the radiant caramelized-honey eyes.
Katsuya smiles as his face reddens. “The best date ever!”
Seto hikes an eyebrow, but Katsuya stands and heads over to Ryou and Yugi without another word. He smiles and shakes his head as he returns to his book. `Who would have thought the mutt knew anything about Shakespeare? He always acts so stupid… maybe it's just that, an act. He did say he was in a theatrical group, but why would he act stupid?'
Katsuya sits down and relaxes in his chair, leaning back ever so slightly and stretching his right leg out before him.
`And why do I find the thought of him dressed up in Shakespearean attire quoting those most gifted words strangely attractive?' thinks Seto staring at Katsuya for a moment more before turning his eyes back to his book. His mind wanders as he reads, and he pictures a gaggle of Katsuyas dressed up as the characters of the play as they recite their lines for him.
* * *
Time drags on until finally, Saturday night comes again.
Seto walks into the club in the outfit he bought last night after having searched fruitlessly for it the entire week before. The midnight blue tank top clings to his body like a second skin while the black leather pants hug his hips to reveal his belly button. His shoes click on the tile floor as he walks towards the bar. Belted around his neck, wrists, and upper arms are black leather straps that seem to be very popular in this club, and he actually likes having the wrist belts on. His chestnut brown hair looks almost mahogany in the light even though it glitters and catches the light like it never has before. He reaches the bar and immediately starts to look for the woman he came to meet.
“Are you waiting for me, Seto?” asks Katsuya stepping up beside Seto and blinking at him in a seductive manner.
“Kat?” asks Seto as his jaw drops. He stares at Katsuya and examines his outfit from head to toe.
The blond hair falls gently around Katsuya's face due to the quantity of moose and hair gel weighing down the near golden locks. Black streaks of hair grace and embellish the tresses. Ultra-thick mascara and navy blue eyeliner draw attention to his stunning eyes while the golden eye shadow and the black contouring shadow cast a magical aura upon the honeyed orbs. “Who did you think I'd be?”
Seto's eyes fall on the lips coated in black makeup. He licks his lips unnervingly before he quickly leans in for a brief kiss.
“What do you think? I just had to do something special for Goth night!” Katsuya blushes. The reddish tint even goes down his neck where it meets his black leather halter-top. A crystal tattoo wraps around his exposed belly button. The skirt he wore his first night at the club, the hip-hugging black leather, covers him down to the middle of his thighs. He still wears jet-black thigh-high nylons and his black boots with their silver trim.
“Goth night?” asks Seto wrinkling his brow in confusion.
“Didn't you see the signs, silly?” asks Katsuya chuckling, “This is Goth night! Dedicated to darkness!”
“Oh, yes. Now I remember seeing the signs! I totally forgot!” exclaims Seto smiling at Katsuya. “You look so beautiful! What did you do?”
“A little here. A little there!” exclaims Katsuya, “What about you? Your hair is like totally on fire!” He smiles. `I can't believe I said that! How school-girlish!'
“Um… I actually found this nice hair tonic that has sparkles in it. It catches the light rather well,” says Seto blushing. He remembers searching the Internet desperately to find anything that would help his hair shine like this.
“Well, I love it!” exclaims Katsuya.
“And I love your outfit! You look so beautiful!” exclaims Seto, “But speaking of hair, what happened to yours? I hope you realize that dying your hair black is going to be permanent!”
“I didn't! These are actually hair extensions! I didn't dye my hair! I did not want it to be black forever!” exclaims Katsuya, “Come on! I want to feel your hands on my body! Let's dance!”
Seto follows the now furiously blushing Katsuya out onto the dance floor and wraps his arms around the slim waist. “What about that tattoo?”
“It comes off with baby oil!” Katsuya rubs Seto's chest as they begin to move with the music.
`You look so completely fuckable right now! If only you had a dick, I'd take you right here in the middle of the club! What are you doing to me, Kat? I'm attracted to you. I enjoy being with you, but I can't help but wish that you were something that you're not. I want you to be a man. Then I'd understand why I'm insanely attracted to you, but more than that I wish you were him… my mutt, my puppy, my Katsuya,' thinks Seto as he rubs his hands across Katsuya's back, stomach, and arms.
“Are your friends planning on coming tonight, Seto?” asks Katsuya.
“What friends?”
“Ryou, Bakura, Yami, and Yugi,” says Katsuya smiling.
“Oh, I hope not!” groans Seto at the mention of their names.
Katsuya chuckles. “I hope not too! I don't want to get dragged away from you again! I like being in your arms.”
“I like being with you,” says Seto.
Katsuya pulls Seto close and speaks directly into the brunette's ear just loud enough to be heard over the fast music, “I really, really like you.”
Seto's heart swells at those words, and he speaks into Katsuya's ear, “I think I'm falling for you.”
Katsuya's eyes widen. `Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!'
Seto starts nibbling on Katsuya's slender neck.
Katsuya tilts his head back to give Seto better access to the soft flesh. `He only knows me as Kat Chi, not Katsuya Jonouchi. He doesn't… he couldn't… he'll never love Katsuya, only Kat. I have to end this… tonight…'
A warm body presses up against Katsuya's back and a second set of hands starts to caress his chest.
Katsuya jumps into Seto's arms and spins to look at Yugi, dressed in leather pants with a leather vest and blinking his innocent amethyst eyes at his best friend.
“What do you want, Yugi?” asks Seto clutching Katsuya tighter to his body.
“I would like to steal Kat away for a dance!” exclaims Yugi, “And I'm not taking no for an answer! So don't even bother!” He grabs Katsuya's wrist and winks at Seto. “You can dance with Yami.”
“I don't want to dance with Yami, and I'm not letting Kat go!” exclaims Seto.
A hand tipped with horrendously fake nails grabs Seto's elbow and spins him around.
Yugi takes this moment to pull Katsuya away from Seto and deeper onto the dance floor.
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow…
Seto gawks at the person who still holds his elbow. “Yami?”
Yami's tri-colored hair still stands up in spikes, but they aren't nearly as prominent as normal. The most surprising thing though is the short black skirt he wears with the tight black dress shirt.
“You're in a dress!” exclaims Seto in utter shock.
“Not really. It's a skirt. And it was Yugi's idea. He's blackmailing me into wearing this ridiculous outfit!” exclaims Yami pouting.
“Blackmailing you with what?” Seto chuckles.
“No sex if I don't wear the skirt tonight,” mumbles Yami.
“What? You mean you two are already…?” Seto's voice trails off.
“I think you're the only one in our group who isn't… or have you and Kat done the tango?” Yami raises an eyebrow.
Seto blushes and turns away. “Where did Yugi take Kat?”
“Just for a dance. You'll be back with her soon,” says Yami leading Seto over to the bar. “So… what do you think of her?”
“Why do you care?” asks Seto glaring at Yami.
“I know her,” says Yami, “She pretended that she hadn't known Yugi and I because she didn't want you to think…”
“Think what?”
“Yugi and I met her through Mai Valentine. She is actually a very good duelist.”
Seto smiles. “So… she knows about Duel Monsters? Are you close friends with her?”
“We're friends… I don't think we're really all that close,” says Yami, “We just hang out on rare occasion, and we talk a lot. She loves to talk.”
“So you know her real name, don't you?” asks Seto.
“Yes, I do, but I can't tell you. She wants you to guess it,” says Yami smirking evilly, “If you get it wrong all three times though, then maybe she'll allow Yugi and I to tell you.”
Seto sighs.
“So what do you think of her? I need to know if your intentions are honorable.”
“They are.”
“I thought you liked Jou,” says Yami.
Seto's eyes widen at Yami's words. “What makes you think I care for the mutt?”
“You look at him with longing in your eyes. Sometimes I swear I can see lust there.” Yami shrugs his shoulders. “Am I wrong?”
“Where is Kat and Yugi?” asks Seto quick to change the subject. He looks around hopefully for some sight of the blonde haired beauty he came here to spend the night dancing and having a good time with.
Across the room in the very midst of the dancers, Yugi cuddles up in Katsuya's arms so that he can talk into his best friend's ear without anyone else hearing. “Jou… why do you keep coming here to meet Kaiba?”
“Why wouldn't I?” asks Katsuya, “Yugi… I never told you before because Seto's our biggest rival, but I care for him. In fact, I'm pretty sure I love him.”
“Love him?” asks Yugi with wide eyes.
“Don't sound too shocked. You know that I'm gay,” says Katsuya quietly into Yugi's ear, “And Seto… he's so strong and devoted… and the way he treats Mokuba. It's just like I treat Shizuka. And there's more too. I can read him pretty well. He hides behind his icy mask because he's afraid to care. He was hurt before, and he doesn't want to be hurt again. That's why he's cold and aloof. I want to say that it's all he knows, but it isn't… He just… I don't know what to say about it. I understand it, but I'm not sure if I can explain it.”
“You know what you're doing then?”
Katsuya shakes his head. “No clue. This is one game that I don't know how to play. I don't know the rules, and I don't know the prize for winning, but I know the risk of losing. And I'm sure that I'm going to lose.”
Yugi holds Katsuya tightly. “You need to tell him the truth.”
“I wish I knew how,” says Katsuya, “I just… I'm so afraid that if I tell him who I am that he'll want nothing to do with me. I'd rather live a lie for a few more moments than risk losing his arms around me. I know I should tell him, and I will… I just need to figure out how. It's something I have to do on my own.”
“By the way, you look gorgeous tonight,” says Yugi smiling. He pulls Katsuya towards the bar. “Yami's telling Seto that you're a good duelist, and that he and I met you through Mai.”
“Well… I am a good duelist, but he knows my deck. What if he wants to duel against me?” asks Katsuya with wide frightened eyes.
“Don't worry about that! If he asks to duel you, you'll need to have time to get your deck, so that the next time you meet, you could have created a new deck using some of the cards that I never use. I have a nice collection of cards that Kat could borrow,” says Yugi with a wink, “You need to get Seto on a date out of this club.”
Seto hurries to Katsuya's side as soon as he sees the two approaching. He pulls Katsuya to him possessively. “What did you do to my date, Yugi?”
“Nothing,” says Yugi innocently before turning to Yami.
“Let's go outside for a moment,” says Katsuya into Seto's ear.
Seto nods and keeps his hand on the small of Katsuya's back as he guides the blonde out of the club. “Are you okay, Kat? What did Yugi do to you?”
Katsuya smiles after taking a deep cleansing breath. “Yugi didn't do anything to me. He just wanted to talk. He… he sees things. He's very observant. He can see that I care for you. What did Yami want with you?”
“Yami… hmph! Yami wanted to make sure that I knew my place around you! He actually tried to scold me so that I wouldn't hurt you!” exclaims Seto indignantly.
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
I've become so tired, so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you…
Katsuya kisses Seto's cheek quickly and blushes a bright red.
Seto smirks as he backs Katsuya up against a wall.
Katsuya swallows hard as he looks into Seto's cerulean eyes. “Do you want something, Seto?”
Seto wraps his arms around Katsuya and kisses the soft black lips. “Tell me your name…”
“You must guess. I will not tell,” whispers Katsuya moaning enjoyably at the feeling of having Seto so close to him.
Seto kisses Katsuya. “Tell me your name…”
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, retain thy dear perfection which he owes without that title,” says Katsuya calmly. Within his mind however, he frantically thinks, `Please, let him only think that I know that because it's so insanely popular a quote!'
`Katsuya!' Seto's eyes widen. “You know Shakespeare?”
Katsuya shrugs. “I've heard that line so many times before that it just sort of stuck with me.”
“Do you know any other words from his lips?” asks Seto.
Katsuya blushes.
“Tell me,” whispers Seto staring into the beautiful eyes like caramelized honey, “How should I your true love know from another one? By his cockle hat and staff, and his sandal shoon.”
“Alas sweet lady, what imports this song?” asks Katsuya. He listens to the sound of music still coming from the club against whose outer wall he currently rests.
Seto shrugs. He whispers, “I remember no more.”
“Ophelia… Say you? Nay pray you, mark. He is dead and gone, lady. He is dead and gone; at his head a grass-green turf, at his heels a stone,” says Katsuya staring into Seto's eyes, “Queen… Nay, but Ophelia.”
Seto kisses Katsuya's forehead.
“Ophelia… pray you mark. White his shroud as the mountain snow,” continues Katsuya pulling Seto closer, “Queen… alas, look here, my lord.”
“Am I your lord now?” jokes Seto.
Katsuya smirks. “Ophelia… larded with sweet flowers which beswept to the grave did go with true-love showers.”
“Hamlet,” says Seto, “That is my favorite play by Shakespeare.” He kisses Katsuya's lips again.
“Why?” asks Katsuya tilting his head to the side curiously.
`You look like a confused puppy!'
Katsuya runs a hand through Seto's sparkling chestnut locks.
“It's sad. I am fond of tragedies,” says Seto, “Humor does nothing for me.”
Katsuya blushes as a thought comes to him. “There's going to be a special screening of Hamlet on Wednesday night, at midnight. It might be hard to get tickets this late, but if we could would you like to go with me?”
Seto smiles happily. “I would love to go with you! Don't worry about the tickets. I know someone who works at the theater, and he'll sneak us in if we can't get tickets.”
`Seto Kaiba, sneaking into a theater? Wow! That is such a new idea! I like it!' thinks Katsuya. He nods his head briskly.
“Should we meet for dinner then… before the show?” asks Seto.
“That would be great!” exclaims Katsuya.
“We'll work out the details when I take you home tonight. Katherine?”
Katsuya chuckles. “That's two. One left!”
Seto pulls Katsuya into a passionate kiss. “Now… should we return to the club?”
“Yes! I feel like dancing!” exclaims Katsuya.
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control…
“But just so you know… I'm not letting you out of my arms again!” exclaims Seto smiling.
Katsuya and Seto return to the interior of the building to dance the night away in each other's arms.
“How did you know that passage from Hamlet?” asks Seto as he holds Katsuya tenderly yet firmly.
“Well… I must admit that I love Shakespeare. I can't help it. I think I prefer his romantic tragedies to all else,” says Katsuya, “Romeo and Juliet… the star-crossed lovers… doomed to die because no one would accept their love for each other. It… sounds like my life.”
“You'd better not die, Kat,” says Seto firmly.
“Nor you, Seto!” Katsuya runs his hands up Seto's chest and teases the nipples covered by the navy blue fabric.
Seto's breath snags in his throat as the soft hands twist and pinch his nipples. He pulls Katsuya even tighter to him as his body starts to react and harden. “What are you trying to do?”
Katsuya lays down a trail of kisses over Seto's collarbone as he feels the erection pressing against his hip. “I'm giving you something to hold you off while I'm gone.”
“Gone where?” Seto's breath escapes him in a sigh.
“Just to the ladies' room for a minute,” says Katsuya. He smiles and steps out of Seto's arms.
“Puppy?” asks Seto.
Every step I take is another mistake to you…
“Puppy?” Katsuya's eyes flash angrily. “What?”
“You remind me of a puppy. Energetic. Loyal. Lovable. Beautiful.” Seto smiles. “Could I call you my puppy?”
Katsuya thinks for a moment. “All right. Puppy it is.”
`Thank you, Katsuya.' Seto nods his head as Katsuya heads off to the bathroom. He quickly heads into the bathroom himself to compose himself again. He takes several deep breaths as he wills his body to settle down from the heightened awareness the other creates. He looks at his reflection as he washes his hands and splashes some water on his face. `If Kat isn't Katsuya… what am I going to do? I enjoy spending time with Kat, but I already have a puppy even if he doesn't really know he belongs to me. Yet, I don't want to hurt Kat if she isn't Katsuya either. Kat Chi or Katsuya Jonouchi? Which one holds the greater piece of my heart?'
Seto dries his hands and wipes the excess water from his face before heading out of the bathroom. He spots his date immediately and crosses the floor to the bar. “Would you like a drink, Kat?”
“Not unless you want something. We could just keep dancing if you're up to it.”
Seto grabs Katsuya around the waist and pulls him out onto the dance floor just as a slow song starts. He holds the blonde close to him and kisses the soft lips. “Your taste is so addictive.”
Katsuya chuckles. “Really? You know… I wonder if you could O.D. on it! Maybe we could try that later!”
“Maybe we could try that now,” says Seto kissing Katsuya again and forcing his tongue into the other's mouth.
Katsuya moans into the lingering kiss.
Seto finally pulls away gasping for air.
“Not quite enough to O.D.,” says Katsuya inhaling deeply.
“Well… let's try again!” exclaims Seto pressing his lips to Katsuya's again. His eyes widen as a tongue forces its way into his mouth, but he quickly closes his eyes again and allows the beautiful blonde to dominate this kiss for a few moments before he seizes control in a fierce battle of tongues.
And every second I waste is more than I can take…
Katsuya gulps down air as soon as they separate. “Maybe we should… sit down… if we want to continue…”
Seto pulls Katsuya close and rests his head against the blonde hair as he inhales the bittersweet perfumed scent. “Yes… let's sit.”
Katsuya holds Seto close as he guides them both over to the side of the club where they sit down in a single chair with Katsuya nestled in Seto's lap. He then quickly kisses Seto's lips. “You taste nice too. I could get used to kissing you like this. You're right. It is addictive.”
Seto moans uncontrollably. “I want to fall in love with you.”
“With me?” asks Katsuya. `Or with Kat?'
And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you…
“With you, Kat,” says Seto pulling Katsuya closely.
Katsuya rests his head against Seto's shoulder and closes his eyes from his slight disappointment.
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Is everything what you want me to be…
“With all of you,” says Seto. `I just hope you are who I want you to be!'
Katsuya smiles.
“Would you like me to take you home now?” asks Seto snuggling up to Katsuya.
“Do you want to get rid of me?” asks Katsuya sadly.
“No… but I just thought that perhaps we could continue this at your apartment?”
Katsuya's eyes widen and he jumps up shaking his head. “No!”
“Kat? What's wrong?” asks Seto standing up and grabbing Katsuya by the elbows.
Katsuya hangs his head as he shakes in fear. “We… we can't… we can't go there!”
Seto raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”
“My dad… he'd have a fit… if I brought a guy home,” says Katsuya still shaking in fear.
Seto pulls Katsuya into a close embrace. He whispers against the soft neck as he nuzzles it lovingly, “Does he drink? Does he hurt you?”
“No!” gasps Katsuya looking away from Seto's concerned face.
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be…
“Is that the truth?” asks Seto rubbing Katsuya's back to comfort him.
“He wouldn't hurt me. He's my dad. He loves me.” The words sound so strange coming from Katsuya's mouth. Not even he truly believes them all. He knows that his father does love him as any father would, but he knows all too well the influence that alcohol has had on his father. And that knowledge terrifies him to no ends.
“Alright then,” says Seto kissing Katsuya's forehead.
Katsuya relaxes in Seto's arms once more. “I think I would like that drink now.”
Seto nods and holds Katsuya tenderly as he guides them towards the bar to buy them both drinks. “You know… if your father ever does hurt you… you can come to me for help.”
“Really? And how would I find you?” asks Katsuya.
“Have you ever heard of Kaiba Corp?” replies Seto after ordering their sodas from the bartender.
“Oh, yes. I've heard the name,” says Katsuya.
“The receptionist there knows how to contact me at all times,” says Seto grabbing a pen and a matchbook from the bar. He opens the matchbook and quickly scribbles a number into it before passing it to Katsuya. “And if Kaiba Corp's closed, I can usually be reached at that number.”
Katsuya smiles and tucks the matchbook into his boot. “Thank you. You are very kind, Seto!”
Seto nods and opens both soda cans once they arrive. He passes one to Katsuya and watches the other drink. He smiles and starts to drink. “Now. If you'd like we can drop that subject in exchange for a new one.”
“Yes, please!”
“Yami told me that you are an… associate of his,” says Seto.
Katsuya blushes. “We've met before. He… he actually beats me every time we duel each other. We both play Duel Monsters.”
“So do I… Do you think you could bring your deck on Wednesday? We could play a duel together,” says Seto.
“I would love that!” exclaims Katsuya smiling happily.
Seto smiles. “Great! What is your favorite monster?”
“Oh… there are so many! It's so hard to choose! I think though that my favorite would have to be…” Katsuya bites his bottom lip. `Think quick! Think quick! I can't say Red-Eyes! Oh, but hey…'
“A dragon! It would have to be one of the dragons, but I don't know that I could choose between them. I mean, honestly… The Blue-Eyes White Dragons are so powerful. The Red-Eyes Black Dragons are so gothic; it's cool. Hyozanryu is a girl's best friend as well, and then there's Baby Dragon! It's just so cute!” exclaims Katsuya blushing, “I couldn't hope to choose between the dragons!”
“What do we have here?” asks Ryou approaching with Bakura, “Out on a date again, Kaiba?”
“Go away,” says Seto grabbing Katsuya around the waist tightly.
“Not without a dance from your partner!” exclaims Bakura.
“Well… we were actually just leaving,” says Katsuya, “We wanted to go before the final call. There's no sense in getting trampled on the way out!”
“Yes, we were just leaving,” says Seto standing and pulling Katsuya away from Bakura's reach. He takes Katsuya outside.
“Do you suppose we could go for a walk in Domino Park? I've heard it's lovely there at night,” says Katsuya blushing.
Seto smiles. “That would be wonderful.”
They hurry to Seto's car and drive to the park where they walk for a good portion of the early morning. It's nearly three in the morning, after a very long make-out session and making the arrangements to meet on Wednesday, when Seto drops Katsuya off at home.
* * *
“So… do you have everything?” asks Yugi.
“Yep!” exclaims Katsuya, “Thanks to you, Yugi!” He pats the small box that holds his newly created dueling deck.
“What about me?” asks Ryou pouting.
“Oh, of course you too!” exclaims Katsuya, “I couldn't do any of this without you, Ryou! You're the best! It is okay for me to come by your place this evening, right?”
“Yep! Bakura's going out for a little while,” says Ryou, “so he won't bother us at all! And I have got the perfect clothes for your date tonight!”
“Remember, this is classy, not slutty… not like I normally mind the clothes you lend me, but this time it has to be so much better,” says Katsuya.
“And it will be! Don't worry!” exclaims Ryou.
“Can I come by to help too?” asks Yugi giving them both his best puppy dog eyes.
“Sure, Yugi! I'd love your opinion on how I look!” Katsuya smiles.
Yugi smiles happily.
At six that evening, Yugi and Katsuya enter Ryou's house and hurry up to Ryou's room.
Ryou holds up the black sleeveless dress that he's laid out on his bed. “What do you think, Jou?”
Katsuya forces a smile, but he looks slightly apprehensive. “Nice, Ryou…”
“Well… try it on, Jou!” exclaims Yugi.
Katsuya takes a deep breath and pulls off his shirt.
Yugi and Ryou both gasp.
“Jou! What happened to you? You look like you've been in one hell… um, heckuva fight!” exclaims Yugi blushing.
“I was!” exclaims Katsuya quickly.
“Jou,” pleads Ryou.
“I was in a fight with my dad. He likes to use me as a punching bag whenever he's drunk,” says Katsuya crossing his arms over his bruised chest and rubbing the bruises on his arms trying to will them away.
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you…
“Your dad did this?” asks Yugi with wide amethyst eyes.
Katsuya nods. “Yeah.”
“Have you tried talking to the police about this?” asks Yugi.
“I've done everything, and nothing's helped,” says Katsuya, “No one believed me when I told them where I got the bruises, and now when I lie and say that they're from fights… they believe.”
Yugi sighs and hugs Katsuya tenderly.
“Well, I'm sure we can figure something out later,” says Ryou, “There has to be some way for you to escape. But for right now, let's worry about getting you dressed up for your date with Kaiba!”
“What about…?”
“Oh, I have that covered!” exclaims Ryou ducking into his closet and pulling out a long-sleeved cardigan.
Katsuya smiles. “Okay!”
“Now get dressed!” exclaims Ryou tossing the cardigan onto his bed.
Katsuya hurries out of his pants and boxers and puts on the thong and the black dress. He slips the cardigan on and sits down on the edge of the bed to start pulling on the thigh-high nylons that cover the bruises on his legs.
* * *
Seto wears a cerulean blue dress shirt and black dress pants beneath his black sports coat as he walks towards the apartment building where Katsuya lives. He smiles happily when the blonde steps out before he even reaches the door. “Simply beautiful, Kat!”
“Thank you, Seto. You sure clean up nice!” exclaims Katsuya moving to Seto's side. His black dress hugs his body fairly well and the bottom flits around his knees. He wears a long-sleeved cardigan made of tightly knitted forest green yarn, and he wears matching forest green pumps on his nylon covered feet. A luscious cherry red color paints his lips. Silver eyeliner, mascara, and golden eye shadow draw attention to his honey eyes.
Seto steps up to Katsuya and runs his hand through the soft blond hair falling around the other's face. He doesn't even notice the excessive amount of hair care products that were used to get the hair to fall down in place instead of flying wildly unkempt around the owner's head. He quickly kisses the pouting lips. “You are beautiful…”
“As are you,” says Katsuya smiling and leaning into Seto's touch.
“Shall we go? Our reservations are for eight,” says Seto.
“Then we should hurry,” says Katsuya.
Seto and Katsuya walk over to Seto's car and climb in, Seto graciously holding the door open for his date. They talk about school as they drive to the fancy restaurant.
Katsuya's eyes shoot around the room in shock as Seto guides him into the restaurant.
“I'm guessing you don't frequent too many four-star restaurants,” says Seto with a small chuckle.
“No… not really,” says Katsuya, “This place is…”
“Too expensive for what they actually give you. That's why I usually don't come here, but it has a nice atmosphere,” whispers Seto into Katsuya's ear, “And you are worth anything, Kat… anything at all.” He pulls the woman closer to his side as they reach the Maitre D'. “Kaiba… reservations for two.”
The Maitre D' blinks as he looks over Katsuya, and Seto possessively pulls the blonde even closer to his side. “You have very fine taste, Mr. Kaiba. We were certain when you called that you would have been bringing your young brother with you. We are quite glad to see you and this fine young lady here this evening. Would you prefer a booth or a table?”
Seto looks towards Katsuya with raised eyebrows.
“Um… a booth sounds nice,” says Katsuya.
“A booth then?” asks the Maitre D', “Right this way.” He grabs two menus and guides Seto and Katsuya to a nice quiet booth with a single candle alit in the center.
Seto and Katsuya slide into the booth side-by-side and take the menus when the man hands them out.
“Would you be partaking of some champagne this evening, sir?” asks the Maitre D', “We have a lovely selection available.”
Katsuya tenses.
“Give us a moment,” says Seto noticing the obvious reaction.
The Maitre D' nods and steps away.
“Is something wrong, Kat?” asks Seto.
“It's nothing,” says Katsuya, but he continues when he sees the disbelieving look on Seto's face, “Just… my father does drink… a little too much. I'm rather sensitive about the topic of alcohol.”
“So, definitely no champagne,” says Seto smiling understandingly, “How do you feel about sparkling cider? It's apple cider mixed with sparkling water.”
Katsuya smiles. “That sounds wonderful!”
Seto nods. He opens his menu. “Kat, can you read French?”
“French?” asks Katsuya with wide eyes as he opens his menu. “The entire menu is in French!”
“Yes,” says Seto, “Do you need a translation?”
Katsuya closes the menu. “Would you order for me? I'm not that particular about what I eat.”
`Just like the mutt,' thinks Seto. He smiles. “Have you ever had lobster, puppy?”
Katsuya's eyes flare at the use of the nickname, but instead of calling Seto on the name, which he himself gave permission for the CEO to use, he shakes his head. “No. I've never had lobster before. Is it any good?”
“Delicious… in my opinion,” says Seto, “but we'll get something else as well in case you don't like it. You aren't allergic… how would you know if you're allergic to shellfish?”
Katsuya rests his head on Seto's shoulder.
The Maitre D' walks up to Seto and Katsuya's booth. “Have you decided on a champagne, Mr. Kaiba?”
“We will have no champagne today,” says Seto, “We will start with sparkling cider, and we have decided what we would like for dinner.”
The Maitre D' nods and draws out a notepad from his pocket.
Seto closes his menu as he orders the hors d'oeuvre and the rest of the food using a perfect French accent.
Katsuya simply smiles as he listens to Seto speak the entrancing language.
Seto turns and quickly kisses Katsuya's lips after the Maitre D' leaves them alone.
The conversation drifts to Duel Monsters as they spend almost two hours enjoying their meal and the luscious dessert. Then at nearly ten o'clock they head to Kaibaland to duel at one of the virtual dueling fields.
Seto goes easy on Katsuya, only playing his faithful Blue-Eyes White Dragon as his finishing move, and then only using one of them and not the three that exist in his deck. Even with his obvious advantage though, he realizes that his date is a good duelist who could easily beat him if her deck was stronger.
Then Katsuya and Seto head to the theater and take their seats to watch the new Hamlet movie.
Seto wraps his arm around Katsuya and pulls him tightly to his side.
Katsuya gasps.
Seto's eyes widen. “Kat? Are you all right?”
Katsuya nods his head. “Yes… fine.”
Seto notices the pain in Katsuya's eyes even in the darkness of the theater. “Don't lie to me, Kat.”
Katsuya pulls away from Seto and removes the green cardigan.
Seto gasps as he sees the dark bruises on the strong arms. He looks at Katsuya questioningly.
Can't you see that you're smothering me…
“There's nothing that can be done. If I try to stop him from doing this to me, he will take his anger out on my sister instead. I can't let him hurt her. He has never struck her, and I will never let him.” Katsuya pulls the cardigan back on.
“Your father?” asks Seto.
Katsuya nods.
Seto gently pulls Katsuya into his arms and kisses the top of the blonde head. “I can protect you… protect you both…”
Katsuya quickly kisses Seto and forces the brunette into a long, passionate kiss just as the movie previews begin.
Seto moans into the kiss. He pulls away reluctantly and smiles at Kat. “The offer's open-ended, Kat. Anytime you want to escape, I'll help you both.”
“Thank you,” says Katsuya snuggling close to Seto.
Seto gently wraps his arms around Katsuya, and they both relax to watch the movie.