Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Documentary ❯ Day 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AUTHOR'S NOTE ×××××××××××× 15;×××××××××××× ×××××××××××

Yugi: Nooooooooooooo, can't be my turn already!!!

Tristan: Shut up, you're only second.

Yugi: *awkward silence* ...............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Cys: *gives him a teddy bear*

Yugi: TEDDY!!! *hug-ness*

Tristan and Cys glance at each other.

Tristan: *sigh* I wish I was as easily amused.

Cys: Yeah.

A cloud floats by.


Tristan & Cys: Oooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!

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DISCLAIMER × ZzZzZzZzZzZz..... duuuuuuuuh.... *drools* zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...

Joey: Wake up, fool! *slaps Nelr*

Nelr: POTSTICKERS!!! Uh, I mean, uh, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. Can I go back to sleep now?

Joey: .............--;;..................

Nelr: Cool! *snoozes*

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[[ Fade in to Cys. ]]

Cys: Hi! And welcome to the second day of my documentary thingy... thing. Uh, forget I said that. Anyways, today, Yugi is going to the park. Shall we follow? *impish grin*

[[ The camera turns to face the Turtle Game Shop. ]]

Cys' voice: Here is the Turtle Game Shop! A shop in which Yugi's grandpa, Solomon, sells Duel Monsters cards and hits on his female customers! Huh, explains why you don't see many girls in there... besides me... Ah-anyways! Shall we "check out" what goes on inside?

[[ Cys puts the camera in her bag so only the lens sticks out. This isn't the most useful way of hiding a camera but since I'm using dub names assume everyone's stupid enough not to notice. ]]

Solomon: Why, hi, Cys! Buying something? I've got a special fairy-based booster pack on a special price I think you might like! I put it together myself *wink wink*

Cys: Uh, I'm here for Yugi...

Solomon: Yugi! Always here for Yugi, ain't you... Sometimes I'm jealous of the young'un, having beautiful gals like you visiting on a whim! What does he have that I don't have? Huh, Cys? *grabs her collar desperately* TE-E-E-E-E-ELL ME!!!

Cys: O_O *grabs her bag and runs upstairs* BYE GRAMPS!!! *mutters* Old friggin' geezer...

Solomon: *sniffles* Te-e-e-e-ell me...

Cys: *bursts open Yugi's room door* HI YU--gi...? *straightens her bag for the camera*

Yugi: *looks up from sniffing a certain white powder* CYS!!! *puts powder away and stumbles towards Cys* Hi... what's up! Oh yeah, you said we'd go to the park today! Umm... should we take Joey and Tristan?

Cys: I was thinking this could be for the two of us, but okay!!!

Yugi: *kneels near his bed and whistles* Joey! Tristan! Come out, boys!

[[ Joey and Tristan scramble out of the beds, naked save for a single dog collar and leash. ]]

Joey: What is it, Yug'? I was having such a good time in there, too--CYS?! *decents himself with a blankey* Uhh... hi, Cys. Didn't notice you there...

Tristan: What he means is he was too busy amusing himself with my certain anatomic parts he miraculously couldn't hear your abnormally loud, screechy, über-annoying voice.

Cys: *growls* *thinks* I'm getting all this on camera... and you're on it TWICE! So shut up or... blackmail...

Tristan: *already dressed (Joe's still trying to get on his boxers)* Uh, Cys, what are you glaring funny at me for...?

Cys: *nervous giggle* Oh, nothing! Ha ha ha... so shall we, Yugi?

Yugi: Okay! *links arms with Cys and they skip off*

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[[ Joey and Tristan are on a merry-go-round. Joey gets on the disc while Tristan spins it. The merry-go-round becomes a blur, Joey falls off, Tristan laughs. Repeat. ]]

Yugi: Cys?

Cys: Yeah?

Yugi: I have something to tell you... something imporant.

Cys: Yeah?

Yugi: I...

Cys: Yeah?

Yugi: I... I...

Cys: Yeah?

Yugi: I... I... I...

Cys: Yeah?

Yugi: I... NEED MORE COCAINE!!! *runs back to the Game Shop, gets lost, and gets his deck stolen by the Rare Hunters*

Cys: O...kay... I guess that's all for today... *looks at Joey and Tristan, who are by now, lather-rinse-repeating...* *turns off the camera*

[[ Fade-out. End. ]]

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Yugi: My... my deck!!!

Nelr: Who cares about your deck...!

Yugi: Well, all my fans, for one! And all the fans of my cards! Like the Dark Magician or Celtic Guardian...

Nelr: Soo--*gets run over by mentioned fans*

Joey: So. Who's next? *everybody looks at him* ...gulp.