Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Turn Off the Lights . . . ❯ One-Shot ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Don't Turn Off the Lights . . .
One Shot by Lost Queen of Egypt

Marik's PoV

He's always there . . . watching . . . waiting . . . . I heard him laughing at me, sneering, insulting . . . every day, it got worse.

Once I came home from from school with my report card . . . my sister was not happy. We had a fight and I got really angry. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. The pain in my head was growing.


I kept yelling out loud, trying to rid myself from the pain, it only got worse. It was as if someone was sticking hot knives in my head . . . and stabbing me . . . over and over. Then I saw HIM.

"No! Get away from me!! No!!!! STOP!!!!!"

And suddenly he slowly changed into something else, my father. He was coming closer, and closer, and closer. Then he grabbed me and threw me to the floor. He brought down the knife on my back, slashing at me. I could only scream and wish for it to end.

"Stop!!!! Father please!!!!! STOP!!!!!!"

But the pain that was driving me crazy . . . and growing with each passing second was the pain in my head. My head felt like it was about to explode! I had to get rid of it . . . but how? I opened my eyes and saw . . . nothing! Nothing but darkness. I was cold. The pain intensified. I heard HIM laughing cruelly as he watched me suffer.


I couldn't hear my own voice . . . all I heard was laughter, never ending laughter. And the pain, the pain. I was against the wall, and I threw my head back wards. I hit the wall at full force, over and over again. But I couldn't stop the pain in my head.


I was drowning in a sea of cold water, ice, and darkness.

I heard my sister, "Marik are you stupid!? I know you can do better!! This isn't what I send you to school for!!!! Listen to me!!!"

Then I heard Ishizu and Odion laughing! They were laughing at me!!! All three voices intertwining, intensifying the pain in my head. It came, like a heart beat, but louder and more painful every time.

"Thump. Thump! Thump!! Thump!!! Thump!!!! Thump!!!!! THUMP! THUMP!! THUMP!!! THUMP!!!!"

I was yelling, smashing my head into the wall as hard as I could . . . hearing the cruel laughter . . . seeing nothing but darkness . . . feeling nothing . . .

"MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me . . . and everything abruptly stopped . . . I could see . . . .

I saw my sister with tears in her eyes shaking me. I noticed I too was crying. Odion was at the doorway looking bewildered. I was on the floor, my shirt had been thrown to the far end of the room, and my head hurt a lot. I touched my forehead and found a long gash still fresh, and bleeding.

My sister shook me again and said, "Marik! Are you okay? You were yelling and your eyes were wide open, but it's as if you couldn't see me! And Odion came and you were scratching yourself and banging your head on the wall! What happened?"

I tried to make sense of it all, and tell her. But when I tried to talk my voice was quivering and my throat felt like it was knotted.

"I-I was . . . I c-couln't s-s-see . . . and e-every-one wa-as laughing -"

My voice cracked and I let all my accumulated feelings out. I threw myself at Isis and hugged her as tight as I could . . . and I was crying my eyes out.

"You were "sniff" laughing "sniff" and yelling "sniff" a-at me. "sniff"

Then I started bawling again.

My sister only hugged me tighter and said, "Marik, my sweet little Marik!"

It's been a month since that day. I haven't fought at all with my sister. Now it's 7:35 and she's calling me to come eat my dinner.

"Marik! Dinner's ready! Come down already!"

"Alright I'm coming!" I yell back. I sit up my bed and turn off my stereo. I stretch and I'm just about get up from my bed when I hear a voice coming from outside,

"Marik . . . I'm still here . . . waiting."

I stand up. Then, I see something moving from the corner of my eye. I whip around, but there's nothing there . . . .