Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Duelist's Souls ❯ Chapter 3: The Request ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Hello again. I want to finish all my stories so I can right more, so here is the next chapter.

Things To Know:



Hikari to Yami

/Yami to Hikari/


Chapter 3: The Request

The Millennium Ring glowed and pointed at Alex and Shadow, who were eating their lunches at a separate table. Just the two of them. "It can't possible be," Bakura murmured.

"WAH! Not that thing again," both Tristan and Joey yelled at the same time. Yugi and Tea, of course, looked up at that. Yugi turned to see who it was pointing to and was surprised when he saw it was the two girls.

"But that’s impossible..." Yugi stated. "There are only seven Millennium Items, and those would mean there are two more."

"Yugi, that girl looks like you a lot," Tea said, suddenly. "Are you two related?"

"Yeah, you two resemble each other," Tristan added.

"I've never seen her before in my life," Yugi replied.


"They're staring at us," Alex stated quietly.

"That's because we're new," Shadow replied. "Everyone stares at the new kids."

"No. I'm talking about the boy with tri-colored hair and his friends their staring and talking about us."

"That’s because you’re such a hottie, Alex."

Alex reached over and slapped Shadow. "What the hell was that for?" Shadow grumbled.

"Because you should take this seriously," Alex snapped.

"Why? I already screwed up by creating the Shadow Realm."

"That was close to five thousand years ago," Alex stated. She had been researching for the rest of the weekend and had learned a lot more than Shadow had wanted to know. "This is a whole new game. Besides that wasn't even you."

"It was a past life," Shadow snapped. "No matter what you say, it will always be me. And I prefer not to screw up."

"C'mon, I can't do it alone."

"The hell you can."

"Hello, girls," a brunette said. "I'm Tea and I was wondering if you would like to sit with my friends and I for the rest of lunch."

"Uhhhhhh," Alex managed to get out and then turned to Shadow. Shadow wasn't helping since she refused to look up from her deck of cards.

"That’s great!" Tea exclaimed, as she pulled the two of them up and over to her table, placing Shadow next to Bakura and Alex next to Yugi.

She started introducing everyone, but no one was really paying attention, since everyone was staring at each other, looking at the Items or Alex and Yugi.


"That had to be the most embarrassing moment of my life," Alex said, as the two of them walked home.

"I don't know. I think the most embarrassing moment of my life had to be... actually, I don't get embarrassed that easy," Shadow stated.
"Yeah, I know," Alex muttered. "I'll see you later."

Shadow waved as Alex walked into her house and up the steps.

/She hasn't changed a bit, has she?/ came a voice that, had in fact, been talking to her ever since she put the stupid puzzle on.

Did you expect her too? Alex asked the voice.

/Not really/ came the reply.


There was a note on the door:

Dear Miss Yuuki,
A dueling tournament is being held a week from now and your presence is requested as one of the duelists. Please go to the roof of Boku Inc. at six’ o’clock PM on Monday. If you refuse to come, we are sorry to report that your family will not live to see another day.

“You have got to be kidden’ me,” Alex muttered.


Turns out that Shadow, Yugi, Joey, and Bakura got one too. Well, Alex knew where she and Shadow were going to be on Monday…