Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ End of One Adventure ❯ End of One Adventure ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Great, did Yugi win the duel?” I heard Duke ask. I looked over at my brother and frowned.
“If this attack is successful, then yes.” Someone answered him. I couldn’t believe it. This could actually be it. Everyone continued to watch as the light began to fade.
The Pharaoh had lost the duel…
As the monsters disappeared from the field Yugi heaved a sigh and slumped to the ground. As tears began to fall from his face I couldn’t help but to rush over to him. When I finally got there and placed a comforting hand on Yugi’s shoulder the Pharaoh walked over to us.
“Congratulations, well done.” Yugi’s tears sill fell freely from his face.
“Yugi, it’s alright.” I whispered comforting words as the Pharaoh bent down.
The Pharaoh bent down to Yugi’s level so he could talk to him, “Yugi, a champion doesn’t belong on his knees. You achieved a great victory for us both.”
“I was focusing so hard on playing the game that I forgot what winning this duel would actually mean. By defeating you I sent you away…for good.” After hearing what Yugi had to say I about the last duel, I couldn’t help but shed a few tears of my own.
“No, you have opened the door for me. Thanks to you my spirit can finally be at rest once again. I’ll be back where I belong. Fate brought the two of us together for a reason, and we fulfilled our destiny,” Yugi looked up at the Pharaoh as he placed his own hands on Yugi’s shoulders. I have already scooted back a bit so they could talk. “We protected man kind from the return of the shadow games, and we both grew tremendously along the way.”
They both stood up as I was still on the ground. My mind was starting to fog; so many memories of all of us together, especially those of us three just talking at night, having an actual normal conversation. I shook my head as I continued to watch the scene.
“I’m gonna miss you.” I heard Yugi whisper to the Pharaoh.
“You do realize that we will truly never be apart?” Pharaoh asked Yugi as he took his hands off of Yugi’s shoulders.
Yugi was confused, “Huh?”
“The gift of kindness you’ve given me, and the courage I’ve given you. Will remain with us, and that will forever be with us, and that will be the power that will bind us forever.”
Yugi nodded in full understanding. “Right.” I walked over to them as the millennium eye on the wall began to light up.
“Hey look!!” Tristan exclaimed.
“What’s up with the eye?” Joey asked.
“Now that the Pharaoh ritual is complete, the eye that has guarded the spirit world has awakened. The spirit of the great Pharaoh which was trapped in the millennium puzzle for 5ooo years is now free.”
“So this is it?” Tea asked.
“The time has arrived. Tell the eye your name.”
“My name… is Atem!!” Atem spoke to the eye. I watched in awe with Yugi as this was all happening. I could still see the sadness in his eyes but he was trying to hide it.
The eye continued to glow as the door to the spirit world opened. A gust of wind blew through the door. Atem waited until the door was fully opened and began to walk toward it.
“Pharaoh!!” Tea, Joey and Tristan all shouted in unison. He paused and turned around to see all of us running to him.
“Don’t go.” Tea cried out.
“So that’s how it ends huh? Nice; you think you can just show up and change everybody’s lives and then just leave?” Tristan asked him. Yugi and I ran towards him on the side as Tristan spoke.
“What Tristan means is we don’t want to say goodbye.” Yugi and I said in unison.
“Exactly you guys. Pharaoh, I know walking through that door your spirit will finally be free, that it’s all for the best, but it doesn’t seem fare. I mean, I feel that we were all just getting to know you. In fact you were just beginning to know yourself, and now you’re being taken away from us. I know we should be happy for you, but it’s really hard to do that when you’re losing your best friend and I just don’t understand why it had to be this way.” Tea exclaimed further.
“I guess there are some things that we’re not supposed to understand.” Joey answered Tea. She looked over at him. “Just look at me, I go through half my life not understanding what’s goin’ on. But I know that true friends may be hard to leave, but their impossible to forget.”
I couldn’t help but smile at Joey’s words. When times were rough and it seems as though everyone has given up, Joey was always the one guy that I could count on for saying the right thing.
Joey continued his speech, “And even though his stay wasn’t as long as we would’ve liked, we’re lucky we knew him at all.”
“Thank you Joey.” Atem said.
“Goodbye Atem, and good luck.” Tea said as she placed her hand on her necklace.
“Hey Pharaoh, I hate to break the terrible news to ya, but you’re not goin’ anywhere,” Atem gasped at Joey’s words. I have to admit, I was kind of confused to. “Everything that you’ve given us stays right here in our hearts.”
Atem turned around and looked at us, “Right.”
I could tell that Yugi wanted to talk, “Like we always say, it’s your move.” Joey gave the Pharaoh thumbs up, and he gave one back as he continued to walk through the door.
As Atem walked through Tea wanted to go up there but Joey held her back. The door finally shut, “He’s gone.” Tea said.
“Well Pharaoh, goodbye.” Yugi said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t realize that I had been crying.
“Are you going to be alright Lay?” Yugi asked me.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. How about you? You’ve known him better than anyone of us.” I asked him.
“I’ll make it, Atem’s in a better place now. He’s back where he belongs.”
*Scene change*
We all stood outside in Egypt as we watched the Pharaoh’s tomb collapse.
“So this is the end, feels weird?” Tristan exclaimed.
“Yeah it does.” Joey answered.
“What were you geeks expecting?” Seto asked.
“Fireworks…” Joey said.
“…sappy love songs…” I continued.
“…somethin’; at least make one of your little wrap-up speeches you guys.” Joey asked.
“Well, sometimes the end of one adventure…” Yugi started.
“…is just the beginning of another.” I finished.
“Ah, that’s much better.” Joey sighed in contentment.