Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen ❯ Fallen ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Fallen

Series: YuGiOu

Author: Lady Katsuya Bakura

Genre: angst

Warnings: AU

Plot Bunny: Noa muses about how things have changed so much……

Chibi Marik's Disclaimer: Katsuya-chan-sama no own YuGiOu. Katsuya-chan-sama onwy own fwic, Wumah-kun an' nothin' more.

Katsuya-chan's Forward Notes: *huggles Chibi Marik* Ain't he da kyutest thang? I have been wanting to write this fic for ages but I've been too preoccupied editing my best friend's fic "AkuTenshi", looking for more chibi pics, writing "In The Dark Of The Night" and school work. *shakes head and puts Chibi Marik down* AND I'VE FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO DO FRAMES!!!! *dances around* YAY! So if you're having trouble finding my site, it's now http://members.tripod.com/~ichijouji_carmel/frames.htm (if it still doesn't work try frames1) and we have a new chibi section! *squeals at the kawaiiness* Plus I'm working on the mini Mokuba shrine. Yes, I am a Mokuba fangirl too, as I looked like him before I got my hair cut and dyed. *sweatdrops*

I swear, if my best friend starts wearing a neck buckle, I am going to kill her. She's already got the leather, shuffles like the prick and duels like the prick. Ra, we've figured out she's Yami and that I'm Katsuya/Joey (I eat like him XD, I have his duellist kingdom outfit, my hair sits like his, I have brown eyes, sometimes I think Mai's sexy (I'm BI!), I hated Kaiba for a while etc.). *shakes head* So I'm a cross between Bakura and Katsuya and she's Yami/Marik. *smacks head against the wall as she watches readers scroll down to the fic* Heartless pricks.........


Sometime ago he would have been the one crying, the weak one, the one who took the pain I had given him and turned it into his own personal pleasure. The one who would have been begging for mercy as knives and fists hit him again and again. Maybe it was meant to be this way, this sick, twisted way of living. And to think I was the one who taught him how to hurt and violate others. His mind finally snapped and the yin yang switched around, making him the stronger, more confident one, the dark side of our relationship. I found it hard to believe but his weak, selfless qualities came into my being. It's hard to remember what it was like.

I sit here in the darkness, the endless black void that used to fill my own heart. Weakly I wonder how long I have been here -- days? Weeks? Months? Perhaps years, although I doubt it. My spiritual body would have sensed the changes occur. I feel ashamed for what I used to do to my host now, ashamed for not treating him the kind way the Pharaoh does to his aibou. If I had done so, none of this would have turned so drastically. I wrap my blanket around my body -- it is winter now in Domino, damn friggin' coldness makes the room frosty. I can barely feel my toes, much less the rest of my body. A blanket is all I have, sometimes if I'm lucky I get fed but that only comes if I......pleasure him.

He's standing at the doorway now and I shine away from the light that floods the room, trying to shrink myself so as I'll actually fade in like I used to be able to. It's not possible anymore because since I am now light I can only stand out in darkness like an unwanted face in the crowd. He stalks over to me like a black panther and I press myself against the wall, a small whimper of fear escaping. Gently, almost like the timid hikari he used to be he lifted my chin up, running his thumb callously along my jaw. I feel fear entering within, consuming my soul, making me weak to the bone. He laughs, shaking his head and giving me a cold glare.

"You know better than to disobey me, Noa Kaiba," he purred, lips curling into a cruel smile, saying my name like it was such a vile thing. I guess it was back in his eyes. He brought the rod down and I screamed in pain as he began to carve it into my back.

If only his friends knew how ruthless he was. But no, he was still waiting for the right chance to strike, waiting for the chance to steal the items away from their owners. It was over in a short while. I knew he had already branded and marked me on every place imaginable across my body but today he had made me bleed rapidly. My blurry eyes looked up at him, I could feel the tears sting the red puffy rings around them.

I looked straight into the dead eyes of Kaiba Mokuba as my body slumped over from blood loss. Mokuba only laughed and kicked me roughly in the chin, sending my head flying backwards. "Good night, my brother," he purred before turning and walking over to the door, giving me one last look before he closed it, leaving me along in darkness once more.........


Current Music: Kawaita Sakebi

Katsuya-chan's EndNotes: Mwahahahahahahahaha!!! *dances around* Yay! You read through the whole thing! So what'dya think, hm? Yes, I am a Noa/Mokuba fangirl so I decided to do this one-shot of him and his yami. And yes, it is a one-shot, fueled by the fact that I found a pic of Mokuba-kun as a sixteen-year-old! *drools* WAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Maybe I will do a sequel (or a prequel) and maybe I won't but it all depends on if I get "In The Dark Of The Night" finished quickly enough. Remember! Reviews and fanart greatly appreciated (they help inspire me). =3 Mrow.