Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Falling From Grace ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Falling From Grace
Chapter 7.
Kaiba glared daggers at Joey. After a long pause of staring into those deep hazel pools, he turned away from Joey, staring down at Yugi. “So.....is that what this is, Yugi? Are you finally calling on your debt?”
“What??”, Yugi asked, wide-eyed.
“That's right, moneybags! Pay up!”, Joey snapped.
“Joey, stop it!” Yugi cried, upset from that. Joey gave Yugi a sad puppy look, not understanding.
Yugi turned back to Kaiba, saying, “No, that's not true, Kaiba. You don't owe me anything. We're friends.....and friends look out for each other.”
“Hmph”, Kaiba snorted, annoyed. “You're starting to sound like that pathetic cheerleader, Gardner!” `Speaking of which, where is she?', he wondered, realizing she wasn't among them.
It bothered him earlier having Gardner catch him staring at Joey.....infact, it bothered him enough to make him quickly look back at his laptop in fear, instead of actually giving her some snide remark. Only after he recovered, did he realize she was still watching him.
He gave her the worst glare possible, but it still pissed him off to no end. Why was she staring? Why was she looking at him so strangely? Did she realize he was looking at Joey, and why? Could she have sensed his weakness?
“She aint pathetic, Kaiba.....she's our friend!”, Joey barked, snapping Kaiba from his thoughts back to Joey. Too bad......and for a moment, his brain actually took a break from constantly thinking of him.
He turned to Joey again, saying, “She's a pathetic loser......just like her friends, especially one particular friend who's probably wanted by the pest control management.”
“What did you say ta me!!”, Joey snapped, growling and hands balled into fists.
Kaiba couldn't help but find it amusing that Joey automatically assumed Kaiba was talking about him, even though his name wasn't even mentioned in that remark......he had him trained well.
But Yugi was becoming panicked. Normally there was Tea and Tristan to help keep Joey from Kaiba. But Yugi was all alone.....there was no way he could hold Joey back.
“Joey, let's just go”, Yugi said, trying to hide his concern.
“No way, Yugi! Kaiba aint getting away with that crap!”, Joey snapped.
Kaiba smirked, enjoying every bit of it. Yet, he was still unconsciously struggling with himself, trying to figure out if he liked upsetting the Mutt out of personal revenge, or personal enjoyment. “What are you going to do about it, Mutt.....bark at me? You really should get your pets in better control, Yugi. Try a collar sometime.....and a leash.”
“Why you......”
“And a muzzle wouldn't hurt, either......”, Kaiba added, despite the warning flashes in Joey's eyes.
“That's it!”, Joey snapped, lunging at Kaiba and taking a swing.
“Joey!”, Yugi cried out, trying to grab for Joey to pull him back......too late, he already charged.
Kaiba easily side-stepped Joey, tripping him.....making him to fall to the ground. Despite the humiliating landing, Joey pulled himself back up, refusing to give up. Yugi was crying out, hoping his words would stop Joey. But neither Joey nor Kaiba was listening, anymore. It was like they were in their own little world
Unconsciously, Joey had noticed the subtle changes in Kaiba. How couldn't he? He had watched the rich CEO's every move, ever since he started seeing Kaiba as his nemesis. Kaiba normally looked at him with indifferent amusement, or cold hatred. This wasn't quite the same. Kaiba's eyes still showed a hate, but it was a hot burning hate, different from the cold iceberg he normally saw in them. And still, there was more......an odd glint in his eyes seemed to dance as they watched Joey's every fumble. What was it? What was different?
But at the time, Joey was too angry to care. He was tired of Kaiba always looking down at him like he was at some lower level than the great CEO. As far as Joey was concerned, no matter how Kaiba felt......they were equal, and he would prove it to him, one way or another. He would beat Kaiba, no matter what he had to do to win.
Joey continued to try and find some weak area that he could use against Kaiba, but he was totally guarded. `Maybe I can psyche him out', Joey finally thought. Suddenly, Joey stopped in mid-stride, pointing behind everyone, as he asked, “Hey, what the hell is Mokuba doing here?”
To Joey's surprise......it worked. Kaiba was already feeling guilty for not picking Mokuba up yesterday. And now because he was playing with this dog, he was probably late to pick him up. Maybe Mokuba got sick of waiting, and came to see what took him. Kaiba turned to see Mokuba......and found nothing but the limo.
Too late for Kaiba to recover quickly enough.....Joey charged into him, slamming Kaiba hard onto the ground with Joey still on top of him. At that point, Joey wanted to go full-swing and belt him in the face just for safe measures. But Yugi's words finally caught his attention......atleast enough to make him feel guilty. Joey knew he pulled a dirty move. If he threw a punch while Kaiba was down, Yugi would be pissed for hurting him......even if he did deserve it. Plus, it's one thing to get a clean shot......another for exploiting Kaiba's personal concern for his brother. And one thing Kaiba never did to Joey was use his own sister against him. So, Joey held back from doing that, simply enjoying the slight victory of getting him down. Joey also decided to try and grab for his wrists in order to pin him down too, if just to prove he won.
“Ha....who's the dog now?”, Joey snapped.
Kaiba had already quickly recovered from Joey's hit, inwardly cursing himself for letting himself fall for that, knowing he got what he deserved. But he also noticed Joey was stupid enough to hold back, when he had the chance to hit him while he was down. There was no way Joey was going to pin him, though......he was taller, and stronger. Yet, the feeling of Joey on him like this was fogging up his mind, which he was fighting about as much as he was with Joey, at this moment.
“You are, Bonkotsu!”, Kaiba spat out. Joey was doing a good job at using his own weight to try and keep Kaiba down. But with just a little twist on Joey's wrist, and it was amazing how the slightest distraction of pain could cause him to screw up on everything else. It made Kaiba's job easy to flip him over, so he was now the one on top. (1)
Joey began cursing, moaning, whining, finally snarling, “Get off of me!”, more pissed off that he let Kaiba get the upper hand again, than anything else......he was so close to beating him, too.
“Kaiba, please!”, Yugi pleaded, afraid he might hurt his friend.
But Kaiba still wasn't listening, using his strength to his full advantage against the struggling Joey. He quickly twisted his arms, pinning them behind Joey's back, as his face came down to Joey's ear, whispering, “So, make-inu, you were saying? Maybe it's about time you start to listen to your master.....and accept who is your better.” (2)
“Fuck you, Kaiba! You aint better than me, and you never will be! I aint a dog, and you aint my fuck'n master!!”, Joey snapped, flailing around the best he could.
Kaiba inwardly gasped from the sudden sensation of Joey's movements underneath him. He moved his head from Joey's ear, their noses very close at this position......they were almost touching. Kaiba's eyes stared deep into those sparkling Hazel eyes. He was so close......so close. A little more, and he would be able to taste those lips that were begging for it and lick away their dryness. Just a little movement in his lower section, and he would be able to rub up against Joey, perhaps get a slight ease from the extreme heat he presently had for him. Just a little, just......
Joey's voice snapped him back to reality, as he realized Joey was looking at him oddly, and had stopped moving. Kaiba had been staring strangely into Joey's eyes at this time, not uttering a sound, and Joey as well as Yugi began to see this as......odd.
And it 'was' odd......what the hell was he thinking? Kaiba quickly pulled himself away, then turned and walked away. In the same fluid movement, he grabbed his briefcase on his way to the limo, which he dropped during the struggle.
Despite the awkward moment, Yugi still insisted on calling back, “Feel free to stop over anytime, Kaiba! We're always there.....especially in the evening!”
Kaiba got in his limo, and drove off.
Joey finally stood up, looking slightly weirded out. “Okay.....what the hell just happened? You got any idea what that was?”
“Uh.........no, not really”, Yugi said. “It was kinda strange the way Kaiba was staring at you.”
“Uh.....yeah”, Joey muttered uncomfortably. “Really strange. Okay, let's get outta here.”
Narr: This chapter is probably the first sign of lemon, and rather suggestive. Just remember that even though there will be sex in this fic, none will be described. What you just got might be about as hot as it gets. Well.....alittle hotter, but not much. Hope that's not a problem with anyone. That kind of stuff I decided this time to leave to the imagination of the readers. Next chapter, we continue with the plot, and Tea comes back into the light. Tea has to help her friend Tristan.....but is it too late? And if not, what will it involved to save him?
(1) Bonkotsu - mediocrity
(2) make inu - loser dog
You know, I originally didn't think I would need to add any explaination to Yugioh fans on this point, but then wondered afterwards if maybe I should. So, I thought I'd add an explaination here. Since Yugi saved Kaiba's brother enough times, as well as Kaiba Corp and even Kaiba himself, Kaiba seems to believe he has some kind of debt hanging over his head, which is probably one of the reasons Kaiba actually shows respect towards Yugi (since he doesn't believe in friendship, or sharing, or helping one another and working together). And since Kaiba holds Mokuba as more important than anything, it's probably a debt Kaiba could never imagine breaking even on. And the debt thing is a fact, not made up by me. It's infact stated in the Japanese Doma series, facing off...Dartz. Kaiba mentioned as he was dying in Yugi's arms, that he can finally repay his debt to him (one of many parts that was infact changed and cut out, which I really can't believe they did!).