Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Memories ❯ Forbidden Memories Chapter 3:Identity ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Forbidden Memories

Chapter 3:Identity

"What!" said Yami shocked

"You heard, you are my husband," the girl repeated the statement as if Yami had said nothing.

"B-b-but why would I want to marry you?"

"Excuse me!"

"No, I didn't mean it that way," Yami paused, searching for the right words, "I don't think ... well ... I don't think I wanted to get married at all."

"You didn't do it for love, if that's what you're worried about," the girl said. "It was an arranged marriage like so many others."

"Well," said the Once-Pharaoh, sitting down, "this comes as quite a shock to me."

"Is that all you wanted to ask?"

"Uh, no! How am I supposed to get to Egypt? I don't exactly have airplanes or helicopters in the backyard."

"No, You don't, but you know people who do."


"Your nemesis, Seto Kaiba."

"No way! You are saying, you want me to waltz into Kaiba's house and ask him if I can borrow a helicopter to go to Egypt?"


"You are crazy!!!!! If you think it's so reasonable then why don't YOU go ask!?!?!"

"If we don't close the Gates now who knows-"

"We? We don't have to do anything. I'm not going to beg my rival for anything.'

"Fine!!!! But when all your friends die one by one, you'll regret it!!!"

Yami sighed in exasperation

"Who is this guy who's going to kill all my friends?"

"His name is Heishin. He's the one who tricked your father long ago into creating the Millennium Items, without telling him the consequences

"What were the consequences

"He had to kill a hundred people for the ritual to be completed, and he did. Or so he thought ... there was one survivor, that wasn't supposed to happen. But because it did, the god cards came to punish the land of Egypt for doing the ritual wrong. At that time the Millennium Items had gathered wills of their own and deceived your father. They created an eight Item."

"What is this eight Item, where is it, and who is the last survivor?"

"It is best you don't know, I must go now."

"Wait!! At least ... tell me you name."

"My name is Yamila, have a nice day."

And with that she left the shop. Yami knew he had to close the Gates ... but how would he get to Egypt?? Besides what's the worst that could happen if he left them open for a few days ... he'd tell Grampa if he could loan some money for this trip ... and if not ... oh well he'd think later ... right now he had a game to beat.