Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Freaky Friday: Yu-Gi-Oh! Style ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Stuff: Story from a long long time ago. I let it die and someone very nice asked me recently to work on it so I figured I'll try :) I started this 6 years ago - I'm sure that if I wanted to put the effort into re-writing the story completely it would be much better but honestly I'm too lazy for that :P So I'll just be editing little things here and there the first 3 chapters and just start fresh from there.
Other notes: Here's the deal with the names:
Joey - duh, Joey in his own body.
Kaiba - Kaiba in his own Body
`Joey' - Kaiba inside Joey's body.
`Kaiba' - Joey inside Kaiba's body.
Whole sentences in italics are thoughts.
“Get offa me, jerk!” Joey yelled as Kaiba's weight landed hard on top of him. They both had ended up in yet another fist-fight, the third in a single week. They were both on the verge of suspension for being sent to detention for fighting so much… The fight had started with Kaiba's usual bout of name-calling, and, of course, Joey had responded by attacking him.
Kaiba pinned one of Joey's arms to the ground and the other behind his back, holding his whole body down entirely so he was completely incapable of any movement at all. He sat hard on Joey's legs. “Now apologize for attacking me, mutt.”
“In yer dreams, ya freakin' idiot!” Joey growled and struggled to try to break loose. “C'mon, Kaiba! Let me go!”
“Apologize,” Kaiba said bluntly as he pressed Joey's arm hard into his back. “Or even better… Bark.”
“No!” Joey yelled, especially when he noticed the usual crowd gathered around them. Maybe if they were alone, he would've considered it, but he sure wouldn't do it in front of all these people…
“Bark, dog,” Kaiba ordered roughly and twisted Joey's arm at a funky angle to a point where it seemed like it would snap. “Or I'll break your arm.”
Joey winced at the pressure building up in his arm. Maybe rich boy would break his arm… It wouldn't be the first time he had inflicted worthwhile bodily-damage. He just shook his head stubbornly.
Kaiba snorted and pressed Joey's arm hard until he heard something pop, but not snap completely. At least not yet, anyways… “I'd advise you to reconsider and bark. That is, if you're not too stupid to realize what's going to happen to your bone unless you do what I say…”
Joey let out a small cry of pain and started to panic for his poor arm bone. “Fine,” he said with a growl. “Woof. Now let me go!”
“What was that?” Kaiba asked with a cocky sneer. “I didn't hear you…”
“Woof!” Joey said again, this time louder. He growled when he heard several kids snicker, already beginning to plot revenge for this public disgrace Kaiba was putting him through.
“Good boy,” Kaiba said as he released Joey's arm, standing up and brushing off his clothes. “Get up before the teacher catches us again. I can't afford another detention.” He kicked Joey then started to walk away.
“Too late!” Mr. Kamaguchi, the P.E. teacher, yelled as he burst through the crowd and glared at Joey and Kaiba. “Both of you have detention!”
Joey groaned as he stood up and flexed his arm, trying to get some feeling back into it. “Aw, c'mon, Mr. K.… Give us a break, will ya? We weren't really fightin'…”
Kaiba shot Joey a glare as he nodded in agreement. Usually you couldn't get them to agree on anything unless it was on how much they hated each other.
“Oh, really?” Mr. Kamaguchi said with a smirk. “What would you call slamming each other into the lockers, punching each other, and Kaiba almost breaking your arm? I'd say that's fighting…”
Joey gulped nervously and shot Kaiba a glare. “B-but… Ya know I can't afford another detention! What if we get suspended…?” he asked, starting to go into a slightly panicky state. His grades were already way below average and a suspension would just guarantee his retention.
Mr. Kamaguchi sighed and rubbed his forehead with an expression of deep thought. “Joey, Joey, Joey…” he mumbled out of aggravation at the trouble-maker. “I guess I can let you two off the hook this time, but this is your guys' last shot. If I catch you even touching each other, it's straight to suspension. Alright?”
Joey grinned and practically flipped for joy. “Thanks!” he said with an appreciative grin.
Kaiba snorted and wondered how the stupid dog had talked them both out of suspension… Looks like his big mouth could be used for other purposes besides being an obnoxious, loud moron.
Mr. Kamaguchi nodded and returned to the basketball team he coached that was practicing in the gym. “Remember what I said!” he yelled to them both.
After the teacher was gone, Joey sighed in relief. “That was too close…” he mumbled to nobody in particular. He noticed Kaiba sigh in relief also and got a suspicious look. “Why do you care so much, Kaiba? A suspension would let ya be at home more with yer perfect life, y'know?” he said as he snorted and gathered his books sprawled out on the floor.
“My what?!” Kaiba growled and gathered his own books. “You think my life is perfect? Apparently you're stupider than I thought. If anybody has an easy life, it's you. All you do at home is sit around, play video games, eat, sleep, and piss.”
“Hah!” Joey burst out laughing and sneered at Kaiba. “Trust me, rich boy. Dere's alot dat goes on ya don't know about.” He suddenly got a serious glare. “All you do is roll around in yer piles of cash and get waited on hand and foot! I'd give anythin ta have what you got…”
Kaiba couldn't help but snort at Joey's pathetic misunderstanding of what his life was like. “Same to you. I'd love to have the freedom of doing what I want, when I want and not worry about… Never mind. Your tiny brain's capacity is already filled with pointless information about anything but school. So let's just leave it at that, alright?”
Joey rolled his eyes and walked away from Kaiba. “Ya wouldn't last one day in my shoes,” he said just loud enough for Kaiba to hear as he left to walk home. Stupid jerk…He has no idea what I go through every night…
“Right back at you, mongrel!” Kaiba yelled at Joey and finished gathering his books, going out to the waiting limo waiting to take him home. Dumb dog. He needs to realize my life isn't butterflies and rainbows like his…
***The next morning at the Kaiba Mansion***
Joey awoke to the sound of an alarm clock, except that it didn't sound like his alarm clock… Eh well…I'm imaginin' things, he thought as he slammed the alarm clock off with his eyes still shut. He sat up sleepily and cracked open his eyes, seeing something very strange - this wasn't his room! “What the…?” he growled then gasped when his voice came out deep and husky. What's goin on?! Where am I?! he thought in a panicky state and jumped out of bed, looking around to see a fancily-decorated room. It was themed around the Blue-Eyes White Dragon… Joey also noticed he was higher off the ground than usual. He stumbled towards the quickly-noticed attached bathroom and clenched his eyes shut as he moved to the mirror, afraid to know what he would see if he opened his eyes… He opened his eyes and stared into the mirror. “Aw no…” he whispered.
***The next morning at Joey's apartment***
Kaiba woke up to an extremely annoying alarm. Strange…That doesn't sound like my alarm… He slammed the annoying thing off and cracked open his eyes, his eyes quickly widening once he realized he wasn't in his room. Instead, he was on a twin-sized bed in an extremely messy room. “What's goin on?!” he growled, clamping his mouth shut when he heard a weird-sounding voice emitting from his throat. Something isn't right… he thought and sat up quickly, realizing he was in faded flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt… And this wasn't his body! The one he was looking at was slightly smaller-built and more muscular. He stumbled out of the room, noticing his point-of-view was much lower. Kaiba stumbled to the tiny bathroom and stared at the mirror in shock. “No…”