Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ Secret Love Revealed ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own yu-gi-oh I do own Teji and Sogio though J

WARNING: This chapter has young gay actions in it if you have a problem with it PLEZ DO NOT READ THIS!

Note: Someone got to review or I might trash this fic. It could suck and I don’t know! ANYONE PLEZ REVIEW!!!!!!!!

Chapter 11: Secret Love Revealed



Teji didn’t have to get up anytime soon. Her and Kaiba were both planning on going back to school the next day, but there would be plenty time for that later.
She snuggled close to Seto. He looked so cute sleeping, his brown hair hanging in his face, with a slight smile. The only bad thing was Teji couldn’t see his gorgeous blue eyes.
Teji loved Seto’s eyes like a gate way to his heart and mind. She loved the way he looked at her. She also loved the way she could feel his looks. They reminded her of two round pools of water, some time
they could be like the sky on a warm summers day. Other times harsh and cold like ice, but Teji only saw his icy eyes when he was at work. He had to be tough by his workers an fellow business people, since him and Teji were the two youngest people in the business world at age 17.
When Seto finally a woke at 7:00, she was already showered and dressed. “Good morning love cutie.” She called across the room to the now awake Kaiba. “Did you sleep well?”
“Teji! Come here love!”
Teji particle floated on clouds walked over to him. He pulled her on the bed and gave her a big kiss. “I see your all ready to go, are you in a hurry?”
“No, I just got up early, and thought I’d look half way decent when
you woke.”
“Don’t be silly sweetie, you know you are always hot!”
Whale blushing Teji gave Seto another kiss. “For being so sweet.”
Seto loved being kissed by Teji. So much, he needed one from her every few minutes. Which, she didn’t mind, because she enjoyed getting kissed and kissing Seto just as much as he did.


Mokuba had left his house around 5:30 a.m. He wondered down the streets of Domino. It only took a few minutes to get to Teji’s and Sogio’s house, but Mokuba was scared to tell Sogio the truth.
It was now a little after 6:00 am. Mokuba kept thinking to him self, Will Sogio be up yet? What will he say?
Just as Mokuba was turning the block to Teji’s crash! Mokuba had walked into someone. They both fell down. Looking up, to Mokuba’s surprise, it was Sogio!
“I’m so sorry, I was watching what I was doing.”
“It’s ok Mokuba, I wasn’t paying attention ether…”
It was quite the coincident. Sogio just left home to go talk to Mokuba about how he felt. “Umm, Sogio?”
“I uh… need to talk to you, can we go to your house?”
“Sure… I mean yeah! That’s fine.”
Sogio was now getting worried. What could Mokuba want to talk about? He seemed nervous... Did Teji tell him? No, she wouldn’t have…. As Mokuba and Sogio walked up to the door, Mokuba grabbed Sogio’s sleeve. He turned around to look why Mokuba stopped him. Then, Mokuba leaned in and gave Sogio a quick peck on the lips. Mokuba instantly turned bright red.
“I know…I’m so sorry...I should go.”
Mokuba turned around still red. He just stared a Sogio. “I - Mokuba…” Sogio cut off him self and gave Mokuba a quick, but soft kiss on the lips. He then began to talk again. “Mokuba I didn’t know how
to tell you, so I’ll just say it. I love you.”
“I love you too Sogio… I was on my way to tell you…”
The two just stood there a moment looking at each other. Sogio began thinking to him self. Mokuba has such nice eyes. They are so round and a soothing brown color, and his hair is long and black. But, it looks so good on him. Oh what I wouldn’t do for another kiss from you Mokuba…
As Sogio was off day dreaming, so was Mokuba. Sogio, I can’t believe we were both on the way to each other’s house. I love you so much. Your short, spiked, black hair and yellow eyes. Damn you look so hot! I just love your soft lips…
After what seemed to be forever, Sogio invited Mokuba in the house. “Umm, I go this new video game, if you want to check it out or something.”
They were both a little awkward around each other. “Sounds like fun.”
Mokuba began thinking to him self. I’d rather check you out…
Sogio lead Mokuba up to his room. Across the room was a big screen T.V. connected to it was a Game Cube (A form of video game.) “What game do you want to play Mokie?”
“What did you say?
“I didn’t mean to call you that - sorry Mokuba.” Sogio turned bight red. Damn why did I call him Mokie? No one calls him that. It
just slipped out, like a pet name would. I don’t know though, its kind
of soon for pet names…
“No, it’s alright Sogio. I like it when you call me that.” Mokuba was also turning bright red after he spoke. “It makes me feel special.”
Sogio was starting to get more comfortable around him, “I want you to feel hat way, I mean I do like you, a lot.”
“And I like you too.”
Sogio couldn’t take it any more. So, he leaned close to Mokuba and gave him a kiss, this time it wasn’t just on the lips.
When the deep kiss finally broke, after they were both out of breath, they both stood there looking into each other’s eyes with a smile across there faces.