Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ At the Hospital ( Chapter 34 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 34 : AT THE HOSPITAL

Teji was rushed into the emergency room to get the bullets removed.
The doctors made Sogio stay in the waiting room. Five minutes later everyone else came. They ran in and saw Sogio sitting and went to confer him.
Mokuba was the first to talk. He went up and gave Sogio a big hug. “Don’t worry Sogio, Teji is strong, she wont go with out a fight.”
Sogio was crying and off in his own little world and didn’t hear what Mokuba had said. He sat there staring at the floor.
Kaiba came up to Sogio his eyes were puffy and bright red from crying. He put his hand on Sogio’s shoulder. “Don’t look so down Sogio, Teji wouldn’t want to see you sad.”
Sogio stood up and glared at Kaiba. “What are you saying?! I should be happy that she could die? Its my fault! If it wasn’t for me she would of let you help her, then she wouldn’t be here!” Sogio was now yelling at Kaiba.
“Sogio that’s not what I meant…I mean we need to have hope,
and trust Teji like she said we should. She’ll make it through it because
she is so stubborn. She wouldn’t want your foster dad to get the last laugh.” Kaiba said.
“People don’t just get to pick if they stay alive. If that was true
I’d have a family and none of this would have happened!” Sogio hissed.
“I know, but no mater what happens, Teji wont want to see you upset…”
Sogio looked right at Seto. “What about you Kaiba, what if she dies, will you still be telling me to stay happy? Wont you miss her?”
Kaiba looks at the floor. “Of course I’ll miss her but…”
“But what! We should all forget her?”
“I thought you loved her, and the best you can tell me is don’t cry
she would want to be forgotten!”
“That’s not what I’m saying Sogio…”
“So you’ll just forget about her, everything you two went through!” He continued to yell at Kaiba.
“I could never forget about Teji!”
“She wouldn’t want you to forget her!” Seto looked at the floor thinking about what Sogio had just said. “She loved you, and still does!”
“She loves Joey!” Kaiba yelled back at Sogio.
“Quit being so stupid! She cares deeply about Joey, but she never stopped loving you. Even if she doesn’t admit to it, you can just see it in her eyes!”
“She would never do that to Joey….”
Joey looked at Kaiba with a shocked look. This is what Kaiba always wanted, and now he doesn’t want to hurt Teji or me…
“Tell me then Kaiba, when our foster dad had a gun to Teji’s head
and she said she wished she were dead, tell me why she apologized to you when you asked her if she cared about the last two years. Tell me why when you mentioned your self she apologized and only said she was sorry to you. She didn’t feel sorry when you were talking about anything else, but when you were mentioned, she wished she didn’t say it, she didn’t even think about me! JUST YOU!”
Kaiba stood up and began to walk to the other side of the waiting room She is with Joey now, not me. That’s all there is to it!
Sogio still sat still streams of tears coming down his face. It was my fault, she wouldn’t have pushed her self so far if it wasn’t for me!
Mokuba sat down in front of Sogio, tears poring down his face. “Its not your fault Sogio,” Mokuba said it so quietly it was a whisper. “It was mine. If I wouldn’t of been caught, she wouldn’t of had to
worry about beating them up to save you. Instead she had to be careful to protect me…”
Sogio looked up from the ground and looked deep into Mokuba’s sad eyes. “Don’t say that Mokie, its not your fault.” Sogio slipped his
arm around Mokuba’s shoulders. “It was no ones fault, it just happened because she would rather give her own life then see anyone she cares about hurt.”
Mokuba wrapped his arms around Sogio’s waist. “I hope she’ll
be all right.”