Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gender Confused ❯ shopping ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mokuba: change me back
Equilla: no
Joey: *snickering*
Mokuba: ow you think this is funny do you, well you shall be punished
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Mokuba kept his shoulders slouched as they made their way down the narrow streets. Tea had her arm looped through his left stopping from running away, while having a pleasant conversation with Serenity, who had her arm looped through Mokuba's right, and Mai. Not to mention Yami, who was keeping a bit ahead of them with a slight skip in his step. He had already bought three different sets of outfits, and already taken the chance to adorn himself in one. Because of this he was attracting many confused, amused and disgusted stares at himself and the blue summer dress with matching lace up sandals he had found.
This of course was greatly embarrassing to the boys who had decided for safeties sake to follow behind them. Not to mention the fact that they had nothing else to do to keep them from boredom as the girls waned to also do the activities the boys were interested in. Not helping was the fact that they had ended up having been given the bags of all five to carry.
“I don't see why we have to be their pack mules,” Joey moaned under the weight of Serenity's buys, not having allowed neither Duke nor Tristan to be allowed anywhere near them. Duke had been relinquished to take Mai's few objects of interest, Tristan was carrying Tea's as Yugi with the help of Ryou were struggling under Yami's many bags. Marik was glad to have lost the attention of his fan club, and was finding it overly easy with the one top Mokuba had allowed to be bought during the excursion.
“You could have stayed at the hotel you know,” Tristan retorted, readjusting the bags so they would no longer hurt his hands.
“I am not leaving you and Duke with my sister,” Joey retorted with a glare, “not after last time especially.”
“One measly fight and you never let us live it down. We got her home safely didn't we,” Duke answered grumbling.
“She was soaking wet,” Joey snapped back catching the girls' attention.
“Brother stop giving them such a hard time, it was raining,” Serenity called back to defend her two wooers, “I would have been wet anyway.”
Joey muttered while Yugi and Ryou laughed lightly, and Duke and Tristian watched the girl doe eyed till they both got hit on the head by a shoe filled bag.
The ensuing fight was soon broken by a squeal of joy, emitted by Yami, causing all who knew him to sweat drop in embarrassment. The said pharaoh was now hoping at the entrance to a shop holding out a nicely laced halter dress to Mokuba.
“This would suit you perfectly, you have to try it on,” he crooned ignoring the clearly disgusted look on Mokuba's face.
“I've already said it,” he answered annoyed, “I am not going to wear a dress or skirt. I've already bought a top and that is it.”
“Don't be such a party pooper,” Yami pouted, “ it's no fun with you acting like such a tom boy. Please let me dress you up.”
“No! Wait that's it,” Mokuba protested before gaining an idea, “I'll be a tomboy till this whole thing is over. They are always wearing guys' clothes, therefore I don't have to get any of this new junk.”
The boys had no idea at what to say, Serenity just grinned refraining from comment, Tea shook her head sadly, Mai laughed and Yami threatened to go into tears if Mokuba didn't try the dress on.
“You have to get it, it suits you perfectly,” Yami whined with large eyes welling with fake tears.
“Give it up Yami, I am not even going to look at it,” Mokuba replied with new found relief in his decision and started to walk off ahead.
“Fine then you big spoil sport, I'm not talking to you for the rest of the night,” Yami commented with a large pout on his face.
This of course just made Mokuba give a little cheer of joy causing the girls to laugh.
Though to Mokuba's grief Yami didn't stand by his statement and was back to trying to get Mokuba to wear a pink frilly blouse within the next ten minutes. Though truly the ones that suffered the most were the other boys who still were trailing behind now completely laden with bags, Mokuba the only one of the `girls' who was carrying any bags, having taken his bags back from Marik when he was mobbed once again by his fan club.
“I thought we were going to go to electric street,” Tristan grumbled slightly as they got back on the train heading towards the hotel.
“We are,” Tea answered, “ But we also thought you guys would like to unladen your selves of the bags before heading there.”
“But it is too late to go properly now,” Duke commented, “all the good shops will be closed by the time we get there.”
“We didn't really think we would shop this long,” Mai answered, “ but someone was really excited about it.”
Bubbling his eyes Yami gave an apologetic look, “But I have no good clothes with me, and I didn't' mean to take so long but Mokuba wasn't being cooperative.”
“Don't blame it on me, I didn't even want to come,” Mokuba responded rolling his eyes.
“How about we go to a club,” Marik suggested glad to be once more away from his followers, “I heard there are some good ones around.”
“Yeah that sounds like great fun,” Yami squealed, jumping up and down and interrupting Tea, “Can we, can we Yugi?”
Watching Yami and trying not to laugh and once again drop his bags, “I don't see why not.”
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Equilla: next time the club, and more interesting turns, and somebody gets kissed.
Mokuba: you're making it sound like the ending to a batman episode
Equilla; yeah but with less of a cliff hanger, any responses will be loved and hope to see you all soon. And sorry about the size, I just wanted to get something up for you guys, I promise the next one will be bigger.