Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ General Yugioh Fanfic #1781 Deluxe Edition! ❯ Yugi Yami Kaiba Mokuba ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

RC: Ok, let me get this straight... We all got shot with a huge rocket barrage, and we are somehow still alive?
Mokuba: That's the case.
RC: I also hear you have the biggest supply of chicken in the world?
Mokuba: Yep, even more than Turkey.
RC: Well, you just need to sign your name and you'll be my legal little brother.
Mokuba: Cool. ^_^
Kaiba: *single tear drops from his eye*
RC: O_O I hear crying!
*To be continued*
Narrator: We left our heroes after they were hit with rockets and they all got separated.
Yugi, Yami, Mokuba, and Kaiba
Yugi: Uhh, is everyone ok?
Mokuba: I make it all go boom. ^_^
Kaiba: Good job, does my little Mokuba want a cookie?
Mokuba: Well, yea. I did it for the cookie, not for you.
Kaiba: Oh… I see. *maniacal look*
Yami: You ok Kabie?
Kaiba: Don't call me that.
Yami: Why?
Kaiba: DO you really think I will explain myself to you?
Yami: … Good point.
Yugi: Ok, we need to find the others.
Kaiba: Who died and made you queen?
Yugi: … Mr. Stanley the old milk man.
Kaiba: Oh yeah, I put him in the chamber of fire after he gave me 99.9% of the bottle. He
burned like a… thing that burns a lot in fire.
Yami: You killed Mr. Stanley! O_O
Kaiba: No, the third degree burns did.
Yami: Oh ok.
Yugi: We really need to co-… I'M NOT A QUEEN!
Kaiba: Took you long enough.
Mokuba: Hehehe, RC called the plane a bus.
(///RC: Grrrrr… How dare he make an awkward statement against me\\\)
Kaiba: That's right, he did.
All: *laughing*
(///RC: *dieing a little inside*\\\)
Yugi: *gone*
Yami: Where's Yugi? T_T
Mokuba: He said that he'd go looking for the others.
Kaiba: Good riddance!
Yami: *gone*
Mokuba: *gone*
Those Damn higher ups: *still conquering the land*
(Like the judgemasters ^_^)
Kaiba: *still here* … I'm getting a beer.
In Toronto
Yugi: Where's Kaiba?
Yami: Where's kitty?
Mokuba: … *stares at Yami*
Yugi: Stop talking about the damn kitty, the kitty isn't real.
Yami: But, I spent so much time talking to him on MSN. T_T
Yugi: … That's Tea's screen name.
Mokuba: Oh yeah, I sent her a virus. ^_^ It was funny at the time, but then Seto clamed it
as his and ruined my fun.
Yami: … Can I ha-
Yugi: Grandpa's allergic.
Yami: What ever happened to him?
Yugi: He stays in his room, dueling the wall.
Mokuba: What's the record?
Yugi: 5-3-1
Mokuba: 3 losses?
Yugi: He always plays the stupid Yata-Garasu and he losses with lock.
Mokuba: You know the only way to stop it is to [censored out by the damned higher ups].
Yugi: Wow, that's so useful. ^_^
Yami: Now I can beat all my friends. ^_^
Mokuba: What about the draw?
Yugi: Stroke.
Mokuba: Oh.
*dramatic pause*
Kaiba: *enters* Hi everyone. ^_^
Others: … Hi?
Kaiba: Ooo, I love you all ever so much. I don't care about your lifestyle choice Yugi, its
okay with me ¬_¬.
Yugi: … Thanks?
Kaiba: Everyone, remember this one simple thing… Farehhagah. *faints*
Others: …
Mokuba: Why is Seto acting so weird?
Yugi: Umm, he's currently incapacitated due to intoxication.
Yami: He's wasted! ^_^
Mokuba: Seto drinks? T_T
Yugi: … Well, it will explain a lot, like thinking he'll beat me in a real duel.
Yami: Or shove me off random things, laughing, and writing it down.
Mokuba: ???
Yugi: Never mind.
Mokuba: No.
Yami: Ok, that didn't work.
Kaiba: Wy havent yu sent fur help?
Mokuba: Because your not in any sort of danger.
Kaiba: I got hit by a car…
Yami: Really, we were too busy explaining to Mokuba on how…
Yugi: Oh my god! O_O Call 911!
*1 hour later*
Yami: Then you said you got hit by a car, then I said…
Mokuba: Where's the ambulance?
Yugi: It'll be here any minute.
*Another hour later*
Yami: Then I said that you said you got hit by a car, then I said…
Mokuba: Yugi! T_T
Yugi: Any minute now…
*Any minute later*
Mokuba: Yay, It's here! ^_^
All: *enter ambulance*
Yami: Then I said that you said that I said that you said, that I said that you said you got
hit by a car, then I said…
RC: Well, there's another chapter done, why did I stop saying the questions at the
end of the chapters again? Aww, I don't remember. -_-