Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ General Yugioh Fanfic #1781 Deluxe Edition! ❯ Welcome of the... FOREST? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

RC: Yay! Finally a new chapter!!! I finally found a reason to continue, and it's all thanks to Media Minor!!! Anyways, without further delay! CHAPTER 14!!!
Kaiba: Oh no no no! Not until we finish this trial!
RC: What in the hell are you talking about?
Kaiba: In Chapter 10 you said *to be continued*… SO CONTINUE!
Judge-man: After hearing all the evidence, I find that RC is the boy's biological brother!
RC: You know… I don't really want him anymore…
Kaiba: So I can have my little brother back?
Judge-man: Little Brother? I was talking about you two!
*to be continued?*
Narrator: When we last left our heroes, they were walking to Kaiba Headquarters… FINALLY!
Yugi: It feels like we've been walking non-stop for over a year now…
Yami: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ^_^
Ryou: Urge… to… stab…
Bakura: Aww… My killing ideas are rubbing off on you ^_^
Ryou: …
Joey: You know what I find kinda odd… throughout this whole adventure, it seems that we've done everything in about a day or two.
Tea: And you thought of that all by yourself?
Joey: Nope, that little robot told me ^_^
Tea: Joey, for the last time, there's no little robot telling you things.
Joey: Why don't you ever believe me! T_T
Tea: Can you guess?
Marik: Why are we in the forest and not in a snowy wasteland like we're supposed to?
Yami Marik: Burn down the forest? Great idea Marik!
Marik: What?
Bakura: Ohh! Can I help? I brought a drum of gasoline!
Yugi: Where'd you get that?
Bakura: *looks at Ryou who's staring at him* Umm… eBay?
Ryou: I told you not to attack that mechanic!
Mechanic: Alright Mr… Bakura? Well, I don't really know how to use those items to make them fuse together, I can only make and fix cars.
Bakura: So you're saying that you can't stick this eyeball into this ring?
Mechanic: That's basically what I'm saying.
Bakura: …
Mechanic: …
Ryou: Bakura, get some gas for the scooter… (I really really wanna get my license soon, this is embarrassing)
A Hot Girl Walking By: *laughs at Ryou*
Ryou: …
Bakura: Ok, we might wanna get going.
Ryou: You didn't hurt the mechanic did you?
Bakura: Him? No…
Ryou: *tries to turn on scooter* Bakura, how come the scooter isn't filled up?
Bakura: O_O RUN!!!! *runs away pulling Ryou behind him*
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Mechanic/Gas Station: *on fire*
Ryou: *takes the drum of gasoline* We aren't burning down the forest!
Yami Marik: Aww, I never have any fun…
Yugi: But that's a good question. How did we get in the forest?
Tea: And where did Kaiba go?
Joey: That moron went the opposite direction as us…
Yami: Don't call him a moron! He was the only one that paid attention to me! T_T
Yugi: Yami, he -
Bakura: No Yugi… let him dream…
Yugi: When did you care about Yami's feelings?
Bakura: Well… I want to see them get crushed when he realizes the truth ¬_¬
Yugi: …
Marik: We should rest tonight, the sun just set.
Sun: *set*
Yami Marik: No, it set when you said it set. It wasn't even starting to set until you mentioned it!
Marik: Yea that was kinda strange…
Yami: Umm… It's… 7:35AM
Sun: *positions itself at 7:35am*
Yami: Neat ^_^
RC: *comes out of the bushes* Stop it!
All: …
RC: Umm… yea… don't screw around with the laws of physics… and the fanfic… and astronomy… you know what, just… *sigh* never mind… -_- *goes back into the bushes*
Joey: Who was that guy?
Tea: That was -
Tea: … Yes Joey, the forest is filled with savages…
Yami: I'm scared T_T
Yugi: This forest is -
Joey: FILLED WITH SAVAGES??? AHHH!!! *runs off*
Yugi: `nt filled… with… savages…
Ryou: Aww great, now we gotta look for Joey.
Bakura: Well… we don't HAVE to. He's a big boy; he can take care of himself.
Yugi: No he can't! He's the type of person who gets lost in his own house.
At Joey's House
Yugi: *rings the doorbell*
Joey: I'll be right there!
Yugi: OK!
A few hours pass
Joey: *opens the door* Hey Yugi!
Yugi: What the hell took you so long!?
Joey: Sorry, I couldn't find the front door. I looked everywhere! But then I tried the foyer, and I found it… eventually! ^_^
Yugi: Where did you learn a big word like foyer?
Joey: Oh, I know that because there's a large sign that says foyer above the front door.
Yugi: …
Yugi: Ok then, we'll split up. Half of us will go look for Joey, while the other half will get stuff ready for tonight.
Ryou: Yea, walking for over a year can tire anyone out.
All: Stare at RC still in the bushes
RC: What? I continued it didn't I?
Marik: Wait a minute… us splitting up give RC a reason to end the chapter…
Yami: I don't wanna be frozen again T_T Last time I had frostbite
Bakura: Well then next time don't let me stand next to you when picking waffles out of the freezer at the grocery store.
Yami: T_T
RC: Yep, now I have a reason ^_^''' See ya next chapter.